How does this picture make you feel?

How does this picture make you feel?

It seems I'm needing this reaction image more and more these days.

I'm not sure if this is trolling or not.








Women can be funny. look at Jessi Slaughter.

Smug because feminist Hollywood is putting all their eggs into the Cisbusters basket. Never interrupt your enemy.

Pick one.

To strengthen my case, here's Exhibit A.

pick one

What if it does well?

all kidding aside, it won't

Oh no. Oh no, fuck you, I recognize that bitch, I'm not clicking that.

That guy on Tim and Eric who kept saying "Spaghetti and meatballs" was funnier than her.

What if name recognition carries it, as well as chinese box office revenue?

That the assertion that women aren't funny has been upheld.


Why are they claiming women are inherently funny? Sounds demeaning and sexists towards women.


I don't think it's necessarily gonna bomb or anything, I'm sure they've done their research and the budget is reasonable, but it's not going to get the kind of returns they want from a name franchise. Paul Feig's previous movies have made similar foreign and domestic grosses and they're alienating their core domestic audience. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.

I am a fairly normalfag, I talk to people. No one mentioned anything about this one, so hopefully, it won't do well among people with disposable income looking to do something on the weekend.

well what they're banking on right now is girls dragging their boyfriends to it and rubes seeing "ghostbusters" on the marquee and going on impulse, ignorance of the marketing might work in their favor. but we'll see

wew, they sure told me

they probably don't know what the word 'inherently' means.

Was this actually on a bus somewhere?



But, you see, that's a bad example. Because it is funny. Because it's so goddamn awful.

That, or they struggle with creating coherent sentences in English. I'm not native speaker, but I'm pretty sure

would mean what they tried to mean, with the same words even.

Nobody is inherently funny you dumb autistic sluts, you have to work to be funny. Or to be anything. But you wouldn't know, all you can do is sit on your fat asses and whine on tumblr how you're not being treated exceptionally for no reason.

Man oh man when this movie bombs…

Modern women are inherently funny. Heck they constantly use my favorite joke; women's rights.

keep telling yourself that

Why. Do you talk. Like this. Fam.

That you, William Shatner?

incredible smug bemusement coupled with pride in the patriarchal superiority granted to me by God and my testicles

I think Maria Bamford is actually funny. Other than her, I can't think of anyone else. Amusing maybe but not close to funny.


It's amazing how they are trying to honestly make this argument.

But women are funny. I mean, they exist as ridiculous creatures in reality.

When a woman goes to Haiti because she #cares and gets raped by a dindu, and then feels sorry for her rapist convincing herself that "institutionalized racism" and "white privilege" is to blame, that's some pretty fucking zany Daffy Duck shit right there. Women are natural comedians. They're just bad at composing comedy.

Women as people can be funny but culturally feminine women can't be "funny".

Considering anyone can pay for those advertisements it wouldn't surprise me if some retard shelled out the money to have that mounted in at least one bus or train.

The sad thing is there are white guys telling themselves female comedians are funny, and forcing themselves to laugh even though they don't really find it funny.

I like how instead of saying
>think women are inherently not funny?
it says
Basically you are sexist if you think a single woman is not hilarious

You still have to work to improve a talent though, which requires setting your mind to it.
There are loads of people who are naturally okay at something and could easily master it if they tried, but ultimately are either too lazy or unmotivated to bother trying.
Very few people are immediately great at whatever they're known for, otherwise child prodigies wouldn't be that interesting or impressive.

the most popular male comedians aren't funny either

that's a terrible, terrible example. child prodigies are interesting and impressive specifically BECAUSE they are naturally much better than their peers. and you don't think discipline and the ability to correctly practice are talents?

Not really since literally anybody who isn't a retard can learn to do those things.

yes but some people have them naturally, in spades. some people are better at focusing on a single task than other people. haven't you ever tried, really tried, to do something, and still not measured up? that's talent.

