

Ghostbusters trailer 2

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Goddamn they work quick

So, real talk, is the gorilla actually a tranny? Because she is the most masculine sounding black woman I've ever heard

Was it a black thing or a lady thing?


why's everyone complaining tracey morgan is hilarious

it's amazing how much attention they get from just being shitposters

I'd reply

if I wasn't permabanned from Twatter.

I can't accurately portray my frustration over the idiocy of that twit.

It's an ad hominem for starters.
very original.
haven't heard that this hour

She deleted it after taking heat for it.

Honestly, the only thing funny was when gorilla had the ghost on her back and someone took a selfie. Did they time this right after the savage attacks on Rolfe for just having a reasonable opinion and saying he isn't going to see the movie? Doesn't seem like a smart move if they did.

It's the women calling you a cunt sweetie

fat piggie busters lol

yeah cause readers of womens pulp mags are known for their sharp critque of literature. also she made it even more apparent the reviewer cbf reading it, this cunt is really miserable



or maybe she was just admitting that more women = more censorship

Is Paul Feig going to be allowed to make moves after this?

i did my part


where the webm at


*smacks lips*


*eats watermelon*


First thing in the trailer is literally 'c-word'

You can't make this shit up


Daily reminder


call me a cuck if you want, but I think the blonde is hot af

can't wait for it to flop so bad

Nah, I'm sick of the shitty drama.

It begins.

she's literally a lesbian

that just means she hasn't received a good enough dicking yet

webm 4u fam

wait. it cut like a minute off during upload. it's the right time on my computer. i'll try again.

It's because she's fat

did you use webm for retards and did you set a goal filesize

yeah i set it for 8mb i guess it cut it off. was looking at the raw mp4 time length. gonna try converting from a lower resolution.

i've made like 20 or so webms and never had a video this hard to fit into the size limit. had to like do some random bitrate limit guesses. the things i do for family.

I don't know how they manage to make it look worse every time but they sure did it.

The gorilla sure is a black lady-thing.

Wow. I thought it was bad, but now I see it just was the tip of the iceberg.

If this is the best the movie can offer the best option is not even be aware of the movie's existence.

is it a race thing or a lady thing? either way i'm pissed


Twenty-three thousand views; nearly ten thousand dislikes already. :^)




but the other hambeast went surfing just fine. the crowd was clearly racist. the band in the movie will probably be metal and the evil, racist, sexist noises attract ghosts to the concert and the crowd hate black people because metal is a white supremacist genre.

Where we're going, we don't need like bars

Because she was clearly a human. The crowd would obviously be less eager to hold up a rampaging orc.

WTF is a "quality filter"? Is it anything like that Southpark episode where Butters had to filter mean comments for Cartman on Twitter by hand? Please say no…

She is probably suggesting that she uses a blockbot or something, yes.


At this velocity it will be the second most disliked video of youtube history

They have their own ministry of truth now with Sarkesian at the helm.
Might be awordfilter that blocks everything they deem "problemati".

none of the original ghostbusters was a fat pig, even dan akroyd was skinner than these human disasters
sigourney weaver is a much stronger woman than any of these idiots, and she's much less insulting to women than this chris helmsworth schtick
ah what the fuck why am I even seriously responding to this shit

at least, it's implied to be him, I could be wrong. It's hard to tell with how shit this movie is

what's the first?

Either the first trailer for this piece of shit, or Friday by Rebecca Black.

Actually, there's a convenient little Kikepedia page for keeping track of this shit

You wish it was him. It's the ghost from the Ghostbusters logo with a red bow tie.


If there's one thing you gotta credit those idiots with, it's their autism about cataloging every damn thing.

Since when did they turn the logo into an actual character?

So they didn't use the forks in the Original Trilogy?
it makes a lot more sense when you realize it's mostly awkward kids writing this shit

Unless it doesn't meet their arbitrary relevancy standards. Then it's gone.


The most bigoted person in the world is a far left liberal screenwriter.

Trailer starts with tiles spelling out SEWARD. This has to be on purpose.

Did they start the trailer with C-WORD to get a reaction out of us?

why do they have wiki pages for things that aren't SW specific? also, why are these articles written in past tense?

