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First for Craster
Rickon is going to have the stupidest death scene on the whole show, mark my words
I will cry if D&D apply some mental gymnastics and make Jon and Sansa let Ramsay live
Who /Godly men/ here?
Are those Wildlings carrying Stark Standards into battle?
No harm done
How soon is the episode?
I hope they show bran, they forgot about that fucker again. They should just reveal that jon is a targ and kill the little fuck off, he keeps getting older each second.
Mance didn't die for this
How about Maisie's first bf?
7 hours user, I think they will make this one a dedicated battle episode, just Battle of the Ice. There's still Ep10 to go back to other characters.
and when you do, take his advice
Unfortunately Meereenshit is confirmed for this episode. It'll be split between the two battles.
Thanks. i'll check it out after I wake up then.
Is that him? :o
I hope you guys aren't under the impression that Ramsay will lose.
Rickon is like my version of Preston's Sweetrobin, it'll be sad to see him go. I like the character and was hoping for some sort of ending for him or at least a decent arc.
Ugh… As long as Dany doesn't make one of her grand speeches, Drogon wrecking the slavers and burning ships might be cool.
Queen fatass will inject some much needed feminism into this episode, all that testosterone in the battle of the bastards was too much for the test audience so it will be balanced by just as much estrogen.
I NEED maisie to step on my face
Are you implying GRRM had anything to do with show ramsay? Show ramsay is basically D&Ds OC colesteel
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But you didn't even write this, silly George. You're just trying to ruse us again.
He nearly opened that pumpkin head of his on the side of that pool.
First for Maisie time
who's the blond girl behind Maisie?
I'd love to stick her with my pointy end
I need Kae to sit on mine.
Jesus Christ, does his wife know about this?
Wun Wun is awesome. You know what would be even more awesome? If he had a mammoth, like in the battle at the Wall
Paris is a second wave feminist hippie from the 70s. She probably makes GRRM jerk off in the corner and only join in at her command.
Evan Peters. He is a male
Look who is back! How was the party?
Or any animal at all, where dem ice spiders and undead dragons at?
I had lots of beer. Now I'm complety Maisied
this is referring to the show in general, not implying wun wun would have any of those
Pic related, for those who don't know
It was her idea, Sibel Kek munches carpet while gurm is writing.
if you're gonna lie, at least try to make it believable
Shell probably torture Ramsay's balls with her feet. I guess that's why the leaks said he will be left alive, Sansa is going to go full dominatrix on him.
He is writing his livejournal and food reviews. I never said anything about a book.
Nothing's visible there…
Holy shit
Any time
That's why they showed Sansa get buttraped last season, now the reverse is going to happen. It's like poetry.
So, we all know he'll show up with the Vale army this episode.
Will he actually fight in the battle? Will we see him in armor?
Will he make it extremely painful?
Pick one and only one.
He's got a lot of loyalty for a small guy
Pick. One.
How much will we lose our shit if he actually uses the exact phrase "With no survivors!" while leading the Vale troops against the Boltons?
He's got more loyalty in his little finger than the entirety of the North.
Was there any undead dragons in the books?
A lot, because of how clearly pandering it would be.
Imagine Wun Wun saying
I meant Wilson
There were dragon skeletons encased in ice near where Bran is fucking around
Coincidence? I think not
Literally who?
Wrong franchise boss
Those must either be a red herring or for when the others go south of the wall. It would be pretty epic to have Dany's dragons face of against undead ice dragons but we all know gurm is the master of blueballing so that's very unlikely to ever happen.
what a little turd
Make it happen D&D
Go to bed user, you are too drunk to post. Better clear your head before the episode goes live.
Come on, man, GRRM's got an ass pirate who raped his brothers walking around in magical runed armor talking about how he's going to become a god.
If you don't think TWOW is gonna be absolutely fucking crazy, then I don't know what to say. This book is what all of the "filler" and blueballing has led towards.
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B-but I'm sober that's why I can't post properly
He will continue to edge you until the last book and who knows if he will let you come even then.
/got/, Anton Yelchin died
So you're a quick shooter eh?
It's great. Instead of spending 30 minutes jerking off, I can just jerk off 6 times a day for 5 minutes each time!
