No matter how hard they try I'm still not convinced this would be a bad thing.

- DC nuked
- jews gone
- niggers gone
- liberal media non existent
- modern art considered degenerative
- eugenics at work
- science progress still strong



You are so predictable and boring, Holla Forums. You haven't a single original thought in your head. It makes me a little sad for you.

The Nazi's and Nips were the only interesting characters in this show.

The alt universes they show off in the books are also interesting as well. There's one where Britbongs basically assfuck the Germans in Africa, go through Middle East and skullfuck the Germans out of Stalingrad and have a mixed tea, biscuit and vodka party all the way to Berlin via the Eastern Front turning Britain into a new superpower ran by /britpol/, enter into a Cold War with US and win leaving the world under Brit control.

I'm surprised you managed to type out a coherent sentence when you're bouncing up and down on Jamal's BBC.

So predictable.

This. Anything that is not Nazi/Nip somehow manages to be both boring and infuriating.

It feels like every other 'drama' on tv where nothing of import ever happens and we are supposed to care about whiney bitches.

Also fuck that black resistant leader. Not just because he's black so him being an asshole is "empowering", but because if you threaten to kill me a half dozen times, rob me, talk shit about me, I don't need to be a nazi double agent to want to plant you in ground the second i have a chance.

So, is this worth watching?

ITT: statists

Not really. It could be, but you've probably seen the good bits on the preview already.

There's no resolution or meaningful plot movement, just unending pointless 'drama'.

Watched this back while playing the new Wolfenstien. Now THAT would be an interesting movie, B.J. Blazkowicz an obscene deranged killer waking up to fight a war he lost a long time ago and the heroic efforts of the Deaths Head police force to bring him to heel.

So, what's the device wherein the Nazis manage to win the war? Don't tell me it's the bloody nukes again

is there any "Axis won WW2" fiction that doesn't portray the Nazis as puppy-eating cartoon supervillains?

isn't the book even worse tho?
there are no films, "Man in High Castle" writes some fanfiction history books and some people like it.
Some girl is trying to reach him with double agent, and some fagot is making decadent jewellery.
and that's it. You are suppose to reflect on that shit I guess so it's "great book"

I think it was just Hitler getting the original clips somehow and avoiding major disasters like d-day, keeping America neutral, etc. Which probably would not have been enough to win now that you got me thinking.

Been a decade since I read them but I think the Harry Turtledove books kinda sorta did this? I remember the best character was a german panzer commander who fucked his way through russia. Of course then Aliens invade and I may be misremembering all the implied cuckoldry since Turtledove is a major zionist.

Original clips?

Yes that's what i'm told. Doesn't excuse this show that I assume has precious little to do with the book beyond vague generalities.

I'd love to see more of the German/Jap political interactions between factions trying to avoid nuclear world war III and insane nationalists who literally don't believe in defeat.

The book makes it pretty clear that the author was on drugs all the time and maybe had a tenuous grip on reality to begin with. Not a bad thing necessarily, but it might not have been so messy if Mister Dick could have given the gear a rest.

I would like this show more if they just canned the resistance completely and focused on the nips/nazis. I honestly don't give a shit about muh resistance.

Great show, although I don't get how honorbu jap warps through dimensions into our timeline

One of the original theories from the book, not true in the show, is that Hitler won because he found footage of how germany lost the war in his timeline, and is sponsoring the rebel movement that collects the new reels that appear.

Basically this, Hitler is shaping history so Germany wins. Hitler is a timelord essentially. Why you get a lot of weird alt histories where US saves it's Pacific Fleet and isn't racist, along with Holla Forums taking over UK and showing Nazi's how stormfags roll by conquering the entire world.

Well, at least it's better than 'the Nazis developed nukes'

I know right?

Honestly a lot of people forget for Nazi Germany to win WW2 it wasn't 1 or 2 things that needed to change, hundreds of things if not thousands needed to change! Britain was winning WITHOUT US help from 1942 onwards and never really lost a single battle and the Germans would actually end up straight up avoiding fighting the Brits from 1943 onwards than risk an engagement with them as they knew they were the only faction that could win without larger numbers on the battlefield Montgomery doesn't get nearly enough credit honestly at times Then there were the Soviets, they had several divisions deployed in the Far East which they could have brought in as reserves if hit really hit the fan. Germany winning WW2 requires a fuckload of alt history considering their plan to win WW2 was to bring countries like Britain and USA round the table and to go after the USSR as the greater thread than conquer them.

Actually, Germany was close to winning. Things at one point were really at the tipping point.

