Other urls found in this thread:
Do we really need so many threads on this shit?
When is this movie even coming out?
Next month iirc.
I crave death.
This is nothing new.
So the SJWs have completely infiltrated both film creators (that's nothing new) and the film journos who are also in bed with previously mentioned creators?
I thought that the film industry kept a higher standard than the vidya industry. Is this due to cultural marxism or just the printed media going the way of the dodo so they're very cheap to bribe since they're just glorified bloggers at this point?
Anyone browsing Holla Forums who isn't a faggot ass kike snake like these two can come on over to Holla Forums there's a 500 reply thread over there.
I'm conflicted. As much as I want to point this stuff out to people, the fact they're being so bold and in your face about all this makes me think that they WANT a Gamergate type situation on their hands. They want something that will fuel this imaginary gender war. They want to make it look like this is more than a movie, this is an important milestone that all women should band behind. That if you're a woman, it's your vaginal duty to pay money and ensure that this is a success. A lot like Clinton's tactics of shaming women into thinking they need to vote for her. In fact, I can almost guarantee that when Clinton interviews the cast, they're going to try and push that angle.
They may also want something like this because it gives them a group to point at and scream "It's them! They're why this movie failed! Our movie wasn't actually bad, look at all these glowing reviews that we definitely didn't pay for! It's those damn moviegaters!"
If you really want to do something, I would discretely start digging, try to find connections and which journalists might have an involvement with Sony; but don't give them the fuel that they want until after the movie has come out and flopped.
All of this reaction for someone that maybe .5% of the people in this country have heard of? Talk about a coordinated overblown reaction. Sony overplayed their hand on this. Is there a price list for how much it costs to have media outlets report on something?
So let me get this straight.
These hacks actually believe that a movie that is a reboot of a "male oriented" movie and that is objectifying women into a worse cash grab than submissive wife porn is actually progressive?
Yesterday when anons kept posting "AVGN is sexist articles when?" I thought they were just joking. I didn't think this would be something that would actually come to pass.
I don't really like that much Trump(though I do like more than Bernie and the Hildebeast), but I kind of want him to win now just so all of these people will leave the country like they said they would if he won. They should go to Canada, Weed Boy loves immigrants.
This shit is coordinated.
No shit
Oh ye of little faith
I can't COMPLETELY hate this movie because it gave us dying kid
cucks cucking cucks
op is a faggot
why are they so fixated on Star Trek V?
Just a reminder.
If anything this should redpill some normalfags about social media SJWs and "professional writers."
Because it was a bad movie. That way they can go "OH! SO YOU WATCHED STAR TREK V BUT YOU WON'T WATCH GHOSTBUSTERS! IT MUST BE BECAUSE SEXISM!" Also by bringing it up, it gives them the appearance of having "nerd cred" and being some sort of authority.
All it actually does is add evidence they didn't even watch the video they're outraged about. He specifically says he's watched shit movies and enjoyed them knowing they're shit.
People will tolerate less quality from franchises about which they care less.
I didn't particularly care the JewJew Abrahms fucked up Star Trek, because I hadn't a whole lot of love for the original show. But then he fucked up Star Wars just as badly, and that I couldn't abide.
The Nerd loves Ghostbusters; has reviewed various GB media, and was directly asked by fans if he'd be reviewing Cuntbusters. So he made a video expressing that he wouldn't.
Isn't that what SJWs always say about feminist trash? "If you don't like it, no one's forcing you to watch it?"
july 15
Pascal isn't working at sony any more.
Rothman on the other hand, the guy who was responsible for keeping Deadpool in development hell because he thought the movie was stupid, the guy who buttfucked X-men 3, Wolverine Origins and the other wolverine movie, the guy who fought tooth and nail against super hero movies in the first place because he thought they wouldn't make any money is in charge of it.
let them have their cake
this man gets it.
This is the hill they want to die on. They have the nu-Star Wars, which they can easily shill and normies will digest it without problem. Hell, they have better luck selling the Wonder Woman movie than this reboot (even then that is hard given WB spotty record with the DCEU movies). But they are willing to fight tooth and nail for a movie nobody really asked for.
GhostbustersGate is a better name
Don't be a bitch. A meme doesn't make a movie worth it. Sony needs to die already.
Fuck, it hurts so much…
Star Trek V:
Ghostbusters Remake:
James is on to something here.
Because in the video preview there is a star trek V standiee nearby
More like Shillgate. See
too long
ghostgate is the right way to go about this
instant patrician cartoon
I think it was all piss.
Do you want this or more maisie williams "/got/ general threads"? Up to you fam
Well I suppose this proves it doesn't take any talent to do what Little Richard.
*Ray Parker, Jr. did.
not all water is piss, but all piss is water.
well yeah, he took the beat to i want a new drug and just wrote new lyrics
Please, no more fucking gates.
GatesGate, the gate to close all gates.
He wrote the song in like two days. Ezmode.
Are they really that stupid? How the fuck is this thing not suppose to bomb?
cause strong wymen will support the film even if it sucks, stupid
don't forget lens flare trek
These plebs should be trolled with the Get Some Fucking Taste 3x3 whenever they gush about Ghostbusters
I guess they all secretly hate Mexicans
why do you autists feel the need to feed their controversy marketing? the trailer is already one of the most disliked videos of all time, just let it die already.
