Is this going to be the new normal "progressive" model for cultmarx films where they dismiss criticism by attacking the audience as anti-whatever the poison is they're preaching?
Racist! omg sexist!
Does this actually work? It reminds me of the movie remake of Annie where they cast a black and called everyone a racist who didn't watched it (pretty sure that movie bombed too).
This is such a bizarre marketing approach by Sony. How much does something like this cost their marketing department? Think of all these "journalists" and shills they have to pay off. I wonder what forms of communication all these shills are using? I bet they're pretty lazy and using some kind of google groups. So pathetic. I hope someone gains entry into it and screenshots the messages from Sony to the clowns like Oswalt.
Maybe Sony is purposefully trying to destroy the movie division of their company? Pixels was so horrendous I turned it off about fifteen minutes into it "omg he hates jews".
Overall it's been pretty entertaining to see all these liberals getting btfo by reality.
Nothing speaks louder then the consumers wallet.
I could see Feig killing himself before the fall time
Kevin Butler
Yes, just look at The Force Awakens. That film managed to deflect all criticism by calling anyone who didn't like it a racist and a sexist.
Sony is trying the same tactic, but they're not as good at PR as Disney is. Even though their films are the same level of quality.
Robert Smith
Star Wars was going to make money no matter what jj did, the fans are delusional and Disney knows this. They know that they'll continue pouring in money while they actively seek to expand their audience to nonwhites and women.
Julian Jones
you can literally just ignore it all and wait for the whole house of cards to come falling down in a light breeeze.
the reason this shit gets so much leverage and staying power is because inevitably, someone pays attention to it and lends credence to the claims of sexism and racism.
just fucking ignore it. let it die. every time you tweet out your opinion of a shitty mysogny movie you give it another 6 months of life
John Diaz
Jackson Campbell
They already tried it with the Fantastic Four reboot. Didn't work so well.
Wyatt Davis
Cooper Cox
how many threads are you gonna make about this?
Hunter Cox
Isaac Cox
Jeremiah Bailey
Star Wars was pretty shit tier, but at least audiences like it. Ghostbusters is just awful to that point that even morons know its trash
Nathan Martinez
it's true that the president doesn't really matter, and no single person can help our country at this point, but he's the most moral and least bought of them. every other major candidate is like a bad, over-the-top joke from 40 years ago. I thought Bush and Obama were bad, elections keep getting more ridiculous.
Connor Walker
So what are the chances that this movie may ruin Sony? I mean, they were practically planning a reboot of the franchise and invested a shit load in media and toys.
Easton Flores
Yeah, but if Bernie wins it will make those college shits all the more obnoxious and more people will wanna be like them. If not for them I wouldn't mind sensible Bernie voters like you who realize that presidents are nothing more than puppets for show.
Wyatt Foster
Brandon Price
Controversy is a marketing technique. When The Exorcist came out, Catholic groups picketed the movie holding signs saying you'd go to Hell if you watched this movie. It was only free advertising and the controversy just made the masses curious to see what all the fuss was about. There were lines around the block to see the movie. It was a financial hit. This is what Sony is banking on. It's marketing jujutsu.
Levi Jackson
morons know its trash for the exact wrong reason though. it's a GOOD thing that they're taking risks and writing a new story that goes in a different direction (at least, that's what it looks like).
Blake Reyes
I don't even see the problem with people not wanting to see it because it's an all female cast. That doesn't mean you hate women. I mean what about nobody wanting to watch female sports? Do all those people hate women? And women probably didn't want to watch 300 because it was a movie all about men fighting other men, that doesn't make them sexist. When you make something and clearly tell everyone that it's all about gurrl power you shouldn't be suprised that men aren't interested in watching it.
Luke Ortiz
I fully admit I don't want to see it because it's all female. I feel insulted when franchises arbitrarily replace white male characters with females and minorities. Women and minorities should feel insulted too. All it says is that white males are evil and should be replaced, and that women and minorities are too talentless and stupid to create their own shit. It insults everyone.
Jason Rodriguez
A) The Exorcist was 40 years ago. We've got torrents and shit now for people who are curious. Add this to the fact that people get assblasted about just about everything and well, controversy just isn't as effective a marketing technique as it used to be.
B) This controversy's doing the reverse of The Exorcist or films like The Da Vinci Code, or even Dogma, did. Instead of being a group of self appointed moral guardians tell you you're bad if you see the movie, it's a group of self-appointed moral guardians telling you you're bad if you don't see the movie. The difference is slight, but a key one.
Jackson Evans
A man can just dream
Mason Baker
It won't happen, but its fun to dream.
Anthony White
This tbh.
Noah Gray
The necessary amount of them
Jealous because nobody is paying attention to you and your sick fetish with maisie williams gifmaker?
Gabriel Johnson
The average normie has no idea what a torrent is. I don't think it matters. The marketing axiom is "all publicity is good publicity".
Aaron James
Caleb Ortiz
Star Wars isn't fucking Ghostbusters. Star Wars is fucking critic proof. The prequels not only made millions but had tons of professional film critics defending it and calling it a good movie. Lucasfilm, for years, has made bank on a steady stream of Star Wars related licensed merchandise and other shit.
Ghostbusters had the original movie, a shitty sequel, two cartoon shows and a video game that was surprisingly well received (and is part of the reason why they're even doing this shit to begin with). It's a franchise, certainly, but it's nowhere near as invincible as Star Wars.
Oliver Rogers
What are talking about? Normies that were born in the first half of the past century?
Austin Walker
Thomas Scott
It does matter. It's an important difference.
People are always going to defy these self-appointed, self-righteous twats. If they say you're a bad person for watching the film, they'll watch it. If they say you're bad person for not watching the film, they won't watch it.
Jason Jenkins
No, you're the normalfags. Go back to where you came from.
Christian Allen
No, the masses will always comply. They will adapt, they will bend over and justify it to themselves.
Not only that, but the average person don't care about the content of any controversy. That there is any controversy at all is enough to pique their interest and make them go to the theater to watch the movie.
If I say kek are you going to tell me to "go back to Holla Forums, kid" too? Fuck yourself, mang.
Jeremiah Bennett
That's good goyim, keep throwing the words around until they lose all meaning. Then we'll shove you in the ovens.
Anthony Rodriguez
I hope they keep it up. This isn't going to be like video games where a significant portion of the audience bend over for them because they're a bunch of beta nerds who are desperate to be accepted. The larger movie watching population (aka normalfags), aren't going to give a shit what you call them. They'll just go about their lives and let your product die on it's ass.
Adam Jones
How does this story go in a different direction beyond the characters having vaginas? Based on the trailers, it looks like the group gets together due to being out of work, they shakily establish themselves, get labeled as frauds, and at the end it falls on them to take on some villain who possesses one of their friends and manifests in the form of a giant monster.
Hunter Jones
The dumb blonde guy is their friend? Looked more like their bitch boy.
Wyatt Bailey
The average normie is more than capable of clicking on a link. Installing Deluge isn't some crypto shit that only Hackers On Steroids can manage, it has a generic installer. Likewise looking up "some shitty movie for retards torrent" doesn't take years of shitposting on a Laotian pyrography website. Torrenting is about as normal as you get.
Dylan Bennett
GB2 is underrated
Jose Hughes
I'm guessing you're too young remember when John Romero threatened to make you his bitch?
John Lopez
Perhaps. This shit will make it look like Citizen Kane by comparison
William Hernandez
I always had impression that was a running joke among ID fans (from reading "Masters of Doom"). Romero is kinda douchey but not nearly as average Hollyjew.
Liam Wright
this. apparently totalitarianism is a great marketing tool.