Joss Whedon
"One of the things I like about the X-Men is they're not killing people...
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Doesn't Wolverine like stab and cut people to death?
says the fascist
Punisher doesn't wear a cape, thankfully.
Joss Whedon is worthless on his own. His ideas only work half decent when he is stuck in the role of collaborator where other people can tell him to shut the fuck up from time to time.
Joss Whedon has never been good.
Never mind all those Nazis Cap must have killed.
Well, don't act so surprised.
Punisher is a unambiguously masculine character who uses guns - not quips - to fight evil. He's everything a lefty hates wrapped up in a skull t-shirt. And Sensitive Joss Whedon happens to be a lefty feminist. Of course Frank would trigger him something fierce.
there's that word again
I'm not surprised. I'm delighted a cuck like him doesn't like the Punisher.
Nazis aren't people silly goy.
He's only successful because he's somehow managed to get all these hot girls in to appear in his shows, thereby attracting the plebs.
We're now breeding a new generation of popular writers who not only cannot comprehend the motives of characters that are noticeably different from themselves, but also refuse to even try, instead demanding that these characters be changed, censored or removed entirely.
Joss only writes two kinds of characters: the quiet quirky badass, and the loud-mouthed quirky badass. Small sprinklings of nuance are then tentatively added by producers and ghost writers, but only if the nuance doesn't offend Joss.
Despite how critically panned his writing is, it keeps selling, and he keeps getting work. To Hollywood, people like Joss are the future model for writing because he makes them the big bucks.
Joss Whedon is such a fat cuck.
Isn't Punisher just Charles Bronson from Death Wish?
He's just a generic vigilante.
Too bad his archetype is generally reviled in capecomics, because you can't kill the bad guys, man.
This is why cape comics are political correct infantile fantasies.
No, you gotta put the villains in prison, man.
So they can escape and you can do this shit altogether again, and they can make the same comic in 75 years.
Also figures Whedon would hate Daredevil, he can never relate to these feelings because he's a cuck mangina.
Daredevil is superhero kino.
The walls are closing in. seeing the bugs again, user?
Next level of no true scotsman
How the fuck can the Punisher be fascist, when the government hates him, he has no official support outside his own contacts and the only reason why the police hadn't hunted him down yet is because they understand he actually makes their job easier and he doesn't kill cops.
Fascism is just meaningless insult for anything bad someone doesn't like. Allied WWII propaganda was so succesful ex-Allies, Russia and Western both, still use it as an insult against people that oppose them.
Joss has a hardon for little flat girls like Buffy or River being hardcore killers, because of some faggot incident where jocks were torturing him and he wished for a loli to come rescue him.
Fascism is what globalists fear the most, because it puts power in the hands of the nation and its traditions as opposed to a cabal of (((bankers))). That's the only reason they fought Hitler instead of Stalin.
I hate this cuck.
Do you even know what Fascism is?
Enlighten us, how does it not put power in the hands of the nation?
It's, like, when the government is run by corporations, maaan.
He's probably a lolberg who thinks fascism is leftwing.
If writers say Punisher never hit an innocent, he never hit an innocent. That's no more unbelievable than saying no one ever got caught in the crossfire of one of the X-Men's attacks. I guess the difference is that Punisher uses guns, and guns can't possibly used in a way that isn't mowing down school children.
There is actually a comic that deals with this, starring Punisher. I think it's called 'Punisher kills the Marvel universe' or something. Basically, Frank's family get caught in an X-men vs criminals crossfire, they get killed and he swears revenge. Pretty good comic in my opinion.
Fascist = Authoritarian. Or at least idiots think that way, and no one corrects them because it's a convenient misunderstanding, and was probably deliberately incurred.
Liking what the Punisher does (which is something few writers acknowledge they do) has nothing to do with authoritarianism, save fascism. I'm the most individualist guy you could hope to meet and I love the Punisher, because he does the right thing while giving a fuck about what everyone else thinks of him or his rules. A fascist might like him for that exact same reason, while imagining that Castle would be the general of an army in a more sane world. The only people who got no reason to like Castle are relativists, because he's their antithesis.
The Punisher has kicked the living shit out of cops and capes that got in his way plenty of times. Just because he'll stop short of killing those that belong in his "innocent" category doesn't mean he won't hurt you.
The curious thing about him is that, because he kills people who are as bad as a cancer, he has to die.
He can't find peace, or be incarcerated like those villains he would love to suck his dicks, but kill him, because he is a fascist.
For fuck's sake! You guys didn't even kill the Red Skull and he is literally worse than Hitler!
That's why people placing their politics in comics are shit. I don't mind gay characters, I don't mind transgender characters I would even fap to them, I don't mind black characters, asian characters or even retarded characters if they aren't some political punchline.
Back to reddit with you, nobody here has a need for a cocksucking beta and his pathological need to signal his virtue.
Holy fuck, I knew Holla Forums was bad, but I didn't expect it to be full on stormfaggot bullshit. Holla Forums needs to get the fuck out and take it's retarded capeshit cousin with them
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
What I'm trying to say is that I don't mind a character that is a character, not some minority token.
If you don't understand it, go the fuck back to Holla Forums
You tried.
There is no reason to have a faggot character in a story if you aren't going to make it about his faggotry. There is no plot out there, outside of those that focus on faggotry, that requires you to have a homosexual/transsexual character, and thus they are always, by default, tokens put there to virtue signal what a glorious cuck the author is.
And what's worse, they never invent their own characters (because they know nobody would buy that filth), they have to gay up straight characters in their eternal quest to suck Shlomo's circumcised dick.