1) why don't you write to the wookiepedia admins and complain?
2) a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away

The funny thing is, if they didn't call everyone who thinks the movie looks bad misogynists, it probably wouldn't get shit on as much as it currently is, they poured gasoline on the fire by calling them misogynists. They should have just kept their mouths shut. Then again, the entire point of this movie probably wasn't to make a profit, but to push an agenda, even if it meant burning money.


The point was to make money, the people behind it are just incompetent. That's why they're damage controlling so hard. If this fails to catch people's attention, Sony have lost yet another franchise that could have put them out of the red that they've been in for a long time.

any publicity is good publicity
they are not damage controlling, they are stoking the fires
if this movie managed to be controversial their box office returns would be great

This is what somebody raised before the age of piracy would think.

Nowadays people have Pirate Bay. If they want to see something just so they can shit on it, they'll torrent it.

this is what somebody raised in the golden age of piracy would think
nowadays kids think torrenting is for geeks, unless it's an app they won't go near it

What a fucking travesty. This shit looks worse than that first trailer that has almost a million dislikes.

The crowd is understandably afraid of gorillas.

The kinds of kids who think that are also the kinds of kids who wouldn't care one way or another about Cisbusters.


This is the best they can do. This is the trailer they cut a couple weeks before release. This is what they think will quell the shitstorm.

When is this shit coming out anyway?

The marketing department probably sees the shitstorm and are trying to get as much attention as possible to get anybody they can inside the theaters.

The Wheels on the Bus is number 13? Holy shit.

I think it's even better that they released this now, not even 24 hours after James Rolfe caused a category 5 shitstorm by saying he wouldn't even bother seeing it.

that remains to be seen
I hope you're right?

I use my younger brother as a good metric for what 'normalfags' are into because he's the normalest normalfag I've ever encountered.

He doesn't give a single shit about this movie.

Is it?
Because people reply to low effort shit everywhere I look.

It was probably one of those bizarre poorly-animated nursery rhyme videos that are so big on Youtube.

Okay, so I gotta say, this doesn't look dreadful. I mean, it looks as bad as you'd expect for an unnecessary, unwanted, P.C.'d remake, but it doesn't look like a trainwreck. Just an average, lukewarm remake.

I'm still not gonna see it.

they haven't started advertising it heavily yet though right? I mean it's coming out in two months, that's a long time in normie years

Speaking only for my brother, I doubt increased advertising would make him more interested in it.

the market they're going after is girls
I mean I don't really follow this shit but what demographics went to bridesmaids? I imagine girls were much more the target audience

Yes and no

But that was like a small romantic comedy. This is a big blockbuster summer movie, the demographics for which tend to be predominantly male.

but the whole conceit of this project is to make a summer blockbuster for girls
I'm not saying it's going to work, but I would expect the marketing to be targeted more at girls than boys

Trow a Hitlah ghost in dere Feiggot
Do it for da shoah'd

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

I dispute this is the conceit. The conceit to me seems to be more along the lines of trying to force men to watch an female blockbuster movie because it's 2016 shitlords.

who takes the place of rick moranis in this movie? if it's a man, nice double standard assholes

I wouldn't say blockbuster movies target a gender to begin with. The money needs to be raked in and this won't happen if they ignore half the population.
Overall, the marketing job for this movie has been botched in a horrible way (not that the rest makes up for it). They obviously want to cater to the millenial audience, but at the same time remake a classic from decades ago with a strong cult following. Right now, I challenge anyone to explain the strategy behind it in a coherent way (coherent is the keyword here).
On a side note, the movie should be renamed JUSTbusters, rather than cisbusters or anything else, because it just fucks its own shit up at this point.

bullshit, you don't think michael bay movies are targeted primarily at men?

Cisbusters adequately captures the mood and intent of this film.


I'm impartial to Careerbusters, because it describes what this movie is going to do to pretty much everyone involved with it whose name isn't Chris Hemsworth.

They're also selling toys for it in the boys section.

It's classic Jew overreach.

best that can be said is that Kristen Wiig looks ok.

The main four didn't really have much of a career to begin with (they're on SNL for fuck's sake) and nobody's going to remember that the ancillary people were even in it.

I say we stick with Cisbusters, shitlords.

Seeing as that list is youtubes most disliked videos, isn't it good that so much of the top is dominated by cash grab rap? It only means that a major sized pushback is picking up against those "musicians".

