Burgercucks triggered by normal, unmutilated dicks of the 95% of the world
Other urls found in this thread:
That's an interesting way of spelling "jews".
Apparently 75% of American men are cut. Why? Because their doctors never bothered to tell their parents that it's completely pointless, unlike most doctors in the rest of Western civilisation.
I'm a burger and I'm cut. There's nothing I can do about it, and I don't worry about it. I have better things to do than self-hate.Sage because of dumb bait thread.
Uncut American Masterrace and Holla Forums mod here, AMA
Fucking hell, can't you butthurt fags shit up another board like Holla Forums or /politics/ or something?
For the record, there's been further studies done that seem to indicate that the foreskin doesn't actually provide any sensitivity, just extra lubrication, which you don't need if you're not a virginfag who's never been inside a pussy.
Oh yeah, and ==SAGE==.
you looking for this?
Will I get sensitivity back with foreskin restoration?
How do I get back at kikes and my parents for mutilating my infant penis?
1)Buy a gun
2) Kill them
3) Kill yourself
4) ????
5) Profit
can women tell the difference between cut and uncut dicks?
if not then what's the point?
Why would it make a difference if they could?
That's EXACTLY the sort of thing an inferior cutlet such as yourself would say.
Kill yourself.
What does this have to do with tv or film?
And it's obviously always porn addicted foreigners that are triggered by the fact that Americans are circumcised. Americans don't give a shit.
you wanna know what's even worse? a lot of hospitals here just did it without even asking the parents. at many of these places you have to really go to an effort to keep your kid from getting mutilated
they might be able to, the foreskin moves back and forth during sex
You first faggot.
hahaha you feminized faggot
Isn't Uncut like a vast majority of Cuckistanies anyway?
The kikes should just have stolen your entire cock because the way you're defending them means you're already dickless.
Fucking cutlets, when will they learn?
this only makes sense in the context of jacking off, so why are you calling other people virgins?
Can't make this shit up.
Part of it is that it seemed like a simpler way of dealing with phimosis. Now it's perfectly possible to just get a steroid cream instead, but in the past the main option just seemed to be just cut some of the skin off.
Yeah, who needs all those nerve endings and blood vessels…
Why did you ruin Holla Forums?
>He genuinely doesn't realize it's only America that does this, much like referring to the sport of kicking a ball with your foot "soccer", being late for work or a meeting because it's illegal to overtake a stopped schoolbus, and mandatorily signing up to a male/female-exclusive Illuminati sect in college/university
I don't know whether to feel pity, remorse, or schadenfreude
Didn't have as much freedom as you first thought otherwise you'd still have your foreskin. That, or circumcision was a conscious choice that you made as a baby.
Next thing you'll be telling me is that a baby can consent to sex change operations and genuinely desires to be the other sex, realizing the consequences of such operations like a certain few claim in the news this past few weeks
I used to wonder why everyone said the mods were ruining Holla Forums and that they were banning people left and right.
Then I learned that every one of you are just butthurt that you got banned for shit like pic related.
Not every board is Holla Forums. It may be hard for you to understand, but sometimes you're expected to conduct yourself like an adult.
Holy shit how, the Jews really do have a stranglehold on you, you pay reparations for the nigs just so they can take yo shit, then you pay to keep Israel safe and well armed, then you pay to keep Israel's enemies armed so Israel can get welfare from you, Then you go to war against countries which are predominantly the enemies of the Jews, Then the jewish corporations use tax loopholes to underpay their taxes severely which forces your shitty inefficient government to borrow money from the Chinks just so they can pay for all this shit. Makes perfect sense that your number 1 fetish is Cuckoldry too.
May as well go all the way and chop the whole thing off. Faggots.
wewww.com lad
It's better to see the benefits of circumsion first hand before jumping into conclusions about its uselessness.
Okay, I know cut vs uncut faggotry is a may may at this point, but does anyone actually shit their pants over the status over another person's dick?
I'm not saying you should ever encourage circumcision unless it was entirely necessary (which it often isn't), I'm just wondering if anons actually give a shit beyond using it as an excuse to call others faggots.
