Have we been wrong other times Holla Forums?

Is a movie that explains how the goverment is being controlled by corporations and botched corporate media is taking your attention while also presents how Holla Forumss are a bunch of disorganized dumbasses that can't do shit despite their intentions while also pointing how rehashing and memeshit in media are killing culture.

Right from the beggining clashes the "You can be what you want" SJW shit with "As long as you CAN do it" realistic POV.
Aknowledges bigoted assholes or just plain assholes exist but that if you want to shut them down you must prove yourself, not just whine and complaint.
And that discrimination is just as bad as affirmative action policies.
Everyone can be anything, even things you don't like.
An just a little running gag that even if you don't want to be objectified or stereotyped, you will be and you can't change that.

Could we be wrong again? The first AC game had shit tons on social commentary about double standards on civil liberties.

Another things that went better than you expected?

Sage for viral marketing apologia & revisionism

Those people aren't writing the movie and it was only the 1st game which had that and it was made about 10 years ago. Jewbisoft have fallen to become the new EA of the industry since then, don't expect anything from the AC movie.

Not to mention that The LEGO movie was a good comedy and that Zootopia presented some fairly realistic detective work.

I'm pretty sure those are exceptions though.

The fact that they are doing another time period instead of making the movie of the first game shows how little they want to touch the subject, especially considering how much of an easy "White male" acceptable target the spanish inquisition is.

I'm watching Zootopia.
I think I might just came.

Are you implying those movie aren't shit?




Get out.

Your yiff is in another board.

What a fucking hypocrite.

Such compelling arguments.

Different anthropomorphic animal species was the best way Disney could approach to the different human races and make them relatable, even there's a point when animals look like real ones just for that.
Did you even saw the movie?

Yes I did.


Thus the movie main theme.
SJW's and stormfags one and the same.

Zootopia had one of the most fucking confusing stances on racism I've ever seen. It's obviously SJW as hell with it's "racism is bad, m'kay?" message, but the way they present it, the story almost relies on racism.

Why. Why? It's not "nigger". He thinks your adorable. It might be slightly demeaning if you're trying to prove your worth as a hardened police officer, but that's about it.

Except Nick has been turning around, selling his popsicles at an inflated price, then selling the second hand fluid soaked wood to contractors as "red wood". Him not serving Nick was pretty godamn justified.

….Is this something that people do in like California or Portland or something? Because, I've NEVER seen a white person randomly ask to touch a black person's hair. I get it. You don't fucking touch random people. Thanks for that fucking obvious public service announcement.

Why….The carnivores make up 10% according to the story, and all the ones that turned fucking bathsalt FERAL are carnivores. Why shouldn't she make that connection? This isn't like a car theft. THEY GO FUCKING MAD APPARENTLY OUT OF THE BLUE, YES PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW.
Even then, noticing that it's only ferals turning is in of itself, a clue.

It would be like not knowing that that one particular rose that's pretty common turns you into a goddamn lycanthrope.

It shows both sides being racist, which I guess makes sense, but the message is confused, carnivores are a minority, but they're a considerable threat, in a lawless sense, but herbavores are a threat to carnivores in a political sense.

The whole thing is a fucking muddled mess of a message.

and to think i wrote this movie of as furrybait.

still have no interest in seeing it.

fuck that movie and it's insufferable characters

Just because a movie may have a sical commentary does not make it a good one.

the entirety of the plot is about predators (the minority) being maligned by the majority. It is not about that bullshit you said.

Did you forget that the entire movie was a giant commercial for a corporation?

Yes, I remember the corporation original intentions.

Is that supposed to not be liberal pandering?

Yes, just to prove that real liberalism ≠ SJW's
I know that today's definition of things are pretty fucked up, but this movie ultimately proves that SJW's and stormfags are one and the same.

The movie was mocking the core audience. It wasn't trying to enlighten them. You shits that see red pills in movies as a clear message to the masses are simply retarded. These people making these movies don't give a shit about them or you. They point out the stupidity of consumerism, and that you should be an individual. Then in the process they show you those "individuals" building nice fancy things out of the PRODUCT being sold by the movie. You are an "individual" when you build creative objects out of legos kids!

Time to grow up. You don't have any heroes in media, they are all frauds.


Besides, a great deal of the movie shows how the "Master builders" aka leftypols aren't that great either.
And while not controlling the media, industry and shit they are pretty much useless in average and the problem gets resolved not by the leftypols winning a revolution but by convincing the corporation to change its ways and stays in power since it actually has ability being in charge.

Yeah, I can't deny it.
The characters are ambiguous intentionally.so you can put your own personal bogeyman in their faces.

While some movies and tv shows are obvious propaganda (GoT, the marvel girl called Jessica who fucks negros, ghostbusters 2016, etc), others are just made to entertain.

The LEGO Movie has been made to entertain and sell more LEGO.

Zootopia is just a well made movie that provides fun.

Messages and leftist shit is everywhere but sometimes you read too much into.

And just because a movie isn't blatant jewish anti-white propaganda doesn't mean it has red pilled messages. Maybe it's just a fun movie. Maybe it even has a universal message.

There's also Nick and Gideon.
Both foxes.
Gideon, a southern white kid who's expected to go unto preys just because. So he goes unto preys.
But he gets better when he grows up when he realizes he doesn't have to be like that

Nick an innocent black kid who's treated like a nigger because he's expected to be a nigger.
So he becomes a nigger until he learns he doesn't need to be like that.

Generalizing is bullshit.
Strawmans don't exist and that's an immature conception.
And more importantly.
In a graph of who and what everything seems to follow a tendency with little outliners but with humans there's always a why and if you apply that third dimension you'll realize that there isn't even a line to begin with. Much like a constellation from the a side angle.

AC game =/= movie.

I think you're being too optimistic, and projecting alt right memes where they weren't intended.
Maybe you or I could think deeper into it and how it could be interpreted as jews, but the average moviegoer has the evil white male capitalist premise in their heads and this only enforces it

They're only responsible of what they say

Sorry for that, I posted by accident.
I meant to say that they're only responsible of what they say and it doesn't matter who you put as the resistance and who as the corporations it ends the same way.
Without order the resistance is useless as Dyke in fag bar.
Without flexibility corporation is killing everything.
At the end the corporation, the one with the only true power to stop all the bullshit decides to do so not the resistance with senseless violence.

But what is corporate flexibility and resistance order?

That's easy.
In the movie the government is the same as the corporation and the main media provider even sharing the same leader, not only do they create voting machines but also laws to do whatever they want and shows to distract people from that. 2008 crisis much.
All this to maintain power and status quo that last part is would be a lack of flexibility.

The lack of order you can see it here.
Both Holla Forums and Holla Forums have agreed in one enemy, call it jews or corporations but is the same definition, control the media, the market, politics and such to maintain the status quo.
Yet they keep fighting each other and in between themselves.
If you look at Holla Forums you'll see so many contradictory news that you have no option but to assume some have to be outright fabrications.

The reason why the message is still for kids is that in real life there's several of this corporations trying to do the same not just one.
These laws


Although their shilling has gonne better. Looks like the retards that were spotted the moment they posted a sentence got kicked out.

So an user found an inverted meaning for both movies, let him enjoy it and try to enjoy it too.
Let normies be normies, and if you see a normie try to show him the alternate perception of it.

Only God Forgives was a pretty big disappointment.

Oh god The Lego Movie looked atrocious from the trailers. Then I saw the movie after hearing it was good and it was incredible. The commentary on not only what OP said but on films and even the lego company. It blew my mind because this was the last movie I would have espected such things.