Member when this was released? >>"ethnic and racial differences are forced to live togetherWhere were you when the openly told you that you are being corralled into hive cities? Also, post your memory holes niggers. THEY DONT WANT YOU TO BE SELF SUFFICIENT. THEY WANT YOU OFF THE LAND AND COMPLETELY DEPENDENT.

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Other urls found in this thread:,

>>364831777I'm way past giving a fuck. They have all the power. All we can do is wait for their power to collapse from their own exploitation.

>>364831777Checked When right before pandemic hoax all samsung devices wordlwide in the nighttime got their locaLization services remotely switched on Should be around 2019/early 2020

>>364832519Yes a similar thing happened with Windows and iOS at a point

>>364833809That was the beginning of Klaus wolrd

Reminder that Leana Wen is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a Rhodes Scholar. She also is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, and is senior fellow at the Brookings Institute. She also just by chance happened to be an "emergency room physician" at Massachusetts General Hospital treating patients the day of the Boston bombing. What a crazy coincidence, right?"Beatrice W. WeltersLeana S. WenAllan Wendt"

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>>364835521"Dr. Leana Wen is an emergency physician, professor of health policy and management at George Washington University, and a nonresident senior fellow at Brookings Metro and Economic Studies Program. Dr. Wen is also a contributing columnist for The Washington Post, a CNN medical analyst, and author of the critically-acclaimed book on patient advocacy, When Doctors Don’t Listen: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses and Unnecessary Tests (St. Martin’s Press, 2013) and a forthcoming memoir, Lifelines: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Health (Metropolitan Books, 2021).Previously, Dr. Wen served as Baltimore's Health Commissioner, where she led the nation’s oldest continuously operating health department in the U.S. to fight the opioid epidemic, treat violence and racism as public health issues, and improve maternal and child health.Dr. Wen obtained her medical degree from Washington University School of Medicine and studied health policy at the University of Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. Dr. Wen completed her residency training at Brigham & Women's Hospital & Massachusetts General Hospital, where she was a clinical fellow at Harvard Medical School.A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. Wen has received recognition as one of Governing's Public Officials of the Year, Modern Healthcare's Top 50 Physician-Executives, World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders, and TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People."

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Do you guys remember that Maltese journalist named Daphne Caruana Galizia who was investigating and writing stories about the Panama Papers scandal before she died in a car bombing? I've seen people mention her repeatedly on memoryhole threads.Well, I just found something interesting, guys. So, I was doing some research going through the membership roster of the European Council on Foreign Relations. For those not aware, the European Council on Foreign Relations is the shadow government Round Table Group of the European Union; think of it like the Council on Foreign Relations in America or Chatham House in the UK. George Soros actually helped fund and co-found the European Council on Foreign Relations and is a member along with his son.Anyway, I'm going through their roster, and it turns out one of her sons named Matthew Caruana Galizia is on their membership list. He's also the co-founder of the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation in his mother's memory. What the fuck is going on?

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>>364835661MaltaMatthew Caruana Galizia – Co-founder, Daphne Caruana Galizia FoundationMontenegroSrđan Darmanović – Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Montenegro; former Minister of Foreign AffairsIvan Vuković – Mayor of"COUNCIL OF ADMINISTRATIONThe members of the Foundation's administrative council are the founders: Daphne's husband and sons Peter, Matthew, Andrew and Paul Caruana Galizia. Peter Caruana Galizia is the first chairman of the council.Peter is a law partner at BCGL Advocates in Valletta, Malta, Matthew is the Director of the Foundation, Andrew is a Global Leadership Fellow at the World Economic Forum in Geneva and Paul is an editor at Tortoise in London.Our deed of foundation requires that the council is made up of at least three people, who are unpaid."

