Well, it's official. I'm never going to the cinema again. This thing is like imax on your head. Plus you never have to deal with annoying theater patrons, and overpriced concessions.
Well, it's official. I'm never going to the cinema again. This thing is like imax on your head...
Kinda hard to dip your crablegs with one of those things on your noggin.
market harder shill
When they can achieve that effect reflected upon your retina, then I'll use it
VR will signal the end of the world and social interaction.
Why bother going outside to build a better world physically when you can build one in your head?
you're not thinking big enough. Me personally, I'm never interacting with another human being directly again.
t. Holla Forums
Only retards ever sat too close to the TV
*I say this from personal experience
Please god I hope this happens. The nerds will have finally won
And by "nerds", I think you mean "the Jew"
Going to the theater is about the social experience, not about the movie.
Why don't any of these theater threads on Holla Forums realize this?
when will people start making VR cp?
I think the world is ready
Only if there is a VR van.
Bet you take first dates to movies too, faggot.
Good god what are the jump-scares like?
VR is overrated.
im going to break into your apartment and slide my cock in your ass faggot
fuck off shill
You say this as if we were in 1993 and the only people on the internet were CSIII uberdorks, as if we weren't living at a time when every normalfag is carrying around what a few years ago would've been a super-high-end computer in their pockets just to spread cancer like faceswap selfies and dat boi nigger-tier memes
What a waste of trips…
YMMV a lot depending on who you're going to the movies with
I've tried it and it's pretty cool, but I'll be waiting for a model with a much higher resolution than what I tried (DK2 and Vive). I'm not sure if a lot of games will really make use of it, but at worst it can just make a big screen in front of you with no outside lights to distract your focus, which means it will be great for movies.
I'd rather not waste money going to the movies or on an overpriced, failing device.