She's still producing it though. She has her own production company, the fact that she doesn't work at Sony any more is practically immaterial here.
Not to mention Independence Day 2 would still be showing.
Kinogate tbh.
The fact that this is all happening over fucking Ghostbusters is hilarious. Let it burn.
Dark forces are at work here
poor James
all he ever wanted was to make movies and watch other men bang his wife
I don't get it, the guy that made the vid has only a decent fan base, his video would not be super popular now and we are all talking about this if they just ignored the video. Wtf?
They blew this up and made the situation worse for them..
Rolfe has a fairly big fanbase and he's popular with exactly the kinds of people who would see this movie, so understandably him saying that he's not even going to watch it because it looks awful has all the SJWs shitting their pants.
I do agree that they've Streisanded themselves yet again.
Haven't the last couple years taught you nothing?
This is the JewTube front page as I'm seeing it right now.
God they're desperate
Why does it recommend all this shit to you?
Could it be that you have shit taste?
This is the shit they recommend to everyone. The only video I watched was Orson Welles in Transformers
Benghazi Busters Lmao
Most european homepages have some music video or a reaction type video, but japan is something else.
BONUS: rooskies top video
it says UR A FAGET
Who is this qt on the left?
I believe his name is Ching Jao Bing Hao.
more like WSJW, amirite?
What the fuck? Did they seriously coordinate their marketing campaign around Rolfe's non-review? Like he just states that he won't watch it and now it's like viral news? I don't get it.
Who spawned this non-meme? Was it Hillary because she wants her vagina to get into the white house?
You act like this should surprise you.
They're on damage control. As I said here Rolfe has a big fanbase and his saying the movie looks like shit will probably convince a lot of fence sitters not to see it.
It's like I'm back in high school all over again.
Probably the same people who claim he hates all Mexicans.
You have to keep in mind, when they realized that their film was a massive pile of shit, their only possible marketing strategy was to try and generate as much hate and controversy as they possibly could. All ideologies stemming from marxism believe that making the audience hate their product is as good as them liking it. It's what comics have done for years, and why their sales decrease every single month.
There have been thousands of videos stating they hate Ghostbusters, but other than calling them "misogynists" they're not saying much about those. They're upset with James because he proposed what's really going to hurt them: complete apathy.
He could have given the trailer a scathing review as the AVGN character and described it with one of his characteristic expletive-laiden insults, and they wouldn't say a peep about them, but him maturely and kindly saying "I'm not spending any money to watch something I know I won't like" was like a flaming sword straight through the thing that passes for a heart beating in their chests.
What's more, he stole their thunder. Their plan was a media blitz of stories praising the new trailer, but all anyone's talking about is him saying "You know what? I'm biased. I know I won't like this, so why waste my time reviewing it?"
I know how they operate, but this is pushing it. Is the entire press run by highschool girls or something?
That was high school for you!?
Try middle school.
Didn't Rolfe's video come out before the new trailer? I think the new trailer is part of their damage control.
No, I got picked on for being russian in middle school.
High school was the one where I got picked on for liking nerdy things before "nerdy" shit was cool.
This is hysterical, The Nerd must be loving all this free publicity at the moment.
What kind of Russian are you?
i blame jewtube
for example, i never watch shit from tgwtg, but douge keeps showing up in my recommended list
beyblade??? I haven't seen that shit since elementary school
wouldn't a boycott require, like, active picketing or something??
the paranoid one
I honestly can't wait for that one bully to talk shit to me with his cronies in the street. I don't even care if I get injured, I just want an opportunity to kick his shit in and get over it. Fucker made me have such a low self esteem I still can't look people in the eyes for more than 3 seconds.
His wife is probably mad at him, expect an apology soon posted.
I hope he doesn't. I specifically told him not to in my PMs. Besides, didn't he shoot down some of his wife's suggestions to make his movie "more diverse"?
>Not wanting illegals is the same as hating all mexicans
It's funny because the legal mexicans (aka those who can vote) likes Donald and doesn't buy that bullshit. Only ones that are drinking the kool aid are the niggers.
Eh, Jamal still replaced his bro and he was forced to insert interracial into it due to his wife. It's quite clear who wears the pants in their relationship.
I really hope he knows not to expose his throat.
yeah, that's pretty sad
Hollywood has been on a path to sustainable creative bankruptcy and seems have grown quite content, perhaps even pleased, with this fact. Regardless of whatever else Ghostbusters 2016 represents, it is clearly a symptom of the Hollywood's rapidly growing dependence on heavily derivative content. When people start treating these symptoms as a problem, it brings the infallibility of derivative content into question, which is an uncomfortable idea for most of Hollywood to have to deal with. This is going to go beyond the scope of social justice, it may not be Ghostbusters that drags the rest of Hollywood into this attack on consumers but they will get involved eventually. I don't think it needs an immediate response, though, because the more shit they're forced to defend, the more people will see it for what it really is: a bunch of lazy rich people whining about having to think about what they do.
that article title reads like the southpark rob schneider parody
so what is James, really? I mean professionally, not what he's been compared to.
Film maker?
Because he sure as hell isn't an "influential US film critic". Or a "hard-core original Ghostbusters fan". He's a fan of the movie and he reviews movies and games from time to time, but never in depth or with much passion in his voice. Just a guy telling you what he saw and thought about it.
