You know I'm right.
You know I'm right
Other urls found in this thread:
You've very vaguely on the right track, but your execution is in the wrong direction and your planned solution is just laughable.
Holla Forums was the first imageboard who stepped up and was here for us in September 2014 due to the events of GG and The Fappening. Two synchronous similar instances of censorship which haven't occurred since. Masterchan was down at the time, and 69chan/76chan didn't bother with us. Those were the other three decently-sized English speaking imageboards at the time.
You either stay here, or go back to 4chan. Any semblance of choice is merely an illusion, and you end up becoming of those weird vapebros that visit a hipster imageboard with 100 unique IPs at its peak. Unless 4chan starts another sitewide purge, there isn't gonna be another exodus. The splinters will quickly dry up as less and less posts are made, a problem which has arisen here but on a much shorter timescale. Unless we can get more people on here, we're already well on the same path of death that every other imageboard aside from 4chan is going down, and even that's seeing a decrease in visitors though it receives so many of them it's irrelevant. There are more posts made in 10 minutes on 4chan's Holla Forums than there are made here in a whole day.
wew. obvious falseflag detected.
wew. i bet you cant even browse the boards here that arent in the top 10.
im not even going to dignify the rest of your post with a response since its just >muh board speed
>>>Holla Forums
fuck off faggot.
But he's right. Stormfags and Holla Forums shitposters are the most annoying thing on 8ch.
The promise of a place that bans people posting like that, though, doesn't appeal to me.
Wew lad, this is some top-tier bait.
Endchan is a joke. I'm riding this train until the wheels fall off. When they do then I'm done with imageboards.
Have you seen the guy who always shits on a movie or show just because it has a black guy in a positive role?
He's at the top of a quarter of the threads on Holla Forums each day.
I thought "chans" were meant to have discussions and interactions with people you don't agree with. Like Holla Forums.
Yeah chans are dead. All of the quality posters got tired of dealing with the low effort reddit tier shit that you all post. I'm about done too, I just need to find something else to occupy my time. Everything here sucks and there are rulecucks on every board except Holla Forums. I'm tired of getting banned because the faggy userbase either disagrees with me or they are too easily triggered. Holla Forums is shit too since you guys only dicuss kino ironically.
Name a good movie or TV show to talk about, if it is at all possible in this day and age.
Pick one faggot.
This is the worst shilling for a shitty website I have ever seen, and I've seen joshchan's shills.
gay thread
Holla Forums is a boogeymen and scapegoat
This, this is what I promised myself back in 2014. If this shit ends it will mean that it is time to get my life on track.
I made some comedy cold OC for your new Chan. I hope it takes off!
I can't believe paranoia actually killed a website. It's fucking hilarious. Holla Forums is literally insane
This is now a pony/dubs thread
truly reddit tier.
Check 'em
not that guy, but
check 'em
Holla Forums shitposters are Holla Forums.
Rolling again
Shit-tier fetish, fam
Another to scare away the normalfags.