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Lou Dobbs reported on and warned the American People about the coming North American Union and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America on CNN. He warned about how this regional integration would threaten American national sovereignty. Within that same month, somebody did a drive by shooting at Lou Dobbs' house.Lou Dobbs: North American Union"(CNN) -- A gunshot struck the home of CNN anchor Lou Dobbs this month, and police in New Jersey are trying to determine whether the bullet was fired intentionally or was a stray.State Police Sgt. Steve Jones said Thursday that his department received a call from Dobbs' wife, who heard a shot and said a bullet hit her house. Jones said she had been outside her house with "an employee who worked with Dobbs" at 10:25 a.m. October 5.There were no injuries in the incident, which occurred in a small community in northern New Jersey.Dobbs, who has been a vocal critic of illegal immigration, is the anchor and managing editor of CNN's "Lou Dobbs Tonight." He mentioned the incident on his radio show Monday, saying it comes amid an "atmosphere" of hostility from groups toward his stance on illegal immigration."

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RED DEERTWO MORE WEEKSRemember that one? One of the many embarrassments that the antivax virgins of Holla Forums are trying to memory hole.

>>364835795Creating a North American Community. Chairmen’s Statement. Independent Task Force on the Future of North America. Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations in association with the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales and the Canadian Council of Chief Executives. Chairs: John P. Manley, Pedro Aspe, and William F. WeldVice Chairs: Thomas P. d’Aquino, Andrés Rozental, and Robert A. Pastor Trinational collaboration is essential to ensure regional prosperity and security. Although there are some issues where bilateral cooperation has historically been much more intense—such as U.S.-Canadian military-to-military cooperation—there are many more issues for which a trinational approach would be beneficial. Shared concerns range from regional economic competitiveness to law enforcement, from energy security to regulatory policy, from dispute resolution to continental defense. North America, moreover, is quite different from other regions of the world and must find its own cooperative route forward. A new North American community will not be modeled on the European Union or the European Commission, nor will it aim at the creation of any sort of vast supranational bureaucracy. Our vision of North America is one of three sovereign states whose formal collaboration must reflect their mutual interdependence while respecting their differences.We focus our recommendations on the creation of a single economic space that expands the economic opportunities for all people in the region, and the establishment of a security zone that protects the region from external threats while facilitating the legitimate passage of goods, people, and capital.We make six key recommendations:

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>>3648359101. Create the institutions necessary to sustain a North American community. We propose that the trinational summit become a regular event. Annual summit meetings among the three countries of North America will demonstrate the strategic importance of the North American community. We propose further the establishment of a North American Advisory Council to prepare and monitor action to implement the decisions made at these summits. 2. Immediately create a unified North American Border Action Plan. The threat of international terrorism originates, for the most part, outside of North America. Our external borders are a critical line of defense against this threat. Any weakness in controlling access to North America from abroad reduces the security of the continent as a whole and exacerbates the pressure to intensify controls over intracontinental movement and traffic, which increases the transaction costs associated with trade and travel within North America. The governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States should articulate as their long-range goal a common security perimeter for North America. In particular, the three governments should strive toward a situation in which a terrorist trying to penetrate our borders will have an equally hard time doing so no matter which country he elects to enter first. Like free trade a decade ago, a common security perimeter for North America is an ambitious but achievable goal that will require specific policy, statutory, and procedural changes in all three nations, including: • Harmonization of visa and asylum regulations, including convergence of the list of “visa waiver” countries; • Harmonization of entry screening and tracking procedures for people, goods, and vessels (including integration of name-based and biometric watch lists); • Harmonization of exit and export-tracking procedures;

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>>364835981• Full sharing of data about the exit and entry of foreign nationals; 10 • Joint inspection by the three countries of container traffic entering North American ports, building on the Container Security Initiative between the United States and Canada; and • A commitment to a common approach to international negotiations related to global movement of people, cargo, and vessels. Enhance law enforcement cooperation. The security cooperation of the three countries should also extend to cooperation on counterterrorism and law enforcement and could include the establishment of a trinational threat-intelligence center, the development of trinational ballistics and explosives registration, and joint training for law enforcement officials from the three countries, among other measures. Rapid progress in trilateral law enforcement cooperation will be possible only insofar as the respective governments protect the integrity of their public institutions and root out any systemic corruption that may exist. Expand defense cooperation. In addition to strengthening cooperation among counterterrorism and law enforcement agencies in all three countries, it is essential to build on the strong foundation of the continent’s existing military agreements. The most important step is to expand the binational North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to make it a multiservice Canadian-U.S. command with a mandate to protect the maritime as well as air approaches to North America. In addition, Canada and the United States should invite Mexico to consider more extensive information-sharing and collaborative planning involving military organizations to build mutual trust and perhaps pave the way for more cooperation in the future.