You know what the best gay character in gaming is often said to be? Arcade from New Vegas. And his faggotry has nothing to do with anything, it has no impact on the plot, it never comes into play during quests. The only reason it exists is just so they could have a faggot in New Vegas.
As for nigger characters they are just white people painted black. Either that or Mary Sues, usually of the super genius variety.
So no, take you shit ideas someplace else. The comic book industry of today is proof of what happens when bottom feeders like you are allowed free reign.
What the fuck, m8?!
The only tolerable nigger in comics is Barracuda, because he actually acts like a nigger. I even like the guy.
In cartoons Uncle Ruckus is the ideal every nigger should strive towards.
But nope, gotta give Traytray and Saint Martin "true" heroes to look up to, because this time niggers will finally live up to the expectations of the libcucks, and not do what niggers always do, for sure!
Well, whatever. With peole like you, SJWs get support from normalfags, and any real nazi find you as a disgusting piece of thrash.
This is why arguing with leftists is always a fool's errand. It's like punching a baby with Down's syndrome.
You lot shrink from hard facts like Jews do from the truth.
What argument? what fact have you put on your shit? Don't talk like you are Richard Dawkins or the captain of your debate club. You are just as bad as those niggers tainting the art of debating.
Just your feelings, your "Oh no! anything that have niggers is jewish propaganda!". You don't bother presenting any fact or argument, I won't bother working in replies.
I guess you are trolling, so I should give you some credit for your efford.
By all means, present an example of a faggot character that isn't a token.
Hercules. Not the comic character, but the original Mythos.
He has a younger pupil lover.
And now the libcuck shows everyone his profound ignorance of culture and history, on top of, again, deliberately avoiding the question and moving the goalpost.
I specifically asked for a comic book faggot, but I guess your reluctance to give an example speaks far more than anything else you could have said.
And just so you know, for future reference, Greeks and Romans had no concept of homosexuality. Sex to them was a power play. Women and slaves (of either gender) were second class citizens because they took it in the ass during intercourse.
There was no greater shame for a (free) man of that era to take it in the ass past a certain age. Doing it, and it being publicly known, marked him as a social pariah. The only thing worse he could do was go down on a woman.
So, yeah, Hercules wasn't a faggot and the version of him you are using isn't related to comics at all. Bravo, libcuck, bravo.
But let me further prove my point with niggers. What are the two most popular nigger character in comic books? Black Panther and Cyborg. One is a Mary Sue (and one of the smartest people on the planet), and the other one is the usual nigger unicorn with superior intellect. Both only exist as tokens, and in the past 50 years the comic book industry has been utterly incapable of coming up with a lower primate character that isn't thus.
And now you exposed yourself, but whatever.
I could name a few characters for japan but you'll say "dat's weaboo shit! doesn't count!".
And for nigger characters I would normally say characters written by black people, but whatever.
Well, anyway, I felt in your bait and had a laugh. Good luck with your arian race, you kike.
The people belonging to the "Nation" are the single most irrevelant and worthless thing in fascism, only exists to be exploited and jerked around by the ruling elite. If you are still buying into the bread and circus bullshit after 70 years while they ran German economy into the ground, started war to keep the charade going with "muh lebesraum, muh war economy", setup slave labour camps for both minorities they couldn't get rid of and their own "muh purr ayrans" and ultimately accepted whatever bullshit surrender terms thrown at them as long as their elite (Auer, Siemens… et al.) was untouched…
…then yeah,l keep seiging dat hail nigga.
I said Hercules wasn't gay. He was not written as such, all you're doing is retroactively applying your understanding of homosexuality on a culture that had no such concept to make a "point", and then getting all flustered when it gets pointed out to you that pederasty, to them, was not gay.
I specifically asked for a comic book character, but feel free to provide a faggot character whose place in the narrative doesn't revolve around his homosexuality.
Again, examples.
I'm sure you did. Leftists like you always "have a laugh" when they stop providing proof. I guess your own stupidity and ignorance is hilarious among your peers.
This is wrong. The Greeks had laws against exclusive homosexuals. They were familiar with fags.
You never said only comic characters, just characters.
Is not my fault you only read capeshit or don't express yourself, but whatever.
Fucking retard. Hercules fucked women constantly and married women. On Olympus he married a woman for eternity.
He wasn't running around wearing rainbow clothes and screwing men constantly. It was abnormal behavior on his part to fuck males.
They were familiar with a free man fucking another free man. A free man actually taking the dick was against the natural order of things and a reason for social ridicule and exclusion.
This is different from our understanding of homosexuality, because they saw no problem with a free man fucking a male slave. You could argue that their understanding of sexuality was that whoever was actually penetrated was a "woman", or at least feminine, by default.
He fucked a boy who followed in his adventures, but of course greeks had a more open spectrum between straighness and faggotry, yet for today standars he was bi at best.
No, they did not. A man penetrated during intercourse, a woman was penetrated. That is the be all, end all of their understanding of sex and gender.
They had no concept of homosexuals, bisexuals or whatever other bullshit you leftist clowns come up with.
And once again you're a dumbfuck with no understanding of the zeitgeist. Engaging in pederasty with a young pupil was seen as perfectly normal for Greek society, Aristotle did it as well. The thing about this practice is that it stopped once the pupil reached a certain age. Past that it entered taboo territory, because a Greek man did not get penetrated by a penis.
Neither he, nor a fictional character such as Heracles, were ever understood to be "gay" by the authors that wrote about them.
I was fine with all of those things ten years ago (maybe not trannies), but now whenever I see them, I know they're there because someone wants to push an agenda, and it ruins any enjoyment I may have gotten out of that thing.
10 years ago all that shit was on the fringe, marginalized and kept out of the public spotlight. You weren't outraged because they weren't smearing it in your face and telling you to eat it.
