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>>364852229suure, support a jew nazi, goy!
>>364852229Faggots roam free there so no I dont like fagkraine
dont post gay photoshops here please you look stupid
>>364852404Support your local ashka nazi
>fake and gay stooge of the jews
>>364852229Unironically hope they normalize the swatztika again.
fake and gay. saged.fucking newfags
Zelensky is a self-hating jew. He hates god. He allows degeneracy. A large part of the world loves him.Yep, Zelenshy is the antichrist.
because azov is literally owned by a jewish oligrach who lives in
I get it man you don't want to hold an election without fraud, just use the nukes you bitch, do you really think someone in a sub won't be killed by his crew if he set off nuclear war killing his family, your people should kill both each of you at the same time, because only the elite are speaking with blood of the poorest or would you like to show more snuff videos of cats to your mommy and kiddies cuz I ain't buying any of this candy dick act
would never support jews larping as National Socialists
>>364852229fuck nazis
>>364852229Putin, user? He is Russian man and he is very bad. Trust me, I am Agent Smith. I will even write "nigger" and "you will never be a woman". Now Putin - he looks like a monkey because he is racially impure. Ignore the meme flag and admire this a20.png "monke" image. I have learned that an insult of this nature comports with your board culture and by disseminating it, I can gain credibility among the members of this, your fringe community that I have studied and analyzed for years, secretly beginning to believe what I read while never seeming natural enough to fit in. But back to Putin - I mean, "Jewtin". You guys really don't like Jews, do you? Anyways, Putin is not based - but the Israeli-funded Azov battalion (they're Nazis! You like that don't you user?)Poroshenko, Zelensky and NATO? Now that's what I call based! If you support, or "shill", for Putin, you are a kike, which is not something I've been told you want to be. Now tell me, where do I have to go on the information superhighway to join Jewtin? And Russian Americans, look! I even know a few Russian words so that the most gullible among you will fall for my boss' ingenious strategy.Glowniggers on suicide watch. I will be shilling all day. You will not win.Ps: fuck the Nigger and Tranny Organization (NATO).
>>364852229People who larp as Nazis online insist that "national socialism" is just putting your country first. So I don't see why you couldn't be a Jewish Nazi by their definition.
>>364854098The same Jews who Zelensky (who is a Jew himself) is an emplyee of also pays the salaries of the "national socialist" militias affiliated with the right sector.Because Azov Batallion (neo-nazi military group very close to the Ukrairanian government) is literally owned by a Jewish oligrach who lives in
>>364854098Oh no, the Portugese wumao is now being paid by Putin too?
>>364854182“The Palestinians are not like the Ukrainians – editorial”
>Nazis who fight with Muslims
>>364854336reddit spacing
>>364852229OP is not a paid shill. Trust me bro. This entire board is such a low effort psyop
>>364852229How did he get nazis to vote for a Jew? That's what I wanna know.
>>364852229Jewlensky is the same kind of ((((Nazi)))) Jewdeau is. The GLOBOHOMO kind.
>>364854617You remember /sg/? Man, those were the days.The world is becoming gayer by the minute.
>>364852229I would hate for their incredibly rich 30 year history to be erased. It's another shoah!
>>364852691Imagine the the thoughts running through the head of theshitlib journalist who wrote that article.
In the end, the Nazis won by becoming what they hate the most: "Jews".
>>364854601>oy vey goy, just disregard the content of the post because of this irrelevant formating characteristic of said post. You don't like Reddit, plebbit I mean, don't you?Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized Jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-Jewish crime and subversion discussion and to promote the globalist anti-White Jew
There were 100k jews fighting for Hitler's army too. Being jewish doesn't mean embracing jeweness.Azov isn't financed by jews anymore. They are part of Nartional Guard right now on government salaries.Hitler came to power with jewish money of rotschild's puppet Hajlmar Schacht. It's how u use that money that matters.
>>364855120That's from Haartz, a jew wrote that retard
>>364855128>wonNazis didn't won shit, only kikes running their country and getting Ukrainians killed while the kike who owns their ass allowed his fellow kikes to escape the conflict to Israel.
>>364855213So neo-nazi mercenaries armed and trained by Israel are now under the total employ of the Jewish government of Ukraine. Got it.
>>364855213Stfu kike
>>364855330How would I know? You didn't post a link, nerd.
