Where da white kaiju at?
100k hrs in MS paint.
Nips are the only people who can do the Kaiju genre
They are the only people who deserve the Kaiju genre
This is now a Godzilla thread
we science fiction now
New Godzilla looks like shit
So he's basically the dindu Sam Worthington now?
You look like shit
Is this a joke? I won't be paying to see that filthy nigger strut around saving the planet. When niggers get jobs in real life is when I'll believe them in leading rolls. Porch monkey.
I want him to fuck my wife.
And back to waiting for Evangelion 3.0+1.0 I go.
Fucking cancerous nigger got to be in the one decent big bot movie.
oh boy here we go
Wow…Hollywood is…..when will the world burn?
Than the guy desperately snorting air through his gaping nostrils whilst delivering the worst lines in one of the worst star wars movies in existence?
I don't know if you could blame him or the director, but his character was bland schlubby and uninteresting.
How does that translate well into star material in pacific rim?
Del toro and cucks like him are not fooling anyone, best for the job?
Give me a fucking break, he picked his name out of a hat of recognizable black actors.
Which was only about 8 names anyway.
Well so much for that.
I know what movie I'm not going to watch.
Will Ramiel kill us all before this abomination get out?
I almost die laughing
Because that's what people want to hear about in a movie where giant mechs beat the living shit out of extradimensional monsters.
That's why everyone thinks Evangelion is great too!
That picture is more accurate than you know.
I think people like evangelion because most guys have problems of wanting to fuck their moms.
To be fair military equipment tends to stay around a long, long time. Armies of the world regularly upgrade and repurpose obsolete equipment.
The B-52 first flew in 1952, and it's still gonna stay in service for decades to come.
To be fair Shinji didn't recognize Rei as such, and when the truth was revealed to him he recoiled in disgust and sought out Asuka.
Rei likely spoke to his Japanese sensibilities, since she is the stereotypical Yamato Nadeshiko archetype.
Don't give them idea.The last thing i want to see is Evangelion full of blacks.
So why weren't there any jagers from africa then ?
Hopefully because the Kaiju did humanity a favor and eaten all the niggers.
I meant more his problems with his handler misato. A lot of the story revolved around shinji and his developing sexuality and maternal jealousy surrounding misato.
The rei/asuka thing I think is a totally different theme that is played out.
Unfortunately for humanity you don't put the souls of fathers into an Evangelion.
Misato was never a mother to him though. She's the older sister that teases him endlessly and protects him.
From the get go Misato failed at being motherly since it's him that takes care of the household chores while being sexually harassed by Misato.
He is actually jealous of the relationship Rei has with his father. In the beginning because he desperately wants his father's love and recognition, and later on because he cares for Rei and does not like how completely devoted she is to Gendo.
I will cede that I am at a disadvantage here since I don't have an older sister and don't really understand that relationship.
But recall for me, how did Shinji react to misato and her "thing" with kaji?
I say this because they used plenty of freudian imagery between misato and shinji . I think it was intentional.
I agree with your point on rei and his father, that dynamic was very clear. But I don't think that is super relevant since jealousy is not a finite quantity.
It's been so long I can't even recall if it was a thing. I will concede the point, it's not yet time for my scheduled rewatch of Evangelion.
To be fair all three of the central heroines have plenty of motherly freudian undertones going for them. The whole of Evangelion is built on exploring the concept of motherhood and Yui being the main villain.
Prepare to be enriched.
>Yui being the main villain
That makes sense…makes a lot of sense.
The really damning piece of evidence is that she brought Shinji to NERV (or was it GEHIRN still back then?) on the day of the Contact Experiment, just so he could see her getting swallowed into the Eva (with her full knowledge and consent) and be fucked for life.
Now, there's a lot of unknowns here, but we know she did that so she could place herself at the very core of the conspiracy, stay untouchable, and move things to her advantage.
I think she wanted Shinji to be fucked up in the head, more malleable to her brainfuckery when she presents herself in front of him as the Saintly Mother figure, ready to take him away from all his pain. And I don't buy it for a minute she didn't know how fanatically devoted Gendo was towards her, or what he would do to Shinji once she was gone.
Hell, in EoE she let Asuka get brutally eaten alive just so Shinji would be completely and utterly mindbroken and ready to do what she wanted him to do. And she did all of that so she could become an eternal monument to humanity.