Calling mutilated people insecure about their mutilatedness mutilated is fun.
Yeah, no shit, just like making fun of autists for being autistic is fun.
I was asking how many people actually take this shit seriously, because I find that the more of these threads that I see the more butthurt people seem to get.
Maybe I'm just too autistic to see the turbo-irony in front of my face.
How to identify a cutlet, everyone. There's a reason they're called that; because they take the exact same arguments a manlet would say about their pitifully short stature and change the necessary words and adjectives so it describes the status of the layer of skin that is naturally constructed above their penis.
The simple answer to your question is, no. We don't care. The only reason this creates so much controversy in the first place is that those who have the process performed on them don't have a say in the matter, as they're often far too young to comprehend the consequences or voice out otherwise. Reminder that David Reimer had his entire life stolen from him by a botched circumcision.
If you voluntarily decided to get circumcized at the age of 21 or whenever, or if you have phimosis and want the pain to stop, then good, more power to you. That's a choice you made on your behalf and you have the freedom to do so.
Is this the cumskin poster?
As said, the fun comes from the fact that the other side is objectively wrong until they acknowledge themselves as lesser beings.
Okay, that's all I was asking for.
Some of these posts look really fucking butthurt and I was getting a little worried that legitimate autists were about to start another invasion.
Shouldn't that be illegal?
Not allowing the child (the patient) to make an informed choice, that's bad enough. But the parents? That's malpractice.
You've never… had sex before, huh?
Wait, how is this related to Holla Forums?
Is this some game of thrones faggotry that's going over my head or something?
What did I miss?
it's illegal to refuse it
said the honorable Judge Jeffery Gillen as he swung the gavel and demanded the mother be thrown in a cage unless she consented to her child being genitally mutilated.
She's not wrong. It is best for the goyim to submit to their masters, both in mind and body.
Yeah, and it looks about as convincing as a tranny's "vagina".
If you've been marked by the jew, it's forever. Just bear your slave scar like a good little goyim.
That show truly does bring about the most cancerous mee may posting.
There is no meme there. Uncut dicks are just gross, and that picture conveys that perfectly.
I'd call not having to clean out my dick hood with a q-tip a health benefit.
I wasn't saying that at all, cutfag.
Stop compensating for your mutilated dick, I'm sure there's other reasons to hate your parents.
and the meme grows, propagated unwillingly by little floating leftists
jews are mushrooms
you just use water in the shower bro, you have no idea how a normal dick works. top cutlet
You people are even more cucked than I could ever imagine.
You don't know tard, you don't have foreskin, stop postulating on things you don't even have.
If the right wanted to get rid of this backwards as fuck act with less positive evidence than global warming it would have been gone generations ago.
It's okay cutfag.
Next you're going to claim that not having a foreskin means you get to avoid dickcheese, even though simple hygiene isn't hard.
You mutilated faggots are easy to figure out.
Just use soap when you shower after the gym each day.
Do you give advice to women on how to clean their cunts, too?
I think you might be retarded.
most countries didn't even have half the niggers, muslims or jews generations ago and women couldn't vote, oh also they didn't mutilate their dicks because they weren't unwashed hebrew cucks then either
Whatever mutilatard, compensate on your own time.
I'm sure it takes you far longer to masturbate that anger away than someone with an intact penis.
Then decades ago, it's been prevalent in Cuckistan for longer than it should have, see:never.
You've had Right rule and yet it wasn't stopped, the right is shit, I hope trump cleans that shitstain on US democracy right the fuck out.
Oh wait nevermind, he caters to the jews too, looks like you will never have the freedom to even basic genital integrity like every other civilized nation on earth.
didn't wanna do this to you fam but you forced my hand.
this is what the jews did to you because their religion demanded it.
It's okay. You can pretend to be someone else later in the thread.
People need to realize and fast that the Jews own you, even Christianity is a jewish mechanism that has finally paid off making them your masters, do you really think god was retarded enough to actually fuck up and have to change his mind, he's an omniscient being that knows all that has occured and all that will occur, it's mathematically impossible for him to fuck up.
dw fam the jews will fall. it is written.