Firstly it's only people everyone hates, like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, all of them

Secondly, the list is somewhat deceptive, in that it details the amount of dislikes on those videos but it doesn't mention the amount of likes. One of Justin Bieber's videos could have something like 50,000 dislikes but 75,000 likes, meaning that, even by a small margin, more people like him than hate him.


it's not people everybody hates, it's people internet neckbeards hate
it should actually tell you a lot that virtually all of those videos represent wild financial successes

Landis maintaining a level-headed position as usual. Good for him.

If only they cut out the "jokes", and seriously tightened up the editing on the rest of the trailer, you could have had a passable 30 second ad for a bland modern action movie.

The more of it we see, the more shit it looks.

They're hated in the mainstream too. Normalfags love to hate them.

They're not that successful.

Actually it is very cool and popular to hate on Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus. It has been for years, in fact.

What's with this guy? Sometimes he says sensible shit.

gangam style made $800,000 from youtube

fair enough, normies do love to hate them. they're still wildly successful

After years of working with channel awesome. Doug Walker allowed James Rolf to be thrown under the bus.

What's with comedians not being funny or taking a joke? Forgiving the fact that this is Dane Cook.

I'm still absolutely amazed that these people are so assblasted because Rolfe said nothing more than 'This movie doesn't look very good. I don't think I will go and see it'

Not a cult they said.

He's an odd one to peg, I find I have a love hate relationship with him.

He'll be right on stuff like this, and the having to explain to stupid fucking SJWs how Hollywood works in casting Scarjo in Ghost in the Shell.

Other time he'll tweet that retarded "virtue signaling isn't real and if you think it is you're a bad guy." shit.

The red pill is stuck in his throat.

The philosophy behind much of the mainstream creative and performing arts, whether it be comedy or film or video games or what have you, is that their primary function and only lace they can derive merit from is by pushing a political agenda. Art or performance cannot be appreciated for its own sake, it needs to be "revolutionary" and "challenging social norms".

This is where you get inane bullshit like the concept of "punching up" in comedy or "representation" in fiction or fucked up "muh vagina" modern art pieces. These faggots can't create anything other than tools that further a mindset, so they can't imagine that anyone else could ever create something solely based on the fact that it's just funny or entertaining or beautiful in its own right without any sort of ulterior motive.

this movie is going to be garbage but aligning yourself with fucking james rolfe? yikes
he cites both jj shitbrams movies as positive examples of reboots too
the enemy of your enemy can still be an autistic manchild

The word you're looking for is postmodernism.


This argument would make sense if the actresses were attractive.

this post would make more sense if it was on twitter

I liked the monster at the end, a shame everything else is meh.

Also the t-rex ghost is real lol

Isn't Dane cook endorsing a kiss of death?

At least you can post. Who are you?

He's probably trying to mock the 'haters' with that joke.

I'm shocked Rolfe didn't end up SJW and impressed.

This whole trailer is awful though, the leaks are all true and the whole thing is worse than cot death.

He manufactured this entire thing Anita Scamkeesian style on Twitter. He created a "backlash" on social media, to convince feminazi Pascal, who wants to make a Zoe Quinn, movie to green light the shit. He was banking on using that to position himself into being able to make a summer tent pole film. Problem is he's an untalented hack who is going to end up on a big studio black ball list for this fiasco.

Get lost summerfag.

More than 24,000 dislikes and growing.

Looks like an SNL skit

Further confirmation, though no needed, that Dane Cook knows sweet fuck all about comedy.


Dane cook just can't fathom that some nerd in his basement is more relevant than him.


by this time tomorrow it will be 100k


He's the bloke who stole some jokes off the Cuck King. Which says to me that must be pretty fucking desperate, to steal jokes from the Cuck King.



Are we sure that Negro is a woman?

why do leslie jones and john oogaboogayega look like they're related?

also everything has met up with the leaked plot.

top kek

Female? Yes
Human? No
Too be honest it was rather brave of them to include the gorilla from the original show

Man, how many of these people are being paid off by Sony? There's been countless articles, all blasting him; There's been all kinds of people from in Hollywood, insulting him on twitter. Look at how all these people are just telling bold faced lies about what he says. Painting him as some raving madman who literally pulls out a woman and starts raping her halfway through the video. They want to dissuade people from watching the video and make everyone think he's just telling women to get back in the kitchen for 6 minutes.


