Post your favorite movies Holla Forums.
Post your favorite movies Holla Forums
True classic
I'm Jewish.
Huh. Would've thought it was higher.
Double huh.
It is titled "The Rise of Evil"
Was that the movie where Jesus was kept beneath the earth and lived for centuries?
Bonus "movie".
well fuck
I was expecting worse.
a little update from my DVD collection
good taste
This explains a lot
You can't come up with this stuff.
I'm not surprised at all.
And it's not even any of the actors
I have my doubts about this site
How they are in power?
Genetically superior, educated hard-working people tend to get ahead in life against self-pitying, lazy degenerates.
My five favorite films of all time. Not too bad, actually. Jacob's Ladder, my absolute favorite, has the least at 3% which is pretty great.
Shame about Requiem For A Dream, I really love that movie. Has a stellar fucking soundtrack.
I thought that people were against zionism, but apparently they are also against jewishness in general.
Could someone explain me why jewishness is a bad thing? They seem to be better integrated and supportive to society than most white folks nowadays.
Wait, Rogue One and Episode VIII aren't the same movie?
Goddamn. The jews might not fear the samurai, but they sure as hell are afraid of cyborg policemen
Zionism is just pure Jewishness dipshit.
Jewish culture relies on other cultures, exactly like a parasite.
As a tv related example, see Space balls and Blazing Saddles. I admit myself that I enjoy the films, but they're Jewish thuroughly.
I'm surprised you're asking this, as a kinophile,I would have imagined you'd know the differences between Italian Mafia era Hollywood and Jewish Mafia Hollywood.
They cartel. They perpetuate the myth that individualism is the mechanism for their success, but it's not actually their merits that result in them holding key positions in finance (although they are well adapted to it), education, and the media. They take nepotism to the next level. They lack any actual productive capacity, any roots to the land or its people (other than their own). They do not go into agriculture and they do not go into manufacturing because they do not care about contributing to society. They are not integrated into society, they are integrated into cities, the great cancer of the West. Rootless cosmopolitans who will give each other preferential treatment (massively important in banking, the vector they've used to take over the rest of society). Through banking and finance, they are userers. They reap the fruits of society, in very disproportionate amounts because capitalism favors capitalists, and through their control of banking they have the best access to capital. They easily and effortlessly make disastrous decisions which rob their host countries of jobs in order to make more shekels for themselves. They do not care about these lost jobs or even about destroying corporations' long-term interests because when an investment becomes less profitable than another they see, they will jump ship and leave it to burn.
Now, this kind of behavior is common in whites and people of other races who occupy finance. The difference is the others don't cartel. Whites don't treat other whites preferentially. Other races might be inclined to treat each other preferentially, but they do not have that level of influence. The other difference is that whites and the other races have members that join actual productive work. If there is such a thing as a rural Jew, he is an extremely rare creature. You won't see a Jewish farmer, or a Jewish construction worker, or a Jewish factory worker. The only place where you'll see a Jewish police officer or a Jewish soldier is Israel, the only place in the world where Jews have anything approaching roots to the land or its people.
Yes indeed, there's nothing parasitic or subversive about them at all. This is why Chinese people also run the media in the United States, because hard work and high intellect get you anywhere :^)
wait it's written by Harold Ramis?
do they shave their heads in the middle?
get fucked
yet it's still 100% kike propaganda
What do the Jews have to do with the Spanish civil war?
Barely nothing. His reaction is not "Those damn jews" is "muh nazis", despite the fact that the war or anyone's political motivations is barely a tertiary topic in the movie.
Could you share a minute to talk about David Lynch our saviour. This is his story.
Are you ready Holla Forums for a series that just wants to be entertaining?
Join the Twin Peaks thread now anons
His most Hollywood film.
The Disney film you probably didn't knew even existed.
A movie which one of the main themes is about how much he had come to hate Hollywood's train of thought.
Ramis hardly fucking counts he's been eternally trapped inside one of the other 'buster's proton packs for a few years
what is usury
So, uhh… rats leave a sinking boat?
I thought you Holla Forumstards loved the idea of not being burdened by petty moralities?
could be worse
never seen such projection tbh
guilty pleasure post
Now this is interesting.
Where would you get that idea? nazi's were the biggest moral highground fags of their time, they shot their own for raping prisoners of war (bad idea when you're losing a war)
Don't tell me you bought le baby eating nazi meme
Maybe not baby-eating, but they were far away from moral purity. They did take Nietzsche's objectivism and turned it into "mercy is weakness" for the uneducated dumbshit masses they appealed to gain power, like all good commie-factions in the history have.
Is not 2deep4U
Is 2twisted4understanding
But the explanations are really really simple most of the time.
The people who overthink his movies usually get disappointed when they realize there was a much simpler explanation.
Glamorizing shit is just Lynch style not pretentious.
Also the most pretentious he's ever done was Twin Peaks and that's why it got fucked in all holes by the CBS.
The midget and the giant prophecies are a good example about that.
After all that dance and colors and shit the giant said the first prophecie
This referring to Leland's attitude in the second season but the network change it to a literal corpse bag the looked like it was smiling.
Thus looking pretentious.
Not to mention that TP is supernatural not just surreal.
Sony writing credit because he worked on Ghostbusters III before it got shitcanned, and they're trying to lure in suckers who see his name thinking he has something to do with the reboot.
You can't come up with this stuff.
Dredd shit.
Aww fuck.
i always liked his works tbqh, and now that i know they're also kikery-free i like them even more
an imageboard isn't one guy
He's still a degenerate that literally fetishizes degeneracy in his work. The corruption or underlying morbidity of a seemingly noble thing and the examination of this movement is intrinsic to his work.
there's nothing guilty about liking an action movie with really good action scenes and almost never wastes time with stupid story shit
speaking of which does anyone know of any similar movies? I don't necessarily mean the first person gopro thing, but rather a movie that is almost entirely a collection of good action sequences.
Shoot 'Em Up, if you discount the shitty plot.
it was 100% jewish at the beginning of the movie. Luckily, the percent drops as the movie runs until the end.
Nips win again
ABC fucked Twin Peaks, not CBS. Oddly he went back to them to try and get Mulholland Drive made as a TV series. When they passed on it he turned it into a film
I've made threads on Lynch before. This is usually what they devolved into. That, or this
I know that not being able to finish your work can be punishing but why did Lynch has been obsessed with Twin Peaks?
Almost everything he's made ever since has the same duality theme going on.
Mulholland Drive being the biggest example and Inland Empire pretty much a reference of Sheryl Lee going method with Laura Palmer (Not a nice place I assume).
Even putting Lost Highway in the same universe.
And instead of making new movies he put all his focus in bringing TP back.
Is really leaving your shit unfinished that hard?
I always knew this both felt pretty similar for me.
This video just makes my circlejerk grow a couple inches.
I'm not surprised.