I have nothing against faggots and niggers writing their own shitty character in their own shitty titles. They're free to do whatever the fuck they want.
Thing is, they, and their leftist/Jew enablers, both know that shit like that never sells, so they just co-opt the hard work of others and butcher an already established character to fit whatever demented agenda is on the table in the current year.
And it never works, take any recent example of a pozzed up character, they all sell abysmally and rarely make it past the first year of publication. Marvel and DC are running their business into the ground, deliberately insulting and ridiculing their core consumer base, all so they can give tumblr hacks money to vomit horribly drawn, badly written turds that have turned a respectable artistic medium into a complete farce.
Look at pics related, this is what these filthy faggots have done to comics.
there's no fucking way that last panel isn't edited holy shit, or at least this had to be made funny intentionally because that last panel was hilarious
Oh ye of little faith.
I do not believe that these are real
I know some mad tumblr types and this is even well below them
who the fuck edited these
Yes, but has fewer friends to kill.
Poor user…
if this really is real then I'm really happy that I never got into comics
please tell me this won't happen to games
Poor, poor user.
Of course it won't!
It won't. Simply because learning to code is hard and well beyond the scope of most SJWs. You'll get some SJW games, sure (think Tales of the Borderlands or Bioware games), but SJWs are finding it much more difficult to coopt game creation simply because it's so hard, and there aren't scores of designers out there willing to create the social justice propaganda games SJW writers want to create.
that's it I need to leave this thread, it is not healthy to actively pursue things that make me incredibly angry
If I can't be happy nobody can.
Sure it will - watch who is getting the designer roles and how the same shitty game journos are crawling over their shit to praise them. They'll get more people into those roles and have them tell the coders what to do.
"My job's hard - coming up with all this progressiveness and diversity. Code faster shitlord!".
literally who?
thank fuck they kicked this bitch out of the mcu. based russos will be saying "joss who?" in the next 3 years.
Fuck Josh whedon
no, user, anything but that
It seems like the Punisher needs to kill the Marvel universe for real this time.
Hi, me.
He's stolen ideas for every project he's ever headed. His entire career is built on using someone else's ideas and turning it into a cuckolded mess.
I don't get it. Are you trying to argue that Joss Whedon isn't a leftist? Because that is simply an untrue statement.
what is the source of those panels?
thats actually communism
germany's enslavement by the winning powers of ww1 ran the country into the ground, hitler saved it actually
britain and france started ww2 by declaring war against germany, not germany itself. those two countries were also ok with the soviets enslaving all of eastern europe.
only for enemies of the german people like gypsies and jewpigs like yourself.
could you stop getting triggered anytime someone doesn't worship jewpigs or believes in the retarded communism or democracy meme?
That's what scares me.
What the actual fuck does that have to do with Barbara getting shot by the joker?
It's like, when you tell someone what's on your mind and they answer with some non-sequitor because they weren't listening in the first place.
I can't think of a single reason how a character being a tranny fits into a super hero story except as some kind of tertiary plot device of a celebrity tranny being kidnapped and people care for some reason.
Here's another "daily" reminder
- Simon Pegg
- Alec Guinness
- David Cronenberg
- William Friedkin
- Alejandro González Iñárritu
- Alejandro Jodorowsky
I'm on your side in this but I'd argue that Mr Terrific is not a token nigger. And Spawn isn't a token nigger. Blade, too, maybe?
granted, Mr Terrific is another super intelligent nog, so, maybe retract that suggestion
Yahtzee Croshaw said it best "He can't write any characters besides ditzes or badasses or characters who flip arbitrarily between the two"
and that's why I cancelled all of my pulls a year or two ago, when they started doing that shit.
What a cisshit lord
He was talking about capeshit retard.
Also the original Hercules wasn't gay by any stretch of the imagination.
People should suffer for what they've done to this world.
He's afraid because no one can become Superman, no one can become Batman, but every straight, red blood man can become the Punisher.
That's no excuse dude, even some of Punisher's enemies have come back from the death a few times.
There's less time the Joker has been revived than he was put in jail for another dastardly escape.
Please, please fucking tell me all these fucking terrible comics are doing really poorly and won't reach issue 20 before cancellation. I can't even see the sale numbers because this page won't open for me
Not anymore, after the bullshit he pulled with Marvel, he's considered creative cancer, say whatever about hollywood agendas, but at the end of the day big executives care far more about the money. The truth is, the international market gives no shit about "PoC" and "Queer/Trans" representation, in fact it would aliniate the international market, the global and national toy market and the merch market. A studio like Disney cannot work on movie revenue alone.
It hurts to live.
Somewhere, Bob Chandler is crying.
Not really, no. Even today, in any modern prison, there is a world of difference between fucking another dude in the ass and vice versa. Fucking a dude is excusable. Taking dick is not.
It's frightening how on-the-mark you really are.
Honestly all this stuff makes me sad more then anything. I used to compare comics to a train wreck. Now it just feels more like a good friend got depressed and started drinking himself into suicide.
Wait, whats wrong with Tales of the Borderlands? I bought it a while ago during a sale, but I haven't played it yet
Don't forget the quirky, zinger-spouting villain. Wouldn't want the kids to think their favorite superheroes might actually be in danger.
Hey, Borderlands 1 was pretty decent, except for some half-assed RPG elements. Everything after that is just memes, forced political signaling, and lolsorandum humor.
If you liked a shallow Diablo-with-Guns turd with Burch's stellar writing smeared on top.
Anthony Burch didn't come in until Borderlands 2, retard. As dumb as the writing may have been for 1, Burch was a whole new level of shit.
