Sony BTFO part 346

Sony BTFO part 346

Pretty cool channel.

shame they have such a small reach

Why do fans think everyone else share their opinions?

Of course it's about the female characters. Stop fcuking hiding from this fact… you only embarrass yourself more.




let go of that bitterness, and one day maybe you'll get laid user

Where do you live man? Saudi Arabia.

feig please go

that's nice kid

So you live in Saudi Arabia then, Ahmed.

To be fair, if the Supreme Gentleman found it hard to get laid, even wearing Prada and driving a BMW, what chance do we mere mortals have?

Of course most of us are bigger than 4 inches, but even so, it's hard to get laid!

It really isn't considering your mom does it with anyone.

No it isn't. In the West we have the most decadent, sexually libertine culture in human history. Walk into a night club, find a drunk slut, dress well, don't be autistic, talk about vapid normie shit/let her talk about herself mostly, pretend you're well off financially, and suddenly you've obtained incurable genital herpes. Congratulations on "getting laid". Whoop-dee-doo.

As for Le Supreme Gentlemen, he was a narcissistic psychopath, don't compare yourself to him or his case unless you're also a narcissistic psychopath.

Lies. I hate the movies because I hate women and niggers, and this movie has both.

Lies. You don't hate women, if you did you would have called them cunts instead of women.

If you admitted that its because of the women, then your argument would be dismissed as illogical bigot. At least listing all the other problems this movie had, you can at least disguise it with an rational argument.

Oh my, how… Islamophobic of you to suggest such a thing. Don't you know Islam is the religion of peace, goy?


You're going to be branded a racist bigot no matter what. They know why the movie is disliked, as long as all 4 being women is even 1% of your reasoning, they will hate you and call you an asshole.

some random faggot on jewtube can PR all day everyday as long as it leads to more SJW salt though.

I agree, and I'm a bitter faggot, but I'm not watching the movie because it doesn't star men. More because it stars an unfunny nigger, an unfunny fatbody, and two unfunny LWs. Too bad it doesn't star any lucky or I might watch the fucker.

Hello, Holla Forums. Your soreness and lack of tact is showing

Reminder that putting it like a foaming genderwars advocate won't convince the normalfags.

Nobody's saying that. They're saying be honest about why you don't want to watch the movie.
Maybe you're projecting a little bit.

It is a woman issue. Women can't be funny. You can't make a comedy with female main characters. People are just too cucked smdh


It's not THE problem, but it's part of the problem, and anyone who says otherwise is being intellectually dishonest.

Outside of a few stragglers Normalfags will follow the dominate narrative, it doesn't matter what you tell them. I have no stake in the success of CisBusters, and I assure you, nothing we say or do is going to change their boxoffice figures all that much, but who gives a shit about what disingenuous faggots who are to afraid to give their real opinion on the internet think? Nobody. It just makes you looks slimy.

Despite the fact that over the last few years we've seen countless examples of earnest opinions trumping MUH PR, faggots still think they're masters of propaganda for betraying their own values. If you have a problem then address the issue, get your points out, and try to change minds. You don't try to obfuscate things and cave into your opponents narrative. That's not "tact". James was "tactful" in that he merely hardly mentioned their gender, rather then getting down on his knees and insisting that had nothing to do with his opinion.

Oh, but it is about the women. When you smash this enraged silverback into my face and tell me to like it of course people will tell you to go fuck yourself.

Women are to be attracted, not a gallery of horror themselves.

Thankfully this movie will stand as a shining monument to the fact that can and will fuck everything up.

As far as I'm concerned the female cast is a valid enough reason to hate it, but even with men it would look like shit.

It's the script that makes females look like unfunny talentless hacks. Maybe they are irl, I dunno, I don't watch any female comedians, I'm willing to give them benefit of a doubt. But it's certain that the script is what making them look like shit protagonists. Very much so, were they male nothing would have changed.

But sjw don't care. Sony doesn't care.

I agree that it's the script, probably written by an unfunny neckbearded faggot sjw dude, but there still remains the fact that in general chicks arent't as funny as dudes. They can still be funny, but not anywhere near as often.
Aubrey Plaza is probably the only truly funny female comedian I've seen.

nice try jeb

congrats, you're part of them

Name a female comedian who doesn't use "I'm a WOMAN with a VAGINA and so-" in her routine.

Well that bit is meant to be a Sarah Silverman parody, so Audrey.
I honestly can't think of another woman stand up that's even vaguely funny.

Except Evalion :^)

>caring about PR on an anonymous imageboard

I'm not sure if you are retarded or if this is a bait post.

Dunno, you tell me.

AVGN did it better, without going on and on on the same subjects he layed down the picture and let you come to the reason why this movie is such a clusterfuck


Plus he made a diarrhea joke

as he would

fuck off mike matei


This explains a lot. I mean reboots are shitfests in most cases but Cisbusters looks like it will reach a new high with how bad it is.


Feels good man

They won't watch this movie. Not even for Chris Hemsworth. They're busy flicking the cheese bean to the latest hi-budget superhero movie.

Yes. Do you really believe fans represent most of the audiences?

The fact tumblrinas and fat women will watch the movie proves me right.

Tumblr are too poor and lazy to go to the cinema.

Don't even have to click to know this is Jack Dee saving an episode of QI, that - disastrously - decided to have two female panellists sat together.

You know what's great? BBC have mandated that there always be at least one female panellist on that show, despite their being maybe two women they've had on in over a decade that have actually been funny. They even sit the token woman in the same spot every episode (to Stephen's left). The show has gone downhill since, because unless it's one of the old women regulars like Jo Brand, you end up having to have a three panellist programme, with occasional unfunny soundbites from the token womyn.

Even worse, Stephen Fry is leaving soon, and that posh Danish bitch Sandy Togsvig is taking over hosting duties. So we get to have more of this high-larious womyn banter in every episode from now on.

No, mid-class women living in first world countries aren't poor.

And there's no super hero movie being released with Cisbusters.

Just gas me now.

The main demographic for this movie is Rich Evans. No woman wants to see a bunch of women be women at ghosts.

Nina Conti.

Fuck off, Spoony.


this thread is full of purple pill faggots.

I used to be one, and I can guarantee you're going to be a lot happier when you fully let go of the feminist narrative.

"I don't like it cause it's bad, not because there's women" Is your way of saying "I'm such a true feminist, I'll hold women to the same standards I hold men".

But men and women should not be held to the same standards, theyre not equal. Knowing this doesn't mean you have to hate them, and in fact it makes getting laid a lot easier when you swallow the fact that there is are distinct physiological differences between us.

hello gamergoy

sup gamergate faggot, why dont you go post on your board for your movement.

Oh wait.