Cutfag here. What exactly does the foreskin do? I have no idea if I'll have my kids dick cut tbh, it's just something you do here in Burgerstan. Is there a benefit to not letting a Jew chop off part of his weewee?
should be
Which is how I know you're a very bad poster and should try harder next time.
Just mutilate the penis of your wife's son like your hero Trump did to his Jewish grandson.
Nothing, but it's as important to not cut your kids dick as much as to not cut your kids dick off and call them a girl, genital integrity is a human right through and through. Plus the Jews use circumcisioin as a mark of enslavement, just as mudslimes build mosques in prominent locations within cities as a way to show you your own future, you gave them a few sq meters, now they are going to take a few sq kilometers.
oosh. do you spend all your time doing this, or just a few hours a day?
your family misses you…
make circumcision great again
Your implications are misplaced.
Proving the point set out in once again it appears.
No difference between the shit you just posted and when manlets post "lolol you're so tall your heart's gonna explode outta your chest at the age of 35!" At it's best it's a non-point because you're describing a problem that you would hypothetically deal with if it suddenly occurred overnight but never encounter because you are not under the right circumstances to ever encounter them.
Genital mutilation is pretty terrible but it's okay if some guy wants to make his cock unfappable or if a girl wants to remove her clitoris. The biggest issue I have with it except that it's dumb, is that it should be a choice. There's nothing stopping you from cutting your cock when you turn 18 if you really want to but before that it should remain natural.
There are many benefits but the biggest one is to give your sons a choice in the matter and not robbing them of a great feeling cock before they've even gotten to use it.
Didn't they use David Reimer as a case study for transgenderism and consider him a positive?
Btw John Money was a famous jewish pedophile even before he was done with David.
Yes, but the truth behind it, as far as I can recall, was that David's circumcision went wrong, ended up cutting half his dick off, they decided to get rid of the rest of it, told his parents he was a girl now, and made him live unknowingly as a girl, until he realized something was wrong years later, and chose to turn himself back into a male eunuch before committing suicide. A really sad story if you have the time to read it.
Why not let him decide for himself? It's not a limited time offer. Any full man of any age can choose to show their utter and complete submission to their masters by irrevocably mutilating his own genitals.
Yet this case is the basis for "gender being a social construct".
Foreskin provides protection for the penis head so it's more sensitive.
The foreskin also has a lot of nerve endings and is pleasurable during masturbation and sex.
The only difference is there is like 2% less chance of getting an urinary infection if you're cut, but that's pretty much nothing when you actually wash your dick (which is fucking easy).
Leave your kid intact guy. if nothing else it prevents some company buying the foreskin and using it in facial cream. I'm not even kidding about that shit, look it up.
It should be illegal and now I think it's more tightly regulated, it requires written consent and you can sue. It still happens though. circumstitions.com
this guy is an idiot though.
I've heard a few stories from people my age about how their parents barely avoided it though.
A lot of girls in this country will gleefully tell you that uncircumcised penises are gross. When I was taking sex ed in school the gym teacher who was teaching it went on and on about how horrible it was to be uncircumcised, how you have to clean yourself etc. It's a weird culture.
It won't be made illegal because it's highly profitable for the hospital ("free" surgery) and the health care industry (got to use those baby dicks in face cream).
It's also effecting men not women and we all know how that goes.
It won't be made illegal because it's part of the Jewish faith. This profit crap that you're spouting is kind of nonsense though, there's been a real decline in circumcision rates over the past decades and attitudes are changing in the medical community
Just because there is a decline doesn't mean it's not profitable.
At $100-200 a shot it's profitable as FUCK. When 1,978,788 boys were born in 2014 that's $3,571,820 at the minimum. It's not exactly small change when this is just the surgery, nothing to do with after care or selling the foreskins for cosmetic usage.
I think you are thinking of imkampfy, and no. Pakis are Muslim so they have to be cut.