Considering what complete monsters both his parents were it's a miracle Shinji turned out to be as good a guy as he is.
It's really only common in African middle eastern and third world countries.
At least to that extent.
That's two movies now where Boyega was cast to be the token nig. He'll probably make a good career off it. IMO he's not that good of an actor. He was decent in Attack the Block - mostly because he hardly had any lines and just had to frown a lot. TFA was awful and his best moments were ooking when he shot down a tie fighter, or chimping out on captain plasma. Guy is not lead material.
Says a lot about the pool of talent if he's at the top of the list for young black actors.
He's the top, middle, bottom.
Name one black male actor between 15-25 who you didn't have to google right now who you aren't just accidentally remembering from the 90's who is like 30-40 years old now.
It's actually only Western countries that completly junk platforms and vehicles instead of stuffing them into storage. The Russkies keep metric loads of T-55s and T-62 around and just slap better electronics, ERA bricks and AT missle on them, giving them a shitload of vehicles that need to be fought with AT themselves while being able to fuck up contemporary Western tanks at a fraction of the cost.
I'm just saying, using (really) old military hardware is what armies do, doubly so if they don't have the money to jumpstart their own procurement program and have to buy on the cheap, meaning military surplus.
Also, why would a country in Africa need anything beyond a T-34? Rebels seem to rely on technicals. while .50 cal, mortars and RPGs being the heaviest weapons they can field. An upgraded WW2 tank can kill them just as well as anything else.
Considering how talentless niggers are (in any field) it's a real tragedy there are so many tokens in movies.
The T-55 is the Soviet tank of choice if you need to fuck up undergunned rebels for most countries on a tight budget. Despite all the memes the T-34 was pretty shit.
jayden smith. hes shit though.
Sure, it wasn't the "bestest tank eva" as all the documentaries love to say, but the Soviets did eventually fix most of the problems, or at least the ones that had to do with reliability.
It all depends on what version of the tank they are using.
To play Devils advocate, the first film was like that as well. White male and Asian female pairing anyone? China, Russia, USA, Japan and more coming together to fight the Kaiju? The rest of the world collectively pooling resources and supplies to the effort?
It makes sense in a global catastrophe movie to have those elements. This is obviously token casting and trying to cash in on MUH STAR WARS, but it always happens with these type of films.
Niggers and humans are not the same.
We already had the token nigger in the first movie. Now we have the token nigger as the protagonist.
Plagiarism Rim general? Which anime (besides Eva of course) will this one rip-off? The last one bombed at the box-office anyway–how is this being made? If you pay for a ticket to see this, you are the cancer killing cinema.
It's a rip-off of the whole super robot genre really. The only Eva thing about it is the neural link.
I thought that's Morgan Freeman or the Black Science Guy
Freeman is about to die, gotta find a replacement.
Didn't do too well in the US but made up for it internationally. Asia loved it.
A mexichimp hires a nigger to lead a sequel to a ripoff of gook kaiju film produced by kikes for the white goyim.
Put a mecha in it and the Nips are going to watch it.
Gundam ruined them.
Not that I had much hope without del Toro and his unbridled enthusiasm at the helm anyway, but did they really have to take a giant dump on the people who liked the first one?
They could have just said "Hey, you dudes who actually enjoyed the first one might want to sit this one out, we're going to change a few things here…".
Pic related.
It's GOJIRA, you uncultured millenial cumstain.
PR was always good goy tier. It's directed by an obese mexican.
So we get the SW shaved gorilla nigger AND GoT's Maisie? Damn, this movie is shit before they even started filming or wrote a script! Ugly actors that can't act.
Oh sweet baby Jesus no, just fucking no. What the fuck? Why? Why that ugly little freak?
Because she sucks mean cock and has let half of Hollywood cum in her underage pussy for years? Same reason why half the GoT cast get cast in so much stuff even thought they are fugly and can't act to safe their lives.
Plus is looks good in the eyes of a jew. Everything must be ugly, so we have a fugly nigger who will be shipped with an ugly white girl to create a multicultural race of ugly mongrels. Just like the jews dream of ruling over.
Is anybody from the first one coming back?
Because this is starting to look like a casting trainwreck.
I thought Jews had standards when it came to their jailbait pussy.
