Melissa McCarthy Says Critics Are 45-Year Old Men Living In Their Mother’s Basements


fat chicks give great blowjobs

This one will not only bust your nuts but also bust your ghost, if you know what I'm saying.

she'll suck off my corpse?

I'm saying she'll McCarthy your sperm.

she'll make my semen turn red?????

I don't want to have to put BBQ sauce on my dick every time I want head user

And who cares what this fat talent-less cunt thinks? She'll be gone and forgotten in 2 years

They will have to feast on so many crows once this shit comes out and bombs to hell

Mike & Molly is cancelled. Every movie she's been in has been forgettable garbage. So, yeah, she's done for when this fails.

And fans are 45-Year Old Fat White Women, what's your point?

you don't have to, they're so grateful for any attention at all that they'll do it for free

Doesn't help her that fat white American women are a dime a dozen

and her complaint is?

they say it's like fucking a cloud

it's probably like fucking lard tbqh famalam

fucking warm lard sounds like a brety gud time tbhwy fam

Aaaaaand this is why I watch Fallon.

Honestly though, with how much ass Kimmel kisses with his Mean Tweets bits, we all knew he was going to side with McCarthy on this. Celebs are his bread and butter, 'cause it sure isn't the humor.

t. burger



Melissa McCarthy pls get help. I don't think any healthy 45 year old should carry that much weight

remember guys, slutshaming is the worst crime possible, but virginshaming is perfectly fine when done by a woman

I wouldn't mind if she made room for 150 more pounds of flab with a raging erection tbh


So basically she's making fun of autistic underclass people? I would agree that most youtube reviewers are just that but I thought it was a taboo for leftists to mock the poor or mentally challenged.

she's an authoritarian, not a liberal. why bring politics into it anyway?


If you're paying attention to it, you're the demo. We used to say that a lot, in the eighties.


Pic related.

Wow, what a bigot Melissa McCarthy is to spew such hateful intolerance against underprivileged men.

Also look at how fat she is. There are people in this world who starve to death and this privileged bourgeois capitalist stuffs her face with more food than she needs.

What a horrible woman.

I'm not 45 but 35.

And I'm not living in my mother's basement but we share an apartment because she needs constant care and of her three children and four grand-children I'm the only who takes care of her.

Sorry for blogging, have some hot chick.

Holla Forums strikes again!


Leftist narcissism at its worse. You just can't admit responsibility, especially when you make a mistake.

"Good" intentions magically overwrite any reality.

You have to go back.

How quaint.

If Ameriblubbers keep eating hamburgers at this rate there won't be any matter left

Ameriblubbers are destroying the universe. Truly sad.

Stopped reading there.

Have you already prayed turned to Mecca today, eurocuck?

Europe isn't far behind in the obesity ratings, especially britcucks.

You mean specifically britcucks.
No wonder, as they are Anglo subhumans like Ameriblubbers.
By the way, I only pray to Jesus Christ our LORD, unlike Ameriblubbers that worship money and screaming rich "preachers", or Obama's asshole.

Ameriblubbers really are digusting in all ways. Even culture of narcissistic self worship comes from them. Even sjwism comes from the Anglo world.

We worship freedom, faggot. And please inform us what shithole country you live in so you can get mocked appropriately.

You are idolaters, I know :)

yeah, that brainwashing worked really well.

yeah, the freedom to get fatter and go into debt
the freedom to bicker over meaningless things while "voting" for a different overlord

This thread is shit even bt Holla Forums standards.

your mom is shit even by Holla Forums standards

but i'm only 25

and my room is still on the second floor


How's life in Europe, faggot? Enjoy all your women getting raped by Mohammad?

I cannot wait for this to bomb, and for these pathetic shits to shut up and go into hiding.

At this point, I just think Sony is blsckmailing everyone but Fiege in this project.


Kimmel deserves execution for treason to men.

Remember The Man Show, Jimmy? Fatfuck Melissa and Grrrlbusters is exactly the kind of shit you used to clown on, you fucking sellout piece of shit.



Wow, what an insightful rebuttal to her critics. Its almost as if shes a diversity hire and the only reason theres even an all female cast is to deflect criticisms.

Dude, your mum is hot.


the spitting image of melissa mccarthy, what is it with Irish chicks and enormous weight gain

Was this the movie that had the majority female crew (not just the actors) or am I thinking of something else? I seem to remember a grill power photo with them all like it was some great accomplishment.

i'm not sure if the crew was majority female, but they definitely did take a group photo of all the female crew and cast members

the directer is a dude. barely.

Fat white amerilard women don't like her either

Not an amerilard but you eurocucks are always justifying your governments fucking you in the ass with more restrictions

One day I found out men aren't allowed to ask for a paternity test in france, and then a french guy actually justified it saying it keeps the family together, because paying for 20+ years for an annoying shit who isn't even yours totally wont end up in murder/suicide

For some reason SJWs think they have a free pass to go insulting others, even in situations where normal people wouldn't.

This Melissa Whatever may not be a conservative, but she is, indeed, a free market neoliberal (like most SJWs, btw). That's Hollywood for you, coupling the worst of the left with the worst of the right.

Dubs of spoiler that disgusting shit you fucker

The most amusing thing is that this is your only argument because you know he's saying the truth.

The point still stands. EU and American aren't really very different except that America has huge influence on the entire world which is even worse. At least they're not on the level of Sweden yet. On the other hand we have TPP.

The reason is obvious. They rule American media and are able to do whatever they want. I mean who is going to stop them at this point? The worst thing is that these people are mentally unstable.


would bang those two


It's like you don't care that european paganism was fucked over by latin dipshits

Sorry to hear that user, whats your mom's condition?






I'm 25 too

Problem user?

Nah man, no fucking way, I been to both places and yuros live in a state of constant fear because the state can actually prosecute them for wrongthink, that shit not even most 3rd world countries do anymore


This, I assume?

Trees are real, Achmed.

Get a job, Varg Kristian.

she's fat enough to have written a young adult novel series

It's a shame she's funny fat and not fat in a hot way.

Yeah. That's the one.