That fucking headline.
If writing that headline doesn't make you sick, you gotta be a piece of shit.
"One critic"
I might be exaggerating here, I don't recall him being very loud or flabbergasted about anything in his non-AVGN reviews. Maybe the new Godzilla movie announcement, but it still wasn't anything noteworthy.
he's a fucking white male, easy target, they can't target comic book girl19 because she's a girl, and james plays videogames so they can bring in the "muhsoggyknees gamergaters are behind it all" narrative.
It would be cool to see if any of these publications/writers have ties with sony
Given the the "literally white male" context, I wouldn't be surprised if next to none of them had any ties with sony and they just wanted to shit on him for being a public figure who is "unfortunately white". Sony paychecks are just a nice bonus (hypothesis).
What I don't get is how these people can write such crap when they themselves are balding white beta men. It's like if uncle Tom donned a ku klux klan robe unironically or if Goldberg started talking about the evils of Jews.
But the Ghostbusters dealio haven't been about corruption at all yet? Someone blowing journos and bosses in Hollywood is no news at all but that wasn't even involved in the negative response at all?
Are they really going to pretend that not watching the movie is equivalent of harassing women?
What the fuck is wrong with women?
We need to kill all the nu/beta males. It is the only way.
Your New York Times writer ladies and gentleman.
No, it came out in response to the new trailer.
It begins
First comics then Vista now movies
It never stops with these people
I follow a bunch of actors, directors etc on Twitter and it's Pozz City.
The Right wing Hollywood people are a very small minority.
I Remember hearing that it surpassed that "What its like to be a gamergate target" video on dislikes and that was pretty high in the dislike numbers
Only beating Mitt Romney's videos on gays
Can someone give me the tldr? I'm on mobile cause no computer and can't read ops pic because its too small.
you forgot the "quotes"
Gamergate here we have won this kinda thing in the gaming sector, come and we will help you win moviegate.
Time to do it right and never trust plebbit.
Analysis video on Sony's damage control and the media shills using the sexism, racism, and misogyny card to lower the fallout of their expected bomb.
No, quotes are there just to point out which text to chant.
Just a reminder:
GG was designed as a device with whitch James Watkins and the Asian guy from 2ch could take over 4ch and 8ch respectively. Both of them are known data miners. The exodus caused massive traffic to 8ch that hotwheels wasn't able to handle so Jim popped up with his company nt tech and racequeen and offered Fredrick a deal of free web hosting for 60% of revenue from the site. I forget how Jim ended up owning the domain as well. Now Jim shills soft serve and shart radio which are both racequeen projects
The question is who will gain from current contention?
Old but still mildly famous nerd James Rolfe said that bitch Ghostbusters looks like crap, he isn't going to see it, and that they should have tried to pander more. Shills and SJW cunts shit their pants and call him misogynist ten bajillion times even though he never even mentioned women, and it's exploding everywhere compounded by how the new trailer has almost a million dislikes or something.
Here's an update of the OP's pic related with new articles.
Help out by spreading it anywhere you can.
I don't really see moviegate being a thing.
For one it doesn't have alliteration.
For two movies are a passive medium and therefore encourage passivity in the audience.
lower intellect, emotional weakness, and as always hormones.
the question is how do you fix them, and the answer is put a bun in the oven.
no joke they act normal once they're a mother but until then they're insane sluts.
For three, it's unnecessary. We don't really need to do anything here except wait for the movie to inevitably fail, and then mine the salt.
All KiA does is just spread information to the majority of pro GG people
They cant really do shit because how plebbit is strick on it's hugbox policies
So all in all were better using Holla Forums
this is fucking insane, the guy just didn't want to see the movie, and he gets bullied because he's a BAD GOY.
I'm worried about James, lads. He's a sweet innocent manchild, who never really seemed to interact with the internet as much as other people in his position. This might be his first time witnessing SJW insanity.
This is pathetic why get so buttblasted over some guys opinion?
im not seeing it let it bomb. i womt be seeing apocalypse shit either
It's actually very necessary but it should have happened decades ago.
Alert the TSA, evil misogynistic moviegoer man-baby shitlord spotted aboard a passenger plane. How did he slip through security?
I don't think he'll cave. He's friends with a few other dudes on youtube who have been putting up with this shit for far longer
Two million people subscribe to him. Someone with that large an audience who isn't a good goy is likely seen as a threat
You don't have to worry, he'll be fine, worst case scenario is that he elapses into his avgn persona and wrecks sjw like hogan did gawker
It's unnecessary in this instance is what I'm saying.
Well, if you count McCarthyism it not only happened but backfired spectacularly.
Hope you're right user
Then again he is friends with Jontron and alphaomegasin so I'm sure he can handle sjws
what the fuck? and what does "being a Becky" mean?
If you fucks are doing a moviegate please don't worry about your image. Just don't give a fuck and blast those PC fuckcucks.
Grae liked the new Beyonce album.
My sister in law is named Becky. Maybe it means someone who's short and usually grumpy
right, so the shit that sony did was ok.
McCarthy was right.
It's a kind of black slang for white women.
McCarthyism back fired because the media worked together to ruin him. Also "McCarthyism" is a commie kike word.
That would explain this tweet that came before it.
the day of the rope can't come soon enough.
im disappointed with this world and i want a new one.
