Can we finally admit Brad Jones is probably the biggest literal cuck from CA?
Backtracking his shitting on James Rolfe bl video by calming it just a joke in his though the looking glass
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Brad not the biggest cuck from channel awesome. He just the biggest asshole.
That's not how it works, shitbird.
His wife actually fucked another man. The use of the word 'cuck' is completely and totally applicable here.
But Brad is almost an actual cuckold, not just the buzzword kind.
Is his wife as fugly as Doug's?
You know, I really wanna know if Brad got bullied super-hard in high school or something, because a lot of his asshole act comes off as super insecure "I don't give a crap, s-s-see?" shit from past emotional trauma.
Didn't he kick her ass to the curb when she did it though?
If you are going to use cuck as an insult it implies he just accepted it.
I'd tell Brad to kill himself, but he's already attempted it several times
No, it implies his wife fucked another man, which she did.
Stop watching porn and read a dictionary.
I thought she fucked an underage girl she met on WoW?
Well then it's not an effective insult is it?
But I guess cucks want that.
He literally just took what James said and supplanted Ghostbusters with dog porn. How is that even a joke, let alone a smart one?
Whichever. It's still embarrassing
Do you even interpersonal relations?
SJW tier lefties are completely incapable of grasping humor.
Whenever they attempt to tell a joke they have this blank, soulless look in their eyes because they are honestly confused as to why nobody finds them funny.
Well, they're unintentionally funny with the retarded shit they get angry about I guess, but there's a significant difference between being laughed with and being laughed at.
The biggest cuck of CA is PawDugan. He is not allowed to fuck Elisa Hansen as she claims she's "asexual", but he is willing to raise her son.
And yet there were still white-knights saying he was no cuck because he still kicked her out. Being a cuck is a scarlet letter to your manhood. You can never wash it out.
She is about as good looking as Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn are.
would you? Why?
she obviously let him fuck her at least that one time a few days after getting knocked up by Chad
Come on lad
She fucked an underage girl, but not any other men. The girl he began dating afterward they divorced was the one who fucked another man.
she's hot, that's why
The more bratty a girl is the more men want to put them in their place. Women bend to the dick.
So, is to break her will, seems reasonable.
Holy shit Latza dubs
So you really think any male at CA wasn't bullied in school?
I hope they gave Doug a swirly as toilets are his one true calling in life.
She wasn't "asexual" when she let the captain of the football team fuck her, was she?
so that's where all that kickstarter money went
It's the natural feminist evolution. Every time.
apparently humming the Doug cartoon intro theme was enough to trigger him according to his review.
Of course, I think that Elisa just throw up to the mere idea of having some intimacy with paw. But she need an idiot to raise her child.
She's asexual when PawDugan is concerned, as well she might be.
Please, tell us about manhood, alpha.
Cucks are repulsive to the vast majority of humanity at an instinctual level.
He married a "assexual" chick that has a kid, so he'll raise the kid and won't even fuck his own wife in return.
You can't be more cuck than that, unless you're Anthony Burch.
Holla Forums has discovered a new alpha cuck.
I present to you Jake Rapp. Summary of this marvelous specimen of Western decadence taken from ED.
I just want to add that Jakey boy was a devout Christcuck right until he went to college. There he meets Alison Rapp, is brainwashed into a faggot cuckold, "marries" her, takes her last name and lets her pimp him out to strange men.
Burch is the ideal of manliness compared to this sad sack of shit.
Is this true? Why isn't she in jail then? Source?
Who gives a shit?
When is the next plinkett review?
Maybe Hilldawg was her lawyer.
Or maybe it's just business as usual.
Jesus Christ, why are all leftists pedophiles?
And for the right price that man could be you!
Oh my. Even Anthony Burch isn't this much of a cuck.
You know, the fucker isn't even bad looking. These beta cucks are usually fat, balding, and wear ugly glasses, they have that "loser" look and that's why they submit to the first whore that is willing to use them.
Jake Cuck here is in shape and all that. He could probably date a pretty good-looking, non-SJW degenerate chick. What happened?
God knows. Like I already mentioned he was a normal guy right until he went to college. There he met his future "wife" and her mystical Marxist powers turned him into a male exclusive prostitute.
My best guess is that some men are genetically predisposed to cuckolding. Uncovering the cuck gene and aborting such specimen should be a goal for humanity.
And by the way, here is a webm of him getting pegged by his whore/pimp "wife".
Well, Anthony Burch's got a new cardgame called Russian Roulette on kickstarter. Says it's problematic as a skit as he aims a gun at his head and guys scream akwardly at him. Apparently Anthony Burch is a selling point since they put his name on the game.
This can't be real. This is straight up tragic…
His wife is also a bonafide pedophile/pedo enabler. She got fired from Nintendo when her using her official twitter account to post pedophile apologism got her the attention of the usual suspects, and it got outed she was whoring herself on the side.
My theory is that the whoring was only the cheery on top, and that her getting fired had already been decided before that, when Holla Forums started spreading the news that a leftist, pedo enabling cunt was working for Nintendo.
