What does Holla Forums think of the Mr. Plinkett prequel reviews?

what does Holla Forums think of the Mr. Plinkett prequel reviews?

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He's too harsh on the movies but he does bring up some fair points.

if it weren't for them people would still be saying TPM was the worst film and RotS was passable
luckily now even idiots like this guy are beginning to realize they're all complete shit
and it's all thanks to mike stoaklasa, he's an american hero

More fun than the stupids prequels.
People hate the reviews because they are drones that like to eat shit if the Star Wars name is in it.

RLM are a bunch of cuck Disney sellouts.

All because they thought TFA was passable

It feels like they're doing a Plinkett review now only because the fans want them too

Yes, they thought a movie worse than the prequels was passable. Out of hundreds of things to criticize they basically gave no criticism and added their brand to the rank and file of other Disney sellouts who were all shilling the movie at the same time.

As far as I'm concerned they have revealed themselves to be shallow sellouts and that is all I hear whenever I hear one of them speak and whenever I see one of them. It is impossible for me to enjoy any of their shit due to that cognitive understanding that they are whores with no standard but the money standard.

This won't necessarily be the case, he started out the Star Trek review saying how much he liked it then proceeded to shit all over it. TFA has way too much low hanging fruit, he will tear it apart.

RLM are a bunch of cuck Disney sellouts.

Kennedy thought she could easily get a decent reaction from him and his followers

i just realized something about how they were warped in. they were falling at terminal velocity, yes? so when they warped onto the ship and fell onto the floor, they hit the floor at terminal velocity… right?

They're great.

No, they just have shit taste like they've always had.

Ep VII is a predictable, soulless cash-in but at least it ain't the fucking prequels.

Pretty sure none of you watched the video and the joke just flew over all of your impatient aspie heads.

Doesn't seem like timestamp embeds work, so start at Start at 37:30

Pretty sure "people" are still saying that, as it's pretty resonable. Who the fuck gets their opinion from desperate looking youtube hacks?


Even before Force Awakens they were shit. Only the prequel reviews were decent and every other Plinkett review was tedious at best.

Half in the Bag is horrid shit. Best of the Worst is shitty boring people talking over unintentionally funny movies in an attempt to coast along on a something more funny than them. Previously Recorded is some of the most cancerous shit I've seen in my life. Their commentary tracks are unfunny forced jokes dragged on for 90 minutes. Gay Room was fucking gay. Everything about them has been absolute garbage for years no matter how much you want to push your shit about people only hating them for the Force Awakens video.

Please. Go and stay go

It's more like "self-aware guyz"

RotS is probably the one I enjoy the most. It had the best action, and that's all the prequels really have going for them.

all the prequels are equally shit, i find ranking them to be useless.
TFA is shit, but gets a 3/10 for 1. being competent and 2. no jar-jar character.

Not even as a skeleton in the background because JJ KNOWS, AM I RIGHT?

Rey is worse than Jar-jar.

It had the annoying girl RD2D no one liked

But BB-8 is a "he"

No, it is worse.

You have no right to enforce our binary social constructs of gender on an alien robot, shitlord!

I'd agree. The prequels were horseshit, but they at least made sense in George's autism addled mind.

TFA is a pozzed scam.


and only in his mind

ever since mike liked the force awakens Holla Forums decided that the plinkett is shit, rlm is shit, everything rlm has ever done has always been shit and the prequels "arent that bad" either by their own merit or in comparison to the force awakens

Holla Forums is stupid

If you opened a package that had three small dried turds in it and then opened a package that was full of hot soupy diarrhea would you not think the first package wasn't so bad?

Not even comparable. A few random beeps are nowhere near as annoying as a gungan.

It's just trolling, no one could defend the prequels for an instant.

They were okay. The visuals were amazing, it expanded the scope and universe of the series, it has this almost mythopoetic thing going on and a grand chiastic structure that is retrofitted to the OT, they had an original style, excellent cinematography at times and so forth. The only truly bad thing about them was the dialogue but it wasn't exactly stellar in the OT either.

Also, Jar Jar > dindu and contrived female lead.

Oh and even if you hated the prequels more than anything else you've seen because of nostalgia for the OT and likes to slurp jewish cock even then you have to admit that the prequels had a better soundtrack.