Poor guy
I think the best thing that could happen to TWOW is TWOW never comming out.
You can use my brush Maisie
I don't know where you've been, but over the top fantasy characters have been in since the first book. Nor do I see why it's a problem that they're so fantastic.
DAMN this is like Christmas, any /butt/ material is top rare!
Who's the bigger hack?
Yeah, she should gather more butt material
John Greene
wew lad
Yes, I do, it's locked away in my pants
Come on, man.
Arthur Dayne, legendary fighter with meteor sword is over the top, fantastical and well written. Clown who apparently drowned before with completely tattoed face singing about underwater zombies is over the top and interesting. Darkstar or psychotic ass pirate with runed armor raping his brothers are signs of writer's dementia. I originally had "early dementia" there, but decided to delete the adjective.
I..I'm sorry, it's just… I sometimes get a little… touchy..
H-Here, have a rare Stannis.
I think you just take this series too seriously, man. GRRM's way better at writing jokes than D&D.
Oh boy
You can be drunk and offtopic, you know.
Not that you care.
Sorry, but I didn't read any of these stupid books, so I can't bash them along with you
Either entire ADWD is some meta joke making fun of the readers (Bravo Gurm then), or you're just accepting whatever senile mess has GRRM's name slapped over it.
I don't care.
Darkstar was in AFFC, not ADWD.
She's got nice, big eyes and a huge mouth. What else is needed for a great blowjob?
You need to go deeper
You are cancer and I despise you. I want you to notice me even less then I want an inbred down-syndrome HIV-positive Somali with herpes and severe leprosy to notice me.
They're like a scourge on these threads, except an actual disease wouldn't piss me off this much.
video related
I know, but unlike ADWD, AFFC has some redeeming features. That's why I said that if Darkstar was intentionally hilarious, the latter book has to be joke entirely.
I'm pretty sure the entire series is a big fat ruse.
What's so bad about Darkstar? Come on, you wanna duke this out, then let's fucking go.
They don't give a shit, user. They just say whatever they think will justify them at that particular moment, regardless of what they've said in the past.
Yes I do. It is off-topic, but only slightly
We are having aconversation about a thing we like. How is this spamming?
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm bothering the GURM is a hack, D&D are hacks, the books the books THE BOOKS conversation? Why do you keep talking about books on a television series board?
Don't reply to it, it'll just post more Maisies.
Believe it or not, there are people who genuinely think that Tolkien is a much worse writer then Martin, because Martin's storytelling has "complexity"
He's hilarious alright, except not in an intentionally funny way. It's like 14 year old fanboy trying to write ASOIAF fanfiction, or someone writing a crude satire of it.
I know, that's why it's good bait.
How is that a bad thing?
Just remind the Maisie Fags of this.
I don't want to know, user.
It all makes sense now
Any Maisienews recently? I've been out of the loop recently because of footballs.
A line said to a 10 year old child that is frequently removed from context. Let's take a look at the passage, shall we?
It was pretty obvious to me when I was reading it, but I'll spell it out for you: he is clearly saying he is of the night to contrast himself against his much more famous cousin, who was of the morning. For fuck's sake, his cousin was from a place called Starfall and he wielded a glowing meteor sword. The Daynes are a family with thousands and thousands of years of history. What makes "Darkstar" such a silly nickname next to "The Sword of the Morning" or "The Mountain that Rides"?
Also taken out of context.
Darkstar's about to go take a piss and Dalt tells him to watch out for snakes, so Darkstar engages in some banter to show he doesn't give a fuck about snakes. The dude lives in Dorne, he's probably got a snakeskin sword sheath.
Given that the man was able to escape Areo Hotah and his men completely unscathed and Arianne was considering using him to single handedly destroy the Yronwoods. Arianne isn't even sure if Arys can take him, and he's supposed to be one of the best swordsmen in the realm.
Because all his lines can be made to make him sound like someone's Sonic OC.
And I can cherry pick lines of Jaime calling a guy Baelor Butthole and say he's a teenager.
What's your point?
She was swimming with a famous dolphin
She is making a new video
She had official limited t-shirts released
She was seen on a bus recently
Her hair is black now?