He's just some nerd on youtube who said he's not going to see it. There's been tons of people who made videos like that. Why are they all attacking him? The movie and TV industry hates youtube and other internet based entertainment because it cuts into their profits. This is why studios have been buying up Youtube networks. Disney owns a few of them and has people like Jontron in their pocket. James doesn't belong to a network though, he's completely self made and independent and most likely wouldn't sell off Cinemassacre. He also has over two million youtube subscribers, and they're just the audience that Sony wants to see Ghostbusters. So here you have over two million people who could watch this video and go "Yeah, maybe it's not worth it. I think I'll skip this movie." That right there has huge potential to dig a large chunk out of Ghostbusters' earnings. He's a voice with a sizeable reach who they can't control, and that scares the shit out of them.

If you can't control someone, what do you do? You try and silence them, which is exactly what we're witnessing right now.

Notice these articles all say something along the lines of "You're just going to watch it anyways." They're trying to shame people into not thinking, just blindly consuming.

Jesus Christ Wu is like some beast Clive Barker would create.


rowdy roddy piper is dead

he died last year

It's a goldmine

Don't remind me.

Landis is a crybaby and a fag but god damn the guy can be absolutely based sometimes.

I actually feel pretty bad for James. All he did was express why he wasn't going to make a nu-Ghostbusters review or watch the movie and fucking idiot SJW cult collectively starts going psycho on him.



not only that, he didn't even bring up the fact that they got four unfunny cunts in it, he just specifically mentioned that the original is something he holds dear and thinks the remake is just shitting all over it, and he couldn't possibly sit through the movie or review it without sounding/being biased, it's a very logical step to take and i'll be joining him.

well, i might actually watch it, but nothing above a cam rip, nobody is dragging my ass to a theater and i will legitimately toss it out the house if i find even a bootleg floating around here.

You would not believe the amount of degeneracy

If you like his stuff, send some words of support his way. I think a lot of people buckle to SJW pressure so easily because they only see the screaming harpies, spewing menstrual blood their way. Sometimes an encouraging word can make the world of difference.

I can only hope that this doesn't make him back down from doing his planned video on why Ghostbusters 3 never happened. More people need to know how Pascal fucked over Ivan Reitman. I wouldn't be surprised if him saying he was going to talk about that stuff is one of the reasons why he's being attacked. I doubt Sony wants a lot of people to know that they had to legally threaten Bill Murray into making a cameo.


Landis is a conundrum. He'd be better off drinking the kool-aid but he doesn't.

I doubt he's even aware. Mike handles all the youtube account and site stuff.

I assume Mike might have let him know when fucking articles started to pop up. We can only hope that he shields him from all that and keeps him pure from all this nonsense.

i doubt he'll give a shit.

i actually hope he puts out a follow-up video, telling everyone to eat dicks.

He's too docile for that. Most likely he'll just ignore the criticism, which will just make them froth at mouth even more because they hate being ignored.


On top of being retarded, he's also blatantly wrong.
The dislikes do not lie. The majority of people do not want this movie.


I don't think he knows how war works.

He's not wrong. All the fucking power brokers love this type of shit and plan to cram more down our throats.

Money doen't matter to them. They are going to just shit in the water until it's all there is to drink.

I'd love to, but you soulless turds are shitting those up too.

i need a webm of this from 2:20 to the end for shit like this

It's not just the dislikes but the likes. There are barely any.

it's a tranny, isn't it?

FTM trannies are very rare, and don't usually tend to be betas

He's just another cuck



She owes her entire career to Derek Waters and even then, it's still not a career.

"He didn't say it was bad because of women, therefore he thinks it's bad because of women!"

And here comes the Kafka trapping, right on schedule

A normal movie should have been advertising a lot. When you have the opportunity to advertise and generate some hype at the superbowl, but decide to not waste the money, you are preparing for the worst. It does not help no one knows or cares.

I have not heard this movie being discussed, and the only advertising I have seen is on the internet and shirts the employees of my local movie theaters wear. I am sure many anons can say the same.

"Misogynistic" literally just means "disagreed with the SJW narrative in any way," now.