I didn't, it was already going to shit with the other mods and board owner ramping up moderation faggotry to unbearable levels. I tried to deescalate it and bring back some of the fun and spontaneity to the board that made it interesting and engaging in the first place. /int/ took this as a chance to fuck the board up by spamming as much shit as they could so that people would begin to demand more moderation which in turn caused the board to become the shithole it is now where to shut anything down all you have to do is shitpost and the thread will completely derail into bickering and meta. If you want something removed from the board spamming it will cause people to lose their shit and mass report it every time it shows up afterwards. There are too many people on neo/pol/ that forgot to take things easy and ignore shitposting and so nothing of actual worth gets discussed any more. There is no genuine humor since the only thing that can get through the noise is repetitive memery which guarantees only the most forced shit survives. The discussion is limited since all opposing viewpoint segregated themselves or were driven out. It has effectively become a trap where ideals are often spoken of, but no discussion or how to realize them exists. It provides a catharsis for the dissatisfaction most people have, but is no longer capable of working towards solutions to those problems. The most cynical of course shamelessly use Holla Forums to forward their own agenda, ultimately helping the very Jews that Holla Forums claims to hate by establishing the users as controlled opposition. The fact that neo/pol/ still hasn't realized that it is the controlled opposition yet is mind boggling. Of course attempting to explain this to them results in angry responses. To be honest I gave up over a fucking year ago, changed my user name, and now just perfunctorily delete CP spam. I also drink now. A lot.
yeah but distributed across all hospitals in the country, it's not like there's one central authority making all this money. And really, in the context of the US medical establishment and specifically surgery, $3.5 million is chump change
ESPECIALLY considering the potential malpractice liabilities. Sometimes it's even legal to sue your surgeon when you turn 18 for infant circumcision.
Holla Forums is pretty much the same, but without mod intervention.
When you see so many excuses for why circumcision is something that's purely good and has no detriment does it not arouse suspicion on the part of others? Considering what it is is most necessarily a form of sexual oppression and there have been 100s of reasons over the years for why its amazing and one hundred percent good.
And if its always something other than what it most necessarily is doesn't that imply the people promoting it actually know what they're avoiding as well? Because in order effectively avoid something you need to know what to avoid.
The amount of psychological rationalizing trying to make it out to be something good is also astounding. Why don't psychologists look into this more?
I want to know where the users went. We lost like 3k people and Holla Forums is now so slow it's pointless. It's worse than when the Christians kept shitting up threads with their fairy tale bullshit while people were trying to discuss ideas.
The actual user count is more or less unchanged on Holla Forums after it had leveled out following the second exodus. The initial exodus from 4chan bumped the pre Gamergate levels from ~500 to around ~2500. the second exodus after Holla Forums harbor temporarily bumped it up to ~5K. This gradually settled down over the course of the next four weeks or so as people decided whether or not Holla Forums was a fit for them and a good number returned to 4chan. Besides that the average has maintained around 2500. The exceptions major events and raids. During a raid the rest of the moderation goes into overdrive with banning and the users responding with proxies can skew the UIP up as much as five hundred posts. Those number regulate themselves and return to the mean as the raid gradually tapers off.
The Christian threads are usually not started by Christians or Pagans or any of the regular users. Usually it is an IP with low post count and what is posted in their history is exclusively bait. If retards on all sides would stop taking the bait the threads would die off and people would find something else to shitpost with. But neo/pol/ can't into impulse control and loves being offended. So the moment something they disagree with shows up they start arguing like retards and give the people who are smart enough to know how bullshit the board is exactly what they want. I mean, it's not like I don't understand shitposting. When I am bored I intentionally provoke shit on other boards just to see faggots get wound up and flail around like retards. I do it here on Holla Forums constantly. Even off of Holla Forums it's users are easy as fuck to set off. You pick a few buzzwords from Holla Forums make some retarded post and sprinkle them in, and HARK, a retard appears, to defend their poorly thought out ideals against those that dare have a different opinion. What I really enjoy though is saying the stupidest shit I can, and then start demanding moderation just to see how many people come out of the wood work and agree with me. /a/ is especially bad about that. They don't even have to agree with what you are talking about, but they always want more moderation.