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>>3648360283. Adopt a common external tariff. We recommend that the three governments begin by harmonizing external tariffs on a sector-by-sector basis to the lowest prevailing rate consistent with multilateral obligations. They should begin with goods on which current tariffs are closest, then proceed to close larger gaps, with the goal over time of adopting a common external tariff, thus eliminating the need for complex and costly rules of origin. We recommend that the three countries enter into negotiations in an effort to find a joint approach to unfair trade practices and anti-competitive behavior, 11 including dumping. We call for creating a permanent roster of panelists for the NAFTA ad hoc dispute-resolution panels to improve consistency, predictability, and efficiency. The three countries should accelerate and expand implementation of existing “smart border” action plans to facilitate intra–North American travel and commerce. The three countries should develop a secure North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers. This document would allow its bearers expedited passage through customs, immigration, and airport security throughout the region. Over the longer term, it should be possible to rethink fundamentally the systems for national control of intracontinental travel and trade. This will be particularly true if the three countries make genuine progress toward establishing a common security perimeter. North America is different from Europe, of course, but it is instructive that the members of the European Union have managed largely to eliminate physical border controls. The governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States should commit themselves to the long-term goal of dramatically diminishing the need for the current intensity of the governments’ physical control of traffic, travel, and trade within North America.

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>>3648360754. Stimulate economic growth in Mexico. To realize the full benefits of economic integration, and to ensure that these benefits are distributed broadly, Mexico must increase and sustain a rate of growth commensurate with its development goals. Mexico must devise a set of policies that commands broad public support and decide on the steps it will take to attract investment and stimulate growth. In conjunction, the United States and Canada should support Mexico by establishing a North American Investment Fund to create infrastructure to link the poorer parts of the country to the markets in the north, and to support education and technical training for Mexican states and municipalities committed to transparency and new development. The fund should be seen as a productive investment by all three countries in the future competitiveness of North America’s economic zone. 12 5. Develop a North American energy and natural-resource security strategy. A reliable supply of key natural resources is essential to the region’s long-term security and prosperity, while respecting each country’s individual policies and priorities. To that end, the three governments should develop a comprehensive joint plan to expand and protect energy infrastructure, fully develop continental reserves, conserve fossil fuels, and reduce emissions. Ultimately, regional collaboration on conservation and emissions could form the basis for a North American alternative to the Kyoto Protocol.

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>>364831777Checked Also remember when those 2 YouTube glowfags closed the port of Charleston and nothing happened to them

decent threadbump

>>364831777thats a pretty stupid clip, i stopped watching 2 mins in when the dude said:>resources not available due to climate changeyes yes yes and covid will kill us all. Hive Cities are an unavoidable future, and they will work perfectly, as long as there are people of the same sub-species living inside it.Thats all there is to it, case closed.

bump 2

One time I was on youtube, and I saw an advertisement from an Asian advocacy group called "Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles". It was an animated cartoon, and I decided to watch the entire thing because I was curious. The commercial showed Asian Americans being harassed by clear translucent persons. They never specifically called them "white", but I think they made that artistic choice for a specific reason. They were advocating filming these people committing hate incidents and doxing them online.So, I decided to do some more research into this group. I went to their website and looked their annual reports to see who was funding this organization. Guess what I found?The organization is funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Open Society Foundations. The same NWO tax-exempt foundations that have been and continue to fund all the BLM adjacent organizations."2018 Donors & Supporters*$1,000,000 +New Americans Campaign (funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York, Democracy Fund, Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, Grove Foundation, Houston Endowment, JPB Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Sapelo Foundation, and Wallace H. Coulter Foundation) (in collaboration with Immigrant Legal Resource Center) (’17-’19)" to the cartoon

