>p-putin is based! he is literally saving the white race! a-and he opposes immigration i think!

>p-putin is based! he is literally saving the white race! a-and he opposes immigration i think!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>>364848363>he is literally saving the white race>by killing whiteshmmm

>>364848363Your forced meme and shill armies the way only Jews do it won't exactly convince Holla Forums that you have good intentions or that Putin is le bad, user.

>>364848520>Slavs>whiteKikes should lurk a week before shilling.

>>364848527>>364848603You can keep blindly crying shill, but at the end of the day, there are an overwhelming about of articles and direct quotes that make expose idiots like you for worshiping a literal jew.

>>364848603edd meg a szarom



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>>364849551The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".

>>364849551this meme glows

>>364848363said no one ever

>>364848363Most pro-russian shill in the west are virgins and losers who are outcats of their societies.



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>>364851470>nazis bad>Church subverted by CIAas opposed to KGB? get a grip

>>364848363Not everything is about "muh the white race". It's about the kiked west vs the free world (east, not west).

>>364848363I said that he's party of the globohomo, working together with them to kill whites.I only say I support him to upset the normies

>>364851669>russia>"free world">shitskin flagChecks out.

>>364851350>let me slobber all over your globalist nato cockRussia wasn't the aggressor in this conflict. Calling people virgins won't change that fact.

>>364851777>Russia wasn't the aggressor in this conflictYeah they were, idiot. They invaded.

>>364851765Free of kikery I mean, not of tyranny. Not that the west is free of tyranny either. Tyranny is just a fact of every government, but kikery is the true cancer.

>>364851838They were just destroying covid labs you nazi!

>>364851470Take away the Russian flags under Chad and we're agreed.Why would you support anyone in this shitshow if you live in the West? I just want as few civilians to suffer as possible.

>>364848363hitler hated slavs for a good reason

Attached: NIGGERS VS SLAVS VS CHINKS.png (2284x2603, 1.28M)

>>364852023>Free of kikery I mean

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>>364848603>>364848527>noooo there are nazis in ukraine pls pol start carring we need to destroy fascism Russians shills miscalculated pol how is it possible

>>364852023>Free of kikery I mean>but kikery is the true cancer.

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>building a fuckhuge empire with one culture, one language and stomping any form of nacionalism is somehow against globohomo

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>>364848363He makes you kikes kvetch endlessly, so yes he is based

>>364848363>stats provided by the people who hate russia

>>364852543You can cry all you want about NATO, idiot. At the end of the day, Ukraine was still non-aggressive and peaceful, and Russia invaded anyway. Russia are the aggressors.

He isn't really based, and Russia is pretty multi-cult, but what he IS doingis fighting for more space between Russia and ZOG and trying his best to keep his Nation out from under the boot of globohomo.Every Nation should be free from Globohomo and Free to choose their own destiny without it being crammed down their throats by some psychopath diseased gang rapists Global Terrorists whose answer to everything is bombs and sanctions if you don't want what their selling.

>>364848363Please stand up for the National Anthem of Russia: youtube.com/watch?v=Prhi3_Nvt3U>>364848527>>364851178>>364851669These posters are Russian VPN shills, and there is an overwhelming risk that they have AIDS. Do not interact with their posts without wearing personal protective equipment, or you might catch it.


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>>364852585Thank you for confirming your stupidity, idiot.See: >>364852283 >>364852455

>>364852283>Putin meets with kikes, therefore he must be kikedHe literally supports all of Israel's regional enemies. He prevented Syria from falling into kikery, against Israel's wishes. He supports Iran, against Israel's wishes. He helped in the war against ISIS, against Israel's wishes. He's literally on the opposite side of kikes in the clash of ideologies in this world order.

>spamming projected afirmations about pol

>>364852808playing the victim works well for you jews

thanks for forcing this "Putin monkey" meme. It's so inorganic. Makes it very easy to spot shills and bots.

>>364852971>still screeching jews>still ignoring >>364852283 >>364852455You just keep embarrassing yourself, idiot.

>>364851777Go to Russia or STFU and jerk off in your virgin-cave. I bet they bulied you in school. You are just a loser who is afraid to move to Russia and help glorious Putin in his fight. You prefer to live under globohomo.