What I'm saying is, the movie is going to fail anyway. No amount of Damage Control can save it. Attacking Rolfe isn't going to save it. Claiming that the latest trailer smashed the patriarchy isn't going to save it. Claiming that anybody who doesn't like it is a sexist misogynist isn't going to save it. They can barely muster 10,000 people to like their shitty trailers, no matter how much virtue signalling they do.
This shit will fail. All we need to do is sit back, watch and mine the salt.
Somebody have an English translation of this tweet?
"I had to sit next to a white person with natural hair color on an airplane"
James is not even at Rotten Tomatoes.
Why are they so butthurt about him?
Best I can come up with is:
thats the thing though, you're being passive.
this is an opportunity to expose sony for being kikes and to deface their defenders in the public eye.
lets make a bad situation for our enemies much worse because the worse off they are the more secure the things that we love that they threaten from every strata of their organized religion are that much more secure.
he's popular and not marching in step with the party.
I thought the designated target was male nerds. How does an average white girl factor into this now?
first part was meant for
ProblemHair wanted to maximise virtue-signalling by combining "fuck anybody who hates on Ghostbusters :(" with "I am such a good progressive that I am familiar with the music of the obscure African-American recording artist known as Beyonce and vaguely understand what some of the slang terms in her work mean."
IIRC Spiderman 4 plot was about a millionaire Vulture buying enterprises, apartments and shit (yes seriously)
Homecoming is rumored to have Vulture as the villain.
What if they adapt the plot and have Vulture causing 'gentrification' of poor latino neighborhoods?
man, it sure would suck if sarcasm couldn't be adequately conveyed via text communication.
What could you possibly do to Sony that Koreans haven't already done?
We know exactly how bad they are. We also know that their movie business is struggling. Just sit back and let it fail.
how can people think that the trailers make the movie look good? Are these the same people that basically LOVED Jack&Jill?
From Urban Dictionary:
According to Plies, "Becky" is referring to the act of fellatio. Plies terms the act "Becky" because of the widely held notion and/or stereotype that Caucasian women are somewhat more sexually liberal in terms of frequency of encounters, random partnering, and overall lasciviousness. With "Becky" being a popular name given to females at birth in the White society, one can assume that Plies simply chose this name because of its unique association to "Whiteness", particularly where the female is concerned.
Give me that becky!
#becky #dome #head #fellatio #brain
If you could get them to attack Cinemassacre fans in general as evil cis white males etc it could fly but they mostly seemed to have learned their lesson after that "gamer" thing.
What's the production cost of the movie anyway?
I guess it will have a decent first week due to all fat American women who like McCarthy.
$154 million
You're kidding. No way that piece of shit is being made with 154 million.
$100 million+ is usually the standard for a film of this size. Fantastic Flop cost about $130 million
pic related.
after pedowood they deserve far worse then a german daycare, i say make their lies real
When I first saw Jame's Cumbusters video pop up on my youtube feed I didn't even read the title, I was so afraid he would cuck-out on Ghostbusters (and his dignity along with it), I'm glad I was wrong.
Figures all these fuckheads would crawl out of the woodwork to shit on him for it, though. I wonder if he is redpilled enough to know that would happen? Personally I doubt it.
They just love their buzzwords and shaming, don't they?
The guy calmly explained that he wouldn't be reviewing the movie because it looks terrible and he doesn't want to support lame reboots by paying to watch them. He's been by far the most mature presence in this whole shitstorm the SJWs have created.
It's possible but unlikely.
You've got Independence Day 2 and BFG which would still be playing. Then, in the next week, you've got the new Lens Flare Trek.
their entire ideology is buzzwords, there is no substance to it
leftists are the definition of adult children, none of them understand what they believe (much less know what they believe) nor do they understand why they believe it
acceptance by consensus within their group is all that motivates them
It's like a real-life yelling strawman comic.
And here I thought the worst Rolfe would have suffered was making people blindly accept the Mega Man Legends series as complete shit without giving it a try.
Isn't she white herself? Why are white people so racist towards white people? What the fuck, man?
It's almost like someone wants men and women angry at each other and competing over every little thing rather than working together against a common enemy.
This movie is all artificial, all hype. Shit, even the actual dumbass SJW people that I know are refusing to see it because they like Murray & Ramis too much.
ghostbusters is gonna get slaughtered in the box office, SJW's will then bitch whine and moan, which is where we will come in and shit facts on their parade of lies.
I guess they think if they shit on other white people enough, non-whites will accept them as one of their own.
It doesn't work that way tho, it's like niggas shitting on other niggas. Everyone just hates 'em.
Like Aids-moby.
Can you imagine the amount of semen his mother had to wash out of his pants afterwards?
The special effects look far below F4.
Sucker Punch had a 82m budget and it looked much better.
Yes, but fatso ladies will still watch it.
This movie is 100% designed to american women.
So the worst movie ever for the worst audience ever.
I'm watching Best of the Worst, my brain is full of fuck. I meant aids skrillex
ok if your post is more than 50% buzzwords maybe just don't post, reconsider your life
Fuck off.
Fuck off back to SA nigger.
Youtube has fallen. Look at that shit, even without being logged in most of it is the exact same "TOP X DUMB SHIT YOU FAGGOTS WILL WATCH" clickbait all article sites have turned into.