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>>364837419So, I go their youtube channel to see if I can find any more content about them, and I click on a random video. There's this Asian woman named Connie Chung Joe who is talking about what "allies" can do for the Asian American community. However, she quickly emphasized that she didn't want people to advocating for increased law enforcement patrols because that will lead to overcriminalization of other communities of color particularly the black community. Instead, she wants to the focus to be on uniting with other minority groups so that they can collectively fight against their shared enemy of white supremacy. I'm not making this up. I'll post the link below.Almost every single one of these racial advocacy groups and NGOs are funded by the same NWO tax-exempt foundations and think tanks. If you do any kind of hard research into their donors and partners, you will find the following names appear again and again: the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Tides Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and many more.The point is that these racial social movements are not organic creations spawned from genuine popular uprisings and outrage. They are created, funded and directed by the shadow government think tank/tax-exempt foundation network that runs this world. The Ford Foundation, for example, funds the Latino racial advocacy groups through UnidosUS, formerly National Council of La Raza. None of this nonsense just happened organically. It was all contrived very carefully for the purpose of creating social and civil

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heres the leader of BLM (I think)

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>>364837468Thanks for the dig fren:)

Nadine Strossen who was the President of the American Civil Liberties Union from 1991 to 2008 is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations."Nadine Strossen has written, taught, and advocated extensively in the areas of constitutional law and civil liberties, including through frequent media interviews. From 1991 to 2008, she served as President of the American Civil Liberties Union, the first woman to head the nation’s largest and oldest civil liberties organization. Professor Strossen is currently a member of the ACLU’s National Advisory Council, as well as the Advisory Boards of Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), Heterodox Academy, and the National Coalition Against Censorship. When she stepped down as ACLU President in 2008, three Supreme Court Justices participated in her farewell and tribute luncheon: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Antonin Scalia, and David Souter.Professor Strossen is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations."

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>>364840692Morton Halperin, who was the Director of the ACLU's Washington Office from 1984-1992, is currently a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He's also been associated with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace as a senior associate. Like Nadine Strossen, he is also Jewish."David R. HalperinMorton H. HalperinMichael H. Haltzel" Halperin Re-joins Council on January 25, 2001 at, D.C., January 25, 2001—Morton H. Halperin has rejoined the Council as Senior Fellow, announced Council President Leslie H. Gelb. At the Council, Dr. Halperin will direct a project on democracy, working on a range of issues with an initial focus on the relationship of democracy and economic development. He was a member of the Council’s Studies Department from March 1996 to December 1998 and has now rejoined upon leaving the State Department.Dr. Halperin served in the Clinton, Nixon, and Johnson administrations. Most recently, from December 1998 to January 2001 he was Director of the Policy Planning Staff at the Department of State. From February 1994 to March 1996, he was a Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Democracy at the National Security Council. In 1993, he was a consultant to the Secretary of Defense and the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and was nominated by the President for the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Democracy and Peacekeeping. In 1969, he was a Senior Staff member of the National Security Council staff with responsibility for National Security Planning. From July 1966 to January 1969, he worked in the Department of Defense where he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs), responsible for political-military planning and arms control.

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>>364840982Dr. Halperin has also been Senior Vice President of The Century Foundation/ Twentieth Century Fund, a Senior Associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and a Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies of the Brookings Institution.In addition to his involvement in foreign policy issues, Dr. Halperin worked for many years for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). He served as Director of the Center for National Security Studies from 1975-92, focusing on issues affecting both civil liberties and national security, such as the proper role of intelligence agencies and government secrecy. From 1984-92, he was also the Director of the Washington Office of the ACLU, with responsibility for the ACLU’s national legislative program as well as the activities of the ACLU Foundation based in the Washington Office. From 1960— 66, Dr. Halperin was Assistant Professor of Government and a Research Associate of the Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. He has taught as a visiting professor at a number of universities, including Columbia, Harvard, MIT, George Washington, Johns Hopkins, and Yale. He has taught courses on bureaucratic politics and foreign policy, human rights policy, arms control, and Congress and foreign policy.Dr. Halperin received a BA from Columbia College and a Ph.D. in International Relations from Yale University. He is a member of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the International Institute of Strategic

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Speaking on the Anti-Defamation League, they also have members of their leadership among the Council on Foreign Relation's membership list. Abraham Henry Foxman, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League from 1987 to 2015 and the current national director emeritus, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Jonathan Greenblatt, the current national director and CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations."Jonathan has served as an adjunct faculty member at the Anderson School of Management at UCLA and as a senior fellow at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Henry Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.""Steven B. FoxAbraham H. FoxmanArminio Fraga Neto""Sanford D. GreenbergJonathan A. GreenblattMegan E. Greene"

