It ain't the coffee in my kitchen
You know what's on my mind right now?
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Feet, black dingus or nothing at all.
It's the BBC in my wife.
Quentin's acting skill is completely appropriate and in line with the characters he plays. If you disagree, you are probably an adult milk drinker.
Is that a reference that went over my head?
who exactly was he? how did he get involved with contract killers
If you drink milk as an adult, it's a red flag that you are a huge, autistic piece of shit with a terrible personality.
Says who?
Self-actualized men who provide their bodies with the nutrition it needs.
Good question. Not only is a hard as black contract killer totally deferential to him but doesn't mind him throwing the word nigger around.
As you can clearly see by this table, it's probably a Askhenazi kike, a nigger, an injun, or a gook.
get fucked, milk is delicious
just because your delicate asian sensibilities cant tolerate a little lactose doesnt mean the rest of the world should suffer because of it
Exactly. Superior Caucasian people can drink milk, no problem; you know you're dealing with some sort of subhuman nigger when they go on shittalking milk.
You don't like chocolate milk?
Almond milk
Kikes want you to drink dairy so you turn into nu-male faggots who play hipster board games with your Bernie supporter friends. Drink deep, goy.
Well, this was a shitpost thread anyway.
is not milk. it's a suspension of nut protiens in water
horchata is not milk either. although all of them can be delicious when prepared correctly, there is no substitute for cow milk
It was already baseless faggotry. But at least now we have a topic to discuss.
What in God's name are you blabbering about? Milk is the food that made whites superior to every other race. Source of almost all vitamins, plus proteins. Kikes can't even begin to understand how good milk is, because they can't drink it.
Nobody cares that almond milk isn't technically milk, autist.
I substitute dairy milk with almond milk and other ingredients on a daily basis. Just stop being fucking jealous that I'm actually able to absorb the calcium and Vitamin D from my milk substitutes.
You're on a shitposting BOARD.
i disagree
whole milk is less bad for you than 2%
it includes butter and cream fats that aid in digestion. filtered milk is fully lactose and lactase, sugars that only babies can digest
I bet you peel your apples too, you simpering sissy boi.
if you are straight up claiming that almond milk is more nutritious than cow milk you're a fucking retard.
I knew we had political shills, but I had no idea we had dairy shills.
fuckin' a man,
the rind is where the fucking nutrients are. same with turnips and everything in the mustard family
people eat too many fucking potatoes where you cant eat the fucking plant or you die; mustard greens are fucking delicious
The milk you drink is pasteurized. It's nutritionally dead because most of the calcium it contains becomes insoluble. You can't absorb it through digestion.
Almond milk contains a lot more calcium than dairy milk.
Protein? I get mine from lean meats, nuts, seeds, bananas, etc. Adult milk drinkers usually live sedentary lifestyles so they don't even NEED optimal protein.
that's fucking horseshit
that's like saying you get no nutrition from a fucking steak, because you cooked it to mid rare
Time to get off the tit and give your brain the nutrition it needs to stop being a faggot on a chinese cartoon imageboard. Godspeed, dairy cuck.
Where are you getting this information?
Wait, don't most nu-males drink soy milk?
not to mention not only do i as a sedentary adult need protein for normal shit i regularly have decubitus ulcers that turn my body into a factory of milk drinking steak eating fruit conserving mess of human nutrition
you decide to limit yourself by you nutritional choices thats YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM
I would never have enough nutrients to heal an ulcer while choosing to be a fucking cunt vegetarian and thats a fact
Nu-males tend to be vegan and shit
Dude, just go outside. Fuck. I know this hurts, but it's time to make some changes in your life.
Soy milk is a vegan thing, is it not?
So you're pulling it out of your ass.
Yes. I'm agreeing with you
Today I learnt Holla Forums is real fucking touchy with their milk.
Nah it's just shitposting.
very few things are packed full of nutrition but angry nigger quinoa eaters think are "problematic"
milk is one
I'm a competitive athlete (kind of a big deal, but what evs). My resting heart rate is in the low 50s. Any nutrient you get from your yummy mamma cow mammary glands is easily obtainable from other sources.
Maybe you should get your shit together and start taking vitamin supplements.
