John Oliver accused of copying debt-forgiveness stunt
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I saw John Oliver live once before they gave him this show, tbh I almost immediately pegged him as a sleazy opportunist
people who often get on top of their soap boxes usually are.
I MEAN, It'S 2016, C'MON!
It's not true you fucking racist, cmon!
i don't get the debt forgiveness mechanics
- samefag
I mean if it costs less than the price of the debt to purchase & forgive the debt, then why don't people just buy off & forgive their own debts?
that's the whole point of the stunt, the system is completely crazy
it is possible to renegotiate debt but it does fuck up your credit rating
look, I didn't even like John Stewart that much, but John Oliver seems much less genuine to me. I don't even know how to express it, he just seems like a viscerally alarming human being
John Oliver is such a smug prick.
Writers don't make you clever.
And English accent doesn't make you smart.
Being biased in the face of other bias people still makes you biased.
He's a sneaky, underhanded little fuck, and his show is the definition of underhandedness, relying on the short attention span of his gullible echo chamber. The editing on the location segments is highly misleading, too. At least Leibowitz is self-aware.
It really annoys me when people watch these shows and then act like they know anything about politics. Kinda like when people claim they learned more from a vsauce video than from school.
That only applies if you don't study STEM or languages because you don't know the reality of things.
someone actually does this?
And so on
maybe it's because I'm European, but I really don't understand this Drumpf thing
is it supposed to make him a worse person that his ancestors were named Drumpf?
The thing is Trump mocked Jon Stewart for using that name instead of his real name Jonathan Leibovitz. So Oliver tried to pull these Drumpf thing and he even trademark it.
I look at a Trump crowd and figure most of those guys could kick my ass. I look at that picture and figure most of those guys would lick my ass.
That's why La Raza and Black Lives Matters are the ones who beat the shit of Trump's crowds. Also try to lay a finger on La Raza and Black Lives Matters and you'll be accused of hate crimes and racism by the white ass lickers.
Mexicans are the worst, and niggers are even worser, but self hating whites are the worserest.
too many
like a true jew
traitors are the worst, at least it makes sense why a scorpion would sting you or a mad dog bite you
of coursh
It's because the surname is German, so he's obviously an evil white supremacist nazi.
Trump's grandfather changed his name or some shit so it's somehow Donald's fault or something.
I don't really get it either.
The funny thing is, even Trump's grandfather wasn't the one who made the change. He was Trump already.
colour me surprised
hahahah you're still a liberal arts major you fag
nice try
wew lad
I love how Jews go completly apeshit over getting called by their real names. Remember how butthurt people got over Sheen calling Chuck Lorre by his real name Levine in an interview?
If you go back CENTURIES one of Trump's ancestors was Drumpf and later on it was changed to Trump.
Oliver thinks this is the same as his kike friend Jon Leibowitz changing his own name.
Uh, yeah. Started with Jon Stewart. People would rather have comedians wrapped news stories to them in jokes to make it easy to digest. The problem that those people forget, is that doesn't remove them from criticism to their more professional journalist peers if they fuck up facts or for deceptive propaganda.
Daily Show's wage gap in soccer? was a recent example of straight up lies to appeal to a certain viewpoint. I don't expect people to be infallible but if you are a true fan of these people, you better call them out when they distort facts or get a subject completely wrong. Just because they act like a journalist doesn't mean they're exempt from the standards of a journalist. Expect better and demand better. Don't be a drone to figureheads.
They bought the debt of 9k people who collectively owed 15 million for 20~25k. The thing is they won't sell just one person's debt, they do it with bulk amounts.
They're just doing damage control. John Oliver can be a disgusting leftist sometimes, but he never said he was the only one forgiving debts. He claimed the highest value giveaway in a TV episode, which is different.
Except that was the whole point. Whenever somebody called their propagandist asses out it was "B-b-but I'm just a comedian! It's not like my audience really uses me for the news or anything!"
german names sound goofy to anglo saxon audiences. might be a leftover wwii stigma, might just be an artifact of language
Yes. They claim they learn politics better because the comedy makes it less confusing and funnier. Of course watching only one source of news by a clearly biased person is not the way to see politics, but people still pretend they know so much anyway.