Not exactly, the new Tarzan has barely any ads.

she isn't wrong, the movie was stalled because ramis, aykroyd and reitman wanted it to be done right. after ramis died, everyone else lost motivation and sony scooped up the opportunity to basically do whatever they wanted since ramis was big in keeping shit in check.

so yeah, that plus the fact that they gave reitman the shaft but still used his name to give off the impression that since the original people are involved it must be good, i'm glad ramis isn't around to see this pile of shit either, rip decent jew, one of the few.

also, realistically i think the movie will actually tank. going by late june and early/mid july releases, something tells me independence day and star trek will outgross cisbusters.

I just sent him an e-mail, stay strong like a windrammer!


I never actually said that, but it makes some level of sense seeing as FTMs tend to be hopped up on testosterone.


Weebm for retards was made by retards, the goal filesize doesn't actually work. You'll have to render it probably 500 times in progressively shittier quality to get it to fit within the pathetic limit.

Who started this trend of spoiling the entire fucking plot in the trailer? It works in this case because it's an excuse not to watch garbage but fuck.

It could also be because the white one is like 300 and the black one is at least 500. :^)

It was one of the raunchiest, most degenerate "gomedy :DDD" films to come out since the entire comedy genre got turned into a piece of shit where everything is nothing but bad sex jokes.

Only in this fucked up bearenstain universe…

Bieber is a tranny and Cyrus doubly deserves it for turning from a beloved character young kids watched on TV in really shitty shows into a degenerate cock slut.

He got cucked in his own movie (the wife forced him to not include his best friend Third Reich Mike and cast a nigger and an asian for muh divershitty) and is far from an alpha, but manages to stay away from being a faggot.

trust me user, if you think that's bad see the new purger trailer. it's literally the entire movie except you're not sure if the mc lives or dies (probably lives, but i hope she dies).

Its sad that this is the common way to promote and strike conversation now a days. I dont believe these people give a shit about Ghostbusters at all. All this bullshit twitter posting is basically attempts to get attention…thats it.

Everything about this whole feminist aggressive raving shit is horrible and anyone doing it should be filled with regret. I blame anita because she showed people take the bait.

Eh, nice bush tho


You bastard




check 'em


I feel like the studio has a lot more riding on this then Tarzan though. If this movie bombs then no ghostbusters cinematic universe, no 23 jump street MiB crossover and this will hurt both Pascals and Feigs career

My poor sides

i don't think this is connected to the jump street/mib crossover. one flake won't close down the studio.

Pascal is no longer involved in the movie. Tom Rothman has since replaced her after the Sony leak.

Sony has been on the red for a long time now. Every movie released so far that wasn't James Bond underperformed or bombed.

Would it still hurt her since this whole movie was her idea?

yes/no. yes as in she won't have a job in hollywood anymore, no as in feminists will cry out in defense.

She's still producing it. She just doesn't work for Sony any more.


4chan Holla Forums locked the James threads. Is this the beginning of another exodus? Fuck… Just what we need… More 4chan shits to fuck things up and shitpost.


4chan censoring threads one again? What a surprise.
I hope there isn't another exodus. Anyone still left there is a pozzed retard or one of the redditors/tumblrites they've been slowly replacing the regulars with.

u wot m8

Newfag detected

Easy. They realized what a steaming pile of shit it was as soon as Paul Fag yelled his final cut. I remember seeing girl gossip rags talking about how the mood on set was terrible, they all fought each other and Kristen Wiig was making fun of how bad it was on set. (I could be wrong, but I seem to remember reading this a while back).

The studio got their final version and also realized what a steaming pile of shit it was. They knew they could not, in good conscious sell this to the cult following of the ghostbuster.

So, they marketed it as a "feminist" movie. They weren't going to make their money back, it was going to get shit on for how bad it was, so, you whip the estrogen addled women and their beta followers into this not being a movie, but A FRONT IN THE WAR ON WYMMYN.

Now they HAVE to see it. So, will it be a massive financial bomb? was getting caught part of your plan? Of course. But, It'll make more money then it had any right to because "this is why I need feminism".

All and all, it's actually not a bad strategy by the studio.