I am saying this is a hardcore Holla Forumslack, so you gotta know what this means, but even the nigger is better looking than her.
It's like her mother fucked a particularly ugly goblin.
Does that mean Avatar will be BLACKED now?
You tell us this every time Louis, yes we know.
You know those two scientists that everybody hated… pretty much just them, and a Ron Perlman cameo. The last two main characters are not suppost to return, we get the space chimp and maisie the goblin in their place…
Having standards is the opposite of being a Jew.
So just straight into the trash then? Cool, guess I don't even have to pirate it…
But the first pacific rim was already multi cultural because every fucking human on the planet had to fight against the kaiju. Of course they had to fuck it up by shoehorning it in even though it wouldve fit anyway. Fucking kikes cant do anything right
oy vey goyim curb your bigotry
Maybe it's a good thing he didn't get to fuck up Silent Hill even more
I don't think you know what token actually means.
Eva ripped the neural link from video related
-They ripped the berserk mode
-They ripped the creatures atacking the city
-They ripped the girl with blue hair and red hair
-They ripped the pervert friend
-They ripped some of the background mythology/religion of the show
-They ripped the shadow organization with their own agenda
-They ripped the fanservice elements
and much more, like always many mangakas and anime creators like to stole from Go Nagai.
For example:
Naming the special attacks in shounen and more genres.
Get hyped:^)
best girl can do anything!
I don't remember that…do either of you have examples.
10/10 you hypocritical cuck.
Pacific Rim was meh at best anyways.
Thoughts on the new Ultraman?
Because the entire world stole all the jagers from the proud black race.
Del Toro can't into blockbusters.
He should stick with his kinos.
How can someone be this oblivious?
Wait wasn't the contact experiment a failure and yui not supposed to be absorbed by Unit 1?
How about doing something because you fucking want to? The idea we need to inspire lazy ass blacks is a joke. Let them grovel in their hovels.
Just tell me weeb, I've only watched it once a few weeks ago.
Has Del Toro really done anything 'that' good? The only thing he's done that really stood out at me was Pan's Labyrinth, and that followed a pretty basic, formulaic fairy tale model.
Also Star Wars chimp is the new Will Smith, minus the meme-dom. He enjoyed some success, now they're going to stuff his ass in absolutely fucking everything until everyone is sick of him. They'll do the same with Idris Elba.
they were pretty much dirty niggers already, just with a lame blue cgi tint
The Jews sure have advanced. Now they're actually promoting racemixing that's sort of enticing. Clever bastards.
More likely than the bogan father and son -pairing.
I actually would love a movie about humans controlling the Kaijus. Would make sense as a continuation for the telepathic attunement thing they had going with the biology-nerd.
well I'm optimistic, the first movie was pretty fun and had solid action scenes.
The main problem I had was too big a focus on their shitty acting, they just need to take themselves less seriously and I think it could be pretty good.
who gives a shit I'm here to watch fuckhueg robots punch godzilla not give a shit about the skin color of the human characters.
Guess what, them shoehorning in niggers means they will have scenes of those niggers. Less robots punching and more nigs nogging :^)
Leftists are desperate for niggers to finally validate their beliefs and join the human race. Sadly, this will never happen.
No amount of "role models" or "inspiring figures" will ever make a nigger stop being a nigger. No amount of money throw at them will do that either.
Will Smith at least could act up to a reasonable level, this nigger just sweats and lot and speaks through his nose.
Infesting a city with niggers is more effective at destroying it than using a nuke is.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki are now prosperous cities again, almost free of radiation. Detroit, 50 years onward, is still a post apocalyptic shithole and a black hole (pun intended) for (white) taxpayer money.
We could have had that without the nigger.
I just wonder how this ape came to be seriously his face is completely fucking ugly and his acting is complete shit.
is he seriously only around cause he is a dindu
He is a nigger.
See above.
I still don't know for sure if he should just not talk at all really or if he should have a DOOMguy like monologue in his head of xenophobic/imperial glory stuff
Plus Kojima is a washed up hack.
i was fine with oogaboyega being on board until i read "reinforced with him as a leading man as it continues to be a multicultural, multi-layered world"
which is just a long way of saying blacked. damn it gdt, we were supposed to depend on you. next thing you know they'll put a nigger in that lovecraft movie that he'll never make.