Britain would have starved to death if it hadn't been for the US throwing materiel and food at them, because the U boats were extremely effective (though the German navy never had as many as it effectively needed).

And there are strong hints that the Soviets were close to breaking and surrendering as well.

Really, things were less clear cut than modern historians want you to believe. Germany fucked up primarily because they seriously underestimated Soviet capabilities, overestimated the ability of the Wehrmacht to tackle as many objectives on the Eastern Front as they gave them, and switched over to terror bombings in England before they had completely obliterated their airforce.

On top of that they also didn't switch their economy to a complete war footing soon enough, and kept producing newer vehicles instead of sticking with their tried and true models and mass producing them.


This is actually rather false. Britain really wasn't as done up as people think and had more resources to hand than the Germans ever did. Also the fact they bought a lot of equipment rather than given from the US, Germany did the same with countries round the globe, for example they bought a lot of shit from Sweden and South America.

It's debatable whether they were going to surrender or just get rid of Stalin and get men who could get shit done in charge. Stalin was a paranoid crackpot who once got rid of everyone in his cabinet taller than him and lambaste his bodyguard for having a gun in his presence.

This is true. People also forget that for example there was nothing a Panther tank could do that a Panzer IV couldn't do better, and actually that was very much the case when it came to dealing with soft targets, the Panther was more a Tank Destroyer than a Tank since it fired a very shitty HE round.

Nigger, they're an island nation almost wholly dependent on imports to keep their industry going. They might not have starved to death in the literal sense, but they would have been unable to challenge Germany if the Germans had been able to bottle them up with U boats.

Naturally, the "good years" for the submarines eventually ended and this became a moot point, but Germany could have knocked Britain out of the war.

Or it was a bunch of Soviet officials trying to make a deal without involving Stalin.

And killed or sent to a gulag every experienced and competent officer he had. Stalin was a worse enemy to the Red Army than the Germans ever were.

Or the (King) Tiger tank. Why the fuck the Germans though they needed a breakthrough tank when they were on the defensive is beyond me. They should have just kept on spamming Stugs and Panzer IVs.

To be fair the Panzer V was the F-15 of its age. It was a product of German overreacting to the T-34 and its perceived superiority to then current German designs.

And to say nothing about the logistical nightmare of trucks the Germans had to deal with. Unlike the Russians that got virtually all of that shit from Americans the Germans pooled them from everywhere they conquered.

That also had for the most part a lot of natural resources for their time and whatever wasn't city was farmland. Britain was industrialized as fuck. These days not so much but back then it really was a fucking powerhouse. You do have a point with raw materials but they were doing the same and worse to Germany. The U-Boat threat was more exaggerated than anything since the U-Boat threat meant they weren't getting their shekels worth from the gold they kept sending the Americans.

huh, I was wondering what cuckolds do with their time while black guys are getting laid.

That's not true. Panzer IV was already overweight obsolete and at the end of its design potential by the end of the war. The only reason it was still there is because the larger turret ring allowed a bigger gun to be mounted on it. But they couldn't up armor it anymore nor could the gun get any larger. It was barely able to fulfill its role by the end of the war let alone do anything better than the Panther. It also had an obsolete suspension system. Panzer III was actually a better machine, just too small and light.

People who love black dicks like me and would be left without a supply. Can you imagine America without designated interracial breeding grounds? I can't either.

>>>Holla Forums

That's why the Stug was a thing.

And hey, the Americans kept using the Sherman, arguably the biggest piece of shit main purpose tank of the war, beyond the jokes the Italians and the Japanese fielded, because they could make a shitload of them.

Germans had to postpone Citadel to get the Panther there in significant numbers, and even then most of them broke down due to the accelerated development and testing process and the usual early teething issues.

The Germans didn't have the luxury to keep on fielding the latest and best, they should have stuck with what they knew worked, and the Panzer IV worked well enough against Soviet tanks.

Had the Sherman been up against what it was designed to fight it wouldn't have the reputation it has now. It was hardly a piece of shit tank, comparable to Panzer IV and more reliable, just outclassed by bigger guns. Even if Citadel had been a success what it would have done is straighten the line not win the war, but Germany still would have gotten swarmed and eventually crushed. They just didn't have the manpower and production capacity to keep up. Wonder weapons like new tanks, missiles, and jets was a last ditch gamble in a hopeless scenario. It was a logical attempt really rather than fighting a war of attrition you know you can't win, it just didn't work in the end.

The Germans also refused to ally with the Anti-Stalinist Russians who could've given them the edge against the Red Army.

