Hollywood is so creatively bankrupt. A studio probably going to greenlight a mainstream ICP movie one day.
Hollywood is so creatively bankrupt. A studio probably going to greenlight a mainstream ICP movie one day
23 minutes
fuck yourselfs
What is ICP?
It's a indie gangsta rap group that so shit they spawn a literal criminal gang/ death cult fandom called the Juggalos.
ayy you might be right itll be like straight outta compton but with chicken molestation and faygo enemas
juggalos get a bad rep, i mean they are a bunch of legitimately retarded small-time criminals, pretty much bonafide Untermenschen, but….it can be fun to drink with them
And would can in that magnets meme.
lol case in point, getting drunk as fuck and threatening hipster faggots in their microbreweries in portland, if that isnt a great night out i dont know what is
People are always trying to paint them as a fucking gang, they arent a gang, at least not nationally, they barely manage to coordinate their fuckin festivals much less any kind of serious illegal shit.
just another bunch of misfits with goofy shit on their face
remember when every reddit faggot and his mother was saying
they are another one of those groups that you are "allowed" to hate like rednecks
i kinda liked that song, those fucking morons at least tried to think about the universe, as opposed to libtards that are so ideologically entrenched and indoctrinated the smallest outside opinion will send them into a tailspin
I thought ICP defender only existed on YouTube. Also Hard to not call Juggalos a gang when they are even known for kidnapping/attempted kidnapping
not to mention the little bitches of distribution for the big players
you would never catch the grateful dead or phish getting involved in cartel shit, but ICP are sucking their cocks
Hey, they had one good song
yeah….thats not very competitive in terms of gang hardware…
the kids, shitty thing to do whatever that was, fucking dangerous idiots in this case but that sure as fuck doesnt qualify them as a gang, what im saying is their is no coordination, much less any kind of hierarchy or structure, they are just a bunch of literal clowns spread all over the goddamned country with no relationship to each other aside from their festivals, no one ordered those fuckwits to kidnap a kid, they did it because they are asocial retards, as most ICPlers are
gang means all for one. if you kill a clown, you wont be greenlit nationally
kill a sureno on the other hand…they will fucking hunt you and your family down, they wont fucking stop
this is probably more likely, i.e. useful idiots, but seriously….what the fuck are you really gonna use them for if you are legitimate OC? probably not smuggling lol… sure you can use em to sell small amounts of drugs at festivals or whatnot, possibly some minor enforcement, but they are basically fucking useless for any real work
I can understand people dont like these fuckheads, theres not much to like, but they get way too much bad press, they are played up by shit media to scare people(and probably to keep from talking about legitimately scary orgs like Sinaloa that are basically government subsidized and have waged a multifaceted infiltration campaign throughout the SW
is there anything you can't blame on "muh libruls"?
Common sense
The things that I blame on Jews.
liberal is kind of a misnomer, technically it really only means you believe in reform..
hell i would consider myself liberal, on some things..
you fucking know exactly who im talking about though, arrogant, snide, self-entitled westerners that think they have the fucking answers to everything and have the right to impose their shit on everyone despite basically living in a bubble
oh dear god no
College I got a rabbit on me and will axe if I can
i remember some lyric about a dick and a bucket
Dating Game
FUCK THAT! You'd be jackin me quick.
I'd order you a drink and stire it with my dick,
And then to get your attendtion in the crowed place.
I'd simply walk up and stick my nuts in your face!
Yeah, freak her with your nuts.
Yeah, that'll get her.
Tell her that she's fat,ya,
That'll work even better.
Look, fuck you, I got a strong rap, shit
You don't want contestent #2, he's mad wack.
I walked into a bar, and there he was,
Standing up on a bucket, uhh, tryin ta fuck it,
It was a big fuckin smelly ass farm lauma
Damn dawg!
How you gonna diss your momma!!!
Got to admit I am proud there are so many clowns on Holla Forums MMCL I'll sip a faygo in y'all honor
I know the fans take it serious, but it should be immediately obvious to anyone else that these guys are just trolling for laughs. It's a pretty neat way to make a living, tbh.
im extremely suprised, i wouldnt have bothered with defending these retards if i had known how many of you are here:^)
There are more than a few of us. I know /tg/ has a juggalo that plays 40k and fields a titan army including a Warlord Titan which costs $1800 painted up with clown makeup and featuring the Hatchet Man as his symbol.
well butter my balls, I didnt believe you but sure enough, somebody asking 4,600€ for a fully painted titan, jesus fuckin christ, GW has really gone full spectrum hyperjew…
Holla Forums has a Juggalo army on Eve online if I recall. I think they are on Tranquility in the Ealur system in Amarr Space.
Yep The House of Nykur
/mu/ here
I hate to admit it because of my desire to attain patricianship, but I too am a fan of ICP. Some of their songs are so shallow and vulgar, it kind of… turns me on. I've never told anyone outside of this thread.
icp are shit and the fans are retards
Fucking Juden, how do they work?
Kill yourself, you disgusting faggot. I bet you're a clopper spamming MLP shit too.
I love how internet nazis love to talk about the glory of the white race but go out of their way to shit all over the poor parts of it so they can make themselves feel better. Most juggalos come from broken homes in really shitty nigger infested areas and have no connection to white culture in general. Instead they are able to reach out to other isolated and disenfranchised people like themselves and connect through music. They may look weird in their makeup and manners but it's not like they had anything else. If you are so concerned about saving the white race why don't you reach out to those who are most in danger. But you won't because like all the other LARPing faggots on Holla Forums you don't give a shit about your fellow white man, just socially signaling on the internet from the comfort of your nice middle class home. Shit even impoverished Appalachian whites get more than most juggalos. At least they grew up around other white people and didn't spend their childhoods living in fear that they would get beaten to death walking home from school for the color of their skin. Is it any wonder why Juggalos consider each other closer than family when ever one else has kicked them around and abandoned them?
Calm down lad, I'm sorry you got blacked as a child.
Your damn right a bunch of hypocritial larpers trigger the fuck out of me.
you gonna post sauce on dat ass or what
That shit is gay as fuck, man.
Not the vid.
The fuck happened to you people? Started listening when Riddlebox dropped and I can 100% say shit has changed for the worse. Every year or so I check if a new album has come out. There is maybe 1-2 songs with a nice beat. It is all shit now, man. It will never return to what it was. Not just the music but the community.
"Juggalos" never used to be associated with the fucking stupid redneck crowd before they went mainstream. It was hustlers, mainly from the metro Detroit area. People just surviving with shitty jobs and any extra scratch you could get.
It is a sad sight to see what this shit is now.