It doesn't say anything about Jillian
I'm more concerned she'll rape them and/or pimp them out like she does her husband.
Someone should keep track of her, and when she eventually gets pregnant, call the social services.
Precisely why I am concerned. She is an monstruous individual lacking any fetters even keep her mouth shut or running off on Twitter to say stupid shit. Throughtly ruining a cuck's life is one thing, but raising kids under a psycho an her simp is truly tragic.
A woman could cheat on her husband and ruin him, in spite of any punitive action he took against her or the other man? Bullshit.
That's fucking idiotic nonsense. You're trying to make the word cuck meaningless.
He divorced her as soon as he found out though.
Cuckold is knowingly and willingly letting your wife fuck another dude. Being cheated on =/= Cuckolding.
A literal walking advertisement for birth control and population reduction.
It's Unprofessional for a business's to mock someone who you work with and depend on when times get tough.
dear god
what the fuck
I'm a pedo and even I can't understand the retardation of this cunt.
By the way Ask me anything.
Is already implied.
Well don't believe me, ask anyway.
reddit is that way faggot
how big is your dick?
Probably in a similar manner to this.
Why don't you GTFO this board?
Because I don't want to.
then slit your wrists and post it
do it faggot
Such anger.
Why would I.
Looks like you need some psychological counseling.
you act like i'm angry when posting that, but i'm not. i just think you should slit your wrists
And you act like if I deserve to die when literally I've done nothing wrong.
you were born
You too pal.
I guess we made the same mistake.
Nice trips.
i still haven't watched this retarded video.
i refuse
I can almost listen her loud mouth smacking.
implying any sane man wants frostbite on his dick
good call
Better rack than either of those put together, though.
I think Anita looks cuter with child bearing hips
He helped through AVGN under the bus for views. Also he looks like a beta cuck faggot.
He got called out and is trying to make everyone forget. Throwing James under the bus was just his way to finally go full cuck. Now that it backfired terribly he wants everyone to believe his flimsy lies.
related to anthony "cuck tales" burch?
With borderlands there, I don't doubt it.
Where do all these cunts come from? Is there some kind of spawning vat for shrewish dykes some where?
Totally demonic. The whole earth arguably needs exterminatus just because that exists on it.
Jesus christ you people need to stop watching porn.
You're a cuckold if your wife fucks another man regardless of whether or not you know about it or condone it. That is literally all it means, man whose wife is unfaithful. The literal meaning has absolutely nothing to do with all of your fetish shit.
if she cheats, and you leave her because of it, are you still a cuck though?
I think the silver lining to Cisbusters is how much it apparently limited Paul Feig's influence on the Peanuts movie, which was nice and loyal to its source material in spite of a few ADD-pandering jokes slipped in here and there and more callbacks to things from the original Christmas special than I would've liked.
His apparent desire to modernize Charlie Brown for the current year was almost certainly tempered by how legendarily protective Schulz's children are of their property, but furthermore it must have been busy work to make such a shitty-looking 80s cash grab and to have to constantly complain on Twitter about how other people react to it.
Embed mostly unrelated, I had to dock them a few points for not including the GOAT musical cue in all Peanuts media.
Anita is not crazy. She is a beautiful and intelligent woman that is scamming losers from all their money.
Yes, it's called San Franciso.
Didn't she randomly flashed nerds at a con when they broke up?
She's his sister and is arguably the one responsible for him being such a mess. She's also a mediocre VA who thinks she deserves more money than what she's already getting (and VAs are already insanely fucking expensive).
the more you get ugly the less dick you get and the more you let yourself go
why you didnt already went full hero
Yes. Divorce doesn't erase cuckoldry. If you're married to a woman and she cheats on you, you are a cuckold.
might as well, everyone already saw them in the Cinema Snob Movie
We need a word for degenerates like Anthony Burch. That word is cuck. There is a world of difference between filth like that and some guy whose wife is fucking other guys behind his back.
Your asshurt attempts to stop the word usage won't work.
Throwing the word cuck around is actually incredibly effective. Both genuine cucks and those that earn the moniker with their behavior recoil at the accusation.
I can't remember on what board there was a thread about a bonafide cuck getting all assravaged that the "abuse" of the word had now popularized negative connotations with his pathetic lifestyle.
Or what about "cuckservative"? Truth of the matter is that there is few things worse you label a man than cuck, be it the regular or intellectual kind.
Arguing this is like arguing 'irony' should just mean something coincidental or that 'literally' should mean figuratively. Definitions of words don't change just because a bunch of teenagers on chan saw some interracial cuck fetish porn and decided that cuck should mean 'Man who gets off to watching his wife fuck well endowed black men'.
'Beta cuck' works fine. Hell, even just plain 'loser' would be appropriate.
But Burch is a bonafide cuck. Other men fucked his wife while he was married to her, with his full consent.
And the word cuck itself has already evolved. A cuckold used to be a man that had his wife cheat on him without his knowledge, and then it mutated into a person whose sexual fetish involves "prepping the bull" and letting it fuck his wife while he watches (and sometimes slurps the cum afterwards).
