ITT: post a reboot/remake that wasn't complete dog shit.
ITT: post a reboot/remake that wasn't complete dog shit
It's gonna be great.
Go back to tumblr, feminist.
oh christ no, please tell me you jest
I think Fury Road should be watched like any other cheesy action movie from the 80's: focus on the action and scenery, leave the romance (or in this case story) for your gf/missus to enjoy.
In other words, watch Fury Road like you would play DOOM.
While the premise may be pretty shit, the movie itself captivated me. As far as remakes go, this one is pretty faithful. Yeah, the stereotypes were a bit cheap, but I was glued to the screen nontheless.
wow, maybe it wasn't an objectively good remake and I just liked it because I'm a pleb.
Back to plebbit
It's the >>>Holla Forums / >>>Holla Forums faggot that's plagued us for over a year
Just filter/report him and move on
it's Haneke, seems like you're the one who should be going back
I still apparently can be surprised by how unoriginal bullshit can be spewed out of hollywood.
It's a shame you posted the movie I was gonna post next to tumblr agenda shit.
As for a remake that was good:
Considering how often people shit on that movie I'd say you're bullshitting, but I really do find it to be worth a rewatch every now and then.
What? I've never heard anyone shit on the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake.
It was damn good.
roadhouse 2 with the rock and rhonda is going to be garbage
I saw it happen quite a bit on halfchan before it went full cuck, and I've never seen it brought up on this board beforehand. I don't browse this Holla Forums quite as often though.
I've also never heard favorable opinions of it IRL.
I really did like it though, if only for the simple fact that nearly everyone had enough trigger discipline to satisfy my /k/ autism to the point where I didn't have to wonder how they weren't shooting each others' cocks/cunts off.
Can you share some of the criticisms you've heard of it? Both IRL and online I've never heard people speak poorly of this movie.
I'll boil it down to a series muhs that sum up the most common complaints I've heard because I'm too much of a lazy faggot to go in depth with my anecdotes.
It's mostly the kind of criticism from people who don't know how to enjoy a schlock zombie movie that was never intended to be some Pulitzer prize winning bullshit.
This was pretty dull and mediocre, but it wasn't completely godawful.
that was shot for shot tho
does it really count?
Dredd isn't a remake or reboot
Kill yourself
Some dumb criticisms. Remakes weren't the nuisance in 2004 that they are today.
DoTD(04) had some pretty cool niggers. The cop nigger was an all around badass and his friendship with the gun shop guy was interesting. The nigger nigger was hilarious for how bat shit crazy he was at the end. I was glad they didn't go with the predictable "nigger with a heart of gold" path for his character.
Sprinters were what made the movie for me really. I don't find slow, shambling zombies intimidating in the least.
A pretty silly complaint. I thought the way they showed the blond girl working at the hospital and casually talking about the kind of injuries preceding a zombie apocalypse was great buildup.
Another silly complaint.
I suppose this could be debated.
Thanks for sharing user.
I liked the third act where it actually felt like evil dead
I'm digging how much love horror reboots are getting ITT. I always thought that a great remake ought to supplement the original without detracting from them while maintaining their own identity.
I personally enjoyed the original Texas Chainsaw remake, F13 and Evil Dead for going this route. The Nightmare on Elm Street redux eats asshole because it's just a tone deaf retread of the original, without bringing anything new to the table while in command of a character tailor made for such a treatment.
Now here is the real dividing line, I think. You either love this one, or hate it. I'm of the former, and it never made sense to me why this gets shit on the way it does.
I enjoyed it more than the original honestly. The only people I've heard shit on it are Romero purists who hate seeing running zombies in their zombie fiction. The only minor complaint I had with it was the last 30 minutes or so feel more rushed than the beginning, but it makes sense since they're trying to escape a giant zombie horde and so it was probably intentional.
came here to post this
how is it not a reboot? It scraps Stallone's campy ass turd movie and rebooted the universe as darker, grittier, and more violent
op here
i don't love the halloween remake, but it isn't bad. i enjoy rob zombie's take on the character, it's interesting to see the supernatural element removed.
it's a soft reboot user, it continues the story but there are retcons in it. personally, i don't see them as retcons, but just max continually losing his mind and forgetting that he had a son, not a daughter, or that in the years between thunderdome and fury road he settled down and had a daughter with someone. makes sense over just a fucking retcon anyway.
it's not a reboot in the same way that the coens' true grit is not a reboot/remake, it's just another adaptation. since there was never another stallone dredd, there wasn't a series to be restarted.
Nice try, shill.
*posts angry reaction image*
It's a reboot in the way that it's a reboot.
Really, because it wasn't even advertised as one, nor was the word ever used in conjunction with it.
It isn't a reboot/remake.
Reboot has become a swear word, most studious avoid it like the plague.
They don't want to be judged alongside the originals.
Besides, Dredd was barely advertised at all, one of the reasons it did so poorly in fact.
No thanks.