Wow just wow


lets pray to god Sony decides to do the right thing and pull the plug.

also that twitter post made me laugh so fucking hard.

we need to use meme magic to get the lizard group to pull their threat stunts again

It's obviously Trigglypuff bein' opressed n' shiieeet

Speaking of feminists bullshit.
Campaigning for the ugly vote became a thing

Fun fact Lindsay got knocked up and had a abortion for a film project she did not finish.

seriously, this stuff is not funny
I mean this movie is shit and she is a hack but only a sick man tries to make a woman cry, or takes pleasure from it

First time posting that, hope you're being ironic.



I fucking hate these retards that spout this shit.

I just want to fucking put them in a concentration camp and gas the fuck out of them.

How do you know concentration camps are bad if you haven't been in one?.


Backpfeifengesicht par excellence

So, when did you get blacked?

I doubt there will be another exodus.
Anybody who stayed there was clearly perfectly fine with the shit moot and his fag brigade were pulling, and this shit doesn't even compare to that.

The hell you doing? Man's black, but he's no nigger.


No I didn't mean Winston, I meant the actual gorilla from the original tv show that the ghostbusters movie is based off of.

More like too old to know kek

…Huh. That surprises me.

Gorilla usually doesn't mean gorilla on here.


It's just another one of sony/adam sandlers money laundry schemes

I'm tired of social media.

Way ahead of you. It's pretty gay, but feels right.

Watching the Cisbusters trailer with all this media hype is like being molested by your uncle. There's something off about him, but everyone regards him very highly, so you trust him, and then on a family camping trip out at Montauk Point he takes advantage of you. Years later, you accept and acknowledge what happened, but you still refuse to believe that he's scarred you, because that would put him in control, not you, and the last thing you want is a molester in control of your life – but your denial doesn't make it the truth. You want to believe that deep down inside, Paul Feig is a good person, and you see tell yourself that the cast has redeeming qualities, but you sit down to try and watch it again and all you can think of is that sheboon's hard, throbbing cock and the sound of lips smacking before you hear "SHEEEEIT."

ok real talk they did a better job with the second trailer

It still looks bad, but the first trailer was way worse.

I thought this was hilarious for about 3 seconds until I remembered the daily mail is retarded and is making the fact that twitter doesn't have a "dislike" button into something it isn't.




Seems to be the reverse in the Tumblr, where the guy is the adulterous one.

PLEASE tell me ur joking

hahaha dear god is that a guy?
The black has the same voice that the man who did the movie where they turn into blondes. It's generic black man voice #4.
There should be some twist in the movie where she actually was possesed by a demon all along, like when in the movies they do that where possesion deepens the voice.

Dear God, it's awful

He wrote:
He's a faggot. Nobody forbids you from saying you're a limp dick loser, limp dick loser.
Just a faggot that said something okay, but still a faggot, like the clock which is stopped is right twice a day.

It's a Bernoulli (1/n) with n varying according to the day the telling of what gendersex one is in this queer distant future of 2016

Do you have your audio connected?

AIDS positive. Just pozz my neghole up, fam.

What the hell is that thing?

But user. It did.

Based Hitler dubs

The only thing that needed to be said about this movie is that it is a troll movie.

It obviously is, and everyone bit it.


Watch real comedians like Ricky Gervais or Bill Burr, hell even Chappelle or Joan rivers are better that this hack

Underrated Post


looks like it was actually recorded immediately after the trailer video but eh

Be sure to download this in case of an SJW-wife-fuelled backdown.

It's the logo ghost, that's what the leak said

That sounds fucking terrible. Who wrote this crap?

Shit taste faggot.

That's what you get.

And it sucked.

dan aykroyd should be chemically castrated for greenlighting that fucking gargoyle fight

More closer to Critical Theory, but even then doesn't fully nail those that use it for agendas.

Postmodernism, to define it in simplest terms, is the idea that bodies of work exist in the meta and there's more up for grabs for concrete interpretation than what's handed to you in the medium. Critical Theory is a postmodernistic outlook that leaves interpretation wide open, that you can dissect every aspect for good or ill. It's how you get a documentary with people saying that scenes from Kubrick's The Shining were analogues to the director talking about the JFK assassination.

