Why aren't you going to see THE NICE GUYS?

Why aren't you going to see THE NICE GUYS?

I don't have anyone to go wiith.

Because I don't give shekels to Jewlywood/Pedowood.

I call shenanigans.

The Nice Guys actually looks pretty entertaining, but as a bad goy, I haven't paid to see a movie in years and I'll be damned if I'm going to start now. I'll wait a few months and watch the DVD rip.

Because I'm not a very nice guy.


I don't have the time, but planning on going this week.
The only trailer that made me laugh in recent history.

Going this weekend. Looks funny. I mean, this shit actually made me laugh.

I have seen it and it failed to deliver.
The jokes work, it's funny, the characters are good, but it's like they took a script for something way longer and made it into a 2 hours movie, some things don't add up, the editor did some bad choices too, overall it's ok, but a letdown.

Shekelwood only gets a percent of the money in the first week or two that hte movie is out. That's why big movies like Avengers stay in theatres for a month or more, it's the only way a theatre really makes money.

Myself, the city I live in, we have a non -profit theatre. I go to movies after theyve been out for a couple of weeks so that more of the money goes to my local theatre.

So, to avoid giving money to shekelwood go to movies that have been out for a short bit.

I like to see movies that are a) not sequels and b) not disney because I want to send a message, little as it might be, to the movie industry, that people want to see original scripts and original ideas.

I really want cinema to get unjewed.

it was jewed from the start lad.

ya, but the movies weren't always dominated by kikes. Like, look at Clint Eastwood films. Subversive films could still be made, ya know?

thats because they were all made in italy. all the good movies were made by itailians.

because the trailer only had one joke that made me laugh, and being only one up from female Ghostbusters isn't a good sign

Sure, liar.

I can not find the source for the life of me. It was a couple of years ago that I read it. So maybe I imagined it as all I'm finding now is that Shekelwood gets 70% of ticket price.

jews are so stereotypical

I just did yesterday. It was ok, but they gave away the best jokes in the trailer.


He can't talk that way to my Gosling.

holy fuck i'm dying of laughter

No Juden to report here, BrĂ¼der.

well theres anothr reason i need to see the movie, then. that would also explain the non-existent shilling for this movie.

whats the name of that website again?

It's J-DAR. Juden-owned, of course, but it takes one to know one.

I saw it, it was pretty good - not mindblowing or anything but a fun ride throughout and it has Ryan Gosling so that's pretty much an automatic win in my book

Recommendation: Drink exactly two beers before seeing it

have they ever stopped?

Just got back from seeing it, I enjoyed it. Decent mystery story, good special effects, and tits everywhere. The jokes fell flat for the most part, sadly. Also had an amazing shot that seamlessly transitioned from actual 70's footage. Would've been great if the faggot eight rows down from me would've put his goddamn phone away.