Who are your favorite red pilled actors/directors/etc?

Who are your favorite red pilled actors/directors/etc?

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Since when is Elijah Wood redpilled?

elijah wood? how so?

He recently said that there are pedos praying on child actors in Hollywood.


That doesn't necessarily make him red pilled.

The Left is moving into their pro child molester phase but they aren't fully there yet.

Academia started to push it some years back.


Now the leftist media is boarding the train also.


The end is nigh. After this, I predict the normalization of "otherkins".

Did this manlet get mistaken for a little boy and raped?

Posting here for those at all interested in taking part

Religious nutjob.
Useless conservatard.
Actually fucking based. Down to earth, realist.
He did good calling out the Hollywood pedo-cult.

Academia isn't an unison hivemind, user.

Whoever is driving that shit isn't "Left". Fuck, the longest running and powerful pedo-circle, the british government is as far Right-wing as you can get.


He's just mad that he's not famous enough to get on to the famous clinton's pedo plane.

Stop posting, Galloway.

Why is every major board infected with these faggots suddenly? I can't prove it, but it seems like shit hit the fan when a certain meme candidate began running for American Prez. Did all his supporters flock here from social media?

Holla Forums, back to your playpen, it's past your bedtime.



Agreed, no one likes Hillary's "correctors"




Have you like ever considered that the saltiest one in life is you?

Nice refutation, commie.

I'll come visit Holla Forums when Trump wins just so I can laugh at you.

Good goy.

It's about chasing the spics out. That's all I care about.

I am not an american. Could you show me some material on how the spics are making your life worse?

not him

Since when have spics been blacks?

They aren't. LEO likes to classify them as white since the mid 2000 so that they could skew white crime statistic up so the nogs wouldn't look as bad.

They're mixed, but when it comes to picking a race they usually pick white. It's recently been changed but until the new FBI statistics are posted this will do.

The options for race have been changed, to be specific. There is a hispanic option now.


Susan Sarandon

Wayne was the most bluepilled motherfucker who ever stumbled into Hollywood. He literally spent his entire life wallowing in his own ignorance.


Mike Nelson, he takes a shot at GG every riff now. Love it.




Lies spread by the juden

and sometimes the ignorance of 16 year old girls.




It's practically impossible. Pedophilia cannot be in any imaginable way in the workers' interests. However, when the politicians, their sponsors or some royalty wants to rape-torture a child, it has to be dealt with, and becomes inherently a Right-wing interest.

It's not Mel's fault he's the way he is. He takes after his dad, who is really insane.

I still kind of like him. I think he got a raw deal.

Agree about Wayne.

Leftism is just as much in the workers' interest as pedophilia is to children, retard.

That doesn't make any sense. Leftism is literally movement to drive workers' rights and benefits. Nothing else. Everything else is objectively wrong use of the word.


And Leftism fucks over said workers. Much like pedophiles fuck over children.

The country has been neo-liberal centre-left for a long time since Blair came to power

For them.

No sane person is going to support any ideology that claims people should be allowed to molest their children. If you think they will, you're an idiot. Protection of our children is one of our primal instincts, it's one of those things that cannot be suppressed or overridden.

Leftism in a nutshell.

And it's still Leftists who are pro-pedophilia, sport.

Paedophilia has nothing to do with Left or Right. The Catholic church is full of paedophiles and they're pretty conservative.

Paedophilia apologism however, seems to be a mostly left issue.

you mean the proto-commie cuck faggots whose leader is shilling for muslim invasion?


The Catholic Church isn't pro-pedophilia, unlike the Left. It's mistake was in allowing faggots into the priesthood post-Vatican II.

Hell, the Church's biggest mistake was Vatican II.

They're Catholic in name only. Point a bible verse where it's okay for a priest to molest children.

Who wasn't their leader at the height of the paedophilia.

Well done for repeating exactly what I said.

They have numerous paedophiles in their ranks, they enable child molesters. But, once exposed, the Catholic church become ashamed and give the usual sob story about how they didn't know and how it's a travesty and all of that. Whereas a left wing organisation would try to argue that they did nothing wrong.

Doesn't really mean anything. People have manipulated the Bible to suit their own purposes for as long as there's been a Bible.

if Catholics had a lick of respect for the Bible they wouldn't be Catholics.

Do those rights include subjective media representation, child molestation apologism, prohibiting manspreading, fighting for non-gendered toys, and protecting people from microagressions? Because that's all I've seen from them.

Leftism is a huge farce that accomplishes nothing useful in the world besides ego.

It hasn't been manipulated at all. It's you who haven't read it correctly.

You, like many others, probably read a few lines from Leviticus without reading the preceding lines, later concluding that Christians are hypocrites.

You claimed pedophilia isn't a right-left issue. That's wrong.

Point is, pedophilia isn't institutionalized in any Rightist organization, not even the CC (if, indeed, it can even be called Rightist anymore). It is in Leftist enclaves like Hollywood or the North American sci-fi community.

Blatantly false. Leftists deliberately hide their pedophiles and silence any detractors, including the victims.

That's bullshit but I believe it

For the moment.

what about anime?

This is only periodically right. As if they're actively trying to be as retarded about it as they can, the feds sometimes complicate that option far more than it needs to be. For example: Sometimes, there IS a Hispanic option alongside the usual White/Black/Asian/Whatev options. And then sometimes, it's its own questions -outside- of the White/Black/Asian option despite whatever you may have put there, forcing you answer 'Other', with a following question of 'Are you of Hispanic yaddayadda'.

Basically, some statistics now lump Hispanics with Other instead of White.

Dude, I'm pretty sure there's at least -three- cults and churches in American history alone that tried to push 'I'm the leader, so let me bone your daughters'. Literally the only difference between left pedos and right pedos is how they handle it.

You don't have to be ashamed, user. Old-ass men trying to get their dicks in underaged pussy has been a thing -since- Biblical times. And believe me, the cultures that still practice marrying off children and preteens give zero fucks about American political views of left and right. (If anything, from experience, the elders that push pedo-shit always do so on the platform of 'muh tradition'.)


Nice strawman you've got there.

Which is that the Left hides and abets it on an institutional scale. The Right does not.

top lel

Might want to talk it out with a licensed professional, dude.

tisk tisk, anons



liberal faggot detected

Not institutional pedophiles.

Certainly not Right.

Also Kelsey Grammar and John Malkovich.

top kek, what a legend

The Catholic church is a religious institution, and the amount of pedophile priests were never a large amount.

..really man



who that is?

This is why we need IDs, so we can filter faggots like this one.
On a per-thread basis, really, like Holla Forums has.

It's having two parallel threads at the same time: one for leftist degenerate scum and the other for normal human beings. They both hide each other, so in the end it's okay.