Well Jamie is pretty immature at the start of the series.
But mostly it's because edgy sounding shit is inherently funnier than immature sounding shit.
Exactly. We've had dozens of "edgy" characters interacting with Arya (also a child like Myrcella), yet none of them reach Darkstars cringe levels.
That line is like, three quarters of the way into AFFC, well into his redemption arc.
Hah, you almost got me to reply to you seriously for a second! That was close.
I've seen those :) Are you going to order one?
Doplhin in captivity? Isn't this against her persuasion?
Now I see why you like Darkstar so much finally, you want to be like him!
I don't really like them
It's a famous free dolphin
>me on the left
I know the Maisiefag didn't just try and reply to me. That would be foolish, as I have sworn off arguing with him, for my own health.
Would anyone else like to argue about lines taken out of context? We can always talk about the myrish swamp or a fat pink mast.
What did he mean by this?
And yes, fat pink mast and myrish swamp are as bad, truly quality staples of what ASOIAF has devolved into
He probably meant that Maisiefags are a blight and a cancer and need to be gassed.
WAIT so it swam all the way from open ocean just to have fun with Maisie? How awesome is that?
Our plot armor is thicker than Arya's
Strange, did something just try and speak to me again?
Surely this… thing would realize he's not worth speaking to, much less arguing with. It's like moss trying to hold a conversation with you. Pointless and a waste of time that could be better spent watching paint dry.
Oh (You)
Where is everyone? This thread sure is awfully barren today.
So are there spoilers yet? I just come here for the spoilers. Did this episode actually not get leaked?
Oh hey, someone else is here!
What's up, user? Would you like to hear the word of Ser Gerold Dayne this day?
We are in the He's dead, Jim thread
You faggots better post if the episode leaks. I waited for quite some time before realising it had already been leaked last time.
I've seen him
Why? So you can watch the episode like, an hour early?
For what purpose? It starts in a while and you can redtext memes in #LIVE thread with us.
Yes, I have things to do and places to be.
On Sunday night?
I bet he is very handsome, intelligent and wealthy. I wish I could be like him
It couldn't be…him? Surely?
Reddit alert. Say fag, for fuck's sake. You don't get downvoted here.
You said before that I am GRRM, and others say you are me, so you are GRRM too. Does that mean, we are this guy ? Then he is a Maisiefag
Is he still using MS DOS?
Yup, guy is a fucking retard stuck in his old ways so shit takes forever.
You've saved it?
No wonder the books take so long.
Just one day of IDs, man. I want to know how much these threads would change.
I am usually absent for over 20 hours when the new episode airs, but you didn't even noticed. So it wouldn't change much for your hatred-filled soul
He types with one finger too
Holy shit, you aren't joking!
That doesn't seem too farfetched for an old fogey like him.
He would find out there's two of us, and sometimes a third user posting Maisies.
-Excerpt from TWOW
I'd let Tyenne bite me
Why are they all dressed the same? Aren't they supposed to be distinct?
Where's the white one?
Liar, you would be too lazy to correct it and stop writing for two weeks.
There's no white one
/rare/ hunt begins!
her head is so wide ,like a grey alien
Yeah huh, one of them is supposed to be an innocent aryan beauty, one is an olive beauty, and the last is some big angry bitch.
Instead we get 2 dykes and a qt Italian.
something is wrong with his genetics
What is Sophie inspecting, /got/?
that weird belly button
Do not bully
What's the deal with Sophie and half naked English lads?
she's racist
What are we having for dinner?
He wants to get inside Maisie's t-shirt
hello, I am GRRM
I am obese
I am lazy
I had one job
I didn't do it
I hate my fans
they hate me back
it isn't fair
I'm taking a vacation now
then writing a different series
then doing an interview
then doing comicon
I don't know why I can write fast
nothing grand about those speeches, just Tumbler my shit up
At least she's not getting blacked.
What is the underlying message in this picture?
Cheap ice cream isn't that tasty?
Magnum tasted better in the 90s
That's so obviously fake it doesn't bother me.
Do you need to ask?
white males really have turned into pussies
Silly me
Pizza, of courshe
So… did he fuck Rickon?