All adult milk drinkers are like this I've noticed. Adult milk drinking has been programmed into western society by the (((media))) and attacking that is very triggering to these people. They NEED to defend their milk drinking.
Why? So he can have a multi-nutritional piss?
fam I wish 8/mu/ wasn't such a dead shitboard
Do you not drink your own piss? Why are you even here?
It's a sign that you're not a lactose-intolerant shitskin.
Is it a meme that black people are lactose intolerant?
I occasionally drink chocolate milk with alcohol because I'm a fucking mutant manbaby, and your milk-laden insults don't bother me at all. I'm fascinated by your lividity for milk drinkers to be honest, my familiar.
This post sounds like a modified pasta that I've seen somewhere.
no my friend its not
if you have to force yourself to eat raw soybeans or any other thing that is supposedly nutritious, it's not easy to get those nutrients
you as an athlete dont recognize this simple truth. most melons taste bitter. people dont eat melons on purpose, they eat them because they are convenient and nutritious
Oh wait, it's an alternate version of this one.
I too am puzzled by his vendetta against milk and people who drink it.
To think, if he'd just said 'Adult breast milk drinkers' we could have all agreed and continued with the Cucktino related shitposting
No, and as you can see from this thread I was beaten to the punch.
Nobody cares that you can partially digest tit milk. It doesn't make you a true blooded Aryan, heeb.
Thanks for letting me know.
I'm a professional shitposter when I'm eating dinner sometimes. Milk drinking faggots make it much easier though because they can't resist replying to someone shitting on their gay little, useless habit.
Please name one nutrient in pasteurized dairy milk that will be hard for me to obtain. I don't consume (((soy))) by the way. Do you think I am some kind of gook?
The milk you drink comes from tits. Cut the breast milk from your diet and your brain will start to function. Remember to stay hydrated as well.
i dated a girl who was one of those fucking hippies once
she not only refused to shave her armpits she actually had bacterial growth in her pantry
some one had told her that a slice of apple would preserve her sugar
boy was she wrong
the mold was
i'm a smoker, i understand the word "cloying"
that woman was fucking ruined by stupidity
I have a feeling this is going to be another signature spice thread.
nigger i hope you are jesting
there is lysine, there is tryptophan, there is a shitload of individual proteins that you wont even care about
im not an athlete, im a cripple. i need to know what is nutritious and what isnt and i choose cow milk
Nigga it is another Signature Spice thread
Oh, that explains it.
Cripple is mad that the rest of us can get away with drinking milk for breakfast and he can't.
How's it feel knowing that even moderately unhealthy faggots will always be better off than you without even trying?
Cool, I take BCAA supplements and get a near complete amino acid profile from just bananas alone.
I eat a lot of nuts, fish, and lean red meat along with enough legumes to feed and entire starving Indian village. Guess my tryptophan and lysine is covered. You can stop posting now. I'll take it from hear. Sorry about your legs and your body fat %. I recommend a hand pedaled recumbent bike. Helped my friend a lot.
you clearly suck at the talking
i have no quarrel with you
Sorry KIKE, I'm too busy enjoying cheese, Ice cream, and cereal to care about your genetically limited food choices.
I feel like Jimmy was friends with Jules before he joined with Marcellus and eventually found out he was involved with crime, to which Jimmy reacted nonchalantly and asked if he could do anything to help. Then, as time went on, Jules had to rely on Jimmy to bail him out for a lot of things, which started making him more aggressive because he just wanted a quiet life with his wife in the suburbs. The part we see in the movie is just another moment of Jules relying on Jim to help him out, but he doesn't want anything to do with it since it happens every so often and his wife is worried that he'll get in trouble for associating with dangerous types
Can we all agree this was a terrible movie?
you talk like everyone else should love you but you fail to show that nutrition is personal
It was pretty gay.
I hit a nerve with the cripple.
It feels good being able to go running and exercise at all without having to rely on a handler, oh, I mean "caregiver".
Another adult milk drinker showing how well their brain is functioning. This guy can't even read or connect posts together. You guys seeing a pattern here?