>>364848363>look, mommy, I posted it again!

>>364852888>defending sandniggers againstsandniggers is based!

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>>364852808Ukraine was a puppet state being used by NATO Jews for shaddy business dealing and human trafficking. NATO is ran by billionaire Jewish child eating pedophiles who want to genocide white people, I will literally side against them on every single issue.

>>364852888>meetsMeets? Can you not read you illiterate subhuman ape?What is it about "Putin says Europe's Jews should move to Russia" that you have difficulties understanding?Russia also has the most severe punishment out of any country for denying the holocaust.

>>364853298>idiotic american can't read a history book>keeps crying "u-ukraine is a puppet state!"Checks out.

>>364851350Yep. Communists and Nazis. Both meme ideologies who use Russia as a projection board to express their dissatisfaction with their own government.

>>364853526Not to forget the fact that there is a second israel within Russia's borders...(Actually it predates israel)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Autonomous_Oblast

>>364848363the Putin monkey meme is forced and boring. you should fire who ever came up with it.

>>364853835>the Putin monkey meme is forced and boring. you should fire who ever came up with it.

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>>364853729Why would 'nazis' support Putin?

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>>364848603>Turkroach who got beaten by slavs in school

Attached: doom.jpg (850x478, 119.15K)

>>364853091If you knew anything you would know that basic fact. Zelensky is a jew. The mayor of Kiev is a jew, the US president and all the MSM around the world is ran by jews. Biden and several elitist politicians have corrupt deals in Ukraine they are protecting which never mattered in the 2020 election because the entire MSM are jews who protect jewish interests at everyone elses expense around the globe, including the average Ukrainian citizens.So go back to towing the government line for you masters dreams of global domination because you get exactly what you deserve in the end.

>>364848363>be new shill>first assignment is to correct opinions on putin so they see how bad and le evil he is.>told everyone here is ebil trump supporting nazis who think putin is saving the white race.>every time I post they just keep saying ">slav >white">superiors have no idea what to do, told to just keep posting the putin monkey face.

>>364853526Because he wants their Shekels, you fucking western homo faggot. If he was kiked, he wouldn't support Israel's enemies. The west is the kiked side of this war and has always been kiked, thus Ukraine is on the kiked side, not Russia.

>>364853938>imagine siding with literal commies

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>>364848363>instrumentalizes christianitychecked>has jews in governmentchecked>starts war for petrochemicalschecked>lies about terrorism and genocideschecked>lies about weapons of mass destructionchecked>uses air superioritycheckedPutin is like Bush = Monke.

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>>364848363You can really tell that western contrarian teenagers cant find any decent excuse to support a shithole petrostate.Best they can do is le jews

>>364854206>Because he wants their ShekelsYou are such an embarrassing hypocritical idiot it's funny.


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>>364854080>idiotic american is still screeching jew>still ignoring all of putin's jewish links, including his jewish mother, son in law, and strict laws against anti-semitismDiscarded. You're a complete moron beyond hope.

>>364854376Russian might be owned by slimy oligarchs who don't care much for their people but Western countries are ruled by pedophilic Jews that want to genocide white people with forced immigration and faggotry, so yes, "le jews." are the relevant problem here.


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>>364854652americans really love tk make everything about themselves

>>364854412So let me get this, Ukraine which is the only country that has a kike president besides the illegal colony of Israel is somehow the good side, while Russia which has a president that supports Israel's regional enemies who want to annihilate all jews is somehow the bad side, is that right?

>>364854952>Ukraine which is the only country that has a kike presidentCheck your facts, subhuman ape. Putin is jewish.Jewish mother. Jewish son in law. Supported by a rich and corrupt jewish oligarchy.You act like the jews don't take advantage of both sides. This is exactly why you're a low-IQ monkey brain idiot; you're actually stupid enough to believe Putin is on your side when he answers directly to his jewish masters.

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>>364853938Go look into the creation date of the Azov and then look at the Ukrainian election timeline overlapped with the Initial Donbass separatist movement instead of parrtoting what MSM and social media tell you to think for once in your worthless existance.The EU is basically ran by ex-East German Military Intelligence(Communists) but you already knew that right?

