hey anons
what is the shadow of the colossus of movies
Hey anons
reign over me?
Any Marvel movie. A boring, bad movie but it is praised as great anyway.
false, SotC is what every game should be
no story, every enemy encounter unique
movies and games serve totally different purposes
don't compare a game of poker to lord of the rings
it does have a story though
It's a good game for the reason many movies are good. It doesn't beat you over the head with the story, or dialogue, or boring cutscenes. You are almost always PLAYING, not watching.
It would be cool if it were filmed by someone like Jodorosky (sp?), who could make it all about the inward journey.
A warrior wants to revive his girlfriend and for that he goes to a forbidden land where he makes a deal with a demon that promises to revive her in exchange for the death of 16 majestic creatures.
It would be a hard task to make a movie of this, just like it would be really hard to make a movie of "Prince of Persia the Warrior Within".
Great games generally don't translate well in film format because there is almost no filler in those games, just action and straight to the point.
Also the music is a big part in those games and a film adaptation could ruin it.
Video related is my favorite game.
Incredibly overrated "classic" that is a snorefest to anyone who didn't see it growing up? That would be citizen kane.
scott pilgrim vs. the world
You know it's true.
Is it even a game? Or just walking+climbing simulator?
the englishman who went up a hill but came down a mountain
top wew
I just watched The Neverending Story and this scene with the massive turtle really reminded me of Shadow of the Colossus visually.
boss fights are literally my least favorite part of any videogame
I feel no desire to ever play this shit
poker has no narrative. the narrative of sotc can be compared to lord of the rings, but it will fall woefully short because sotc is total shit and lotr is the greatest fiction work that will ever be written
gas yourself
sotc is garbage
Do you write for Kotaku?
Who was reportedly behind the SoTC film adaptation again? I remember it being some very cancerous fucks. You know they'll find a way to shoehorn Dwyane "Teh Rockk" Johnson into it.
really, someone took the text from the mary poppins picture and put the bait fish in it? that's fucking lame, 0/10 apply yourself.
I can see it. I wonder if any more of them are possibly movie inspired. The music reminds me of some film score, but I can't place it.
hint: they all suck and will all suck forever
even the slightest hint of anger at a videogame movie being shit is reddit autism of the worst order
webm related
nigga that's not even the best track in the game, the fuck's the matter with you?
Video game adaptations are somehow worse than anything capeshit. Both terrible, mind you, but one does not work at all for many, many reasons.
What are you even trying to say? The score for the game was incredibly well done. That track in particular reminds me of something from another movie. It's not the whole "epic" thing, more about the composition.
Didn't say it was the best. See above
i bet you swing your hand in the air pretending to be a conductor when you listen to this shit, dont you
i am a music autist, so yeah i do it every now and then.
Are you that edgy contrarian from the other thread? You still didn't post your favorite movie. I'm curious to see how exquisite your taste must be.
hey faggot, post some music you think is good
It was offered to Trank.
mcfucking kill yourself
having a favorite movie is as retarded as having a favorite food.
establishing a group of 'favorite' films is far easier, and on that note ive been watching a lot of westerns recently and the outlaw josey wales always surprises me with how good it is
embedded is one of the top 5 greatest songs ever put in a movie
in b4 >morricone
the amount of work and knowledge of tolkiens craft poured into LOTR is surpassed by no other fiction work
reading tolkiens nonfiction work (particularly his fabulous essay on beowulf and the importance of supernatural elements) helps you understand tolkiens love and admiration for language, and how language shapes and defines us far more than we shape and define it.
suck a dick
That's a very good point.
Also vid for the thread.
It's Sleeping Beauty
And the point of SOTC isn't the plot. That's why it works so well. The best games often have simple, basic plots and let the games themselves fill in the narrative and create the experience for you.
you absolute madman, how are we supposed to have a debate and shitpost if you instantly post the based god of film scores?
Why don't you post some real shit, nigga?
I never said anything about "art". You did.
*shi, didn't mean to greentext
Sorry, Quentin, Morricone music is shit. It's just entertainment music. Compositionally shallow and repetitive tripe.
Well yeah obviously you would have to lower it to 5-6 beasts, and maybe have someone he could talk to. Just make him a knight, with a squire. Boom, solved it. You could also cut to the group of priests chasing him once or twice.
Some of the fights in that game would work very well in a movie. Imagine pic related, or either of the two smaller, lion-shaped colossi. Someone with skill could shoot those as terrific scenes.
Isn't SotC a prequel to Ico? I imagine you could make a movie out of SotC if you combine it with Ico and make SotC the first half of the movie and Ico the second half.
Could easily make two movies, but the directors I'd trust to handle it wouldn't touch it, and I doubt anyone would care enough to write it well. Both would need to be sort of dark and surreal, but since they're VIDEO GAMES they'd be made in that way. It's an impossible dream that good movies such as these could be made.
lrn2 complexity shitlord
Watching that image remind me that in latin america an airplain is called "Avion", just like that colossi.
I would like to see every colossi. All of them have a really interesting design.
fucking pleb
Shiggy, this retard can't into baroque.
Every voice is not a melody. Learn what basso continuo is.
Every melody is not the same. Learn what contrapuntal melody is.
Then you post this discordant post-modern horseshit which sounds like a retard just discovered a flute and decided he was Beethoven. HAHAHAHA! Try again, if you think you can shit on the master Bach.
Yeah, that's right, I'm dangerous.
shostakovich is superior to bach anyway
basso continuo is realized with good voice leading you idiot
you can't even describe your own babby's first counterpoint correctly
video related, this is advanced music for advanced people
he's wearing an old-fashioned hairstyle and old-fashioned clothes, and endorsing art from half a century ago. that's practically the baroque posterboy. stay hopelessly outdated, mr. le wrong generation fedoralord
Both are unfilmable. They are both so light on plot that any adaptation would, at best, be in name only
that was a great review
it reignited all the things I felt when playing through the first time
I usually felt bad after striking the final blow and watching the majestic creatures crash
It's not a simple plot, it's a goddamn cringeworthy anime plot.
This shit is barely a video game. If you want a cinematic game with unique aesthetics that is actually fun to play, go play Flashback. This shit is boring and looks like Peter Hackson's worst attempt at landscape building.
Is it the same faggot in every Holla Forums thread who just shits out the first contrarian nonsense he can think of? Or is the board just infested with these retards?
How can someone have so many wrong opinions?
None other than Valhalla Rising.
i don't know, can you have a beautiful movie with great atmospheric shots and building conflict like that and almost no story present?
Nature documentaries or some sort of reality movie shot in the wilderness of pure survivalism?
Sure smells Holla Forums in here
I've just watched the trailer and it's visual and audio effects are awful and stock.
Is the movie worth watching though?