RIP Jonny Depp

Jonny Depp just died. Suspected suicide

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Wishful thinking


He should kill himself. He blew a good thing with the mother of his children to marry this vapid whore, who publicly outed herself as lesbian. Didn't get a prenup and now he's surprised that, a year later, she's after his hard-earned money and doesn't care if she has to destroy his reputation to get it.

They get thrown out all the time.



[citation needed]

Are you a Jewish lawyer or just trying to subsidize their profession by pretending the dangers of marriage aren't endemic?

you're just a prick mtgow who's trying to spread false information. prenups are always valid as long as you take the correct avenue to sign and enforce it.

that means: both parties have lawyers
both parties sign it before the marriage, in the presence of a notary or judge, videotaped preferably to proof against accusations of coercion
full disclosure of assets by both parties
no side gains unfair advantage over the other
leave theoretical children out of it

No, you fucking retard, they're often nullified if it's been more than 5 years since the marriage contract was signed.

in Maine, and other backwater states. sure

but why would you let it lapse, and not keep it updated with new financial information?

just because you're too retarded to know how the laws work for and against you doesnt mean the law is retarded


And hear me out

Don't live in a state that caters to vapid whores with common law marriage, and don't get married. If the woman demands a commitment, tell her that giving her the power to ruin your life overnight for no reason isn't going to be a driving force for good in the relationship, and if she thinks she needs that power she needs to find someone else to enslave.

To elaborate, I'm pro-family and traditional marriage and staunchly against marriage in modern Western anti-male society. Traditional marriage is a legitimate exchange and commitment from both sides, not a 24/7 "kill switch" a woman has over a man's soul.

You're making a different argument. That has nothing to do with prenups and how they are a legitimate way to secure yourself against just such an attack.

Until your wife lies and says you hit her and now your pre-nup is like totally not legit because reasons.

you have a sad view of the world if you think judges are stupid enough to believe accusations without evidence

Top kek, have you not been keeping up with the fact that lawyers consistently counsel ex-wives that women who lie about assault are almost never prosecuted and it's an extremely good Machiavellian move to make?

jesus christ you are stupid.

an accusation of assault is a different thing entirely, perhaps grounds for granting a petition for divorce but not grounds for invalidating a prenup.

now, if you'll stop moving the goalposts for a few minutes to avoid acknowledging that your statement that prenups are usually invalidated, is incorrect - shouldnt we be talking about jerry derp?

Mememaster opinion discarded.

If you have to go through all this shit why get married in the first place?
I also highly doubt a woman would accept this unless she really fucking loves you in which case you don't need a prenup.

Here's your reply

Let's not argue over lawshit, instead, discuss about the new member of the JUST League. Honestly though, he's probably going to make it and be fine, big hollywood actors like him, regardless of how big of a cuck he is, won't end up like Brendan.

that's the trap that leads wealthy men like jonny depp to marry gold diggers like amber heard… turn it on its head; if a woman doesnt actually love you, she wouldn't accept a binding legal promise not to steal your shit

You just turned your waifu into a whore, well done

if you love something, let it go. if it comes back its yours, if it doesnt it never was

but dont be surprised if it comes back with herpes


obv wife material

the funny thing is that every single striped-sock hipster cunt whore who'll cry crocodile tears when he dies would do the exact same thing to him.

They'd cry for the missed opportunity.

No woman "becomes" a slut. They either are sluts, or they aren't. If she runs away and "becomes" a slut, you should thank your stars for dodging this bullet and use it as a lesson to develop a less shit taste in women.

Whether you think he deserves all that money for playing pretend or not, the fact is that he put in twenty years of work to earn that $400 million. It's not fair that this vapid whore should get half when she's only been married to him for a year and had absolutely nothing to do with his earning the $400 million.

It's exactly like Eddie Murphy used to say.

she wont get half of his net worth. she's at most entitled to half what he earned since they got married, and that's a BIG if considering she is not an unemployed housewife raising his children

I doubt she'll settle for that seeing as his last five or so films have all bombed. He can't be making that much money.

Plus, with this abuse shit, it's clear she's on the war path. She wants Johnny's money. Johnny can prove he's not a total idiot by getting a very good lawyer.

his earnings include royalties and appreciation on any shared marital property like the house. but yeah, he needs a good lawyer this bitch is out for blood. she shouldn't walk away with anything more than a million and considering she's a successful and prolific actress herself, no alimony

holy shit…
he was one of the good actors out there,
sad man

Pre-nups get thrown out for five reasons:

1) Fraud - Make sure you disclose all your assets
2) Coercion - Hard to prove, make sure you don't say shit/she can't prove you said shit like 'I'm not marrying you without a prenup'
3) Improperly filed paperwork - File your paperwork properly
4) Lack of proper legal representation - Make sure you've both got lawyers
5) Ridiculous provisions - Don't ask her to sign shit that says shit like 'No child support if we get divorced' because you're just asking for your prenup to get thrown out. It's generally best to avoid mentioning any potential children

Avoid all of these and a pre-nup is as likely to be thrown out as any other contract.