No worries, goy. I'm the strongest and fittest I've ever been in my life and don't really eat for comfort or emotional support anymore. I'm glad you're enjoying food so much! Just remember to stay hydrated.
lol milk is for dumb buttholes lol
I can't believe this is even an argument lol omg
Quads confirm
that would be ideal
Oh boo hoo, at least I'm not a disabled freak with an inferiority complex.
I'm not the cripple. Can we get this cripple a trip or something?
Fuck man, how much milk did you have today? I feel like I'm popping amygdalae over here. These milk drinkers don't even know who's who anymore.
prove to me that you are not
Whatever hotwheels, don't get mad because I can pick up a glass of milk without breaking my arm.
Prove to me anything you've posted ITT first.
I second that motion
I always had the impression they were connected through his wife somehow. Since she's also black probably brothers in law or something.
stop right now
his wife is the enemy
Milk drinker spotted.
Go be an autistic fatass somewhere else, the ubermensch are talking.
HW drinks milk. It is known.
yeah but aren't his bones total shit
I never noticed that before
He obviously comes by to cuck him just like in real life. Tarantino is practically a real life Louis C.K. copypasta.
what is really funny is that nobody will care, intiill its forced by brietbarrt
then it will be used as evidence that the obama admoinistration wants more people to de
I'm guessing you're the Maisefag too?
So does this dumb milk drinking scum think the cripple is the anti-milk shitposter (you). How is that possible when the cripple is defending milk almost every post. Are milk drinkers really this stupid?
This makes sense. I was going to say Jimmy was just a good friend of Jules, but he's probably just being cucked by Jules and Jules feels bad so treats him nicely.
It's a (((myth)) that milk is good for your bones. The countries that consume the most milk have SHIT bone health. Here's your opportunity to drop a "correlation isn't causation" for all your milk-breathed retards out there.
Does Maisie drink milk?
trhe same shit didnt work in 2012 but MAYBE!!!!!!
Oh my god hotwheels, nobody likes milk but you, shut the fuck up about it already.
Dunno but she definitely shits up threads
Here is a reply. You will get another if you just ask.
Hotwheels pls, I know you shit up threads on your spare time because cripple don't have anything better to do than drink liquid autism and generally be a burden to everyone around them.
So she definitely drinks milk.
I fucking hate her then.
Spare time? I'm full time.
Sent :^)
Nobody asked for this much autism from one of our former admins.
I bet you like chocolate ice cream too you fucking defect.
Doesn't that make you grow tits?
That's soy milk
So what does regular milk even do that has almond lover so pissed off?
I don't know, but the mere mention of it makes him go nuclear.
But is he wild?
Almond lover here. I'm not pissed off. My body is flowing with adrenaline and dopamine from the sheer magnitude of weapons grade shitposting you milk drinkers fuel. It's a magnificent dance that only we can manifest.
The milk drinking adult baby.
The able-bodied, almond drinker.
Coming together to create glistening gems of pure salt that rival Venus in a clear morning sky.
Why would soy milk make you grow tits? It's hormones they use to make cows grow faster that does that.
To get this thread back on track, do you think Tarantino is drinking that coffe black or with some milk?
I drink almond milk actually, because regular milk makes me sick as fuck.
He's a cuck so he's obviously emasculated and going bald from getting dosed with hormones from regular milk consumption.
He's a pissed off beta male that is obsessed with SLJ's dick, which is an attribute that almond consumers are well known for.
I'd say he drinks it black, unlike the wolf who takes it like a 10 year old girl
I know milk drinkers have been spouting some weak / incoherent shit ITT, but come on.
Are you an almond drinker trying to FALSE FLAG over here? You sound just like them, my brother.
S H I T !
I'd say he likes his coffee like he likes his bulls
Stop being a victim of Jewish oppression by consuming hormone laced tit milk before your turn into a nu-male pajama boy. Stand up for the white race and drink the almonds your body needs.
Yikes, just call it quits for tonight while I activate ur mum m8.
I do not acknowledge these dubs
I should ask if you're false flagging for dairy corporations you effeminate lactose shill.
I bet you drink soy milk in combination with liquid autism and real man milk to gain that sort of autism.
Am I on Holla Forums?
You're on Holla Forums, almond drinker.
You'd realize this has been a shitposting board for awhile now if the nuts you always have in your mouth didn't kill your situational awareness.
Everything about this movie was ripped off from pulp fiction.