I love it
Well at least we can agree that it was a good movie
The term reboot was popularlised with Batman Begins, as a way of expressing that something is a new take on an old franchise, and not just a straight remake. I think Dredd fits that description.
Eight Legged Freaks kicked ass
Inb4 b-but it was the kung-fu kid!
trips confirm
alright, i'll concede to that, since it isn't a continuation of previous films it is technically a reboot.
True Grit was pretty good.
The Karate Kid was a remake?
not a reboot or remake, the coens state it themselves.
fury road was a fun action movie, if you think it's shit just because one of the characters was a mary sue with a shaved head then you are part of the problem, because mad max has never had good characters.
No, it really wasn't. Just because people don't like something you like is no reason to get your knickers in a twist, love.
The (((Coens))) are full of shit.
I came here to post Dawn of the Dead from 2004. I don't know why people shit on it.
I'll post Heat instead. Technically not a movie remake, but a remake of a 1989 thing the director had done.
The poster marketing for Ghostbusters is so far off the mark. It's a fun comedy, not a gritty action flick. Graphic Design has devolved into 'what looks cool' with no thought toward conveying information.
Dredd was great. I thought it was a reboot too, but lots of anons here seem to think otherwise.
It's a reboot, user
I came here to see if The Thing was posted, I was only semi-disappointed
Patrician as fuck.
you dumb fuck
Fury Road wasn't a reboot though. It's confirmed to be a prequel to Mad Max 3.
Are you clinically fucking braindead or something? That's the precise opposite of what I said.
For over a year now, there's been one user on this board (most likely an Holla Forumsigence officer) who always tries to splinter the userbase by looking for a certain trigger word then bombing the thread with board redirects.
In the beginning, you posted "kek" in a reply, he'd make something that was akin to
>>>Holla Forums
Then, once Holla Forums adopted the meme magic and declared KEK as a superior entity dating back to the era of the Egyptians, he realized most anons here supported KEK (pbuh) unironically, so he moved on to another subversion technique: targeting threads that discussed animated shows. This time around, he was much more committed to the cause, using >>>/a/ and >>>Holla Forums board redirects, creating fake threads to flood Holla Forums's catalog and trying to false flag in Holla Forums using a proxy.
When his ass got caught, the only thing left for him to do was target anything on Holla Forums that was remotely political and spam redirects to the two main boards: Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Any time you see an user on this board post:
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
There's a 99% chance it's him.
Did I make myself clear enough to prevent me having to go into aspergically detailed breakdowns every time I post something that you can't immediately wrap your brain around?
Honestly it was pretty cool. Sure, the puppets instead of CG would've been better, but I feel like since the CG was made directly from completely working puppets to emulate them a lot of the feel wasn't lost.
It's also kind of neat how they expand on Carpenter's movie without really fucking up any of his work.
It's not really a reboot or a remake to be fair, but I think it fits the bill.
lol, I always love when you can spot some empty-headed hipster who loves to status signal about how sophisticated he is by praising old films and shitting on anything post-millennium, but can never fully elaborate as to why.
It's so transparent.
I can confirm this from a certain thread
You have no idea, do you?
No, he does. It is just your typical Holla Forumsedditor trying to sow disunity where ever he may be. They are a cancerous bunch the lot of them. They use deliberate misinformation while masquerading as one of us in an attempt to push their ideology.
For those of you who are interested here is the red pill on exactly who is and the Teenbro cabal he works for.
I am constantly amazed and amused at the elaborate conspiracies Holla Forumsacks will find in low effort shitposting. Never change Holla Forums.
i cant even tell if this shit is ironic or what. i occasionally join in on mocking Holla Forums, turns out they have this whole "conspiracy" theory?
has to be a joke. just has to be.
It's millennial neo-liberal anti-culture. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "shill" and therefore less than human. Everyone is out to get you, to bully you, you're always the victim. Everyone is always attacking you, you are always "on defense",which makes you completely innocent. Their beliefs are insane, yours are 100% correct.
Any similarities to SJWs are pure coincidence, go- oops I mean "consumer".
Fuck off.
I know it's already been posted, by Carpenter's version of The Thing was fucking great. In my opinion it's the perfect example of a legitimately flawless horror film.
Thanks for the laugh tho M80.
They all hate video games. Pretty coherent on that topic.
Well, yeah, but Holla Forums hates television and film and Holla Forums hates comics.
Which is all perfectly rational.
If you want to nitpick you can say Holla Forums hates the gaming industry or that Holla Forums hates capes, but since the source of their pain is somewhat unavoidable at this point of time within their sphere of interest then you might as just well say the whole thing is shit…
Fuck you.
I walked by Jon Lovitz in a restaurant once. He made eye contact briefly then quickly looked away. It was the most memorable thing that ever happened to me in my entire life.
Oh hai gifmaker
Yes, but in China. It has the name if a japanese martial art, despite being about learning kung fu
sauce on this? because fury road takes place 45 years AFTER thunderdome
Not really user, I redirect shitposts to their containment boards on a regular basis and I'm definitely not alone in peforming this great service.