It is noon and I am already pretty buzzed.
At least I'm not a semite with semite traditions.
That's pretty fucking funny. I'm gonna add that to my list of ways to fuck with Holla Forums.
It's not hard. Make a post about anything on Holla Forums that they can vaguely agree with and if anyone brings up any questions about how poorly thought out your post was just accuse them of being anti-white/leftypol/jews/muslims/cuckservatives/liberals/skinheads/christians/pagans/libertarians/gamers/SJWs/pol and say that this is why more moderation is needed.
It's more fun on a board like /k/ that is majority libertarian. Say something about gun rights, switch proxies and come up with a decent post tearing your original up. Don't come out and ask for a gun ban, just beat around the bush and talk about responsibility, laws, and safety. Make it seem very fair and impartial. Switch back to your original proxy and type out some barely coherent screed about gun rights the 2nd amendment blah blah blah as unintelligibly as you can while calling for more moderation because the no funs want to take over the board. If you can pull this shit off just right it is the best entertainment on Holla Forums. /k/ will literally tear itself apart for a couple of threads about freedumb of speech and the right to keep and bear arms. Pop back in on a proxy every once in a while to stir shit up on both sides. If you can throw random accusations of political bias by adding Holla Forums and Holla Forums buzzwords in, use flaggets wisely to instigate cultural grudges, accuse people of being fudds.
With maybe ten posts of effort you can see a full blown cat9 spergout lasting days
Oh, and the best part? Leave posts like this on other boards before you start. That way when the fight is in high gear you can crossboard link to that post and say
With any luck you can deflect some of that tard rage towards a target of your choice and watch the shit flinging escalate as now several boards are involved.
Good Goy
The intl shill wins again!
Was starting shit part of your plan?
Fuck off, defeatist shill.
Hi, /int/.
I honestly thought I was on Holla Forums for a second.
And I bet that's where all these dim witted faggots talking about Holla Forums not being "fun" enough wish they were.
And I wish they'd stay there.
You niggers can't be seriously stupid enough to take such obvious bait. Will Holla Forums ever get it's quality back?
Whatever you need to keep thinking you are relevant, freech.
And Muslims are supposed to be bad.
Most vaginas are gross too.
>Most All vaginas are gross too.
Can someone explain to me why circumcision is so popular in USA?
Is it a religious thing? Because the same can't be said about most christian countries.
A long time ago people used to think that circumcision had health benefits. Then medical science discovered that, actually, it doesn't. America of course having a shit healthcare system then decided not to tell people this even though every other healthcare system in Western civilisation recommends against circumcision because, as previously mentioned, it's basically pointless.
I wonder why.
Yeah, you don't need it, if you're NOT a virgin, because a girl's vagina already provides plenty of lubrication.
And this is Holla Forums. Why do you think people say fa/tv/irgins?
Here you go, cuckenstein.
How would an uncut guy know how it feels to be cut in the first place?
By the way, I actually do know what it felt like to be uncut. It was uncomfortable as shit. Wearing jeans as a kid in particular was a goddamn pain.
And finally, I don't see anyone complaining about the fact that the appendix is a completely useless organ that stuck around as a remainder of evolution, that most people get removed anyway.
Don't forget religious purposes - no wanking for hesus.
ebin :)))))
So I guess Holla Forums has no mods whatsoever? That's the only possible reason I could think of for this thread still being here.
He was baiting.
It's bumped, so the community likes it I like it because I like to feel superior to cut good goys
Next people will say that they were wheelchair bound until they got circumcised.
That's what underwear is for.
As I'm typing this I'm wearing no underwear, only pants.
In fact, protecting the penis from such a thing is all foreskin is for.
You need to have him crying in the last panel
Honestly, you seem to be triggered by the fact that some Americans have casually remarked about how odd they think uncut penises look.
Nobody gives a shit about them, but when you spend your whole life looking at a cut dick and then finally see an uncut one, it looks weird.