Postmodernism is a tool, or more likely, a genie we can't fully place back in a bottle. There's too much work to place back the forth wall after too much leaning or demolition of it, and even then most critics and viewers are too aware of things like product placement and all that. Basically all you can do is promote good usage of it and stay away from bad usage, especially everything from cheap ploys to make statements to shallow means of interpretations like "It's MEANT to be shit!" or "This piece of shit is actually a multi-layered commentary on ___" or just annoying "Mario games = Communism" youtube channels.

I don't even

That shit was horribly done.

Thank you for your worthless opinion.

It hurts to live.

how is this even

No satan, It's true. Just search for info on the Channel Autism threads.

I'm saying they're better than Cook. Give some recomendations, Mr Comedy Connoisseur

Chappelle is better than the other three faggots you mentioned. Hell even that hack Silverman is funnier than those hacks.

There are a lot of fucking trolls in it alright.



Kill yourself.

It's a generic TPS with a Ghostbusters theme.

He fucks niggers

He was Saul's fixer in BB. He's awesome.

But it had great writing you piece of shit.

And that means he doesn't fuck niggers?

Does this mean that Cisbusters is going to bomb so badly that it make all other bombs before look like blockbuster hits? Please let this shit bomb, that will make my year. That and Trump becomes the new president.

there's probably going to be lobbying for more women in movies. now whether that's in the form of quotas that destroy all competition or subsidies who can tell.

The Transformers movies are acknowledged as shit yet they still rake in that China money. We can only hope the Chinese are better than this.

Chinks like western movies because they like white, male superheroes. TFA didn't do as well as was projected there, and Cisbusters will fucking bomb even worse there than in America and Europe.

Diagree. Post-postmodernism is going to be a thing, because people are getting fucking tired of it as a convention in fiction. As liberal arts degrees decline due to economic factors, such as with Trump's ideas for colleges sharing in the risk of college loans, it will stop being so all encompassing. Normal fags already don't watch shows or read books like that. It's not the natural way of consuming fiction.

It will probably do better than Dredd at least.

It's even bigger now

China has a policy which only allows a dozen or so foreign movies to get a theatrical release. I'm really not sure Justbusters will get through, seeing how it's a guaranteed bomb for them.

It doesn't even seem to be opening in China. If it's anything like Terminator Genisys, it'll probably open there months after it's already flopped in Europe and America.

Whose individual view of 'quality' are we going to take?

so your exposure to black women is mostly from the media, huh. Lucky guy. Your average on the street black man and woman have little difference in serum testosterone.

what, did you think it was just a coincidence there were so many black drag queens? It's easier to look like a woman that already mostly looks like a dude

I am black.

That is the most masculine black woman I have ever heard.

how very privileged and sexist of you Joe, you fucking white male


what are you some sort of racist?


Really? Never thought it'd be dirty commies that broke the SJW narrative.

Chinks are an unpredictable bunch.


Oh fucking what the shit.

I'm starting to wonder if this isn't some gloriously subtle parody film. I really can't believe anyone who makes movies for a living can think this is what sells.


Based comment

I love how so many sjws and publications sites are giving him shit
Yet his video remains heavily liked with minor dislikes
Its like They didnt even bother watching the video?

This shit is exactly how gamergate started

Id rather play Ghostbusters the video game for the 360 than watch that turd

Also does that means they are giving up the video game front since they got their was handed to them by gamergate

Not if you have good taste
Wait I wonder who are the "Journalist writing these articles
I wonder if they're the same people during the whole Gamergate thing

user, were you raped by your uncle?

Not really. They are supposed to live in an ideal world, so any thought of fighting for more rights or for social justice or whatever must be a threat to the current utopia, at least from the government's point of view.
And Chinese do indeed like white male heroes over anything else. Strangely enough, they have very similar standards of beauty compared to western country and will be more attracted to white people than to people of their ethnicity. Chinese woman are also very likely to undergo cosmetic surgery to get more occidental facial features.
There would thus be little incentive for your average Chinese moviegoer to go see this movie starring four very unattractive ladies. Especially considering they don't have the nostalgia appeal that still exist for those who grew up with the original movies.

It doesn't look good, but the amount of bitching around this movie is excessive. It isn't that much worse than the average capeshit which get 95 percent positive ratings.

get a load of this guy


If they pull this off, will you die?

1,000 bucks Hitler shows up and gets BTFO'd by the fat nigger.

count me in