>throneshit cancer spilling outside it's designated pigsty

>throneshit cancer spilling outside it's designated pigsty

>20 autistic convos on the front page with 5 new made everyday

Is this how Holla Forums will go down? And you thought capeshit will do it in

does that hurt? can you get much farther than the glans?

This is what happens when you let concentrated cancer like the maissiefags run loose in the general, if only the mods and BO werent dead.

I wouldn't know, I'm a girl :(

This is now a Kristen Stewart thread

So what about this army movie where she is supposed to befriend a prisoner of war Arabic guy?

marry me


As bad as it is at least it isn't 20 idpol threads shitting up the catalog.

I for one believe we should all start desertposting

why don't you just cut out the middleman and go fuck a goat

And you just made another one, dumb frogposter.



Sandposting is pretty fun.

yes I'm in Cali, you wanna drive to SF?


The most autistic thing I see is the people flailing and doing raptor screeches every time a got thread shows up.

Newsflash, this IS a the designated pissing ground for fawning over stupid tv shows and movies, it only makes sense it would blow up with each new episode of the most popular show on television.

This isn't how Holla Forums goes down, this is how it stays afloat.
But I'm sure you think it's being held aloft by sperglords like yourself who would rather wax on about the good ole days.
You know, when you guys sat around circle jerking over breaking bad like it was the second coming of christ?
Up till it got popular and started flooding the place, then you did a 180 and switched over to talking about how it was the cancer eating away your precious shut in board.

The butthurt is real.

GoT really is the worst live action fandom about right now. Game of Thrones is to Holla Forums what Undertale is to Holla Forums and Steven Universe is to Holla Forums. It attracts the worst kinds of autists.



And I bet you were one of the two faggots REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing to stop all the RLM and Channel Autism threads from being made when something new came out from those groups.


This is my first venture into Holla Forums actually.
I just came in here to bitch about how terrible the new star trek trailer looks.

My last post was just one big assumption.
Pretty sad how accurate it seems to be too though.
But it just goes to show how predictable people are who get this autistic over their hobbies.
I can't claim to be any better though honestly.

No, just implying that there are no smart people on either side of the discussion.
Not being the worst kind of autist doesn't make you less of one.

Newfag detected, get the fuck out.

I bet it took all of your reading comprehension skills to suss that one out didn't it?

Very butthurt that I summed up this boards history in two minutes of browsing it, though I should have specified by saying Holla Forums Holla Forums

its a stream of shit with occasional nugs, so…pretty much every boardor at least all the ones im willing to visit, shudder

Fecal flux density seems to depends on amount of activity, more activity=more shite but not nec. more nugs

everything is /pol of course, thats not always a good thing

anyho, im off to make another GameofWalkingDead thread, cheeri-O


Father Brown up in this bitch, how does he do it

I'd take 100 got threads over what 4cuck Holla Forums has become any day

2008-2010 was the fucking GOAT

Fine, I will go back, and then I'll bring my armies back here with me.


Instead of shitting up the catalog with a million meta threads complaining about how GoT is killing Holla Forums I've figured out a simple means to reduce the amount of shitposts on Holla Forums. Just like 8ch scans for duplicate images, it can also scan for duplicated text. If you try to submit a post that contains Holla Forumsddit buzzwords like kike, nigger, fag, jew, or Trump, then it can reject your post as shitpost and auto ban you. This will force stupid idpol back into their hugbox to be more original.

Negro, what the fuck? just make your post, you dumb coon, and see if it blends.


o hai gifmaker, still butthurt because of the avgn threads?

the site would be dead tomorrow, and you would need blockchain level of computing power to process all the banning

also how dare you throw me in with those polack savages, I despise kikes on a far more enlightened level*tips feldmütze*

Found the Muslim terrorist. Send drone strikes ASAP.

You know most people here post the same shit the maisiefags post, but they are even more retarded because they post without any pictures (such as yourself) in a fucking image board?

What is this? Fucking IRC?

When was the last time you posted a picture in this fucking board, you retard?

as shitty as the underage reddi/pol/ invasion is, that would be censorship, something they practice on the various "political" social signalling boards. no censorship.

so many flavors of anti-jew, dont see why you are so sure

I could go on but you get the point

OP pls, you're talking about the same board consisting mostly of the same people that went through years of relentless baneposting and it still hasn't crashed with no survivors.

Not that I disagree that shoehorning politics into every thread completely destroys any chance of actual discussion, but you're making it really obvious you're a samefag cunt when you use that term, because literally nobody else uses it.

Newfags really are cancer, holy shit.

Holla Forumsddit folks

the first words of that post are,"Not that I disagree". you can deflect all you want but you're not fooling anyone.


it's one fucking guy that's been posting shit like "Holla Forumseddit" for a long time now across Holla Forums and /k/

Here's a fun game you can play when you're looking at the catalog. Count the number of threads with kino, "what did they mean by this", desertposting, bane, or game of thrones in the OP. It's not a game you can win.

what if you like dank memes and autofellatio frog

Look, it's the one fucking guy who says anyone he doesn't like is just one guy.


Literally the first four words in the post I made state that I agree that id politics ruin fucking everything.

If this is your attempt at hiding your blatant samefaggotry then I hope you eventually learn to not be stupid, because the alternative is forever being seen as a retard by everyone else.