What audience are they targeting with this poster?

what audience are they targeting with this poster?

The 12 year old audience.

they want the Deviantart audience


This is going to be a fucking disaster. An unmitigated abortion of a film.


The wackyness only fits Jester and Harpy, but the not other stonefaced fucks.


edgy teenagers who are actually slurppee gulping normies

Fanboys who think the DCEU is too dour

Looks pretty good to me, worth it for Harley alone imo.

it is though.

Yeah, this film's gonna be a piece of shit

she's a kike

Hollywood is certainly pushing "names" like Cara Delevingne

Just like this poster, it's going to bomb and take everyone's careers with it.

Is that the real poster?

Probably this is another one of those Jared Leto antics we are always hearing about. He's a madman, a madman, I tell you!

Why is the main character missing?



I don't the fascination with this twat.



But that bombed



just kill me now

What's that mom and dad?
You don't find hairy chain smoking fried chicken gobbling man hands having bull dykes with "I just got raped by a thrift store" clothing and faded shitty dye jobs attractive?




This is what I thought but honestly borderlands has better style than this garbage, it's more like we want the core 12 year olds who actually thought le claptrap meme was funny.

Hot Topic

And holy shit that is still a thing. I went to a mall for the first time in like a decade a week ago because this sporting goods store was going out of business and I wanted to get me a new mummybag. This shit was plastered everywhere.

I mean Hot Topic was pretty shit when it was the mall goth store back in like 03 but somehow this is even worse.

Imagine if halfway through filming The Crow they decided to go back and do reshoots, and add a bunch of cheerful 80's music and love songs and have him drop a bunch of memes. That's what this is looking like.

Gas yourself Holla Forumseddit.


relax grandpa the newer kids cant even afford a weekend camping trip

Comics did it first


10-23 year olds


Why the fuck can't you afford a camping trip? Grab some jars out of the panty and some meat out of the smoke house and then for the price of gas go deep into the woods. Maybe pop off some rounds, but for the most part just walk around and enjoy nature. Hell when I was a kid my brother and I would just take our knifes, some rope and matches and go wandering off into the forest near our farm for a week at a time in the summer. Trapping rabbits, eating berries. It was god damned fun. I mean I like the internet and all but holy shit you kids need to get away from it if you think that you can't afford to go camping. All it takes is some free time and an appreciation of nature's beauty.

And I am not old I am still in my 40s.

made before deadpool

a fucking men bro

i literally take three months out of the year to prepare for two weeks in the early summer. you dont even need a tent you just need a fucking sleeping bag

you're 12, kill yourself

seriously how do kids make money these days? I know 24 year olds working fast food jobs. some even have 2 fast food jobs to keep up with costs because they can't get dem programs.

no idea, my nieces are well prepared for the world but my 16 year old nephew i worry about - he's kinda stupid and not the most pleasant person so getting by on charm alone is going to be impossible

The scene kids will return soon.

reddit will love this

A combination of millenials who think Dookie and the rest of the '90s underground' was the shit and try to be retro but only seem like massive fags to everyone else and tumblrites who are 2nerdy4u.

My dick doesn't care

They want to evoke the image of a goofy comic book universe with an odd mish mash of characters.

It's probably a good way to go as they want to adjust the image of the DC movies to being something more light hearted and violent than what the Marvel movies have going.

Their reasoning for doing this is because they now think that people want a whacky and zany comedy. That's why they're going back and trying to add funny scenes now.

When it's all edited together it's going to be a huge mess.


no wonder youre an ugly virgin with no sex life

reddit the poster


Wait, is that fucking real?
Only, what were they thinking?!


Your meme character is stale

Kids these days prefer Nolan style grandpa

Instead they killed Brandon Lee.


I want teenagers to leave.

It looks like something out of the 90's or early 2000's.

A nealy four year old meme is old and stale after people and you ran it into the ground


>>>Holla Forums

For you

Why is movie robin quivers in the suicide squad?

They are targeting liberals.

Drop the normalfriend posturing, you're on Holla Forums.

>implying the masterpiece known as "The Plane Scene" was revealed less than 4U years ago
Do you feel in charge?

Learn to read

Official trailer.

July 20, 2012
CIA was a minor character that didn't contribute anything to the overall story
I'm just tired to read the same replies for years, also halfchan and >>>/bane/ exist so why spam this here?

The plane scene was released before the movie, in 2011.
By train wreck, I meant Suicide Watch Squad. Aidan Gillen was the natural choice for Deathstroke but they ruined it.

That's not real.



Manchildren and literal children.

The New 52 is a crock of shit though


the movie is about Harley being saved from the evil white man by BBC

the main target audience is cucks

At least you can talk.


Jesus Christ tumblr truly is the worst.

And yet somehow Warners decided the movies needed to match it almost perfectly


Who are they supposed to be?

They must have put this movie into production because of the Sinister Six movie that was canceled, now DC is competing with something that doesn't exist.


Disney execs decided we needed a film based off Civil War, so studios deciding to create movies out of the shittiest arcs and timelines they can is nothing new.

DC/Warners were doing it first though, and the Civil War movie really is in name only for the most part.

Nia, Yoko, and two of Kittan's sisters.

That's not how a mouth works.
What the fuck, user?

Alright fine as long you try not to spam it

The Queen trailer came before BvS.

But not the ad campaign and shit



Captain Boomerang bigger than fucking Killer Croc.