I dare you to try and post a more vapid, worthless, talentless, shit of an actor

I dare you to try and post a more vapid, worthless, talentless, shit of an actor.

ProTip: you can't.

Nope, you're right. He really is the most empty waste of screen space.



I would say Tom Cruise but he actually takes up about a square foot less space.

That about sums up his career

I am responding to this man purely out of how much I loathe him for only ever playing the same single character in every movie with no effort put into actually acting. He shows up as his fat, schlubby, dope-ridden self and that's all he is on screen.

I tried to find a contender.

I couldn't think of one.

A challenger appears!

I thought we were discussing shit actors, you know the ones that actually have a career, no matter how terrible.

Jim Carrey? I hate him.
Then again, not as much as this one.


Wil Wheaton did have a career.

For all of thirty minutes after he got booted off TNG.


OP Wins.


those pictures are why i will never watch it



Truman Show was great you fucking faggot.

Yeah, you're right, can't hate him for that.
I dislike him, thought.

I used to get these two confused.

One good performance doesn't erase 20 bad ones.

name em now

you can't :^)

Second. This beta is the lowest of the low.

Seth Rogen is all of his shit has had some decent stuff.

Oh also, Neighbors 2 apparently bombed.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, the filmography of Seth Rogen retroactively justified the Holocaust.

Fuck you! There's no way Andy Dick is worse than Seth Rogan.


Adam Sandler is a close second


How about we hate him only after The Mask?

I almost feel sorry for Seth "my fanbase outgrew me and now I'm having a midlife crisis because nobody wants to watch a pot smoking manchild anymore so I thought what I'd do is shame my audience into paying me to see my new, still crappy but this time social justice pandering gross out summer comedy because that's where the money is now and not because of any convictions I may or may not hold" Rogen

Nah, changed my mind

OP said shit actors, not shit actresses you disgusting fuck

I'm going to be honest: she kinda turns me on. Kinda.

So I'll start with the red flags and the obvious skull and crossbones: her personality is virtually beyond redemption, requiring a literal act of God almighty to possibly make that passable. On top of that she shows open disdain for differing points of view from herself, which is noteworthy because it means in any relationship with her you'd be walking on eggshells to avoid the inevitable volatile reaction she'd have. The next big problem is her willingness to put herself out there like that with little or no awareness of reality. The idea that guys masturbate to her? That's… look I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt that she's being a little too open about her crazier, kinkier thoughts and considering her upbringing I'll cut her some slack. But look in a mirror! This leads me to my next point; little or no regard to her own health. Look at her! Overweight and tattooed, nice. So if I had any doubt about your ability to respect yourself, that has been washed away. Normally this would also get some slack as tattoos aren't inherently evil and being fat isn't a fail outright, but coupled with her ideals and behaviors it makes for a person that is just utterly detestable.

Okay, now for the confession part; her skin looks so soft and smooth. Cellulite aside, she looks like she'd be fun in bed assuming the personality can be redirected or disabled for the duration. I had a girlfriend with a body like that, so I know from some personal experience, that when you're slamming away at a woman like that there's a subtle joy in that smooth, soft skin. I mean balls deep, bruising her cervix level of pounding, where she's so lost in it she doesn't even know if its pain or an orgasm or both, and grabbing her hips is like gripping warm velvet. Digging your fingers into her ass and pulling her down, impaling her further and further as she moans and clenches her eyes shut with her toes curling, is something I think Hank Venture put best when he described it as 'skydiving into warm whipped cream'.

I dunno, maybe I'm just thinking back to that girlfriend and Lena's goofy face isn't throwing me off from my memories, but Lena Dunham is, to my memory, the first and only woman to ever make me look down at my erection and say 'I promise you, you are wrong.'

Cognitive Dissonance, Ladies and Gentleman


As much as I love to shit on Wesley, he is an excellent audio book narrator.

Seth Rogan has no talent. I enjoyed him on Freaks and Geeks and Donnie Darko, somewhat in 40 Year Old Virgin - but he is cancer now.

Has Seth Rogen assisted in the death of a beloved comedian?


I would say Sondra Locke, but it's been established that women aren't actors

I used to think they were the same guy. Also applies to Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg.

That's a long-ass middle name/ nickname.


Oh my god, are you me?

Did no-one watch the Double?

Does killing their careers count?

Not unless it led to their suicide/death, no.