Problem, goon?
prove me wrong.
like i said
from where?
Do people actually visit the front page of Youtube? I've always seen the site as a utility, like a search engine or a wiki. The idea of people going there to watch the recomended videos, and engage in the "Youtube community" is incredibly strange to me.
I have zero stake in any of this, but just reading the quoted portion there is incredibly frustrating, it's 90% bias and emotion. It's simply not "journalism" of any sort.
Also who the fuck cares this much about a bad remake?
fuck that guy.
fuck that movie
fuck any incarnation of Spiderman
whoa, Gay Saddam Hussein got me there, I didn't go in my basement and make a youtube video about how remaking Total Recall and Robocop was bullshit and I had no intention of seeing either one.
some random cuck.
(((Who))) indeed?
fuck, the reddit invasion is real
How do you think James is going to respond to this?
Is he going to go back on his word and watch the movie to appease the crowd, against his own will?
Is he going to pretend like it's not happening?
Is he going to show he doesn't care about this drama at all?
Is he just going to confirm he won't under any circumstances watch the movie?
Is he going to sperg out?
Or is this what finally drives James to uncuck his manhood?
His reaction is what's going to decide the course of the future.
Mad as fuck.
I forgot the image I was laughing so hard.
goons gonna goon, trumpcuckalthough its not like the other choices are any good either
is this satire?
Mike takes cares of all the online stuff. I hope they just ignore the whole thing and enrage the lugenpresse into an even more voracious frothing fervour.
Such low energy shilling. But it's okay. Holla Forums doesn't have IDs, Shlomo. You can just pretend to be to be someone else and try again later in the thread.
Nah, they're feeding him to the wolves.
It just fucking hit me.
James is supposed to be the literal description of a goobergator.
He's the literal fucking white male living in his basement angry manbaby nerd.
Problem is, they're acting like the strawman comics antagonists, like one other user pointed out.
Man they really do eat their own don't they?
No bad tactics am I right :^)
>>>Holla Forums
nothing beats the sweet taste of justice in the morning.
And they said feminism wasn't a cult.
here comes the identity politics, abandon thread
How deluded do you have to be to think that people hate this reboot because they have vaginas? Does anyone seriously believe this?
His wife will voluntarily get blacked in front of him as punishment for being a sexist shitlord who won't watch the reboot.
dat face
The Trump identity is the best identity. The faggot who thinks sage is a downvote identity is not so good, very weak actually.
Unlike James, who still has millions of fans even if every SJW turns on him, Crispman has literally nothing without his in into progressive circles.
This is fucking delicious.
please tell me those aren't actual things
its not weak, its worse than weak.
its like calling a jew a hitler-loving nazi, he must be steaming with rage
i hope this erupts into total SJW civil war
So doesn't his stuff suck then by his own logic?
oh user, dont you know? its 2016, likes/dislikes makes too much sense, its soooooo pre-2000
No, because he, in his own words, listened to smarter women than him.
it's like you love the taste of Rothschild dick.
all politics is about identity and supporting the group you see yourself as apart of or are actually apart of depending on which side you vote.
and we should be laughing at SJWs making the mistakes of the week and trying to make things play out so that they get tarred for this.
Double think is a dangerous drugs.
And their life depends on using it.
I'm on facebook maybe once a year. I have no fucking clue what any of that is, but it sounds terrible.
So this is where you came after Holla Forums told you to fuck off.
Shut the fuck up, both of you.
If you're an indoctrinated American, sure.
Found the millennials. Get bullied, nerds.
This is why I only ever bother with anime and manga.
Jesus Christ.
Oh boy here we go
the writer is a poe
the whole thing is a joke
i knew it was too good to be true
fake and gay.
I just read it, and this seems to be the case. It's just too fucking on the nose.
Its like Spice, but it doesn't extend life or expand consciousness.
Quite the opposite, actually…
I say it's fake.
Too many obvious and "oldschool" terms for it to be a real thing.
Is this THE mark? Holla Forums board owner?
These people are acting like James has some kind of obligation to watch every movie that comes out. They do realise that while he's technically a "professional reviewer", he's under no contract to watch anything he doesn't feel like watching, right?
love it when nonAmericans make fun of the US voting system.
who are you quoting?
A bipartisan system prevents us from voting in someone who only gets something like 13% of the vote, but jesus christ its a shit show
Since you're such an oldfag, explain the context of each of these images.
I agree with this user. Sony know they have a turd on their hand that they can't possibly advertise. Manufacturing an shitstorm is their attempt to get as much money as possible from the movie.
Shut up, both or all or just one of you. This is a thread about journalists smearing James as a muhsoggynist, not a US elections 2016 thread.
jezebel and mary sue don't have anthing juicy btw
2 for 1
1) Disgusting men ruined our (women's) favorite cartoon from our childhood. No argument except "not all men" - everyone hates bronies.
2) Look at these losers, these are the people voting for trump and are literal turbo rapists on steroids, the sausage fingered neckbeards!
because A) they are hired by Sony to shill and B) they don't want to look like woman haters in front of their false friends
I'm talking about the clickbait shills not the ones commenting in this thread. The shill are the ones pushing the controversy, We're laughing at them
I think most people will agree that their are certain franchises that a fair game for remakes and reboots. Usually things that were already adaptations of an earlier work, and have the potential to be interpreted in many different interesting ways. There's always room for more superhero movies because of the sheer amount of different storylines from the comics that can be followed.
