Was this the single most Anvilicious moment in cinema history?

Was this the single most Anvilicious moment in cinema history?

well i wouldnt call jew jew subtle

Why are Jews so obsessed with Nazi aesthetics, anyway? It's kinda weird they seem more into that shit then people who actually agree with Nazi ideology.

I'm not even a Nazi, I'm not a fan of Unca Heetlah, and even I'm sick of ebil nazis always being the go-to baddies in movies. The Jew's obsession with it is really killing creativity in movies.

They're jealous more people have hated Jews throughout the years than nazis

I honestly can't tell, am I supposed to laugh every time one of this trilogy's villains is on-screen?
It seems like they're trying to play them straight, but then there are scenes like this that are so ridiculous I actually burst out laughing.

Don't laugh, goy, this is the Jews' worst nightmare. They think the goys find it scary too.

Why aren't the communist depicted as the ultimate evil more often like they should be ?

The body counts aren't even fucking close. Take Hitler's alleged body count, and then take any other communist country.

In the world of genocides, Hitler get's a C-, barely counts as a real genocide.

I am starting to suspect there is an ulterior reason that no one in hollywood talks about the mass killings of the soviet union…

That's because, in 1945, Hitler was a loser, and Stalin, a winner. History isn't kind to losers, you know. Being a winner washes your sins away.

Pretty much. Remind lefties and people who have a communism boner about the Holodomor. See the mental gymnastics.


It has nothing to do with that. It probably has more to do with the fact that we allied with Stalin and looked the other way as he committed many massacres, in Poland for example.

You'll also note that the Americans, after the war, have tried to propagate the belief amongst the Western nations that they won the war against Germany, even though it's the Russians who did most of the fighting in Europe and who made it to Berlin first, ahead of the British and the Americans.

why would Hollywood depict themselves as evil?

How so?

The big evil government archetype was done so well by soviets and especially nazis. Read some history and you will find that the nazi-party spent a lot of time and effort on coming up with theatrics that boost up their intimidation-factor.

People use these proven aeshtetics because they are a whole lot easier and cheaper to use than coming up with something genuinely new. May I remind you that creating something entirely new is practically impossible to do with any reliable schedule and results, it's just something that the human mind didn't evolve to do.

There's a terrible irony in people who bash "left" unashamedly for the crimes of communist nations while jerking of to the so-called fascist nations of the 20th century. National socialism is pretty much exactly same as communism but with an extra twist of edgyness.

Kinda like what's happening with the nazi holocaust?

I think he's saying that Hollywood is an extension of Soviet Union. There are drones dumb enough to believe that.

decent bait

the nazis and ww2 were the ultimate jew trick to win the world over, don't you know that? why else do you think hitler happened to be a quarter jewish? he was a patsy.

read the fucking protocols of the learned elders of zion before you continue to ask silly questions.

If World War II was just Hitler and Stalin fighting each other, Americans and the British would have no problem continually mentioning the numerous atrocities committed by Stalin. It has nothing to do with the fact that the Soviets won, it has everything to do with the fact that we're complicit in some of those atrocities. The British knew all about the Katyn Forest massacre and covered it up.

you forget that for a time, hitler and stalin had a truce with each other. during that time the winter war was going on.

it was only once hitler pulled a napoleon that stalin became officially allied with the brits n us.

What's that got do with anything?

What's bait about it?

my point is that the reason we don't talk shit about how stalin outclasses hitler in the massacre department because he ended up on the winning side of the war.

it's brought up in the textbooks, yeah, but you don't see jews going out in public to condemn it like they do with the lolocaust, despite the fact that stalin killed just as many, if not more jews than hitler ever could have dreamed of.

That's because The Purges weren't exclusive to Jews. Stalin killed anybody who flared up his paranoia. He didn't discriminate.

Now, you might argue that the Holocaust wasn't limited to Jews either. But it was primarily Jews.

Also keep in mind that the minute details of The Purges weren't really known until Soviet Union collapsed. The extent of Stalin's butchery wasn't understood until the 90s, long after any of it had happened.

They were a prime target, but that doesn't mean all the other unwanted people they killed were just marginal stuff.
I would go as far as to say that jews were used as an excuse to kill everybody who didn't play well with the party's agenda, including people who didn't want the nazis to redefine the old cultures, people who thought it is good to criticize the government once in a while, or people believed in private property.


the russians were kicking the jews around a few decades before the lolocaust


Everybody was kicking the Jews around throughout history. It's nothing new.

The problem is the marriage of economic and state power, which can occur anywhere, under any economic system. We've seen capitalism kill so many more than "communists" ever did. Capitalism has both world wars on its hands, not to mention Vietnam & Korea, and that's just the start.

indoctrinated burgercucks will dispute this; their MSM tells them communism is evil & capitalism is perfect when really both are terrible

Odessa Steps sequence in Battleship Potemkin

Youre trying too hard friendo

The Bolsheviks were mainly self-hating Jews. Lenin had Jewish ancestry. Trotsky was Jewish. Kamenev, Zinoviev, Sokolonikov, all Jews. This how Hitler got German businessmen and landowners on his side, by telling them Jews = communists and that if they sided with him, he'd get rid of them.

Communism explicitly calls for the abolition of marriage and parenthood.

Choke on a dick Holla Forums.

Marxism does, Stalin's brand, and later Soviet Union's brand of communism was actually pretty family-friendly and anti-degenerate.

To insane extents, mind you, but faggoty shit that goes on today would have you lined up in front of a firing squad then.

The degenerate Soviet Union died with Lenin and Trotsky.

There isn't some hierarchy of bad guy representation. Retards like you have to stop bitching about shit that doesn't matter.

Stalinism and what followed is pretty cool compared with pozzed forms of communism and eloi capitalism but I still don't like his break with traditionalism and religion.

The marriage of economic and state power isn't capitalism, it's crapitalism or cronyism, it's what happens when the U.S. government decides that "interstate trade" means they get to regulate private growth of wheat for private consumption of private land within a single state, it's what happens when the state monopolizes the provision of currency and picks winners and losers in the economy via selective regulation, which is the inevitable result of massive bureaucracies that can make or break someone that does or doesn't support (((the powers at be))).

What the fuck was the deal with Stalin, I don't wanna say he wasn't le real communist type but he seems the most differentiated and interesting out of all the other communist leaders besides Tito.

Do you really want to get into the muh specific brand faggotry?

I was enjoying this movie until part 3.