But there's already Niggers in Lovecraft.
I bet it is a cute cat
Boyega is actually an ok actor. In attack on the block was good. TFA was the only actor able to perform.
His biggest problem is that is used as a token instead of being script for the ability, so can't improve and also that he is too much into the SJW shit
This, attack the block was about street rats taking on aliens so he fit right in. This is just another case of shoehorning in diversity
Legendary's Godzilla still looks better than that piece of crap.
He identifies as a she-chink, you cis-het fuccboi.
See, this shit is shit, and therefore, i won't be seeing shit.
Because he was playing himself, an angry, surly nigger.
How is that even a contest?
01 is pretty much a god engine of genocide, Godzilla is a glorified dinosaur that can breathe nuclear fire.
Yui, on the day before the Contact Experiment, confided in Fuyutsuki, that she knew what would happen when she initiated synchronizing with the Evangelion for the first time, and asked him not to tell Gendo anything.
The really fucked up thing is that she thought that was a perfect "bring your child to work" day.
If its piloted by shinji he will just breakdown and cry while godzilla slaps him around
You might not have noticed but Shinji never actually lost a fight, or backed down from one.
His refusal to fight isn't because he's scared he'll die, he's quite self destructive that way, but his fear he'll fuck up and hurt other people in the process.
2.22 shows what happens when Shinji goes batshit crazy.
To this day I am still confused about eva, I only watched the actual show and not the tons of other versions and shit released. I cant even remember how the show ended.
Rainbows and sunshine of course.
This shit is what I always see when people talk evangelion, what the fuck was the original run of evangelion even supposed to be?
It gets me every time
Nigger, there is only one run, with a Director's Cut released on afterwards that expands on some points and calls into question a few others. Minor shit.
Then there's End of Evangelion which is the epilogue for the TV show that Anno couldn't make due to budget constraints.
And finally there's Rebuild that is just Anno fucking with people because he can.
Ok fuck it, im done. Evangelion is the Lost of anime
Nigger, why are you this fucking stupid?
Just watch the original Evangelion (or the DC) and then EoE. That's all there is to the main story.
Rebuild is a different beast altogether and in no way required to understand the plot.
Didn't he just end up straight up hating the Evangelion fanbase due to all the death-threats and other bullshit he got due to the original ending?
Possible origin?
Fucking idiot.
The TV ending was Anno's true artistic vision–its content had nothing to do with budget. EoE was Anno's first fuck-you to his mongoloid fanbase that are averse to any sort of experimentation. Watch EoE again and you will see Asuka as Anno's mouthpiece and Shinji playing the role of the fanbase. Shinji says "I'm so fucked up" from a first-person perspective because it is the viewer lamenting his masturbation habits (i.e. jerking off to Anno's characters). The mass-produced EVAs are also representative of the fanbas (probably the ones who sent death threats, where Shinjiis just the pathetic otaku).
he's right
yep, any bit of interest I had in the movie just died.
It really didn't need a sequel to begin with but using diversity flavor of the month as the lead hammered the final nail in the coffin.
calling it now, white dude dies or is replaced by the chimp and he cucks away the asian qt.
Is the manga any good?
First dark tower
now this….
I will never forgive you forever
she's a alien faced gook,they didn't even kiss
I thought PR wasn't even Del Toro's movie anymore, got kicked out of his own creation and now there were other people working on it.
But still, goddamn, this is gonna be awful. I just hope that if John Ooga Booga is the lead, the Asians will tell this movie to fuck off and show the posters with only the Jaegers, at the very least, just like Star Wars where they removed the ugly nigger.
And like an user said above, you went to see the movie to see robots and monsters punching the shit out of each other, not for muh multiculti.
Niggers chimp out for baby mamas and handle firearms like retards, and you expect us to believe he'll be controlling a mech, let alone being in tune with other person?
Scratch that, Del Fato is now the producer and the Spartacus guy is now the director.
Never give up on your dreams user. I always imagined TR8-T0R as always silent except shouting "TRAITOR" whenever he sees one.
Is anyone even excited for this?
The first one was so disappointing
I could go on and on. It really, really sucked.
I thought the Dego was better than Boyega, but he was okay. Much better than MaRey Sue and Kylo Turk.