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So, this is interesting... Catherine Powell, a adjunct senior fellow in the Women and Foreign Policy program at the Council on Foreign Relations, held a roundtable conference with members of the American Civil Liberties Union. What was the purpose of this meeting? To discuss how mainstream media images of the children of illegal immigrants being separated from their parents effects public opinion on the immigration issue. So, if you've always suspected that the mainstream media has been using emotionally manipulated images of children to push the pro-immigration agenda, but you never had any hard evidence to prove it... Well, here you go. You have members of the most prominent civil liberties organizations meeting with members of the most prominent shadow government Round Table Group "think tank" in America to discuss this issue."Since Trump was elected to office, immigration has remained front and center. From the border wall to the policy of family separation—in newsrooms, classrooms, courtroom, and around the family dinner table, Americans are talking about immigration.Last week, Adjunct Senior Fellow Catherine Powell presided over a CFR roundtable, “Bringing a Gender Lens to Immigration: Domestic Violence–Based Asylum and Family Separation” with Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Immigrants’ Rights Project, and Sandra Park, senior staff attorney with the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project.A central insight from the roundtable was that the debate on immigration shifted when photos of children being taken away from their parents began appearing in media, including social media feeds. The stories of individual children—including recently a four-month-old baby taken from their parents at the border—have spurred

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>>364841267Even prominent Republicans expressed outrage. Former First Lady Laura Bush penned a scathing op-ed in the Washington Post, comparing the Trump administration’s “Zero Tolerance Policy” to the shameful decision to intern U.S. citizens and noncitizens of Japanese descent during World War II. Thousands of Americans gathered at protests and marches across the country. “I have literally never seen Americans show up for immigrants like this,” said Jess Morales Rocketto, Political Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance. Park and Gelernt credit this outpouring of outrage with Trump’s decision to walk back the so-called Zero Tolerance policy."

See what I mean, though. The leadership of all the most important NGOs, tax-exempt foundations and think tanks are almost all members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Let's take a look at the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation for instance. Darren Walk, the president of the Ford Foundation, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Rajiv J. Shah, the president of the Rockefeller Foundation, is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations."Raj ShahRajiv J. ShahKaivan M. Shakib""Jane M. WalesDarren WalkerJenonne Walker""Darren Walker is president of the Ford Foundation, a $13 billion international social justice philanthropy. He is co-founder and chair of the U.S. Impact Investing Alliance and the Presidents’ Council on Disability Inclusion in Philanthropy.He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the recipient of 16 honorary degrees and university awards, including Harvard University’s W.E.B. Du Bois Medal.""Dr. Rajiv Shah serves as President of The Rockefeller Foundation, a global institution with a century long record of success applying science, technology, and innovation to lift up the world’s most vulnerable."

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Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. But that's not all! Penny Pritzker, of the Jewish elite bloodline of the Hyatt Hotels Corporation, is the chair of the Board of Trustees for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. And guess what? She's also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations."Ginger M. CruzMariano-Florentino CuéllarSelena S. Cuffe""Matthew PrincePenny PritzkerTom Pritzker""Penny PritzkerChairChairman of PSP Partners and Pritzker Realty Group, Chairman Inspired Capital Partners, Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce""Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar is the tenth president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. A former justice of the Supreme Court of California, he served two U.S. presidents at the White House and in federal agencies, and was a faculty member at Stanford University for two decades."

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Well, at least the Carnegie Corporation of New York is differen- Not so fast! Thomas Howard Kean, the president of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations."Charlotte G. KeaThomas H. KeanCatherine M. Keating""Governor Kean currently serves as trustee of the board of Carnegie Corporation of New York. In addition, he has served on a number of corporate boards and is former chair of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, co-chair of JerseyCan, and co-chair with Congressman Lee Hamilton of the Task Force on Extremism in Fragile States. He is vice chairman of the Environmental Defense Fund. He serves on the board of the Seeing Eye and is the former chair of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nation’s largest health philanthropy. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and American Academy of Art & Sciences."

