How is she going to play Lara Croft when she doesn't have boobs or ass
How is she going to play Lara Croft when she doesn't have boobs or ass
user, it's 2016, all remakes have to be terrible.
CGI boobs and ass
or just pad everything up
Because its 2016. Expecting women to have good bodies is sexist. Enjoy your fat and flat "sex icons" anons.
Look, I enjoyed the old games as much as anyone, but the franchise has been dead for a long time, and even the neo-Lara shit basically turned the series into Uncharted just to salvage what was let.
I don't care that she has no boobs or ass I'm just disappointed she has no hips.
how was Gal Gadot gonna play Wonder Woman when she didn't have muscles?
Why does she look like 14?
Having visible curves is racist and misogynistic, user.
Pedophilia acceptance is getting out of hand.
Holla Forums's gonna have a field day.
We already have.
>>>Holla Forums
Did you not see the new SJW approved games? She has no boobs or ass.
she didn't
yes she did, in BvS
No she didn't, she "played" some fugly anorexic whore who cannot act for shit.
No wonder women.
They look reasonably sized to me.
fuck off back to >>>/tumblr/
Fuck off
As much as I like hips, ass and tits I also carry a pretty heavy tomboy fetish. It sure is nice to be able to enjoy differently proportioned bodies. You guys are fucking plebs for focusing so much on specific bodily attributes. I don't really care if Lara had bigger tits in the video games or previous films.
At least that girl has nice hips.
Reported to FBI, you kiddie fiddler.
She might play pre-teen or teen Lara. It'll be set before she fully develops.
Just admit that you're gay.
Worldwide average bra size is D, it's small tits that are unreasonable. This is reasonable.
Russia, the United States, Germany, Finland, Norway, and Sweden constitute the majority of the world's population? The only one of those that has above 200 million is the United States. Norway and Sweden have like 8 million people each.
There are almost more people in those six countries then outside them. Worldwide average is between B and A
I don't see it.
You're conveniently not counting all the countries where the average is C. You're also failing to realize the red countries are all averaging ABOVE D. Do the math, it averages to D.
Well, at least it explains why niggers prefer white women to their own. Maybe if boob jobs became more widespread in Africa they'd ease off?
Of course a country like America, where most of the people are obese, is going to have a large average cup size. What do you think tits are?
Name and number of the one on the far right, please
Big boobies thread?
Big boobies thread.