I just can't comprehend how entertaining this is. its so dumb that its amazing, The show some evidence of some structures or other strange phenomena. Come to the conclusion that its either high tech science fiction or the technology that we have is just ancient hur. Also one that was amazing was the scawy Nazis are somehow occultist and been with contact with aliens. . It also does not help they have the fast clip action editing of a typical documentary from murica.
So come with some amazing dumb documentaries that are from History Channel.
John Russell
They're as credible as the documentaries about americans winning WW1 or freeing Europe from nazis.
Gabriel Williams
Americans did win WW1, though. We didn't do the bulk of the fighting, but the addition of an entire country worth of reinforcements at the end of a long and fatiguing war was enough to break the German lines. It's absolutely not a good thing that we entered WW1 as the war was going to wind down on more amicable terms anyway had we not intervened. More people died in the fighting, the terms of surrender became insurmountable for the Germans, the Weimar Republic happened, and World War 2 happened (killing numerous of Europe and America's best men), all as results of WW1 being won. Wilson was a traitor to the American people, did great harm to all of the West, and was the first of our cancerous globalist presidents.
Adrian Adams
Pick one. This is "logging, pawn shops, and fiction about vikings" now.
David Robinson
Ain't there more conspiracy documentaries on History Channel, hat are entertaining?
Noah Russell
Xavier Powell
It's basically The Onion.
Chase Bailey
I said documentary because its within the genre, I am not sure how Holla Forumss knowledge of mockementry is. But yes its a mockementry but its entertaining. Its the lowest and dumbest form of entertainment there is.
Adrian Hill
Cooper Garcia
So america just entered the war to charge for the help tax afterwards? Kikes since the beggining.
Luis Phillips
My father was one of the founding members of History Channel and a higher-up for A&E Network. As a kid, he'd come home and upset to find that I was watching Discovery and Science Channel, and I'd tell him bluntly that it was because what History put on was retarded. He agrees and now refuses to watch History and its sister channels.
Brayden Garcia
WW1 was just as bloody and violent but if the Brits empire would not have come into the war because of muh Belgium neutrality thing. It would let Germany won the war in fact. Since France was shit at war and Russia was underdeveloped with weaponry and other nice things that Ze German empire had.
So in other words fuck Britbong for doing shit to destroy the white race, they have done it ever since they started to feel white guilt or some retarded shit.
yeah, I don't say that History channel is the best ting ever I said it was entertaining because of the retardation of it, if you remember before it was all WW2 or some other war. Now its I dunno some fiction about vikings and ancient aliens that I know about. So I kinda want to just be entertained with something dumb.
Discovery has had some fascinating things, but I kinda find it to have the action cut also. I like the BBC style of Documentary where it explains it, and give the viewer some information in synopsis form. I know its mostly lefty opinions and conclusions but at-least they are informative.
Mason Taylor
Haven't seen Vikings, but I did sit down and watched Ancient Aliens with him. He was laughing at how ridiculous it was but eventually turned it off out of disgust. We've checked out Roots recently because of all the buzz around it, but he's finds it too violent and one-sided when comparing it to the original series.
Haven't checked out Discovery or it's affiliates much in a couple years because I'm spending all my time shitposting on here, but it was pretty shitty last time I saw it. I'll check in for Shark Week, but that about it. Do they still do How It's Made? That was one of my favorites.
Logan Cooper
America entered the war more because they, as bystanders, saw their ally in GB(and their allies in France) lose millions of men on the fronts. America couldn't afford to have Europe fall to the Germans, and intervened towards the end with massive amounts of arms, men, and fresh food/supplies to steamroll Germany and make sure GB stayed GB.
There are a plethora of other reasons for America's involvement, such as Germany sinking dozens of ships heading for Europe to aid the allies, and the Zimmerman Telegram(which is still debated to this day whether it was forged by GB as a last ditch effort to get the U.S. involved), but those are the main reasons.
Sebastian Howard
Bullshit. The majority of America was not anti-German and the British were being fucking cowards (as usual) and using American civilians as cover for their arms shipments (and using ships flying civilian flags for military purposes). The German government went as far as to advertise in American papers warning against traveling on British ships for that very reason. Wilson, having the dream of expanding the American empire into a global power, intended to encourage the transit of Americans on British ships so as to come up with an excuse to embroil the US in a war it had no stake in (other than financial). Eventually when the Lusitania was rightfully sunk the press was able to distort the even in order to cripple Germany's war effort with concessions they'd have to make to keep America out. When it became obvious to the Germans that playing fair against an opponent that uses every dirty trick in the book is a sucker's game, they resumed targeting British ships (which deserved to get sunk), resulting in America being able to get into the war.
Jacob Powell
And bullshit to that. Maybe if you mentioned early on in the war when Americans wanted nothing to do with it, and upon which Wilson won his presidency, but not late in the war. The public BEGGED Wilson, BEGGED congress, to declare war on Germany, of which Wilson had great emotional turmoil and distress over. Fuck, he even still had regrets to his grave. Wilson never once encouraged the U.S. to keep up transportation to Europe in hopes of agitating the Germans to keep attacking us. That's conspiracy theory tier horseshit and you know it.
Jace Morales
That was the bankers who were profiteering off of the Triple Entente's war efforts (which would only pay off in the event of a victory). The majority ethnicity of the United States is and was German and most of them were recently enough emigrated that they still held loyalty to their fatherland. Also, Wilson's ambitions and ties to the bankers are well fucking documented.
Joseph Campbell
Could you guys have some ww1 documentaries in the post or something?
Jaxson Jenkins
Eli Lewis
Colton Anderson
I stopped watching that shitty channel when they went overboard with Hitler's hidden Nazi jewgolds and WWII fetishism, I am so sorry for anyone who stuck around through the alien crap.
Dominic Clark
The new Euron Greyjoy actor looks pretty sweet fam, definitely an improvement over the first one.