Mara Wilson can do maymays too!

Mara Wilson acts out the card scene from American Psycho. With an all female cast!

Featuring the talents of:
Mara Wilson!
Fat Feminist!
Black Feminist!
Ching Chong Feminist!

Sure the movie is a critique of yuppie culture, and dropping females in male roles arbitrarily ignores the movie's message entirely, but fuck you cause sexism!

Should I delete my dubs folder Holla Forums?

You kinda have to at this point.

You never should have had one to begin with.

I'm not going to watch that, so someone get me the dubs scene.

Sorry to say, but it's just the business card scene. Mara Wilson isn't even the fucking main actor. She's basically just Paul Allen's role.

She's literally just an extra in a clip that's bragging about her. Patricia Bateman looks like she does porn though.

what are the dubs trying to tell us here?


Wow, never considered that angle in the film until he said it.

Really makes you thinkā€¦

this is the way of the woman

is it possible that the cisbusters backlash has created this?

Where did it all go so wrong?

More penis envy from the modern wymyn. This is the same bitch that suddenly discovered she was a "lesbian". Suuure.

Wasn't she living a quiet life until Nostalgia Critic did reviews of her movie until she finally did a cameo in one? I feel that might be a correlation.

Yeah, she did that and had a couple cameos.

Then Gamergate happened, and she claimed that she crossed to the other side of the street if she saw someone in a vidya game shirt, because Gamergate had it out for a child star who enjoyed some mild success. (The fact that she didn't grow up to be a drugged out wreck of a child actor was more impressive).

Then Orlando happened, and she suddenly became a Bi-Gender-Queer-Woman-of-Cis-Color

That was Felicia Day who said that shit about crossing the street, user


So instead of talking about how the American Psycho movie was actually directed and screen-written by all women, they just lazily gender swap a scene and yell "GIRL POWER!"

Good job, feminism! You did it! You're really elevating females in the movie industry by pretending the ones already in it don't exist.

Apart from the fact that a woman directed a movie that was popular enough to warrant a considerable cult following and a meme, the entire movie exists to condemn yuppie culture. The whitest, malest, most undeserverdly privileged spoiled class imaginable.

And by gender swapping them, it completely misses the point of how these guys treat women (Which was important), but apart from that, the dialogue just sounds fucking wrong. This is not how women speak.

Thing of beauty, it's like start of good lesbian movie.

My mistake. I thought Mara Wilson said something similar.

so how long until she slips back out of focus and has to resort to porn?

its not how women speak but also made worse by the fact that none of them can act. They just seemed to be reading the lines. completely flat and without emotion.


No this is actually perfect. You are forgetting female psychology, she having the most star power chose the seemingly best role. She's the one who is the most "popular" or of highest status from within the story of the scene. To the female brain this matters more than who's the main character of the scene.

I couldn't watch the whole thing. The acting is terrible, once they try to do Bateman's inner monologue it become unbearably cringy.

Remember when she wrote that article a couple years back about how glad she was to have escaped becoming a child star after Matilda?

She sure seems to crave a lot of attention now.

Of course


I dunno, I had the exact opposite problem with the one doing Bateman. Bateman's inner monologues were generally delivered in something close to but not quite a monotone, yet at the same time gave off this overwhelming sense of menace and anger.

Whoever this chick was, she put far too much emotion into her voice yet simultaneously conveyed nothing.

I don't know if this is an example of how good an actor Bateman is or how poor an actress she is or perhaps even both.

and here I thought they couldn't go any lower

We need some r34 of loli Mara Willson getting fucked by Santa or something.

I wouldn't be suprised if she was fucked by Santa in real life.

The thing that annoys me the most is that the cards look all bent and shitty like they were in the director's back pocket all day, even though they take them out of those little metal booklets.
My autism is in maximum overdrive right now.

further proof that women suck at everything, even when they're directly copying an awesome thing men did.

They sound like the fucking Guild of calamitous intent.

I'd be less disappointed in this if any of the women in this could act.

What did he mean by this?