The tactics of TFA fags are transparent. No, the prequels are not worse than TFA. No, you aren't warping reality by pretending the opposite. No, you aren't distracting away from TFA being garbage by constantly bringing up the prequels.

Spielberg didn't need to lend his key to John Williams's coffin?

I was talking to some dickwipe about this the other day and they said exactly the phase. This shouldn't be the fucking standard for films, asshole.

The Prequels were bad movies, but going "well at least TFA isn't as bad" doesn't stop it from complete dogshit in acting, writing, effects, action, characters, music and story themes. Can't wait to see your glowing review of Rogue One, faggot.

At least it's not as bad as the 60 gorillian

They're both shit, but at least TFA holds itself together as a movie that you can follow. The prequels are incoherent shit on every conceivable level, besides the music. Just because they are more fun to watch ironically doesn't mean they're better.

Holla Forums was saying long before TFA came out that no matter what it was like, there would be contrarians turning around and praising the prequels. It was a hilarious idea at the time, but sure enough you trashmen are here, seriously pretending to be this retarded.

I don't disagree, but
is still true.

The Plinket reviews oddly add a lot of insight into the background of a lot of these movies, especially the behind the scenes shit with Lucas and how he just seemed clueless, and didn't realize what he had done when he finally saw it all on the screen in front of him.

The jokes and fluff are enjoyable as well and they make the long time of the reviews go by faster.

The alternative is still watching That Cuck with the glasses dance around in drag and call it valuable critique and insight.

Everything that happens in the movies, and everyone's logic is completely congruent and logical, the actual script is just dogshit and hard to follow with the bad actor directing. TFA goes down a lot smoother for the audience, but characters like Finn act completely nonsensically and everything else is a complete fucking rehash.

I'm still gonna write a 100-page essay expaining why the reviews are wrong

This post hits it right on the nail. Everything besides the Plinkett reviews that RLM has done has been boring shit. What was Gay Room?

Someone already did The Phantom Menace


the avatar review was pretty good

That's what I was referencing as a joke

It was the force man. it was telling him what he was doing was wroooong.

Stopped reading right there. This really has to be a shilling tactic Disney thought up. Divert all negative attention to the long dead as a topic prequels while pretending TFA wasn't unmitigated shit.
TFA was shit. It was worse than the prequels. As bad as you want to meme the prequels to have been, TFA is still fucking worse. The movie is a trainwreck in every single category. Every. Single. Category.
Cinematography: Shit.
Music: Shit.
Acting: Shit.
Actors: Shit.
Story: Shit.
Dialogue: Shit.
The prequels, even the worst prequel movie, had more going for them than TFA. TFA had hype and Disney (who spent billions on the Star Wars rights) shilling for it. It isn't even something normies continue to talk about. Comparing it to even the prequels they were a huge part of the year of their release throughout. TFA aside from shilling on boards or youtube has dropped off the fucking radar as far as normalfag conversations go. Without constant media bombardment about "the continuation of Star Wars" TFA has nothing but its shitty aping of A New Hope.

Just give it up. Next time you feel like deflecting criticism away from TFA, put a bullet through your brain instead. One less shill in the world would be a net positive.

Just becasue you have ADHD and can't follow a plot ain't the movie fault dickbag

He's right. Shit as they were at least the prequels took themselves seriously. You niggers are still in the bargaining phase.

Jar Jar was a nigger stereotype + a cartoon rabbit.

he a good boi

Holy shit was the music bad in TFA.

he dindu nuffin

he'd giv ya da shirt ov hi' back


Ugh, I can't believe that you guys ACTUALLY watched The Force Awakens, this "film" is easily the most problematic, toxic, feminazi shit-fest of the year. Never mind that the jews made the lead characters a NIGGER and a WOMAN, never mind that Palpatine and Vader have been replaced by an obvious beta orbiter emo fag, the real problem with this film's pro-Israel agenda is the overt liberal communism tropes inherent in the narrative. Of COURSE the "New Order" is cast as the national socialist bogeyman while the "republic" (full of niggers and alien niggers) is a perfectly peaceful utopia; could Hollyjew/Kikewood/Schlomoburg BE any more obvious with their nu-male propaganda pictures?
Ugh, I LITERALLY hope that none of you socialist bernouts paid the kike studio to see this toxic anti-male garbage.

TFA and the prequels are equally shit, stop acting like everyone is a shill for disagreeing w/ you

Well memed, Sargon.