No it hasn't. You're describing a particular type of porn which has almost nothing to do with the word itself or how it can be applied.
We don't need separate words to describe people like Burch and people like Brad. The fact that Burch was complicit in his own cuckoldry and Brad was not is immaterial as far as the word 'cuck' is concerned.
you know she'll probably be the kind of bitch to regret it later on & call it rape, right?
celebrity and union VAs are expensive
look at 4kids. they had shit budget & still managed to stay afloat for years
so it's become what faggot was in the 90s and 00s
bonafide cuck? try evolved cuck. the kind of cuck who thinks that his wife getting fucked by other men is normal because "you don't own her", despite the fact that the entire purpose of being in a relationship is to be loyal to one another
hell, one of his last girlfriends cucked him with one of his friends
That's pretty much all there are in video games right now.
4Kids actually had quite a bit of money. Enough to pay for extensive edits, re-scoring, etc. In one instance they actually managed to pay to get the animation studio that made Kinnikuman Nisei (Ultimate Muscle) to make new, exclusive to America, episodes.
They just cut corners.
a trend that i hope ends soon
it's called a cuckold fetish for a reason, retard. do you think the terms "foot" and "foot fetish" mean the same thing?
That is pretty much how he addresses haters all the time. Back then when Man of Steel was released he got hit with backlash for shitting on the movie, he re-released a video poking fun at them. Movie still sucked ass, but that is how he reacts in any given chance.
Am I supposed to know who the fuck this is OP?
Holy fuck, being cheated on is not cucking. They're completely different things. Burch is a cuck because he willingly allowed his partner to fuck other men. Brad is not a cuck because he didn't want his wife fucking other men and immediately kicked her ass to the curb when he found out. He'd be a cuck if he kept her around or forgave her, but he didn't.
I believe in the Shakespearean sense "cuckold" meant a man who was cheated on.
No, they aren't. How long are we going to have this argument?
Just admit that you don't think Brad is a cuck because you actually like him/feel sorry for him and we can all move on.
figures a Madokafaggot would be illiterate.
Bitch ended up in Fallout 4 somehow as well, as the worst characters. Pretty sure she's the crazy bitch synth in Far Harbor as well.
gets it, hiring cucks and overblown celebrities is expensive. You can get much farther with people that are still quite talented, but don't think they need $50 per line.
(((Unions))) need to be gassed.
Fallout 4's entire voice cast is washed up D list faggots. even the main character was some noname from the Total Recall remake.
All of them did a great job (but the sound engineers fucked up hard, last time I heard MP3 compression artifacts in voice lines I was playing Deus Ex, a game that did that to fit on a 700MB disc), it's if anything proof that you don't need huge name celebrities to voice your games.
Plus they didn't hire faggots like Wil Wheaton to voice, unlike Obsidian.
every line I heard sounded like someone who didn't want to be there just reading the script with as few takes as possible.
Disappointing, I really like Brad too. CA has become a den of cancer.
Anita is a low-rent conman taking advantage of a once in a lifetime situation. All it took to milk the insane social justice climate of the past few years was not having a shred of honesty.
He obviously got cheated on, and doesn't want to be a cuck.
If you divorce someone, they are no longer your spouse, you retard.
Doesn't mean they never were, you retard. If you divorce your wife because you've been cuckolded, you've still been cuckolded, you mongoloid.
You know, I'm not even mad at Anita anymore. We should probably be thanking her for what she's done to accelerate things.
Not that user, but I've seen retards misusing the term like >>351959 to the point it doesn't mean anything anymore. Its just used to shut down retards just like SJW use the word "bigots"
cuck doesn't work like bigot because bigot is meant to silence them while cuck legitimately causes anger and makes a fool of themselves.
So did he even consummate his marriage?
Literally, who?
I'm sure some nu-male beta orbiter politely m'ladys that on demand.
Not enough, otherwise she'd be less miserably uptight.
Wow, proof that feminism makes you awful on the inside and outside.
A whore, an annoying tomgirl, and a drug addict. Yep.
Good, now those 2 won't reproduce together. The only way she will probably get pregnant now is by a john.
going from the sample I've see so far.
Kill yourself. You're menace to society.
Says the guy who is into kids.
That's because he was smart. He kept CA at arm's length throughout the years of his collaboration with Doug. If you watch the first year anniversary brawl video (the one they did in a hotel lobby, one year before Kickassia) then it looks like he was somewhat deeply involved in the "planning" since he accompanied the entire CA crew, presumably stayed at the hotel with them, and had a major role in that video. He did a few crossover videos with Doug and then took on smaller roles in subsequent CA anniversary videos.
Of all the red flags he must've noticed from an early point, I wonder what were the biggest ones?
Your opinion is shit and reeks of "Obsidian didn't make it so it's shit".
and your shit reeks of "everyone who disagrees with me likes a company that hasn't made a good game in over a decade". how is hearing bad lines an opinion anyway? could you give some examples of good acting in the game?