Yes, and his career was pretty much ruined after that because he went full retard with his agenda. SJW types like him will never have a big impact on the videogame market because they are really fucking lazy and making a videogame is a lot harder and expensive that making a comic. It's also very stressfull, that's why lazy faggots like Phil Fish and that guy who made Braid take decades to make videogames.
Toady has been making a complete virtual world with Dwarf Fortress, the amount of variables the game tracks nowadays is completely mind-boggling. Games are not stressful to make if you actually enjoy the medium and what you can achieve with it.
Carmack, for example, lived an almost completely ascetic life when basically inventing the technology to create the FPS genre with Doom, the act of creation itself was pleasure and reward enough for him.
People like Burch actively despise games and the communities that surround them. What they want is to be Hollywood writers, but lack the talent to cut it.
Phil Fish is just a spoiled hipster shit butthurt nobody appreciates his shallow imitation of art.
No faggot.
If anything, you faggots who think you are 'alpha' are worse than the flamboyant ones. You think straight guys want you mentally ill fuckers running around their kids?
It can be stressful, but like you said, if you love what you do and have a passion for it and want to see your product finished, then you'll eventually overcome the hardships. However men like Bursch and Fish have no passion for the medium, they are in only for the creed that comes with it, and beign upper middle class faggots who aren't used to things not going their way and doing hard work, of course they drop the fucking ball. Did Phil even do the code for the game? I cannot imagine how a man like him could even complete the game if he hates videogames so much. And you are right, they are all failed hollywood writers/directos, they don't wanna make games, they wanna make artsy films or quirky televsion series. It's odvious with Fish, what with his "Indie Games: The Movie". Guy's a failed director.
The whole indie scene is complete trash. if it's not a pretentious walking simulator where some faggot with a faggy voice narrates things to you (because fuck interactivity and gameplay) it's some godawful pixel, chiptune turd made by a collective of hipster LOL IMMA A NERD XD cunts that want to establish their nerd credentials without actually touching any of the icky nerd stuff.
So they default to the zero effort creation of platformers that both fail to live up the classics they are aping, fail to bring anything new or interesting to the table, and shit on proper pixel art when they use it as an excuse not to make quality sprites.
AssCreed, on the other hand, is an example of what happens when leftists are given complete creative freedom. They exhibit their usual ignorance of history and culture and go wild with their agenda driven bullshit.
I so wish they'd fuck off and find some other hobby to ruin with their filth.
"Excusable" in the minds of sex-starved criminals and other degenerates, you insecure nigger. Fucking is a step above being fucked–at least in their minds.
Faggotry is still faggotry, and deserves a one-way ticket into the nearest oven.
he's a one man RWDS, not a degenerate
The Romans saw fucking slaves as degenerate. Claudius was recorded as the first Emperor to have 'entirely correct' sexuality, which meant he didn't fuck boys or slaves (his predecessors were Tiberius and Caligula, both legendary perverts, and Augustus, a Clinton-level philanderer.)
All this 'penetration' stuff is just nonsense. The average Roman would be disgusted by it.
They won't fuck off until they shit on all the "sexist, toxic, homophobic" nerds. Goddamn it.
Why did the fucking emperors fuck so many boys and slaves my dude, couldn't they just control their penises. Do people in positions of power just not give a shit.
To think, if Chris actually learned to use photoshop instead of felt tip pens, he could be working for Marvel.
remove Jerryboo
They can just hire him as a writer, he has all the needed prerequisites.
Chris IS trans now.
Sad times we're living in when Chris-Chan may actually be good enough to work for Marvel.
Black Panther sucks but dont shit on Cyborg he at the least has an interesting history with the Teen Titans
Replace 'Chris' with 'Kevin Smith' and you've basically described Kevin Smith's comic book career.
What did he do?
Because coming out as mentally ill in a society that's bending over backwards to accommodate your fantasies is just like being shot by a serial killer and paralysed for years.
every fucking time
I think that's Barracuda, the niggest of the niggas who ever nigged in a comic.
Don't you know? Red Skull is a true American and stands against the terrorists being let in under the guise that they are "refugees".
I love that page. It and pic related basically show how far up their own ass leftists truly are.
What is actually a perfectly reasonable stance to take on two issues (immigration and blackening Captain America) they lazily attempt to warp into something evil and sinister by having a strawman voice it.
I don't disagree that Punisher is flawed, but that's what makes him interesting to read. Of course a lefty cuck can't understand the concept of something existing that they don't agree with.
Punisher never works when you make the story about Frank. Frank is dead, he died when his family got gunned down, he died in Vietnam, only the Punisher and his war remain.
Frank is a force of nature, he is the tsunami that is about to crash into the lives of every other character with the fury of an angry god and leave a trail of death and misery in his wake.
Punisher works best when you employ Frank as a sledgehammer, and then make the story about how the people surrounding him and the events he initiated react. Trying to humanize the Punisher will always end in failure.
Is that wakfu?
Holla Forums - Comics and Politics
I'm pretty sure it's the same writer. Which is hilarious because his strawmen invariably come off as reasonable people.
Zeus would high-five the man and do the same, fucking dumbass comicbook writers.
Yeah, seriously, who wrote this?
New season soon
The Punisher
The Punisher is everything that Whedon isn't. Of course he doesn't like him.
I'm guessing someone whose grasp of Greek myth comes entirely from the Disney Hercules movie.
Let's be fair, The Punisher has probable PTSD in the very least.
Do they not teach this stuff in American school?
SJWs really are the product of America's broken education system.
I looked it up and it was fucking Peter David. The guy who wrote these.
I don't really give a shit about comic book movies but seeing 2deep4u crybabies and gommies get their panties in a twist makes me think they must be doing something right.