It's different when you're dealing with a one off work of genius that never really had the legs for sequels to begin with. Even moreso if the original was pretty much perfection, and there's no way you're ever going to live up to it.
Have they already forgotten how pissed off everyone was when they dared to remake Robocop?
Some analysis based off the Wikileaks Sony Leaks, and some credible rumours (if you consider the character of the people working in Sony and movies in general)
The most interesting part is the accusation that Sony basically sued the original stars to cameo. (as well as some other dirty tricks to get the rights and basically push aside anyone who wanted to do something other than what they wanted).
Bill Murray travels with no agent and does whatever the fuck he wants, so he hard to even find.
Harold Raymis is dead.
So Dan Ackroyd and Ernie Hudson might appear.
Both of these hit hard times. Mary Sue got sold recently and whole Gawker empire is crippled after Hogan suit. Being a target of an email campaign would cost them way too much, especially when you have majority of people actually disliking new Ghostbusters.
Now we wait
Oh yeah, I forgot about that
To deal with shills, ignore and hide them. Threads look a lot cleaner afterwards.
Report them if you feel they are off topic.
Don't forget shills can work together to argue amongst themselves and drag other people in to derail a thread. Ignore people who fall for shill's bait as well.
Some pics to help you.
I'd also recommend looking into "The Gentleman's guide to forum spies".
This can't end well.
For fuck's sake. And those guys wanted to elevate nerd culture while also being the guys shitting on it most?
It is like when Moviebob shitted on other gamers behaving like manchildren fanboys when he wrote a book about how he skipped the burial of his grandmother to play Super Mario.
no its not
meanwhile, women are sabotaging everything aimed at men
good start, idiot
From your friends over at GG:
- Use and thrive on the salt. Do not stop telling the truth.
- Spread awareness, and those video analysis, that reddit archive of that leak being quite accurate and the shitstorm as a cover for the movie being shit.
- Evolve and adapt. After Ghostbusters dies down, talk about how else the movie industry has played dirty, paid for good press and reviews, are pushing political agendas, and don't WANT the medium to advance.
- Avoid leaders and glory-fags. A leader can be co-opted, can declare what everyone is doing (even if they aren't), can lose their temper, can be character-assassinated, and most of all- are human. Anyone attempted to speak on behalf of all of you needs to be shamed and rejected. Stay anonymous, and people will be forced to only discuss what you've presented, not who you are.
- Don't debate SJW. Debate normalfags.
The second someone starts using loaded questions, insults you, or doesn't come to you as a neutral person looking to learn and understand- ignore them. SJW rely on shaming tactics to silence critics. Unless you are an EXPERT at debate (or making SJW salty) do not engage.
- Archive everything. Use Archive.is to save websites you find. Bare in mind you are quite literally going against the mainstream media directly (unlike GG who started to stamp on the tentacle they had almost wrapped around gaming). Websites will "dissapear". Evidence will vanish. Even articles singing your praises may suddenly be in violation of their hosts TOS. And the parent company of the host happens to have a major shareholder who works for Sony, etc.
Archive everything.
- Don't give a FUCK about PR. Don't act like cunts of course, but don't try to defend yourself from claims that are lies (otherwise the issue becomes "Is #MovieGate really _?" instead of "What does #MovieGate want?"). Support people who are good at what they do- not just because they promote your opinion.
Don't be afraid tag-jack- using someone else's hashtag to promote your own shit. Like how people are using #Ghostbusters to say how its indefensible, for a future Sony movie you might fill their latest # on how Sony stole movie ideas or bought out other companies to prevent their movies being made (for example).
In GG we did give to charity once or twice. It helped for a while. Your call.
- Organize. Hit a new # all at once and it'll trend. Look into how Twitter gets shit trending (IIRC, 1 tweet RTd 3000 times is better than 3000 tweets RTd once). Follow each other, make sure no one has been shadow-banned. Use ThunderClap to get a glut of thousands of tweets all hitting at once. Get database set up (for internal use), and a website showcasing the worst of what movie companies do (to show to everyone else as evidence).
- Spread info amongst yourselves, but verify. Never take something as fact unless you have evidence. If you need to talk to someone about what you've found, use watermarks over screencaps. (This prevents glory-hogs sharing info early and people covering their tracks. GG learned that one the hard way).
- Boycott- but not publicly.
This is an iffy one. In GG we came to the conclusion that forcing a "It's them or me" situation is the worse thing as SJW can appear as the bigger audience (with MSM help) and then movies will truely abandon everyone but SJWs. And they'll keep that industry alive like TV. It won't crash and be reborn. It'll become a self-sustaining mutant. Each one of you must however boycott movies from bad companies. And TELL the creators why you are boycotting it. Be thousands of individuals. Not one group.
- The media will work hard to defend itself. Major companies who used to hate each other will work together to push the same narrative.
No matter how many people spout a lie- the truth will always destroy it- to those with minds that can accept the truth.
You'll gather and inspire people who are prepared to speak out and stand up, while the media will just have shrieking neon-haired marxist tools screaming "muh misogyny" "muh racist" all from their gated neighborhoods and trust funds.
