James has lost weight and single handedly fought back SJWs. He has un-justed himself...

James has lost weight and single handedly fought back SJWs. He has un-justed himself. Are you ready to respect him again?


His humor is still shit.
You know caring about politics in e-celebs shows is retarded as shit.
i.e. Nostalgia Critic has always been a screaming goat that as a 15yo I liked and at 16 I endured because it was a good critic… mostly.
It wasn't until his personal triggers became so obvious at biasing his reviews when I started really hating the guy.

James "One Man Racial Awakening" Rolfe
James "One Man Klan" Rolfe

This. Although you were probably to young to understand he's been doing that since the begining.

Now you're like those
David "The kike kraker" Lynch guys.

James "White Power Glove" Rolfe

James "Normie" Rolfe
accept it.

paperboy episode was fucking awesome.

i hope he does more funny, quick little episodes like that at least once every month or two.


James "Atari 1488" Rolfe
James "Sega Genocide" Rolfe
James "Wii must secure" Rolfe


James "Sega Master Race" Rolfe
James "Nintendo Extermination System" Rolfe
James "Kommodore vierundsechzig" Rolfe



get out jew


Eat shit.

Started watching Screw-Attack because of him now there sellouts who do clickbait shit and death battle is the only decent thing they still make and even that i don't care about anymore.

Started watching Nostalgia critic and a few people on Channel awesome due to the Nerd crossover's now I can't stand anyone from that site.

James is pretty much the first and only e-celeb that I used to watch when I was younger that I still like.
say what you will about newer Nerd episodes but Monster Madness is pretty much my favorite part of October now.


Honestly, I watched James even through his cucked period. His videos about old movies are genuinely interesting.
I'm glad he's taking steps to uncuck himself.




Has he made a new movie that's in line with his vision and not the cuck-friendly shitfest that his wife made him produce?
Then he's still a cuck.


Oh shit I didn't even notice that


Who's JonTron?

Is 2016 the Year of the Uncuckening?

God bless America.


The developer (or one of them, I'm not sure) of Minecraft went full Alpha on some feminist bitches on Twitter and is continuing to demolish feminist posts, arguments, and figures. Guy has almost 4 million followers.

is it time for the theme song?

I said Death Battle is Decent as in the animation for the fights are entertaining.
I'm not a big enough loser to actually care if a character I like gets beaten.

True Jon is still good.

But I started watching AVGN back in 2007
and I started watching Jontron around 2012

So i'd didn't really considering Jon as "Someone I watched when I was younger."

Notch said that mansplaining is sexist, and argued with feminists about it for several days. i dont know the specifics beyond that.

The man who creates Minecraft. Every single time a SJW accused him of mansplaining he retorted by saying they were cuntsplaining to him.

His entire schtick is funny-voice-said-loudly.

Fuck off, Brad, no one cares what you think.

Corrosive Useless Non-nonsensical Terrible

insufferable twat

This implies I ever respected him. So, no.


too bad Notch literally defended "cuck" as a fetish that people should enjoy without persecution


"Yes, newspapers still exist. And even Nintendo still makes games. But that's debatable."




But it's true.

As in a lot of it is still toilet humor about shit because he, Mike "gas the kike" Matei, and his wife very much like that shit.

I've always respected him. Granted, it disappointed me to see how whipped he is by his wife. But hey, nobody's perfect.

He's a corporate whore.




I'm glad he's turned it around has gotten his shit unfucked. He's the original eceleb, and the only one that was ever good.

I'll never understand the appeal of that fat spastic sandnigger, and I probably never will since I'm not an autistic Holla Forumsirgin like most of his fans.



Good goy, keep believing that there's a snapping transition between redpill and SJW, cuck and uncuck, left and right.

Why do you care so much about what people do in the privacy of their own homes, cuck?

NC wanted to be a skit comic

But he sucks at it and forced it into reviews

His "reviews" are 75% unfunny skits now, thats why everyone dropped him

Jon "killing niggers on the safari" Jafari says stupid things in a high pitched voice and that somehow makes people laugh.

Except trannies and fags that hate him for leaving egoraptor's cuckfest game show.

He should have killed Arin on a safari

How much of the shit about AVGN and TGWTG that gets posted everywhere is true? Are there any reliable sources?

Just look for the Channel Autism threads

The shit I'm referring to

Nearly 75% of that shit is legit

Most of it

Do you mean has anybody written a tell-all book about the TGWTG people that they haven't been able to sue over because it's all true? No

Its because he only acts as bizarre as his reviewing material is.
The most out there shit gets exaggerated reactions.

I still remember Link's tread.
I don't think Brad's into coke, he's more a pepsi guy… ok seriously he's into pills.

Is he really completely unjust though? Have we forgotten what his wife did to his movie? I think to be fully unjust, he has to trash her.

Most of the greentext pf the TGWTG people there were anons especulations but the exposition is mostly true, but since they were all betas it wasn't as agressive as it is written, it was passive-agressive except for Linkara.

Its very passive against Brad.
He was the only one based up until 2 years ago but staying with those people must really hurt your mind.
He's still the most based out of them, but mostly by default rather than actually being based.
For his own good he should quit and grab the fns he has now or go the JeWario wayits still better that keeping in there.

He already tried to kill himself with pills, he survived and according to him "Being in the psychilogical care department was the most relaxing he has had in years" just shilling reviewing movies with a close friend.

You can't make this shit up.

This is America. Just give it time.

What'cha tryin ta say, Rabbi?

Yeah, I actually went through the AVGN videos a while back, and they weren't very funny at all. He should tone down the "humor" and focus on being informative. I don't really even play old vidya games any more, but I still like learning about them.

Around the time of his movie filming, the Nerd videos started turning more into a normal review without the AAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS and fecal humor, and they ended up being some of the best ones.

The channel has definitely gone up in quality once he and Mike started putting more variety up. Shame there isn't much film-making-wise still.

Allegedly the Channel Autism crew broke ties with him because he told his wife to shut the fuck up at one of their little get togethers.

If only he did that when he was making the AVGN movie so he wouldn't have had to replace his best friend with token nigger and token chink.

Do you have any sort of source on this?


Did he slap her too? Give her a nice pimp slap?

That's right. Be a good goy
