post yfw
Holy shit, is that a screencap?
That rotoscoping is high-school tier.
I'm fine with hbo doing a dune series
But when they say "the game of thrones treatment" I'm a bit nervous.
I bet they won't even make Baron Harkonnen a fat fag rapist.
It's from superior to this shit tv series
why can't these fucking hacks pick a property that hasn't been exploited and demonstrated to be unfilmable yet, Dune doesn't even have that great of a story
Since we're talking about dune
What are your thoughts on the lynch movie? First time I saw it I wasn't impressed, but I dig the music and casting and think it's a bit underrated, and I definitely want to watch it again.
It's amazing. It's unique, non-goyliwood and not for normalfags, hence why it has a low rating on all the normalfag rating sites.
I wasn't impressed either, I remember it being a real mess. I'll probably watch it again but I'm not exactly desperate to like it, I mean even David Lynch disowned it
It's David Lynch directing?
no, he's directing the twin peaks reboot
Is not a reboot, it's a continuation.
And he already finished.
Your link doesn't work properly for me
All the movie proved is that it didn't work as a movie.
All the miniseries proved is that it really needs a budget to work as a miniseries.
It's a reboot.
and there's no guarantee it'll end after the first set of episodes
So long as D&D aren't involved with it, it couldn't possibly be that bad.
It's great, unfortunately you sort of have to read the book to understand it and once you've done so you realize the film sort of shits all over the book in some regards with characters being dumbed down like the Harkonnen and the last half being rushed as fuck. But it's still really good.
I don't think Lynch want to go near anything Dune ever again.
I doubt he'd want to. Filming the original movie was frustrating for him. The only good things that really came out of it were, he met Kyle MacLachlan and its failure prompted him to create Blue Velvet, which wouldn't have happened if he'd directed Return of the Jedi instead.
Link doesn't work and I can't find that news elsewhere.
Oh, and the evil Harkonnen are white while the Atreides are obviously niggers or spics.
They don't care, the agenda trumps everything.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is a ruse but it's fun to speculate. And you can be sure that they will try to replicate GoT's success with another property. They'll probably do it with another popular edgy fantasy series though.
it's not really any different than the imperial house of Ethiopia being descendants of King Solomon
When will this Fassbender meme stop?
Then Prince of Thorns? Or is Jorg raping three virgin girls in the prologue and then gutting their father too haram?
Those are related.
So when will we get to see Fassbender turn into a liquid metal cyborg who defeats the computer god?
Think theyll have a character call him Atreyu instead of Atreides?
Because " LOL references arent we clever?!?!"
you know it's gonna happen
But it must be a womyn who leads people along the golden path, otherwise the show won't get made.
Give it a few years and audiences will be desensitised enough for that shit to fly.
fuck you, that series is amazing. The huge sets, the choreography for the fights and rituals, the imaginative costumes, the use of colour, the cast Chani's huge tits it was genius for them to hire people with so many different accents because people from different planets would have different accents. I fucking love the 2000 miniseries.
Do you not know how to read? He's agreeing with you, dumb fuck.
he called it a shit tv series, don't YOU know how to read?
Surely your reading comprehension is not so poor that you couldn't have ascertained he meant this shit will be shit.
hey, that doesn't happen until book three
I'm so bitter that I can only laugh since like 75% of this (or worse) at least will probably happen.
I hate to break it to you, but it's shit.
Are you literally fucking autistic?
Fuck no. They look ridiculous.
Uh, ackshully, da lady in da radiator is a symbol of how the protagonist hates fatherhood.
- (you)
Dune was never good
Fuck this shit, I don't want them to ruin a franchise I just started liking last year
In defense of the autist, punctuation was required for the faggot who made the first comment.
Oh man, I told you guys Dune was next. Anyone want to place bets on them leaving out the secret jew society hoarding technology?
thats the point dickhead … have you seen illustrations of the kind of shit the french were squeezing themselves into just before the revolution guillotined their asses
Why punctuation matters: the posts.
Jessica is Baron Harkonnen's daughter, so if the Harkonnens are evil whiteys than Jessica has to be white too.
How much do you think they'll murder the Bene Gesserit and turn them into a stereotypical stronk womyn group ?
But thats what they are, they will most likely make sure not to show any flaws though.
So basically she's getting blacked, is that what you're saying?
>Paul is gay for Idaho and a Syrian actor plays him
By the way, this series has the motherfucking god emperor getting cucked by a black clone.
Lost it. I could totally see HBO doing that.