>>364848363Fuck pootin

>>364855621>dumbfuck yank flag is still refusing to acknowledge putin's loyalty to the jewish cause>keeps crying about the westDefinitely a VPN. Discarded.

>>364854539>excellent non-argument from a zogbot slavetypical really of your sad lot. be sure to get your government vaccine or be fined!

>>364848527He isn't le bad he's just an incompetent manlet who fell for the Wests bait and invaded Ukraine fucking up his own nation in the process

>>364855890>vpn idiot accusing others on non-arguments>when he still refuses to acknowledge any of the putin-jew links he was presented withYou can stop now, retard. You've lost. Swallow your pride and move on.

>>364855794tell us about the loyalty to the jewish cause as you do the jews global bidding please goyim.

>>364856058I stop when I want to stop slave so go back to eating your government approved shit

>>364855511Ok mister smartest, you still haven't answered my question. Why does Putin support the Axis of Resistance which is always hostile to Israel and globohomo and wants to annihilate jews? It's an established fact that jews play all sides, but the west is way more kiked compared to Russia. Russia is just trying to attract some greedy jews to invest in Russia, but it's doesn't support the jewish globohomo agenda.

>>364853938Most of those who support Puton are mononeuronal idiots who use the logic of good vs bad, hero vs villain, David vs Goliath... They are just subhumans

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For the imbecile who doesn't know, Puton means fag in Spanish.

You dumb fucks, you do realize that the big winner is based China? If you think they will invade Taiwan you are dumber than Redditor who is fighting in Ukraine

>>364848363Putin, user? He is Russian man and he is very bad. Trust me, I am Agent Smith. I will even write "nigger" and "you will never be a woman". Now Putin - he looks like a monkey because he is racially impure. Ignore the meme flag and admire this a20.png "monke" image. I have learned that an insult of this nature comports with your board culture and by disseminating it, I can gain credibility among the members of this, your fringe community that I have studied and analyzed for years, secretly beginning to believe what I read while never seeming natural enough to fit in. But back to Putin - I mean, "Jewtin". You guys really don't like Jews, do you? Anyways, Putin is not based - but the Israeli-funded Azov battalion (they're Nazis! You like that don't you user?)Poroshenko, Zelensky and NATO? Now that's what I call based! If you support, or "shill", for Putin, you are a kike, which is not something I've been told you want to be. Now tell me, where do I have to go on the information superhighway to join Jewtin? And Russian Americans, look! I even know a few Russian words so that the most gullible among you will fall for my boss' ingenious strategy.Glowniggers on suicide watch. I will be shilling all day. You will not win.Ps: fuck the Nigger and Tranny Organization (NATO).

>>364856788Putin, user? He is Russian man and he is very bad. Trust me, I am Agent Smith. I will even write "nigger" and "you will never be a woman". Now Putin - he looks like a monkey because he is racially impure. Ignore the meme flag and admire this a20.png "monke" image. I have learned that an insult of this nature comports with your board culture and by disseminating it, I can gain credibility among the members of this, your fringe community that I have studied and analyzed for years, secretly beginning to believe what I read while never seeming natural enough to fit in. But back to Putin - I mean, "Jewtin". You guys really don't like Jews, do you? Anyways, Putin is not based - but the Israeli-funded Azov battalion (they're Nazis! You like that don't you user?)Poroshenko, Zelensky and NATO? Now that's what I call based! If you support, or "shill", for Putin, you are a kike, which is not something I've been told you want to be. Now tell me, where do I have to go on the information superhighway to join Jewtin? And Russian Americans, look! I even know a few Russian words so that the most gullible among you will fall for my boss' ingenious strategy.Glowniggers on suicide watch. I will be shilling all day. You will not win.Ps: fuck the Nigger and Tranny Organization (NATO).

>>364856600duh, the Chinese are very shrewd and are exactly where they want to be. It's not like people weren't screaming at the US govt that fact for the last 30 years or so.