They are like little kids. It reminds me of when we had a substitute teacher in 3rd grade named "Mr. Bird" and one of the kids yelled out "More like Mr. Turd" and we all started giggling like immature little shits.
What a world we live in
As much as I used to love Colbert for making a mockery of politics, you have to wake up one day and realize that a lot of people watch him and Stewart as their daily political consumption.
They take this shit to the ballot box and if you don't think so then you're sadly mistaken
Except that Trump is already a synonym for a fart so it's doubly retarded to call him by his grandfather's name of Drumpf.
Wait…what year is it?
I wonder how many of these numale cucklords were suckerpunched by illiterate niggers.
libs are dumb.
it's funny that people buy the "just a comedian" excuse when he's had the fucking president on his show multiple times.
john stewart may have changed his name because he hates his dad
he built those relationships, he spent his youth working shitty jobs. jews are human beings too.
Yeah, that makes more sense
You're going to get a lot of replies for this
In b4 (>go back to pol)
Don't you trust this face?
Good. I hope he goes to jail and gets some RUFF treatment.
t. Dognald Trump
This sounds like something that might be true in australia but nowhere else on the planet.
This is a Holla Forums thread.
You could tell Jon Stewart was getting pressured once he got popular to basically "pick a side". Then when the left got control of the show, I think he just wanted to go, because he couldn't make jokes like a comedian anymore, he was basicaly MSNBC with jokes.
John Oliver has picked up that audience now, and it's gotten to the point where it's not even jokes anymore, it's him just lecturing at people for an hour.
Stewart is a moderate, I saw him interview Rachel Maddow, and it really comes across just how much she just hates the right and the Republican party, she just wants her "team" to win, and like the modern left, barely sees them as human.
You guys are delusional if you pretend Stewart wasn't a left-wing nutjob like the rest of them. He was just *barely* more moderate. He always brought on conservatives to mock them. They'd come on to hawk their books and he'd say "I think your heart's in the right place, but your head's up your ass." He condescended to people twice his age.
And remember that episode where he listed his political beliefs that proved he wasn't left-wing like a fucking Cracked defense article? "I got right-wing ideas…! ….I support the troops!!!" Yeah, what an empty load of horse shit THAT is you smarmy fuck. You "support the troops" in coming home from the wars you whine about. You don't support the military, you don't support the wars they fight in, so you don't really support the troops.
"I want pot and gay marriage legalized! Those are totally libertarian ideas!" They're leftist ideas, pointing out that one of the smaller parties also agrees doesn't make them less leftist.
Impotent babby cries about thread he doesn't like in the [current year], proceeds to shit diaper
This is a now a Holla Forums thread xD, deal with it :x
So my gf told me that she wants to move in with our bull, but I can't come along too. What should I do comrades?
You should kill yourself, of course.
>>>Holla Forums
He's a Jew, why does anything he says or does surprise anyone?
I mean he's a kike, so him supporting the ZOG troops is not exactly a shocker
cicero was a warhawk faggot, he should die with the rest of the neocon
>>>Holla Forums
nice retort, not that I expect anything intelligent from Holla Forums
And (((you))) need to leave.
Jewish ethnic networking probably has more to do with it.
Embracing Mexican buttsex and dude weed lmao as central tenets has killed libertarianism as a political movement.
Gee what a surprise.
you can literally see him reading the teleprompter.
Get a fucking watch and calendar, John
You think someone like Oliver would even say that, or even allow them on the show?
I don't know about Stewart but after watching Colbert for a few months it's obvious he has absolutely nothing to say, except "POLITICIANS BAD HAHA" which is the exact same kind of pandering to everyone tripe that got us in the political situation we're in. Colbert is obviously slightly left leaning but he has nothing of value to contribute either way.
AFAIK he was first challenged on that point when he went on Crossfire and told Tucker Carlson that TDS comes on after Crank Yankers and therefore shouldn't be taken seriously. Even though that was many years ago they kept clinging to that narrative even as the show became straight political activism. They moved away from actual jokes to a form of humor where the audience was expected to find something funny solely on the basis of its divergence from left-wing dogma. Also whenever a highly talented white male correspondent left the show or got purged for his evil whiteness, then they replaced him with an (often female) person of color who was never as funny as the evil white man she was replacing.