- Never stop. Once you start you need to keep active. Keep making headlines. Keep being in people's thoughts. GG is still the SJW bogeyman, but thats more due to their own paranoia. GG carries a big stick, but hasn't swung it in a while. You guys need to become the thing movie creators fear. That any movie released could bomb if MovieGate declares it or its creators bad.
This is your chance.
Don't give up.
Holy fuck my sides
Gamer gate is the vehicle James Watkins used to stage the coup that led to him owning 8ch completely. If it wasn't for moot being convinced to kick gamer gate from 4chan James would've never had the opportunity to take 8ch from hotwheels. The influx of users from 4ch was too much for Fredrick so when Jim offered him free webhosting in return for 60% profit Fred couldn't say no. Now Jim has purged the boards and brought I. New mods that work to keep us all in fighting. On top of that Jim shills soft serve and shart which are racequeen projects (Jim owns racequeen). I forget how Jim came to own the domain 8ch.net.
At the end of the day 4ch and 8ch are both owned by known dataminers. (Jim owned 2ch while the Asian guy (Jim's partner) was selling data).Jim was an army commander as well.
None of this would have happened without gamer gate. Could it be that moots girlfreind was approached by FBI to take advantage of GG by having her get in his head about kicking GG people?
Mainstream Media
Here are some of GG's plans:
- Emailing advertisers.
GG hated bad journos. GG emailed any company that had adverts on bad journo websites, explaining why the website was bad (usually with evidence that the journo said something bad. Like Kill All White Men bad. But conflicts of interest were fine as well). They never told them they'd boycott their brand- they just advised them that as someone who's used their product/service for many years that the website was no longer a good fit for their brand.
They never mentioned GG in their emails (ignores filters, and even if the website said "But it's a hate campaign by GG!" the advertisers is free to think "how many of these are GG, how many are our customer.")
We got rid of every original advertiser we had our eyes on within a year. (Pic 1)
Advertisers (allegedly) have this strange idea. If a person emails, 9 others have switched brands without telling them.
If a person takes the time in this day and age to write a letter and send it, 99 others have switched brands.
They also avoided using any templates and all wrote our own emails. In addition, they looked for big corporate clients (pic 2) and researched them- to see if there was a clash in what that company did and what the journo did (genuine examples: If a journo said "paedophilia shouldn't be punished as harshly as it is" or "my interview with a horse fucker", then a family friendly company that advertises on them would want to avoid being compared to them).
Finally, they set up an "email goal of the day/week". Pretty much as it sounds like, everyone focuses on one target at once to ensure maximum effect- rather than spread out over the week. Fridays and weekends usually had the most impact as the company didn't come back until Monday (or had to call in an emergency meeting over the weekend). Bigger targets also were the focus for a week rather than 24 hours.
Now it wasn't perfect- some companies drank the Kool-aid and refused, or later on did SJW things. But they still got 'em.
For you guys, I'd recommend emailing any website that advertises or has product tie-ins with bad movies or movies from bad companies.
If the movie can't advertise and only the youtube like/dislie bar can speak for them, it'll have an effect.
Not to mention all those sheckles up in flames that had been used to set up those brand deals.
More to come. BRB.
Gamergate fucked with your stairs-muffin for the last time?
Stairs muffin ?
here, new friend
This should be adapted to contacting/informing investors. Hollywood's money comes from a few hundred people controlling funds and trusts. If you get just a handful of those guy on your side, you would have a HUGE influence on America's future movie output.
$155 million dollars spent on this stupid pointless politically correct Ghostbusters remake movie (+ the marketing costs?).
Imagine the good movies that could have been made with that 155 million dollars.
So you don't find the circumstances of Jim coming to own 8ch suspicious at all?
How spooky.
You mean the whole part where LS and others DDoSed the whole of 2ch and the registrar pulled the original Holla Forums domain (which may have involved Laurelai Bailey the infamous snitchvestite)?
Nope. He sure loves cocks.
You didn't know? Holla Forums will have a lot of spoonfeeding to do I see.
-Do not blindly trust e-celebs. Vet them. If they sound like sexual losers, theyare not be trusted.
-If you have digging rooms, watch out for obvious plebbitors. The GG one has been blown up by them.
No. It was general Knowledge how Jim partnered up with Hotwheels and Jim got a Japanese instance. Everyone knew that we became effectively 2ch from the moment on HW and Jim shook hands. Then came and the address of Jim's instance bacame our address. One year later and Hotwheels simply quits. I don't know his exact reasons for doing that and I wont disclose them. Jim also not our Admin. Its fucking CM who wants to gets the old Policies in place.
You're acting like Frederick was victimized when he was very much involved in getting us on his site.
and you're also forgetting how patreon and I think paypal too decided to refuse services to Hotwheels because muh hatechan, the site was on bitcoin lifesupport which wasn't sustainable. But I bet you think that our new fat fuck overlord was behind that too ay?
Screen junkies gone full sjw
Then again a few days ago they made a joke against gamergate so they must be turning to the dark side
Investors might be good goys. Hell I'd bet their the ones that push for Movie studios to push agendas (top half of investors push agendas, half of movie studios push agendas, giving the illusion all of hollywood is on board with what hollywood does).
With them, I'd say play hard-ball.
"I will not see this movie on the grounds of ___".
That's just IMO, please discuss it.
the next plan:
Advertise what you discover.