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>>364856952Fug : DDDCopy pasta malfunction. >>364856874The same Jews who Zelensky (who is a Jew himself) is an emplyee of also pays the salaries of the "national socialist" militias affiliated with the right sector.Because Azov Batallion (neo-nazi military group very close to the Ukrairanian government) is literally owned by a Jewish oligrach who lives in Israel:algemeiner.com/2014/06/24/ukraine-jewish-billionaires-batallion-sent-to-fight-pro-russian-militias/https://archive.vn/WQS5Y>Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/ukrainian-jewish-oligarch-steps-aside-for-nowhttps://archive.vn/59F6b>Kolomoisky had lavishly funded the right-wing Right Sector battalion and at one point flirted with the ultra-nationalist Svoboda party, and was even rumored to be involved with the neo-Nazi Azov battalion—making an Israeli citizen perhaps the primary purveyor of the ultra right wing in Ukraine. He sparked a national debate about the ‘feudalization’ rather than federalization of the country with his aligning of volunteer military battalions, widely considered to be out of control. Many of these have since been or are in the process of being folded under the authority of the interior ministry. This week the critics who long warned that Kolomoisky’s private army and allied militias would be invoked in a classic warlord power play in the middle of Kiev were proven correct.electronicintifada.net/content/israel-arming-neo-nazis-ukraine/24876https://archive.vn/YpRTa

>>364848363>>364848520haham don't care. Ukrainian gay clubs go boom! haha a soon to be flooded with immigrants place is under attack haha doesn't matter because under globalism it isn't going to be white within a few decades haha

>>364857084“The Palestinians are not like the Ukrainians – editorial”jpost.com/opinion/article-699059https://archive.vn/IY0t0“The big news in the Israel lobby today is that Florida Congressman Ted Deutch is stepping through the revolving door from being an advocate for Israel as the chair of the Middle East subcommittee of House Foreign Affairs to being the head of the American Jewish Committee, starting in Octobe”Deutch’s comments to Jewish Insider reflect the fact that he was happily doing the Israel lobby’s work in Congress already: “I didn’t make a decision to move on from Congress, I really made a decision to move into this incredible opportunity to spend all of my time focused on the issues that I’m so passionate about — defending the global Jewish community and Israel’s rightful place in the world and defending democratic values.”mondoweiss.net/2022/03/we-have-to-do-better-hasbara-israeli-pm-says-and-ted-deutch-rises-to-the-challenge/https://archive.vn/QLc6chttps://archive.vn/cb7ZG/577e0ef9019d3206acebe5ad835f875d5f5b6f20.jpg

>>364855621Woah there, calm down, Ivan.

>>364856788>based Portugal doing The Lords workchecked

>>364848363>commie>saving white racepick one

>>364857233Checked. Thanks mate.Bonus:"The Lobby: USA", where an undercover journalist infiltrates AIPAC and proves how zionist Jews commit crimes against American citizens in American soil (following direct orders from Israeli officials) with full impunity for the political benefit of Israel. youtu.be/RoHq6dBpxYUhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/wv2wdDPiU2e5/

>>364848527It kinda worked on me but the exact opposite. Same with a normie friend I have.


>>364857213oh shush Merkel you've finally become the good shabbos goy those Stasi trained you to be

>>364848794The only thing overwhelming is the fact that you anti-Russia Kikse always have the same flags, see >>364849551 this homosexual as well.sage

>>364856087>>364856246bot>>364856359>It's an established fact that jews play all sides, but the west is way more kiked compared to RussiaYou are such a stupid sand ape it's funny.>Russia is just trying to attract some greedy jews to invest in RussiaOk, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought.

>>364848363>this webm kills the vatnik

Attached: 1604972285377.jpg (334x506, 29.4K)

>>364857084>Fug : DDD>Copy pasta malfunction.You already revealed yourself as a bot, idiot.

>>364858238You are aware that Jewtin was a KGB officer too, right? The USSR equivalent to the stasi?Fuck Merkel, fuck Jewtin.

>>364858331this bot kills jewshillsI should make a bumper sticker

>>364858325>still screaming kike>still ignoring this >>364852283 >>364852455 >>364852867 >>364853938 >>364855511Still a complete idiot.