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Also, Mark Suzman, the CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. I'm sure the pattern will break soon, Holla Forums!"Cedric L. SuzmanMark SuzmanJan Svejnar""The following is a guest post by my colleague Yanzhong Huang, senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations.As one of the single biggest funders in global health, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has not only helped renew the dynamism and attractiveness of global health, but also played an important part in improving health conditions in developing countries. What role do policy and advocacy play in shaping the global health and development agenda, particularly as it relates to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? What are the implications for development and governance following the adoption of the health-related SDGs? Finally, what role is the foundation playing in pandemic preparedness following the Ebola crisis?In this podcast, I discuss these and other questions with Mark Suzman, president of Global Policy, Advocacy, and Country Programs at the Gates Foundation."

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Appreciate the info dump. Useful.

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$1.5 million in three grants to ACLU, International Rescue Committee, and Anti-Defamation LeagueNEW YORK — The Rockefeller Foundation announced today that it will be making grants of $500,000 each to the ACLU Foundation, the International Rescue Committee, and the Anti-Defamation League. The organizations will use the funds at their discretion to provide a variety of legal, advocacy, and social services to refugees and immigrants coming to the United States.“At The Rockefeller Foundation we are always guided by our values of diversity, pluralism, and respect for all,” said Rockefeller Foundation President Judith Rodin. “Our values reflect a belief in progress, held by our founder and advanced by generations since. When progress is threatened we will always stay true to our mission and both defend and advance our values. At this time of discrimination, fear, and confusion, we think it is vital for philanthropy to stand with, and financially support, organizations that are working to defend and assist refugees and immigrants.”The funding to the ACLU Foundation will support the organization’s enduring mission to preserve and promote civil rights and civil liberties protected by the U.S. Constitution, with a particular current focus on addressing the multi-front assault against refugees and immigrants.Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU, said: “As we face the greatest civil liberties crisis of our time, The Rockefeller Foundation is the first large, independent foundation in the U.S. to step up and give the ACLU a grant to fight President Trump’s Muslim ban and the rest of his unconstitutional agenda. This is the fight of our lives and we are so grateful that The Rockefeller Foundation has had the courage to support us.”

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NEW YORK--In a display of substantial confidence in and dedication to key areas of the American Civil Liberties Union's program, the Ford Foundation has contributed $7 million to its endowment fund, the Trust for the Bill of Rights, the largest gift the ACLU has received to date.The $7 million from the Foundation, together with other significant commitments, has enabled the ACLU to surpass its initial goal of raising $25 million for its first-ever endowment six months ahead of schedule.The Foundation said that the contribution is the second largest endowment gift it has given in the past decade and among the largest ever in its history of giving."The Ford Foundation has long supported the ACLU's essential role in protecting individual rights and fighting discrimination," said Susan Berresford, the Foundation's President. "This gift will help ensure that future generations will continue to benefit from the ACLU's important work."The gift will continue to support the ACLU's work on behalf of reproductive rights, voting rights and against discrimination based on race, gender, national origin or immigration

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Soros is helping out the ACLU, too!"NEW YORK – The Open Society Foundations today awarded a grant of $50 million to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in support of its nationwide campaign to end mass incarceration. The campaign seeks to reform criminal justice policies that have increased incarceration rates dramatically during a period of declining crime –and exacerbated racial disparities. The nation's adult jail and prison population numbers over 2.2 million with one in 100 adults behind bars, the highest incarceration rate in the world. The ACLU intends to cut that number in half by 2020, with the most ambitious effort to end mass incarceration in American history."Reducing our nation's prison population by 50 percent may sound like a lofty goal. But Americans are recognizing that we can't arrest our way out of every social problem and, in fact, the overuse of our criminal justice system has been making matters worse," said ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero. "Elected officials on both sides of the aisle now see clearly the disastrous results of the 'tough on crime' politics of the 80s and 90s. The ACLU is partnering with allies across the entire political spectrum to take a new approach and get the work done.""There are few organizations in the United States in such close alignment with our values and criminal justice reform goals as the ACLU," said Christopher Stone, President of the Open Society Foundations. "We are confident that our support of the already advanced state-level ACLU operations can truly transform thinking about public safety, move progressive and innovative legislation forward, and restore the trust of communities hit hardest by the overuse and abuse of our criminal justice system."

