Because you probably asleep when this is posted.
I am not the guy you are talking to and I have not been posting on Holla Forums for months. But I decided to make one post to you because I cannot hold it any longer.
You may have formal education in the area of fiction, you may have an occupation as a tv reviewer, but you are too stupid to understand the mistakes, inconsistency, poor or lack of judgment an artist had made or did not made. Your defense of your masturbatory fantasy' acting skills is laughably clueless and not going to convince any adult with a critical eye. The levels of your criticism is a reflection of why your professions has lost their value in society. You are a perfect example of the idiots who worked for Kotaku and io9 or just a random fangirl commenter in the internet. You can sprout the literary and artistic theory but you can do that simply because of your education and here is your problem: GOOD critics and artists came up with their own theory of what made an art work great or terrible, they did not rely on their textbook or what other thinkers had said, they use their brain more. (Well your brain is shit anyway so using it won't help).
Allow me to be of-topic for one paragraph The level of intelligence in your posting are very similar to David S. Goyer and by explaining him, I hope to enlighten you.
Goyer with his connections, his writing skills and luck was able to get the position as the main writer for the DC Cinematic Universe. In an interview, he gave the opinion that HULK-GIRL is a porn star and the MARTIAN MANHUNTER is a goofy, terrible superhero. When the audience refuted these notions, he mocked their intelligence by imply that they lacked sexual experience. Goyer also gave an opinion on how the Manhunter could be better by changing the character backstory. Then he proceed excitingly to tell the audience how much better the backstory he came up with. (It was the same backstory a hundred hacks in the movie industry had written before). Here is the conclusion: Goyer believed his ideas are intelligent, he believe the source material is stupid, he think that the audience who enjoy them are not very smart so he did not took their opinion to heart. When BvS failed their potential at the box office and damaged the entire prospect of the DC Cinematic Universe, it was too late. While BvS had plenty of interesting ideas (a common defense), it did not explore any of them and only give shallow and stupid answers. Goyer disregard the opinions of what make people drawn to the characters he was adapting and expected people to praise his "original" work. It backfire on him and all of his employers.
Now you. You did not like the source material, which is fine. You failed to see their virtues because you are too bothered with what you believed is its flaws, still fine. Now most of Holla Forums can see the flaws in the tv series. They gave their opinion of why it was flawed, you defended it with saying, nope it is them that is clueless not the producer. When they gave an examples on how it could better based on what already been done in the books, you countered that the books is already shit and the bookfags are simply fanboys who can see no wrong in the works of the old fat man. Like Goyer, you have a grandiose view of your intelligence thinking that other poster is not as smart as you are. To make matter, you keep on replying to other post, sprouting your retarded view without once gave a non-shallow defense. I have seen people in this board or in this thread with unpopolar opinion and is able to convert others by giving excellent reasons for their opinions. Or at least provoke an interesting debate. You on the other hand gave none. For all your education and your professions, you never any good reasons at all. You existed like a troll with wax in his little ears.
I wish you luck that the next time you went to sleep, may you never be awaken again.