>>364858331Ok and you're a faggot zogbot, I won't even bother replying to you anymore.

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>>364858462yes, but the alternative is yet another Nation coming under the tight grip of globohomo: another loss to Nationalism(which is what they are trying to kill off).

>>364858460Not a bot, just a humble pasta farmer sowing some pasta around. Here, have more:Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized Jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-Jewish crime and subversion discussion and to promote the globalist anti-White Jew agenda.youtube.com/watch?v=7dGJDJoeAokhttps://act-il.com/https://archive.vn/sZCj5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYleadaZ8vM>ACT.IL shill recruitment videoyoutube.com/watch?v=dQqZf9nbjHw>jew shill operation center thejidf.orghttps://archive.vn/hRb0lhttps://www.thejidf.org/2008/10/about-jidf.htmlhttps://archive.vn/oXJuOhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Internet_Defense_Forcehttps://archive.vn/v5e3Ahttps://fortune.com/2016/09/12/facebook-google-israel-social-media/https://archive.is/HpArO>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Contentarchive.is/sMsxH>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and 4chan to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.archive.is/bdyTW>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaignyoutube.com/watch?v=6B5jMXZ4PvY>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"youtube.com/watch?v=ceCOhdgRBoc>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"youtube.com/watch?v=7dGJDJoeAok>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"youtube.com/watch?v=2zbcEcSYcS8>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video youtube.com/watch?v=G6m_1bstc3E>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USAyoutube.com/watch?v=7dG

>>364858810>I won't even bother replying to you anymore.Because you lost, idiot. Your last option is to run away like the scared little sand chimp you are.You admit jews play both sides, yet keep insisting the west is somehow "more kiked" as Putin is literally surrounded by jewish oligarchs, has a jewish mother, a jewish son in law and the strongest anti-semitism laws in the world along with Israel.You are such an embarrassingly stupid idiot it's funny.

>>364858974>Not a botYou gave yourself away, idiot. Nobody is reading anything you post.

Remember you'll be able to buy cheap russian women soon.

>>364848363lmao this glownigger meme is so fucking forced. please, continue shilling for the US State Department niggers. all good things come in time.

>>364859012>b-b-but you looooosssttttyou're still here aren't you?

Attached: 1635887439895.png (800x750, 159.53K)

>>364859103If you think so, then why are you so mad? Kvetch more kike. 1965 Immigration Act archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/360100152/#q360102349

>>364853835>No! You no say big chief look like monkee!!!

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>>364859012And you still haven't answered the question, don't (you) me, zogbot!

>>364859229>lmao this glownigger memeWhat exactly are you trying to classify as a meme, idiot? All the articles showing Putin's failures? His jewish links? His support for mass immigration?The Putin monkey? Are you so stupid and new that you don't even know the origins of it?

>>364859414There is nothing to answer, jews play both sides, yet you're still stupid enough to think one side is somehow better than the other.Does shelling a majority white nation somehow make Putin more based? Maybe for a subhuman sand ape like yourself I guess.

>>364859229yeah its good for nufags to see how the feds will use nazi shit and antisemitism if they think they have to

>>364853835Based on how much it seems to piss you off, I'd say it's pretty effective. A toast to glow in the dark propaganda artists!

Attached: A toast, to the savior of the white race.png (513x511, 174.46K)


>>364853298The entire notion that "Russia went into Ukraine because of an illegal coup in 2014" is bullshit.The president who sat from 2010-2014 was democratically elected, supposedly, true. He was also democratically impeached.That president, spent 46% of the annual budget for social and economic development on the Donbas region (The region known to be Russia majority).That president had over half of his ministers come from the Donbas region. That president had gathered a fortune for himself, to buy vintage cars etc.That president was escorted about by Russian special forces Spetsnaz, when he was eventually voted out of office by the Ukrainian parliament.That means he spent 46% of the budget out of a group that is 16% of the population.That means he picked over half of ministers, who came from 16% of the population.On top of that, he denied an economic relationship with the EU and was leaning more towards Russia.No wonder, that a country who can look to Belarus and through their history with Russia, don't want to be a part of Russia.Russia was already trying to coup, in a very sneaky way.