So basically OP that was just a really stupid thing to say because you displayed how immensely triggered you are about this subject.
Not an Amerilard by the way.
What's the benefit of circumcision when you don't need it?
Don't think about that, goy! You do need it or women will find your willy unattractive!
some looney fanatics led by kellog pushed this dank meme in an effort to stop their kids from jerking off
nice buzzword you learned there kid
ayy lmao
Why don't you stop avatarfagging you retarded weeaboo faggot?
Make me, faggot
the study:
i cant be making this shit up.
How many of the Trump posters would you say are shills, and how many are true believers, based on IPs? And what of the reverse?
I was quoting OP you laughable dimwit
This is weak trolling
Relatively few. The ones who I think are Trump paid shills just show up and post when he has a rally or some photoshops, post in what ever Trump threads are active and then disappear for the rest of the day. There are a few obvious exceptions. Back in…march I think it was we had people who would come in and shill for Cruz. When they would get shot down they would start making threads that were pro-trump and encouraging people to attack Jews in the media who were on twitter. The Rick Wilson shit actually got started by the guy who used to spam those Trump Israel threads that were just text blocks of random links and a picture of Trump next to pics of Jews. He started making threads about going after Wilson on Twitter by posting clips from news shows, then Wilson sperged out and started making tweets about Trump supporters being nazi weebs. I honestly stopped worrying about shills because of this election. Everything they seem to do backfires horribly.
As for the true believers I can't tell you. Even if one person posts seriously in one thread, they are going to shitpost in two others. Finding out if something is fake is fairly easy since everything will be shitposts and have a short history. Finding out if someone is serious is harder. The 'tis runs deep on Holla Forums and most users spend hours a day shitposting. Someone that has a couple hundred active posts on the board may only have two or three threads where they are actually discussing something.
actual Holla Forums vol here, and I'm calling you out for massive faggotry. You were removed as vol trypt, and have not been back since. Stop trying to be relevant when you're just a sorry excuse of an alcoholic.
By the way are you still whining about how your mommy hates you and ruined your life?
ITT meatheads
That's pretty much what I expected to see.
So what do you have to say, faggot? I'm interested in seeing what random people who could be lying out their asses have to say on the internet.
astroturfed any good threads lately?
I already said what i had to say to trypt
Ha! Guess that's a yes then.
Daily reminder that ant eater dicks are degenerate.
Its also no coincidence that any and every form of media in which dicks appear show them as cut rather than uncut. Even hentai uses cut dicks.
Hi, Holla Forums
Maybe when they make one that has some semblance of a budget. I read doujins.
Only sick fetish hentai where the girl enjoys consuming dick cheese uses uncut dicks.
So…90% of doujinshi?
You should check out sites other than dickcheesedoujins.org
wew lad, quite the imagination you have there. do you think of dickcheese often?
What is soap and water?
See a doctor
if you have to do that, you have phimosis, and you are part of the tiny minority of men who would actually benefit from circumcision. should we remove prostates too? i mean, what if a baby gets prostate cancer as an adult? no prostate = no prostate cancer.
my parents didn't mutilate me at birth because they're not fucking insane. you know what i do if i want to wash my dick? i'll lay it all out. take notes, because this is an extremely complex process. i actually had to go to college for 5 years to figure this out, but i'll try to put it in layman terms.
step 1. pull back foreskin
step 2. wash dick
step 3. rinse dick
do you have to make a conscious effort to be as mentally handicapped as you are?
Phimosis can be easily cured without circumcision. Its just that American doctors jump to it being option #1 due to brainwashing.
Also the excuses used for why circumcision is good has more to due with psychologically rationalizing your societies/parents sexual oppression towards you rather than there being any sort of valid argument there.
Whenever you get sucked into arguments about benefits you are playing a game those who are rationalizing their mutilations are doing to satiate their discomfort on the subject. Its just a game they play to try to make themselves seem more sexually attractive and not sexually damaged in any way.
i never said circumcision was the only (or best) treatment option for phimosis.
that's all i wanted to say in response to your comment because i agree with everything in it
Wouldn't you be, in their shoes? Being irrevocably mutilated by the very ones that are supposed to protect just to make Shlomo happy?
