If Brendan had stuck with his black gf, he wouldn't be trying to unfuck his shit today

If Brendan had stuck with his black gf, he wouldn't be trying to unfuck his shit today.

No, he'd be dead instead

A kinder fate

Pretty attractive nigger to be honest. I just couldn't stand the thought of having mule children though.

Considering that white man/black woman marriages are 44% less likely to divorce than same race couples, you are probably right.

They are also a rare match. The people who do it are committed.

is that jeremy renner

It makes sense. If a white man can live with himself waking up to a she-boon every morning, their marriage must really be based on love, right?

That's Matt Damon.

No, Karl Urban.

haha, i love this ironic "pretend to be from 1860" meme.

stormcucks please go

Could you help me out, I seem to have forgotten what year it is.

Get out libcuck commie, Holla Forums owns this board

Holla Forums doesn't own anything, which is why they live at home and shitpost on the internet.

They own Holla Forums.

I thought /sp/ took over when their board crashed.

we own you
all day you think about le nazi boogeyman on the internet
how we are taking over your poor little film board
you wake up in the night in a cold sweat with images of le happy merchant plastered on every corner of the internet
then you realize

Nah. /sp/ went to another imageboard. They still play getball here occasionally. They don't seem to be very good at it anymore though.


With the sheer amount of shitposting and memes around here, you could've fooled me.

it was a joke, just like nu/pol/

They lost their touch ever since they left. They made a deal with the devil and sacrificed their get powers for a stable site. Now that Holla Forums is getting fixed, 76chan is slowly becoming a waste land with only /sp/ to inhabit it. A tragic tale that could rival anything Shakespeare ever wrote.


I'm sure some of them own a color television. Also:

Honestly, you bring it on yourself.

I think you're projecting. I enjoy Holla Forums, but I don't take it seriously. It's like the anonymoose shit but worse. Kiddies just latch on because they think it's rebellion.



Fucking AmeriKKKa and it's bullshit beastiality laws


Thanks, Jews.

Dude, just don't watch stuff you won't like. I don't care if someone else wants to make the TV equivalent of liquid shit for others that like to consume said shit. Just don't partake. Did you faggots never learn to be the least bit elitist?

My child, you come to me my son. For who now is your father if not me? I am the wellspring from which you flow. When I am gone you will have never been. What would your world be without me? My son

My son

Face it, VR is the best chance you have short of waifubots of actually having sex with anything other than your tenga.

who could have guessed?

tengas are literally the iMac of onaholes
even more plebeian than a fleshlight

I wouldn't know, tbh fam. I use my hands because of habit. I never even found the need for lotion. I'm like Hanzo the motherfucking Razor.

it's normal not to need lotion unless your penis is mutilated in some way

Statistically, most serial killers are dry guys.

My dick got the jew-treatment and I don't need lotion, lube or anything.

different strokes for different folks?

dunno what post you were replying to, but all I gotta say to your post is wew

You game was slipping before you left. When it was just /sp/ playing you looked good because no one else played. When other people started to join in you actually tried and did okay. Now that you are playing with yourself again you guys have just gotten lazy as shit.

nigger nigger nigger