What are you basing this on? Pirates of the Caribbean 4?

How does it feel to be the only one who believed OP's bullshit?

sorry 4 bad english
when was you when Jonny Deep die?
i was home eating cereal when deadmau5 called
"jonny deep is kill"

It's your alimony.

How to get a prenup thrown out: Would the prenup give the woman any less than if there was no prenup at all? Then the prenup is unfair and completely voided. Judges can arbitrarily throw out your prenup if they think it's unfair for whatever reason. Prenups are nothing but a fantasy for children. Prenups do not protect men from divorce rape.


Don't get married, faggots. Unless you want to fork over 50% of what you own at divorce, be forced to pay child support, never see your children, be forced to pay alimony, and when you die have what's left of your property to go your ex wife.


Women with money and worth shouldn't get married either if they are sane. Especially in absolutely forced 50/50 states you would have to be a complete moron to get married.

Have you ever been married?

Yes, I'm an oldfag. Don't get married, newfag. You are playing with a loaded gun that's more likely to go off the longer traditional values deteriorate in western society.

oH FUCK I CAn't believe i never saw this, i feel like such a pleb

Story time?

Fixed that for you.

Pre-nips getting thrown out all the time is the meme here. It's actually quite uncommon.

If I get married, is it better to give her 50% of my shit or just choke the bitch out and do time?


How long were you married, 'oldfag'?

Kill wife, use half of your money to cover it up. That's the best option.

Just shoot her on the street.

It's actually the hardest to solve murders where the victim is shot on the street, for a variety of reasons

The primary suspect is always gonna be the husband, especially if you don't have a rock solid alibi.

Why would the primary suspect be the husband if she's been gunned down in the street? Why wouldn't the primary suspect instead be 'gang violence'?

Alibis are circumstantial at best. Without any evidence they can't arrest on 'he doesn't have an alibi' alone.

Because the police look for motive you dumb nigger.

If they find out you're close to divorce, or God help you, going through the process you're gonna shoot straight to the top of the list of suspects.

Please, never try to murder anyone, all you'll end doing is getting raped by Bubba in prison.

Haven't you learned anything, watching television and movies? You give her a pair of concrete boots and drop her into the ocean.

Is Johnny Depp ==JUST== tier now?

The fact she suddenly disappeared is still going to be extremely suspicious.

It's easier just to go on a "camping trip" deep into the forest, push her off a cliff and pretend she fell to her death.

How naive do you have to be to believe this doesn't happen?

There's a chance she will survive the fall. It's much easier to drop her into the sea and say the ocean claimed her.

Fair point. Then just rent a sailboat, go out into the sea and make sure she never comes back.

Then return and put on your best sadface and beg rescuers to look for her.

that plan's about as watertight as a paper bag.

That's why you gotta have an alibi and pay someone else to drop her into the sea.

Retards the lot of you. Just set fire to the ship while you are at sea then you both die and no one will suspect you.
It's like you haven't even thought this through.

No they don't. Motive doesn't mean shit to them.

Three things break cases. Witnesses, physical evidence, confessions. Without one or two, they can't get three.

Plotting your future wife's murder is great and all, but wouldn't it just be easier to not get married?

the law says she's entitled to half the marital earnings while the marriage was in effect. don't like it? don't get married.


pay a friend to get to a nigger and shot her while you make your face beeing seen all around vegas.

the friend is easier to keep on your side, the nigger is easier to shoot when all is done and you dont want loose ends

maybe in the US but I still doubt it. Have your lawyer write it.

The more people you involve in your murder conspiracy the more likely it is that the police will flip them and wreck your shit.

Kill her yourself and give the police a non-descript alibi like 'I was at home'. So long as nobody can disprove it i.e. the neighbours didn't see you leave your house, and there's no evidence tying you to the crime scene, the police can't do shit.


"Included in her line items is $10,000 a month for rent, $10,000 a month for entertainment, gifts and vacations, $2,000 a month for eating out, $3,000 a month in health care costs not paid for by insurance and a combined $10,000 a month for pet supplies and fees for her public relations, agent and attorney."

Holy fuck this sounds like Yahoo Answers

nice post tbh

Wish I could get 120000 a year to spend entetainment.

how badly? would you suck johnny depp's cock?

That only works if the victim is a male.

this is how you find out she's a gold digging whore

Except you can't say that because the judge can throw it out for "coercion."

just get a fucking lawyer to sign a witness statement. you go down to a law firm, pay a small fee and some lawyer will say there was no coercion in signing it. if she wants to prove that you somehow forced otherwise, she'll have to prove it.

not as easy to get away with as you might think

pick 1 fam