Plenty of times

Pretty sure that's just called perseverance.

keep telling yourself that. fact is, some things come easier to some people. some people work tirelessly all their lives only to be second-rate. but I get it, when you fail it's a lot easier to tell yourself "I didn't really want to succeed" than "He's better than me"

I never said I wouldn't acknowledge people are better at certain things than I am.

If you're talking about that's a different user, and while he's wrong that nobody is inherently funny, a vast majority of comedians do have to work at it.
Very few people can just stand up in front of an audience and have them rolling in laughter the first time they try.


That's terribly worded. "Think women are inherently unfunny?" is what they meant to write.

You implied that keeping at something until you realize it isn't for you is somehow a talent.
Even though not being able to git gud at something is the opposite of talented.

no, you've misunderstood. the thing that the person who will always be better than you has, that is talent

Oh, my bad, I thought you were saying something else entirely.


They used to be. Women were never funny.

Makes me glad I didn't sink myself into hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt for that bullshit.

that jawline says otherwise.



Why's that rat waving

i dont think most of these morons understand this is not an official advert

news flash - college girls are idiots - more at 11

that trivial debates about popular commercial entertainment are a distraction from the real issues people need to overcome to improve themselves

crikey that's a biggun

They're just going to give it really positive reviews and pretend that it was actually a success.

Okay I get that women can be funny, bu-


women are funny, they just don't know that they're the joke

and in the meantime if you disagree and call it out for the shit it is, you're a bigot mysogynist

God damn.

I didn't think anything would ever top this.

I'm pretty ugly myself, but the last thing I would do is draw attention to that fact by having a haircut that accentuates my flaws.

she's a boy, she thinks that's what boys look like

hashtag who the fuck is listening to you?

It's also a great counterpoint to the feminist claim that rape is never funny.

I wonder if it's profitable for a movie that's going to come out soon to have these article writers shit on the audience or make examples of people for not liking or wanting to see a particular movie. Judging a movie on its own and ignore other's opinion is fine and all but when you've got a rabid amount of people telling you how shit you are if you don't see this movie, doesn't that deter more people who might want to see it? I think caving to peer pressure would be worse and you can just invest that money in another movie or something worth your time. It's not like everyone has disposable income to see and enjoy everything under the sun. Better to pay for stuff that you might enjoy rather than one with questionable quality given the information that you can gleam.



"The experience was –almost– more than I could bear"

women are meant for fucking. they open their mouths and say stupid shit and at that point, if she's not putting out, you should immediately leave.




Not half as big as it looks, the perspective is skewed pretty blatantly. Not to mention, he wouldn't be able to hold it out like that with one hand if it were that big.


hello rato

This is probably the funniest thing any woman has ever written.

holy shit, we've found the female equivalent of a cuck

Ayy lmao what a pathetic time we live in. We all deserve a fucking meteor apocalypse. Even those of us who did nothing for not trying to stop it.

SUfags… A truly horrifying bunch. It only gets worse when you realize 78% of them are all kids and teens.


I'm getting fucking sick and tired of this white guilt bullshit.

THE 60's HAPPENED 50 years ago.

"Not them."

Also, "this backfiring will be glorious to behold."

And, "Whooooo's found their Razzies' pick?"

So this is the face of delusion. I laugh, but I'm also horrified by her mindset.

That is a fucking beautiful gif.



The memes need to fucking stop

Wow, that's civil. Throw in a "faggot" or two next time.

The Hatians Genocided their whites two hundred years ago. The blacks there have already vented their rage you stupid cunt.


Well it is summer.

Poe's law in full effect here. I think this is a serious thing written by a complete retard with no grasp of the English language, but who knows?

Wouldn't considering an entire gender or race to be "inherently funny" be misoggyrayciss? "inherently UNfunny" would have made sense, but this is just confusing

I think this might as well be Poe's era. Nothing fucking makes sense. You can't tell who's coming or going.

Wasn't there a thread where they got that picture and they just photoshopped her chin till it rivaled the chrimson chin?
Good times

Jesus Christ how I want that commercial to die along with the meme commercial

Its never going away… This is the future we chose.