Except eugenics don't really work as a way of improving the species (you create individuals sharing the same flaws, dilluting the species' resilience against exterior threats)

And you know what would also be considered degenerative? You and the fact that you come to a Nipponese cartoon image board to shitpost. It's funny how you think that you wouldn't be persecuted by a Nazi regime just because you agree with them on some idiotic points - politics, amigo, is all about the ruling party finding scapegoats to justify their power grabs.

Good thing Holla Forums posters aren't persecuted in real life, because it would be crazy if Holocaust deniers on Holla Forums were violating laws or anything in the EU.

In WW I, maybe - in fact, Germany threw at least 2 chances in 1914-1915 to wrap things up favorably (Marne and Verdun), when an attrition war against collonial powers could only end up in their defeat after a while.


You cant do "bait" when talking about truth and facts, you D&C shill.

Lrn 2 eugenics.


Only in fiction.

you know eugenics can be as simple as just making sure inheritable diseases don't get passed down. Hotwheels is pro-eugenics

the most important eugenics at this point would be merely to stop actively trying to breed white civilisation into a brown Brazilian mixing pot

Eugenics is mapping genetic defects, inheritable diseases and other parts of the genome that might be decided to be wanted and unwanted characteristics. That way you can decide if someone is prone to something unwanted, you CAN make sure the fucker doesn't get any children. You still get a great variance and diversity of genes and the population is still resistant to all manner of disease.
I don't think you thought it through if you figured that being born with one disease makes you immune to another.

You also have to remember it ran the most power empire on earth at the time and had a lot of leverage over Germany for just owning merely India and Canada.


Well you are. Most pathetic group on Holla Forums.

Repeating something over and over still doesn't make it true, Moishe.

Holla Forums in a nutshell tbh

Goons like you are the most pathetic of posters but then it's pretty much only you, isn't it?

There is one advantage the Panzer IV did have over the Panther and that was it could actually fire an HE round that could do shit. Other than that, not much going for it other than ergonomics and reliability.

Sherman actually wasn't nearly as shit as everyone made out. It was extremely ergonomic, reliable, easy to fix, had the highest crew survival rate of any tank in the war, it's armor was on par with a Tiger 1 and it could bounce shots from most German 75mm's and below easily. The one used on the Panther not so much and if Germans used APCR then it could but that shit was rarer than Unicorns in Germany It's 76mm could pen the front of the larger German tanks at range and in some cases outranged them. Furthermore it was better than the majority of the crap thrown at it and was used mainly offensively as opposed to defensively. If Germans didn't manage to score higher kills than losses against them then it would be sheer incompetence. Whenever Germans went on the offensive with Panther and Tiger tanks it was nothing short of complete unmitigated disaster.

But supposed most Wehrboos think that every tank Nazi Germany made was the Tiger and Panther tank and never credit to the best and most efficient German armored vehicle of WW2 The Stug III

That would be WorldWar. Reptillians invade in WW2, humanity puts aside their differences. Interesting premise, way too many characters, filler, and pointless shit as usual with his stuff.

On that note, Germany was fucked because of Hitler's strategic, not tactical mistakes. He essentially repeated the mistakes of Napoleon-gave Britain breathing room when it was on the cusp of defeat to focus on Russia when he didn't need to. He did not secure peace when he could have and failed to make alliances that would have helped him. As with all conquerors, he could not stop conquering once he started.

That is a highly credulous theory seeing as the Red Army was still reorganizing and demoralized after their asskicking from the Fingols plus the purges.

it's certainly no ben garrison joint

Well, good to know that eugenicists are still retarded.

I recall reading that Zhukov tried to convince Stalin that the Germans were going to invade at any moment, and Stalin dismissed him.

It's possible that the Germans erroneously believed that the Soviets WERE going to invade, and so attacked, but it was still done in the most stupid way possible. Rushing the Wehrmacht in with little logistical support or prior preparation for Russian winter conditions, refusing to make as many proper alliances with those who hated the Soviet regime as possible, and so on.

This show could have been amazing had it been an alternate history show dealing with the cold war between Germany and Japan.

Stalin was a cautious player, more pragmatic than Hitler. He didn't want war-at least not in 1941-because he knew the country wasn't ready for it. He obviously had long-term goals for Soviet expansion though. 1942 would have been the earliest he tried to invade. More plausible would have been 1943 as their production begins to seriously outpace Axis levels (even disregarding Lend-Lease which was also crucial to the Soviet war effort).

I think a more interesting premise for an alternate history would have been a three way cold war between Germany, the Soviets, and the U.S.