I had to quit drinking cow milk around 20 because it started making me fart all the time
t. user who is white AF
There was nigger assrape in Snatch?
I'd get yr haplotype checked tbh fam.
You don't have any neanderthal blood, user. Saps have lower intelligence and can't handle the milk.
Get a load of this moderate. Die, white milk drinking scum.
No but look at the rest of it.
Two main characters (vincent & jules) who trade bantz and work for a kingpin (Marcellus) who wants to fix a boxing match but the fighter (brad willis) won't take a dive and in between there's lots of violence and hipster friendly retro music all centered around a (diamond/briefcase) macguffin. Ritchie wasn't even trying to be subtle about it + after success he wound up becoming an even bigger cuck than tarantino.
tell the truth though lock stock and two smoking barrels was brety gud
Yeah but rocknrolla sucked ass.
*but: by that point he was married to that crazy bitch madonna, so who can blame him
But who the fuck films their wife making out with some dago on a beach for 2 months? Swept Away was like the citizen kane of cuckoldry.
I blame kabbalah tbh
It's the DEAD NIGGER in my garage. Does that sign say DEAD NIGGER STORAGE? No, it doesn't say DEAD NIGGER STORAGE, it says garage. Now get that DEAD NIGGER out of my garage before the police come and officially declare it as DEAD NIGGER STORAGE. Did I say DEAD NIGGER STORAGE enough times yet? No? How about I emphasize the DEAD NIGGER STORAGE that my garage is slowly turning into if you don't take the DEAD NIGGER out of it?
Dead. Nigger. Storage.
That study clearly only tests the nutritional content of milk that's heated to over 100 Celsius, which has nothing to do with pasteurization. Pasteurized milk is only heated to 72 Celsius for 15 seconds and if you think that's enough to make it "nutritionally dead" then you're fucking retarded. Not to mention that some almond milk is pasteurized anyway, as are many foods.
Geez, why would anybody want to take something from tits in their mouth?
Are you a pedo or a faggot? Is the problem that you hate tits?
See, that's what I love about this site. Whenever someone comes along with something that's clearly bullshit, there's always someone more knowledgeable around to point out exactly how full of shit the first person is.
Milk is GOD's liquid
This. Drink milk daily and consume cheese at least twice per week white man.
The anti-milk non-whites are no different from butthurt circumcised men who are mad at never being able to enjoy something that others have.
Why would you want anyone to take a part of your body away?
f-fuck off kike I won't let you have my foreskin for use in Luciferian anti-ageing magics
Looks like I found the milk drinker.
Although Jimmy takes some verbal liberties he's obviously interested in helping Jules to the best of his means & abilities. In a movie where every connection appears to be either a sexual or business related connection, they are the only true friends. I would guess maybe they went through an addiction or alcoholism recovery together, which would also explain Jules's spiritual take on life though not his interest in one day visiting Amsterdam. Or else Jimmy is a contractor for some black market gig and has done a lot of business with Jules, but they struck up a friendship in the process. Like he had a similar low-level role comparable to the guys with the burgers, only Jimmy never tried to steal from Marcellus' organization and therefore remained in consistently good standing with the organization, even befriending one of the hit men.
when you guys say milk are you talking about (((pasteurized))) skim, whole, or 2%; or unpasteurized?
I have to disagree there. The kikes have milk in Israel, and they shill all the time how their milk is way better then the goyim shit in American markets.
And then they get ignored completely.
Because he's a milk drinking autist and doesn't know what he's talking about
You're shitposting, right?
I think it's just about any animal milk because of the lactose issue that causes all this division.
but me? I like full cream milk. can't get raw cause I don't live near any dairy farms
Yes, yes, goys, let your greatest allies drink this amazi- I mean terrible almond milk so you can have more liquid aut- I mean milk for yourselves!
Oy, what a blood libel! That's not what we so.
We sell it as chewing gum in San Francisco.
Enjoy your E. coli infection.
Raw milk or as close as you can get to raw is the best milk. You have to find it at whole foods type of store
As an athlete I'm calling you out on your bullshit
t. Senior mens heavyweight uni rower
Why was Wolf throwing a fancy party that early in the morning and why doesn't anyone ever mention that?