I'd be furious in their position.
It's not their anger, but their laughable triggered attempts to defend and justify it that does it for me.
Why is it that always the loudest, most obnoxious and most vociferous people who care about other people's dicks over the internet are always the smelly, dirty, snuffulupagus sleeves?
that's the most worthless, empty insult you could ever make
Is this what circucks have for insult for normal people? Ayy fucking lmao.
this is embarrassing
snuffulufafaggots btfo
Go back to Israel.
it's okay, modern medicine can make your dick normal again
I actually like that. And the smell of the thing.
Jeans are comfy as fuck, just because you're a big gay faggot who was uncomfortable in them doesn't mean the rest of us are.
are you a girl
I can mail you my old dick cheese
The power of deduction. Look it up.
This is how retarded you sound right now.
You know the skin peels back right?
And? You still have the skin, do you not?
if you grew it once you can grow it again
The answer: you can't. You can't know what it would be like to see complete black, to have to rely only on you other senses, to read with your fingers, to use all sorts of aids to help you get along in life, such as guide dogs.
The fact that you believe this to be a good response just goes to further prove my point about how retarded you sound.
This is the retarded lows circucks are ready to sink to convince themselves being cucked is not bad.
Are you this autistic? Does being mutilated in the dick fucks with your brain?
fucking kek, the denial israel
Truly a magnificent cuck combination.
It's in the nature of a weeb faggot to ruin things just to get their way. In a way, they're similar to the mudslimes in Europe
ahhahaha oh my fuck, cutfags are literally retarded
Nah, it's worse than that. They'll tell the parents that the kid will get aids and cancer if they don't mutilate his dick.
Also, doctors who notice a boy has his whole penis will always suggest getting it cut, and they will tell parents of intact babies they need to pull the skin back and wash underneath (which you shouldn't do because it's supposed to be fused to the head until around puberty). This increases the rate of infection and then the doctors go "see we told you that nasty dick cheese would get infected. Better cut it off now."
A whole fucking lot. It's basically a sexual organ unto itself, like the male equivalent of the clitoris except that it plays an even bigger role.
Shit, your not suppose to pull it back until puberty? I did not know this.
Nope. It stays fused to the head until puberty. American doctors will actually tell parents to pull it back as forcefully as possible which actually causes bleeding/skin tearing and damage. Because they mostly don't have one and don't know any better.
I have been told by some in medicine that this may actually be one of the main cause of phimosis. When it is forcefully pulled back it causes tearing in the skin. And when it heals the scar tissue will heal back much tighter than it originally was. There isn't much research on it though.
Well shit, I've been told by my parents to always pull the skin back when I pissed, as a child. Just never really washed it. I don't think I ever pulled it back to the point of bleeding or skin tearing though, so I may have been lucky.
Should I be concerned?
If you can you pull it back all the way and don't experience any weird sensations, it's fine.
Did they circumcise your eyelids too?
There's a lot of variation on when it detaches naturally. The mean is sometime in puberty, but for some guys it comes apart in the toddler stage or in their twenties. The important part is to not force it.
Nigger, there is such a thing as people who go blind later in life. As for dick sensations, there are different types of nerves on different parts of the dick. A cut dick only has the type of nerve endings that sense pressure, pain, and temperature. An intact dick has more, including fine touch sensation. Take a pencil or something and rub it along the back of your hand and then along the inside of your palm. Cutfags do not have the fine touch nerves like on the palm of your hand. The penis only has these on the foreskin.
it's not meant to though.
"g-d" designed it so it would start coming loose when 12-13 year old boys started getting hard and fucking tight 12 year old vaginas.
Yeah, this is something that generally gets ignored, but the tissue fusing the foreskin to the tip is the analog to the hymen, and boys are supposed to "pop the cherry" as well.
You're like Holla Forums's version of a nigger.
I was popping boners since I was at least 4.