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>>364841803While the ACLU's most impactful work has typically been through litigation, this campaign signals a sea change for an organization with more than one million members and supporters, staffed state-based affiliates, and formidable legal muscle. It will build on the momentum created by state and national advocates, and on the analysis of the National Academy of Sciences, which found that in order to significantly lower prison rates, drug enforcement and sentencing laws should be revised. And, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has strongly endorsed reduced sentences for certain non-violent drug offenses, which would cut average sentences for federal drug offenses by 11 months.In accepting the grant from OSF, Romero outlined immediate next steps the ACLU will take:Bring transparency to the current crisis by assembling and disclosing state and local data around who is behind bars, for how long, and for what offensesSelect 3 to 5 key states for 2016 action – those with the largest prison populations, most egregious sentencing, and a history of playing a consequential role in the election of the next presidentBuild state capacity in early primary and battleground states such as Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Colorado.The announcement of increased funding for mass incarceration reform comes just days after a ballot measure – Proposition 47 – passed by an overwhelming 58% majority in California. The measure, which the ACLU aided with a $3.5 million investment, lowers personal drug use and small-scale property crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, and distributes the criminal justice savings to substance abuse and mental health treatment, anti-truancy programs, and victims' services. Approximately 15,000 to 20,000 people will likely be eligible for re-sentencing and release from either state prison or county

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>>364831777whites are going extinct while afreecans are breeding at the highest rateall the west will be repopulated by blacksits over

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>>364840692>>364841659Appreciate it, frens.

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>>364841868Alan Watt was right. NGO's are the back bone of intergenerational revolutionaries.

Bump, good thread.Know where they poison the well.


WHy is all the bad shit happening right now?Obama 2.0how did that happen?They are repeating their schemes at this point. remember george bush sr? how did they get that piece of shit in there that started all of this shit? (monsanto, free trade etc etc) using him as the vice president of popular Reagan.Obama = foreign nigger cant be president>oh what you dont want him to be president because he's a nigger your just racistObama 2.0. steal the election oh look its just the Vp of that nigger, you said couldnt be president.They are repeating their shit right now. except the next thing to be repeatition. 100% cap this post

tl;dr: kikes and kike-loving traitors in the process of destroying the European genetic lineage forever+ retarded goy cattle happily going along with it

COVID-19 as a Case for Social Scoring Systems. What if there was a scoring system or app that provided people with information on the likelihood of a superspreading situation? by Jesse Hirsh on September 15, 2020 at While scoring systems are widely criticized and often discussed in dystopian contexts, the current global need to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 provides a decent case for considering social scoring systems.Digital economies and societies already depend upon scoring systems to navigate and manage information. Algorithms are employed widely to sort, rank and file information that is in abundance, and make it possible to find, choose and understand that data through a vast array of possible options. In this context, algorithms are both the cause of and the solution to information overload.Examples include:rating and recommendation systems that help people choose where to eat or who to buy from;social media metrics that help people choose who to trust or follow;human resource systems that measure productivity or indicate which employees need support or attention; andcredit scores that determine our trustworthiness and fiscal responsibility.All of these systems are designed to make it easy for others to make judgments and assess risk or trust, by aggregating and synthesizing various sources and values to come up with a symbolic (and often powerful) score.

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>>364845653Perhaps the most notorious and misunderstood scoring system is the Chinese social credit system. Developed over the past decade, the primary goal of the Chinese scoring system is to act as a tool for regulatory compliance, making it easier for regulating agencies to pursue their mandates, while also making it possible for others to understand the regulatory process. For example, an environmental regulator can use such a system to reward and punish companies who comply with or disobey environmental regulations. In creating a score, it makes it easier for people to assess the environmental track record of a corporation.Popular perception of these systems in western societies has focused on their potential role for individual social control, as an extension of an authoritarian surveillance society. However researchers have noted that similar systems exist elsewhere, and the debate around their efficacy and morality remain unresolved.The main objection people have to a social credit system, versus other kinds of scoring systems, is that it is a technology of social control designed to influence and shape behaviour. Whether a specific system is in China or North America, this depiction is accurate.A social scoring system’s goal may indeed be the modification of behaviour, but if its campaign is carried out transparently and offered with clear public health benefit and justification, how would it differ in its substance from broader public health campaigns?After more than half a year of living in a pandemic, it is clear that we have to make it easier and more rewarding for people to comply with public health advisories and guidelines. Using scoring systems are one means by which that could happen.