GG came up with "DeepFreeze.it" a website to list all of a journo's misdoings (this was during our "ethics only" phase).
We made it for normalfags. Nice big symbols acting as a key for collusion, conflict of interest, agenda pushing, etc.
On twitter, they then advertized the article.
But DeepFreeze means nothing unless everyone is advertising it.
Likewise, as this is evidence, it falls into "countering narratives."
Anti-GG (as GG calls them) pushed several ideals. Gamergate only harasses. Gamergate is just a few men. Gamergate has no women or people of color. Yo counter that, "Not Your Shield" came about (non-white, straight male GG supporters speaking out against AGG using them as a shield). There is no easy OP for this. Just keep preaching the good word, and counter bullshit.
For example, at 11:45 in vid related, it's claimed that Sony is deleting valid complaints against the content of the video, and leaving comments that are sexist, racist, etc in order to push the agenda that it's hated because of sexism and racism.
That seems like a huge strategy that they've been using. Look at the typical SJW site comment sections, specially ones that deserve valid criticism. The negative comments are usually fitting ideally what SJWs would say is wrong with the people who don't like it.
You could take to their comment sections, and write valid criticisms of their articles, and then watch them and see if they're deleted (and screencap deleted comments).
Then, you have evidence of Sony lying (deleting non-offensive comments and leaving "fuck you niggers" up), and when people know they've been lied to, they are less likely to trust a person/organization. As Sony does damage control, they will create new lies, which you then counter.
Counter narratives, and never stop spreading the truth.
Discredit your enemies and they will only have idiots on their side (and then said idiots will do more damage to their master's reputation than you can).
Can't embed on the phone
God damn
So it's come.to this
Sjws won't stop will they
webbum this
Also need we forget all those deleted comments about gamergate on 4chan and reddits r/gaming
Here's his Twitter, but he hasn;'t tweeted it yet.
Have the tweet on his orignal vid instead:
Make sure to upvote and vote in the comments on his second vid. He's in the sights of SJW now and they'll try to downvote him as much as possible.
And yes I hate having to say upvote and downvote on fullchan.
Is kino konundrum better suit for your tastes?
What the fuck is with these faggots and the ghostbusters logo apearing after #ghostbusters, is it some partnership with twitter? man I don't like new social media, bring back web 1.0 and the blogosphere (without share buttons, please)
It's why your country is dying from the inside.
HAHAHA that picture at the bottom
i totally forgot that happened
they went full sjw a long time ago
Nope, it is happening in Europe, Latin America and civilized Asia and Oceania. (Sarracen lands don't count neither Africa)
People are propagating a replica of middle and high school (or whatever is called the secondary education years), because they fill comfortable with it, that's why nostalgia is so fucking big these days. The gossip, the backstabbing, the beauty contests, the kewl kidz, the outsiders.
The same shit, but now in the University, in the workplace, even Internet. People refusing to grow up.
It's a miracle they don't invite Faraci. Faraci is a regular guest
Is it time to make a new thread?
2/10 I replied
Comedy gold
Oh ok
It's like pottery
Why include tweets of people that are just talking about wanting to see the shitty movie and have nothing to do with the attack on James?
Jesus fuck dude control your spaghetti
He just said he didn't wanna see the fucking movie and these people are acting like he threatened to suicide bomb their family members if anyone tried to show it to him
There was nothing to refute. All you could say to is "lol u r brainwashed burgerman"
Who you gonna call? Anyone but ‘Ghostbusters’ fans.
(Ty Burr, film critic for the Boston Globe)
Earlier this week, Sony released a second trailer, and if it’s an improvement, it’s not enough to get your hopes soaring the way Sony probably wants. And again has come a wave of online revulsion, with hundreds of thousands of fan-boys and fan-girls mashing the “dislike” button in dismay. The YouTube response that went viral came from comic/critic James Rolfe of the entertainment site Cinemassacre, who sat coolly behind a desk and explained why he will not be going to see “Ghostbusters” at all when it opens in theaters.
“Judging from the trailers,” Rolfe says in the six-minute video, it “looks awful. . . . If you already know you’re going to hate it, why give them your money?” That’s right — he’s a movie critic who’s refusing to do his job because the coming attractions look bad.
A lot of online posts in the wake of the second trailer have run along the lines of “I don’t hate the new ‘Ghostbusters’ because I hate women. I hate it because the preview looks terrible.” Yet only a fool would think a remake that starred, say, Will Ferrell, Seth Rogen, Jack Black, and Kevin Hart would be getting anywhere near the same amount of heat.
The misogyny is a particularly nasty strand of a generational DNA that sees the pop-culture touchstones of childhood not simply as movies to make us laugh and feel good but as sacred talismans never to be sullied. Insults against the holy Koran of entertainment. But who really owns “Ghostbusters,” “Star Wars,” “Superman”? It’s not you. It’s not even Ivan Reitman, George Lucas, and Siegel and Shuster. It’s Sony, Disney, and DC/Warner Bros.
Sony is calling anyone who doesn't want to see it "unprogressive".
Holy shit that stings me like… Actually that would imply I have a fuck about identity anymore
Seriously this is the equivlant of using conservative as an insult
These people never learn
Do they want the rest of the world to hate them at this point?
That's the same article that was in the New Zealand Herald, looks to be the same author.