Because heroes that don't kill are doing so well. Tell me, how many people have died because Batman only ever captured The Joker et. al. and the villains always escaped from prison? How many people are dead because outside of BRAVO NOLAN and maybe the animated series, Batman never thought "maybe if I kill the Joker he'll stop escaping and killing people"?
God damn you lefties are predictable.
Leftists are mentally ill.
1. It's Borderlands
2. It's Borderlands
3. It's an interactive movie version of Borderlands
The original concept of Boringlands 1 may have been decent, but that was before it went into cartoon mode and became the game of memes.
You're making a mistake.
You are comparing real game developers and technological geniuses like Carmack with hipster memefags.
Or it's Firewatch where the entire story is "OH SHIT FIRE AND SOME GUY IS OUT HERE MONITORING US AND TRYING TO KILL ME oh wait lol it's nothing it's just the last guy who's hiding out because his son died and nothing happens to anyone".
In college you can take courses on it. In primary/secondary school? No, have to fit in a lot of muh divershitty and common core!
Cronenberg's a fucking kike, but his work is still better than basically every comic book movie.
Scanners guy?His shit's basically capeshit but w/o capes. I still remember my eyes rolling off into the sun when they hacked the computers with their psychic powers.
What song is playing?
Never forget that while you consider them crazy or dumb, they consider you wilfully evil and complicit in the greatest sins of humanity.
That's why they can fantasize about brutalising you with a clean conscience. because much like a zombie, or an ebul nahzee, you have forfeited your humanity. You're less than them, and these humble, righteous souls on the left know it.
Good thing I want them and their families in the oven then.
Dude, you are on an imageboard, who gives a shit?
(and so on)
I always mistake Cronenberg and Verhoeven.
But A History of Violence is best capeshit.
Good thing there's no difference between you, then.
No arguments there. It was an excellent film.
Isn't this panel from that? Good times.
Is there an archive of it somewhere on /storytime/? I remember it being a decent read.
Wouldn't know but your free to check the catalog
There are a couple of Punisher storytimes so I'd say there's a fair chance you'll find it.
Context pls?
Odin All-Father was too Patriarchal. So he gave up his spear Gungnir to his wife Frigg who broke it and used the pieces to craft her crown which gives her the strength to command the forces of Asgard as it's supreme leader.
You know, I should be mad. I should be seething mad.
Instead I'm just exhausted.
Are the execs and whatnot too dense to notice that their sales have started swirling in the toilets ever since they shoved in all this propagandic bullshit about how their core readerbase is a bunch of cissexist rape ogre hitler-nazis?
Have you ever looked at the average comic book reader? Not the OMG I'M SUCH A NERD types or the hardcore neckbreads.
I am talking about the average johnny no nuts that never really grew up, browses Reddit, collects black science man memes, and watches anime?
They are followers. If someone tells them they are smart if they think a certain way, moral if they act a certain way, and brave if they act a certain way they won't question it. They won't think for themselves as long as they receive positive reinforcement.
Shit like this seems kind of counter intuitive, don't it? But if you think about it these are the same people that bought hook line and sinker the whole jock/nerd conflict when they were in school. They don't think they didn't have friends because they are dumb as fuck followers that people don't respect. They think it is because evil braindead meat heads kept them down. They have been conditioned by media to have this victim bullshit tied in with this mass marketed identity they bought.
So since they have this pre-determined mindset about who the bad guys are, all the media needs to do to push it along towards their goals is to teach them that the bad meathead brainless jocks are all cissexist rape ogre hitler-nazis, and that intelligent, moral, and brave real men will unquestioningly follow this line of thought.
It's like, fuck man, shadow puppets. All around them people are living their lives, but they are so focused on the dancing shadows on the wall that they trick themselves into thinking that is real life. When the show ends they turn around and see normal people through this shadow puppet mindset and it conflicts with what they have been blindly conditioned to believe, so they lash out at it. Because they tend to group together to discuss the same tired shit they feed off of each other's delusions and reinforce their training.
We are living in this absolutely insane Kafkaesque nightmare and if you point out or question shit among normal people they go apeshit. I mean I was a teenager in the mid 90s and I still can't wrap my head around how we went from
to this world where people actually think that by taking away as many rights as they can they can create a free and just world.
I think lolbergtardians are naive as fuck day dreamers, but I can respect them a little bit for wanting to hold onto an ideal even if it is poorly thought out and stupid. I look left, I look right, and all I see are two wings that belong to the same bird, and that bird is shitting all over everyone in the middle. They just incrementally shift society away from any sane and logical point to where people actually think that Nazis stormtroopers and Communist thought police are logical solutions to the world's problems.
Plato's Cave is the allegory you're thinking of, for future reference. Yuri's theory of demoralization also applies.
I actually enjoy seeing when they make a character's unwillingness to kill seem a character flaw
As we all know, at some point, it would save more lives to go at things using Punisher tactics
i think he nailed it pretty well. not sure why you thought otherwise.
To be fair, sales weren't that great before. Marvel basically killed the comic book industry for good back in the 90s and since then it's been a struggle to find relevance again.
The execs don't actually care. Corporate obviously want sales to go up but they have no idea how to accomplish that, so they defer to people in editorial who supposedly know about comics and how to sell them.
we knead le ideess xD
See, that is part of what gets me. This whole shitposting thing. Like it seems the most effective way of getting a bunch of contrarians to do what you want is to agree with them.