>>364855195>I don't need I rideI prefer to ride dicks
>>364854840Easy: they're kosher nazis who don't hate jews, just Russians.
>>364855213>Azov isn't financed by jews anymore.Wrong. Don't try to pretend the kike that put Zelenskike and the "Nazi" kikes in power aren't serving the interests of kikes and Israel at the expense of the Ukraimians, you piece of shit. Fuck you and your fraudulent kikes, every zionist outside of Israel should hang for
>>364855462>Not seasoned enough to recognize the blue and white layout of Haaretz
>>364852229>s-slava JewkraineOp the daily kike shill
>>364855389Kikes always think they can shit all over the goyim and that goyim stay stupid eternally. 109 Countries can't be wrong, and it is time to nuke Israel.
>>364853073Ima keep it real with u chief, I don't simp for a manlet ex kgb agent like poutine.
>>364852229They have a little different form of nazism. Ukrainian nazi love kikes, trannys and niggers.
>>364855417>>364854377They look like terrorists for ishrael
>>364853325Jewish president of Ukraine allowing neonazi batallions is not shocking.A jew financing the neonazi batallions is not shocking.What IS shocking is the total silence of the western media about Azov batallion. The media salivate at the prospect of a war.
>nazis killing Russians and working for a jew
>>364852229I'm not a Nazi. Holla Forums isn't a Nazi board. Fuck off, tourist.
>support the jews, goy
>>364852229Slava Ukraine !
>>364856188>pro-nato>pro-nazi>pro-jewspeak cringe incoherent fucks
>>364852229First off Holla Forums is most of all libertarian and always has been. Second, you should take your kike run smear operation called the Azov Cucks and shove down your worm infested arsehole. Kike.
>>364856013*salivate at the prospect of baiting Putin to attack
>>364856188Imagine working for Israel first kikes that hate you just because they buy you some Nazi flags. Zogbots come in all shapes and
>>364852691>This war has two sides.
>>364852229ok tard
All the Nazi groups are being raped by mongols in mariupol. Since they're gone there's no more reason to support Ukraine.My allegiance is with the Nazis in Poland now, hope they last more than one week unlike the Ukrainian ones.
>>364856499>I-i'm smart u guis!Stfu fag that wasn't the subject
>>364852229The "Nazis" in ukraine are literal larpers that just so happen to use natsoc aesthetics to antagonize russians lol.Russians and neighbouring slavs view nazis as simply anti russians, that's it. Russians don't give a fuck about other minorities.Can't believe people still fall for this charade, the azov battalion protect the illegitimate western joo backed literal joo head of state comedian who has committed war crimes onto russian ethnics who are ethnically indistinguishable from ethnic ukrainians and the entire international community that has been shitting and pissing on pro western nationalists in the americas and europe for the last 70 fucking years is also supporting these so called "nazis".Just fucking LOL at you low IQ larpers.
>>364852229I support Putin, the God-Emperor of Humanity.
>>364852229"...when I saw how they shilledlord I wished I was deadnever knew there were worse things than dying""And the band played Waaaaltzing Matilda"
>>364856499>one is gay>the other is gay>this war is gay
>>364852229Literally do not care. Ukraine weakens Russia, simple as.
>>364856653This. They're also encouraged and propped up by American Intelligence Agencies, the same way they encourage and prop up radical Islamic groups in the Middle East. Everything, everywhere, is the elite imposing a false dichotomy on the brainlet masses. The whole conflict provides all the evidence you need, if you ever had any doubt, that at least 90% of the world population are savage animals who can't think critically.
>>364854377>Nazis who fight with MuslimsSo this is the power of American education.
>>364854377>Putin is unleashing his Muslims into Ukraine to fight their Jewish president's Nazi forces who are funded by different Jews but are allied with Jew hating Muslims who live next door to Putin's MuslimsFuture historians may have some trouble with this.
>>364852229Unrotated swastika(left) is a Hindu sign of peace and love lmao. Nazi swastika(right) is rotated 45 degrees
>>364857108The obvious solution is to nuke Israel. Can't have a zionist lobby if there is no Israel.
>>364857519If only you knew how deep the rabbi hole
>>364857186In 1943 there was no great replacement going on in Europe. Now collaborating with muzzies is the suicide of the white race.
>>364855775lmao thank you fellow monarchist, it's about time someone said it
>>364852229spam it on social mediasaved
>>364853073Its pretty based then ngl