Why is she so perfect, user?
Why is she so perfect, user?
superior irish genetics
Used up old hag/10
>>>/fag/ pls
so that's why her face looks like a potato
who is this?
Your mum
Xena, Warrior Princess
Who is this?
Lacie Rule-abiding
She's not a gook, negress or hwlateeeeno
this man speaks the truth
Asian women are far superior.
chink pls
Sounds like a good girl.
Jamal, pls. Shouldn't you be praying right now?
Pity they're not into you, Wang Bang.
After plastic surgery maybe.
Because she's a progressive liberal to the core.
Your mum
choose one.
At least you get to be the first state in the new European Caliphate, m8.
Okay Shamus
who is that?
Your mum
Used up old potato nigger.
Shit taste tbh
She was pretty perfect.
What is she, 50 now?
2/8 tbh tbf
How are her feet?