I love the idea of a hotpocket free environment, but then I see how people go out of their way to abuse it just so others will say there should be a little moderation. I mean Holla Forums has been pretty free from janny cats pozing the place up, but everywhere else it has just been one gradual step after another. More moderation to control blatant spamming and shitposting. Then keep shitposting until they add more moderation. They just keep going until a board is unusable and all of a sudden you have the most restrictive freedom you can imagine. I mean the users asked for this right ;^)
I shitpost, pretty much everywhere I go. It's what I do. Hell I even use my own shitposts as justification when I ask for more moderation. I don't want more moderation. I don't believe in any of the things I am shitposting about. I don't hate Holla Forums or anime or any of that shit. But when I see someone saying something positive about something in a really stupid way, I just can resist the urge to shit on it. Then it just builds and escalates until I am calling for moderation.
I think I am just as much of a blind follower as those people I was mocking earlier, except they actually believe the lies they were told. I am just a dickhead.
Like literally was me. But I realized that Plato's Cave was what I was subconsciously think about when I read the wikipedia page and I thought I was stupid for not knowing it. Then was posted and I wanted to piss them off because I was pissed off at myself. Then I made some really retarded post that you just finished reading and we are now both sitting here wondering why we wasted the time on such self indulgent garbage.
wew. you should seek help for being that much of a self indulgent anus stain. i would reccommend finding a non fedora philosophy
So does magneto. Comic fags are just picking on what they dislike.
so kind of like Holla Forums with pedophiles, how come its ok for them to fantasize about… i dunno… being a huge guy with guns that shoots people in the face or throws people on a woodchipper because they're attracted to kids, but not for retarded womyn to fantasize about killing a man for calling her a feminist?
in the end, they're both shitty fantasies
pure narcissism right there, you guys keep being the nega-tumblr and denying it.
your analysis of the modern 'nerd' is spot on, although you are functionally retarded
This coming from Joss Whedon, the guy behind Buffy and Angel which humanized various demons making several of them recurring cast members and explicitly states they aren't all bad, then goes about murdering them as vigilantes every single episode?
joss whedon… Sensible Joss Whedon…
underrated post
tbh fam
Nice try, schlmo. Kill yourself.
narcissist af fam
Holla Forums owns its violence. It doesn't pretend to simply want to "have a dialogue" with pedos i.e. gives commandments that must be followed. It admits it wants them gone; whether killed imprisoned, or chemically castrated varies from poster to poster, but they won't pretend they want equal coexistence and then expect submission.
Tumblr owns its violence. It doesn't pretend to simply want to "have a dialogue" with males i.e. gives commandments that must be followed. It admits it wants them controlled; whether killed, imprisoned, or chastity caged varies from tumblrite to tumblrite, but they pretend they want equal coexistence and then expect submission.
Oh boy.
i need more pictures of slut laughman
American here, I learned about Greek mythology in sixth grade (age 11), in tandem with ancient history. I specifically remember my teacher talking about Zeus' infidelity, because that forms the start of many different myths, the most well-known being Hercules.
Both sides openly say that they want to hurt and kill the other side (#killallmen was taken seriously by many feminists), but what percentage do you think actually do it? They're all just words, empty threats, roleplaying from Internet Tough Guys.
Individuals on both the right and left are willing to use, or at least say on the internet that they are willing to use violence to accomplish their goals. They both forget how the laws that protect the natural rights of the people they hate protect them too.
point being, Holla Forums thinks its ok to have psychopathic gore fantasies when the victim is one they don't like (namely, tumblrites), but they also don't like tumblr having psychopathic gore fantasies when the victim is them, because tumblr doesn't like them.
and these people claim to be for "freedom of speech and thought".
That is some high quality OC, right there.
You could pick cherries professionally, son.
Absolutely. It's childish and hypocritical, but not illegal. Tumblr can draw their comics where the strawman is humiliated and murdered, and Holla Forums can do the same with their greentexts about the Day of the Rope, and then they steal these examples from each other, hold them up and say "Look, they really are evil!" It's brain-dead, but nothing new. I'd even call it an American tradition. If anything I'm happy about it because it shows freedom of expression is still alive. That MGS2 thing with the internet making people insular and radicalized is still correct, but I haven't seen a translation to real-world violence, at least not on a scale that implies the end of democracy like in Holla Forums's many doomsday scenarios.
pretty much, its kind of funny how far up their own asses each side is and how they think they're better than the other one.
Spoken like a true kike.
I can think they are retards and still respect the fact their fanfiction is more consistent than most TV and movies.
I'm so fucking sick of this "both sides are just as bad!" garbage SJWs try to push because they know they can't defend their actions any longer. Look, I'm going to spell this out for you to show you why you're a complete and total fucking idiot, you know for a fact that you're a complete and total fucking idiot, and everything you've just said was wrong.
On Twitter, they've added boards comprised of SJWs and feminists to decide what content is and isn't acceptable. On the left they have hastags like "killallmen" you can post all day, every day about how all men are worthless and should die, all straight people are worthless and should die and all white people are worthless and should die.
At the same time, people are getting arrested for things like saying they hope members of an opposing sports team suffer a broken leg. Conservatives get banned just for being conservative.
This is the case virtually everywhere. One side controls the media, the government and virtually every website online just because most tech companies are based in places like San Francisco. The other is lied about, exaggerated, misrepresented and put in prison for suggesting things only a tenth as hostile as what the left does.
One man had his company taken away from him for signing a petition against gay marriage over 20 years ago, another had his ownership of a sports team taken for him for telling his black girlfriend in the privacy of his own god damned house not to bring black boyfriends to games.
You cannot logically claim there's any similarity or equality to it whatsoever when on one side saying "kill all white people" will get you a job at Comedy Central and on the other side saying "niggers/fags/trannies/durkas/cunts are bad sometimes" can get you banned from youtube, facebook, twitter and virtually every other site on the internet, your livelyhood destroyed, your children taken away from you and put in prison.