Did Ramsay watch from his throne and slowly rub one out?
she's basically camp of the saints
My thoughts exactly
Starring cast members confirmed to appear in tonight's episode;
Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister
Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen
Kit Harington as Jon Snow
Aidan Gillen as Petyr Baelish
Liam Cunningham as Davos Seaworth
Carice van Houten as Melisandre
Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark
Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei
Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy
Kristofer Hivju as Tormund Giantsbane
Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis
Iwan Rheon as Ramsay Bolton
I can barely contain my excitement
Also no Maisie Williams
I thought that's both your and Maisie's favorite food!
Every fucking day. Every single fucking day this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid faggot look on his face.
All hail Gurm
It's mine and Sophie's, but
How about a tiny clam pizza for her, a bowl of oyster spagetti for me and frosted cockles for dessert?
So him and Yara reach Meereen tonight?
There will be memes
I have no license. You have to drive. Too bad you drank all that alcohol!
lmao that fucking nigger
His car? Let me drive it!
I have to go to sleep now, my eyes are failing. Have a fun live thread!
Would you a frogfu, /got/?
Where do I know this actor from? He seems familiar.
These are dragon pron streams.
dragon porn helps everytime when one is writing about food in a fantasy bookseries.-GRRM
He must be registered user on those websites then!
A Redwall book would have a shitload of those tabs
obviously under the synonym of George Dragonslayer Richard Martin, or GDRM for short, you might find his erotica novels also where its all about dragons fucking.
It would???
It's worse. It's twenty minutes of queen fatass destroying suddenly slave navy with her dragons, dothraki, and the coincidental ironbron fleet.
I thought every GRRM/GDRM knew about his erotic fiction. I guess there are not that many fans of his.
Last episode gave the impression that the siege of midget and queen fatass happened offscreen and is finished. Are they really going to show two huge battles? Can they even afford that?
I m just expecting the aftermath of the siege.
My impression was that it was still going when she arrived but I doubt they have the money to show a big battle.
Spoilers say we see the dragons roast ships, Dothraki kill Sons of the Harpy, and the IRONBRON come and demolish the fleet.
More or less Dany gets a victory handed to her like a sheet cake.
well I wouldn't say that's just handing her the victory, both the dragons and dothraki are her assets. Seems weird that the ironborn are getting there that fast but the dragons alone could torch all the ships as they have no defenses against aerial attacks so its not like she actually needs them.
We did it Holla Forums!
We're gonna get two got thread on the first page again aren't we.
The dragons and dothraki fight for her like she was a golden standard. She doesn't command any of her armies in a meaningful manner.
She has as much impact as Joffrey did at the Blackwater.
She's a queen, not a military commander. Rulers don't typically make the decisions in battles.
Unless they're Robert Baratheon. Or Stannis. Or Robb Stark. Or Jon. Or Aegon.
You might want to admit Rulers make military decisions all the time
You forgot Tywin. and even Rhaegar.
We're productive today
Not the user you guys are talking to, but
That doesn't make Dany any more competent though
This, slavers gonna get roasted. Unless they happen to have some scorpions on board, but those would hardly kill them anyway. Dragons are too overpowered.
Dany does not need to be competent at being a military commander, she needs to be competent at being a ruler. The problem is that she's utter shit at the second as well. I don't like Dany, I just think criticizing her about not being a great military strategist is dumb when there's much better material.
Which means she's saying outright she isn't a ruler, she's a conqueror. Only other people do the actual conquering part for her.
I liked Dany more when she was slowly having to build her reputation in the first half of the show. Now she borders on self-parody.
Rhaegar was the better Targaryan, if he lived. He woulda been a good ruler AND commander.
she's pretty good at ruling others with her pussy
Her weight keeps her subjects down.
I don't want him to die, fuck
Not only is he going to die, he's going to be killed by girl power.
He's really the only reason I stayed after Stannis died.
fuck Sansa Stark with a pork sausage
Do you want me to quote all my on-topic posts? It will be much more than those you highlighted, maybe three times as much.
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Oh shit, don't know why I hadn't already seen this coming. This is going to piss me off.