Noticed something about Movie Blob

As he increasingly pushes his identity politics bullshit, he decreases is face into obscurity. Jesus, this guy is one of the hardest virtue signalers I have ever seen. What's funny is the reaction idiot SJWs like him are having to like the tamest video James Rolfe has ever done.


Wow. I genuinely stunned, OP.
Blob will be the first person to shit on some male interest thing for any reason he can find, but when this happens, it's all "why so angry?? >;)))"

Also, he's managed to get fatter and uglier since the last time we saw him.

It's only a matter of time before the diabetes claims him.


Please, don't shit up /cow/ with more Bob threads. He's a completely pointless topic that's been hammered out to death over there.


/cow/ is one of my designated shitting boards though.

You must be new


Fuck off shill.


it is absolutely headed that direction user

I can't do it. I can't keep watching. Not even ironically.

He looks worse than before.

I feel so ashamed for watching his stuff in the past.


How is that fat fuck not dead yet? I hope Trump deport Bob Spicman to Mexico where he belong.

he really was raised by a single mother, wasn't he?

Actually no, his parents are still married as far as I know. His father was certainly in the picture

that's probably even more embarrassing

Fuck Movie Bob would be lucky if he don't die from choking on a Hotdog

I love how movie Bob admitted Muslims are violent after crying Islamophobia. By bringing up no was killed by painting piss Christ.

hes strarting to stumble in and out of his real accent and his put-on boston accent

man that collects children's toys demands to be taken seriously.




my god im such a fucking retard.

i just now realized they call him movie bLob because he's fat

You were raised by two women, weren't you?

Well, in this case it's most certainly both.

Don't be, or at least not for the reasons you are. His old stuff was mostly harmless autism. Like a less cancerous, significantly less popular version of the Game Theorists.

he mixes his video game collection, I see xbox and Wii games in no order.

top pleb

Movie Blob has used a bedsheet to wipe his ass before, hasn't he?

He shared a picture of his basement flat once. He can't seem to put anything in any kind of order.

I'm still ashamed for watching his stuff as I've come to realise he was always retarded.

hasn't everyone?


Fuck off


I don't know how he hasn't had to have his legs amputated due to diabetes yet.

I can't wait for him to an hero.



won't happen, i'd be surprised if he doesn't die out of a heart attack or diabetes within the next 2-3 years.

Take me seriously I'm a 250lb 30-something grown ass man who owns a trenchcoat, collects Nintendo memorabilia, creates an online video game show where I dress up in different outfits and talk to myself, I wrote a book on how much I love Super Mario Bros. 3, and I doled out health advise to gamers.

You can't shit up what's already shit.

user, don't you know that takes self awareness to notice? Goons don't have that.

I remember reading in his "book" that he bounced from his grandmothers funeral to play more SMB3. Since then I developed new personal rating system for vidya: "Is this game worth missing grandparents funeral?"

250's a bit generous. He's 300 easy.

You neglect to mention that he later contracted Diabetes.

I'm sad there will never be an AVGN episode for the new Ghostbusters.

I'm talking about "watching this movie is like eating fresh diarrhea from a gorilla's ass" AVGN.

I'm 260 and nowhere near as big as him. unless he's like 5'2'' there's no way he's anything less than 320.

I'll concede 300+ is probably more likely to be accurate, but I'm sure you have more muscle than Bob, right? The way I see Bob, looking at him, the guy is a literal ball of fat. He's probably got just enough muscle to waddle around in his trenchcoat. Fat is far less dense than muscle, meaning he'll probably occupy far more space than you relative to his weight.

Someone like Bob would actually need to have quite a bit of muscle just to be able to stand up and move himself. If he were a literal ball of fat he'd be more like vid related.

Did the ghost busters thing break movie blob?
He keeps tearing himself between shitting on the movie and praising everything about it.

His bullshit movie meter keeps being reset by his cuck meter.

It's actually kind of mesmerizing to watch.

Ironically, he was the first one to shit on Fight game fans because the supposed harassement some girl suffered.

More ironically he used a picture of a fat nerd in a superhero costume to describe those 'manchildren'.