Simon Pegg is a massive faggot who tried to cash in on nerd culture and discovered nerds won't just swallow his swill just because he was in a popular zombie movie that one time. He can shove his sweatshop-made "this is what a feminist looks like" shirt up his ass, with his wife's strap-on, or his wife's daughter's.
Jodorowky's a drugged out leftist commie faggot the likes of Devin Faraci sucks off.
I watched his Dune documentary, where he whines and cries about how the studios told him he was insane with his ridiculous budget demands, where he acted like he was a visionary for making films starring himself and his son, rather than a self-important egomaniacal jackass.
Not to mention his justification for changing the ending to Dune to be about the universe uniting in a drug-fueled psychic hivemind being, and I quote "A MOVIE, IS A SHE'S A LIKE A BRIDE. SHE LOOKA SO BEAUTIFUL INA HER DRESS, BUT IF TO MAKE BABY YOU HAVE TO RIP THE DRESS OFF! YOU HAVE TO RAPE HER! YOU HAVE TO! SO IS LIKE THIS I RAPE MOVIE! I RAPE IT! BUT- I ONLY RAPE WITH LOVE…"
Eat shit you talentless old drug-addict.
Holla Forums would enforce the same politics if it didn't make them look hypocritical as fuck, you know this is true.
when you post an opinion or a thread on Holla Forums (or anywhere for that matter) that doesn't go with their narrative, you get angry replies with tons of buzzwords.
the truth is its the same kind of shitty people except from a different end of the spectrum, if Holla Forums was given control of social media, TV channels, and government office, they would do the exact same but reversed.
my point is, you actually want to do all those bad things to the left/the pedos/the jews/anyone you don't like and get off scott free like they're doing to you right now, too bad you're on the losing side at the moment, just remember that the pendulum swings.
Asserted without evidence, dismissed without evidence. Saying "You'd do the same if the roles were reversed!" is a shitty, childish and utterly pathetic excuse I'd expect from someone as mentally deficient as a leftist.
The fact that you respond to "People on the right can lose their jobs and be put in jail for expressing much tamer opinions than the left does" with "Oh yeah! …Well on Holla Forums if you disagree with them… you get ANGRY REPLIES WITH TONS OF BUZZWORDS!" Grow the fuck up you cumguzzling coddled trustfund bitch.
When and if the roles do become reversed, then you can step in to remind us not to treat you like you've treated us, until then you can keep your hypotheticals in your ass. The situations are not equal, so you're a fucking idiot.
im right wing as fuck, im just not a hypocrite or try to justify bad means of achieving my ends, if you have to win by being right-wing tumblr, then its not a victory at all.
If the tables turned and you were in charge, would you do the same as the leftists that are in power now?
Yes or no. Simple question. Yes or no.
Don't act like a wounded little victim when the only difference between you and them is the amount of power involved.
No. Freedom of speech means freedom of speech. I wouldn't put people in jail for the dumb shit leftists are putting people in jail for. And I wouldn't censor ideas I think are stupid. When stupid people promote stupid ideas, you want as many people to hear them as possible, and if enough stupid people agree with it, you want it debated publicly.
I wouldn't create blocklists, or safespaces, if I were in charge of Twitter I wouldn't ban liberals, I'd just foster an environment where they were aware what they said was going to be seen and mocked and the could do nothing to silence the mockery.
The shit is course-correcting, though not in a hypocritical way. The guy who was kicked off of Firefox for being against gay marriage? Went and made a new browser, Brave, which prides itself on having the best adblocking software and is introducing a system where you can actually get paid to allow alternate ads, robbing revenue from sites like Gawker.
Another guy who lost his job because SJWs hounded him over shit he said on twitter years ago? Check Holla Forums, there's a sticky about his new company wesearchr which crowdfunds bounties for digging up dirt on SJWs.
They've spent years trying to destroy a lot of smart people, and insured their own destruction in the process.
OK, sounds fair to me.
Hm. That's okay I guess, if potentially ripe for abuse.
Gotta give it to you, you've made your point and were pretty reasonable. Wouldn't mind buying you a beer. Beer, right?
The X-men will literally fucking kill yourself, 9 times out of 10.
Especially wolverine, who will fucking murder you for sport.
He also doesn't seem to understand that people of all shapes colors stripes and backgrounds in fact, fucking exist.
Killing punisher because he uses guns and kills murders and rapists is skeevy as fuck.
Joss Whedon continues to be a huge cuck.
Yep, it's marvel alright.
that anime needs a firm, passionate spanking
Yo dawg, what's a good babby's first X-Men comic? None of that gay shit.
read "the uncanny x-men vol 1" for a good start
also, anything by chris claremont
you're welcome
I wasn't insulting his statement, just saying that he was clearly thinking of a concept, and I was giving him the codifying defintions of that concept, for future reference and deeper analysis.
Gonna get off on a tangent here, but fuck it.
I was reading Sandman, and in one of the comics, there's this "Cereal convention". Everyone assumes it's probably a bunch of people who work in breakfast food marketing and cereal enthusiasts, but the reality is it's not a "cereal" convention but a "serial" convention. It's convention for serial killers to swap stories, compare handiwork, and like any con they have panels.
One of the panels in the story is some feminist bitching about how female serial killers get a negative "Florence Nightingale" stigma or whatever. This comic was done in 1989
These fucks have ALWAYS existed. They're just so fucking prevelant that they're sure they can bullshit loudly and nobody can call them out on it. They got a vice grip on the industry.
Hell, if you read Watchmen, and Sandman there are scenes involving violence in lesbian couples, a real fact that gets ignored today.