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oh look its the WEF schizo pasta poster again

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>>364845653>>364845741The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) wrote an article advocating that western governments use COVID-19 as an excuse to implement a social credit system based on the Chinese model. For those who aren't aware, the Centre for International Governance Innovation was created by Jim Balsillie, the former co-CEO and chair of BlackBerry Limited. The Centre for International Governance Innovation is part of the Canadian International Council (formerly the Canadian Institute of International Affairs) which is the Round Table Group branch organization in Canada. It's the equivalent of the Council on Foreign Relations in America or the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in the United Kingdom. As the names implies, the Centre for International Governance Innovation does a great deal of research into designing policies that will lead to regional integration and global government policies. Domenico Lombardi, the Director of the Global Economy Program at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, is an attendee and contributor to the World Economic Forum.

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>>364845741>modification of behaviourLockstepped, blockchained, mindslaved.

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>>364846197>nprNice filename Moshe

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google putting a "covid tracker" onto every android device silently

>>364835661Riches do not have feel towards family like us plebs do It is totally normal for them to sue their mother/father/brother etc and plot smear campaigns and conspire to kick the out of the money

totally memory holed from 2016:100% confirmed (even on wikipedia):south korea was/is run by a death cultevil cults rule the world.why else have you not heard of this:[warning, massive 60minute long redpill]

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>>364835521>"emergency room physician" at Massachusetts General Hospital treating patients the day of the Boston bombing.I never used to believe anything was up with this stuff and disregarded all of the conspiracy shit. But having this chink there makes me seriously reconsider de validity of this event and whether or not those mudshits were used to carry out the attack, encouraged by their FBI handler with a convenient guide how to make an improvised bomb.

>>364852537Were the 8Gs ever connected to the m*sons?

>>364853007>Were the 8Gs ever connected to the m*sons?not directly. the 8G... hmmm, the letter g again. ..are not known officially. there was that one supposed korean list, but thats all there is.speaking of korean updates: the president / the puppet, was released from prison on christmas...

>>364842114Except after the west collapses all the niggers will just die off again and return to their post foreign aide numbers. The future is likely Asian, not white or black.

Early Covid video were they admitted political theater and its not mentioned much any

>>364842114Niggers are not sustainable, if they don't die in their 40s from heart failure or diabetes its in their 20s killing each other, or being left in the car while their mammy shops for weaves, or they cry too much and piss of the man who "stays" with the mom, or more likely still, being aborted. There is a reason why the black population has been pegged like a depleted uranium doornail at 13%, you should not be worried about them.

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>>364850597Trudeau being Castro's son makes sense in this sense, blood isn't thicker than water to these people and ideas and ideologies is what forms the basis of groups.

>>364855151by that time it will be too late and west choose to import africans and other 3rd worlders instead of asiansChina will dominate of course, but the west will become worse than Brazil with renaming white enclaves behind walls and vast favelas

>>364857211And their ideology is protect their money at all cost and their idea is to get rid of poors whom they consider unironically not the same as them

>>364831777Checked, vaccines being sold as pandemic enders 100% effective then being gaslit over how it was never supposed to be 100% effective.

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an interesting and informative thread, thanks guys I’ve got a lot to read overbetween this and the jav eel porn thread pol is making a comeback after a week of shill war threads

>>364832519and all intel/AMD chips got backdoors installed

>>364841868social engineering at work by ngo’s that hate our country

>>364841803> disastrous results of the 'tough on crime' politics of the 80s and 90s.disastrous for who? felons?

>>364858417There is no way to escape the globohomo great reset, isn't it? Innawoods like Ted is the only way

>>364831777Sounds familiar... ever heard of The Thief and the Cobbler? It's a movie about genetically-engineered technicolor-skinned humans living together in a Persian hive city on a terraformed Mars in the distant future.

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