I agree user, the miniserieses were great
Yfw when 20 good Harkonnens burn all of Caladan to the ground
What, was it your mom who designed the costume or something?
So what you're saying is that the design was for all the people to look ridiculous, because that would be a good design decision for a miniseries about serious intrigue? That's why the Sardaukar look like pastry chefs and the Guild looks like coneheads?
So is this anything but a shitty bait thread?
There's nothing in the news about anybody doing anything with Dune.
There's nothing about Fassbender being attached to any adaptation of Dune.
OP's link just redirects to some article which has absolutely nothing to do with Dune whatsoever.
Are anons here just getting sand in their vaginas over nothing? Could it be?
They'll change Paul to Pauline. She'll kill the patriarchal toxic masculine nee Baron Feyd-Rautha because he doesn't respect women. Then she'll take Stilgar's neice Chani changing thousands of years of Fremen tradition in the process while also implementing gay marriage into the Imperium by taking Irulan as her wife.
She gets ousted when the Fremen nuke her for spreading her decrees of free LGBTQ and non-binary love. But if you think Pauline Atreides Muad'dib (aka Kangaroo Mouse of the second moon XD LOL) the Empress of Man fucked up the patriarchy, wait until Ghanima shirks her childbearing duties to become a body-positive Queen Sandworm.
That basically exists in Chapterhouse: Dune. The Jews go underground hiding their identity because the "stupid" goyim kept genociding them.
Is it any more ridiculous than ruffled collars, powdered wigs, bustles or the other articles of fashion that decadent imperial societies have worn in the past? Pic related was considered a badass while wearing tights and feathers and considering Dune takes place ten thousands of years in the future, I think it's all well varied and imaginative. Irulan's head dress for example though is in reference t the book describing butterflies surrounding her when she entered the palace
My vagina remains unsanded. We're just speculating about what it would be like.
He still looks pretty cool though.
Yeah, because you've been raised in a civilization where that dude is wearing history.
If people go walking around in Dune shit for a century or two, then they're probably going to think it's pretty rad.
The BGs are already waifu-tier wish fulfillment in the books.
e.g. Courtesan-TantricSex-Ninja-Nuns who fight like Neo in the matrix
They are meant to be the arabs. Dune is like a Lawrence of Arabia fantasy.
That will be interesting. BH is meant to be the Borgia Pope but that pope wasn't a boy fucker.
opinion = worthless
fuck you op
You just know they'll fuck it up.
There'll be blacks and gays and Strong Independent Women everywhere.
Have you seen screenshots of ridiculous prediction threads?
Have fun, poke fun.
Should I read the books? In what order?
Start by reading Dune. It's the best one.
And then stop. The rest aren't worth it.
Most definitely DO NOT read any shit that Frank Herbert's son wrote. It's complete garbage.
Yes they are, the following books are essential because they deal with the consequences of Paul being a hero.
Book 1-4. The reason I don't say 5 and 6 is they both felt a little phoned in, and there was supposed to be a 7 but Frank passed on before he finished it.
The books written by his son and his friend are…indescribably bad.
I made it part way through 5 but just couldn't get into it. 4 felt kind of conclusive anyways.
Serious Massive Spoilers:
No really spoils like 4-5 books.
Frank Herbert came up with the "Robbits made teh Dune and Spice to help humans evolve so they won't be useless shitsacks forever" right?.
He probably made a note of that with doodles in the margins then lost the notebook, but when he died his retarded son found it and took it super seriously as official lore.
The Butlerian Jihad was a bunch of nerds in mecha bodies having cyber-sex. But then they got lazy and let their MMO play them
The Atreides got their name from Agamemnon, the online handle of the king of the nerds who is now in a giant mech body with his guild buddies Juno Xerxes and Ajax
No. That's Asimov with R. Daneel Olivaw.
No one knows what the hell Herbert was thinking, except there were two old people with some vague collection to the Tleilaxu who could control everything.
There's a fan edit called the Spice Diver version that fixes a lot of the problems.
They're doing it with Wheel of Time. At least, WoT has been optioned.
user was referencing that when he made made the statement.
I disagree in my opinion while the books definitely were different from the previous works they were still master peices that should be read if only to know more info from the series.
I don't even want to imagine what kind of feminist dogshit full of strong and independent womyn they produce with that trash. The books are already unbearable with their abundance of garbage female characters.
fucking a sandworm
well now I'm interested
What the fuck? Are you fucking on me right now?
Into the Balefire it goes.