Where was I going with this? I dunno. Comics pretty much now just exist to swing at puppet caricatures of MRAs and Republicans. Maybe they were always just swinging at bullshit enemies who represented "DAT GUY I DON'T LIKE"
i just figured hat to get that close to the allegory, he would have to know hat it was. no harm in making sure though (not to mention educating lurkers.)
Are you sure that wasn't a joke?
Oh it's a joke panel, but all jokes have an air of truth, and the reason it's a joke in this case is because even a serial killer convention isn't immune to the angry purple hair and glasses crowd. I seriously think the joke was not that a woman was speaking at a panel.
That´t not Barracuda, that´s Detective Soap, the unluckiest guy under the sun, and some random nig literally called Bubba.
its just not wolverine. the x-men probably have a higher body count than any other team in the marvel universe.
I remember reading a breakdown of the cinematography of Firefly, and some shots matched Cowboy Bebop scene for scene. I'm sure a lot of the other concepts were borrowed from there as well.
Not to mention that Cabin in the Woods was lifted off of some story from the internet. Cuck Sweden even kept the first letter of each character's names.
It wouldn't surprise me if Avengers 2 was a re-purposed script that was lifted from Jon Favreau.
Thanks, big guy.
No, no it's not.
Seriously, does this beta even know what the hell Fascism is? Or was he just sperging out and decided to use it as a synonym for "Evil"?
At this moment, fascism is just "nasty bad ideas that I don't agree with because I'm an enlightened leftist"
In this particular context, "Fascist" means "masculine character who reminded me how much of a pathetic, simpering cuck I am."
Odd, considering Joss wrote Wolverine as a character in his Astonishing X-Men run, but then I remembered he had Wolvie act like a feminine little boy at one point.
Whedon's a totalitarian, not a fascist.
Not necessarily. People used the term 'fascist' to describe Stalin's regime, or North Korea, or China, or many other communist regimes. People have used the term 'Fascism' to describe leftists. Bill O'Reilly once called Richard Dawkins a 'fascist'.
Fascism really just means 'thing I don't like'. The tenets of fascism were already nebulously defined before Hitler and now, after Hitler, the word has lost all meaning.
No one does
But Hitler was never a Fascist. He was a National Socialist. Are you sure you don't mean Mussolini and that people are retards that confuse Totalitarian with Authoritarian because they don't bother to learn what words actually mean?
I mean I had a fucking retard on Holla Forums the other day ago try to tell me that Julius Caeser was the first Dictator and that almost no Dictators that followed him relinquished power.
Are you meaning to tell me that you are as stupid as a random AnCap on Holla Forums who doesn't know what a Dictator is or the difference between one and an Emperor?
Firefly actually "borrowed" much of its opening two episodes from Outlaw Star.
So basically Cuck Whedon is an animu dweeb?
He is not even a good one considering how badly he wasted two excellent stories.
So you're telling me….
Marvel isn't even trying anymore.
I tried to read some new deadpool recently
What are you trying to argue? That Hitler wasn't Fascist because he was Authoritarian, not Totalitarian? Fascism is an Authoritarian ideology.
too bad its opening will never top Outlaw Star's
Hitler wasn't Fascist because he was a National Socialist you pig ignorant fuck. You do understand the difference between Authoritarian Corporatism applied to a national model and Authoritarian Socialism based upon Ethnic Nationalism?
Is Death of Wolverine by Charles Soule cucked?
speaking of sensitive joss whedon, look at what i found when reading welcome back, frank.
Angel was a pretty good show. It saddens me to see it's creator being such a fucking moron.
Who cares? We are in a hellish situation in real life. If /pol is hypocritical enough or not in the way they hurt your feelings because you get angry words thrown at you, well tough luck, grow a pair and get thicker skin. Atleast you're not getting axes in your door like i have for being open with my opinions.
Sounds like Joss Whedon don't know the history of his beloved superheroes or their origins. Heck Batman was starting out by shooting people. And the first super-hero characters were deviations from the way more popular Pulp-characters, which would brutally kill the bad guys.
Joss Whedon don't know shit about "his" own medium.
pics or it didn't happen.
nice lie Holla Forums, extremists make the same exact mistakes whether they're from the right or the left.
I assume Holla Forums would be much harsher than the current ruling elite if their positions were swapped.
The distinction is that the current leftist paradigm fetishizes minority status in an every narrowing gyre. As such we have a situation in which a tiny percentage of the population constituted of a cabal of freaks and degenerates works to castigate and harm the vast majority.
The reverse scenario is wherein this licentious menagerie is institutionally suppressed and everyone else more or less left to their own devices.
The enemy of Holla Forums broadly is "Social Justice Warriors" if you wanted to put in the abstract and gie it a label. The enemy of Tumblr is everyone not on Tumblr. Which is explicit. As is Holla Forums's championing of the epicurean-cleaving masses and their folkways.
Your criticism rests on a Freudian psychoanalysis of people you don't like and an associated leftist bias. Your contention that you are not leftist not withstanding fact of the matter is you are deeply invested in protecting minorities and view Holla Forums's cruelty towards these groups as deeply affecting while discounting the stance that the Left takes towards everyone that is not a member of their tiny tribe of perverse moralism. A collective which is equally cruel, and actually much more fraught with peril because unlike Holla Forums they are much more likely to target the average person as that is conceptually who they view as the enemy.
Wake up and smell the faggotry.
It's the guns. It's literally just the guns. Sensitive Joss Whedon is triggered because Punisher uses guns to kill people. As someone pointed out, Wolverine's body count is much higher and he has actually definitely killed innocents. But without those evil, icky icky point n shoots.
Wolverine used to be in the army. Where he shot people. With guns.
Cuck Whedon's just full of shit. I don't think we really need to examine why.