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i don't care that they picked a trans nig to replace tim curry.

it's just that a transgender and a transvestite are two completely different things.

also, adam lambert is playing eddie. who the fuck casted this?

Looks very low budget. I guess being an actual transvestite is more shocking now than the original crossdressing Tim Curry. I'm just tired that movies and even television are so out of ideas that they have to remake something that was just alright or another season to mediocre series.

This transphobic filth should be pulled off the airwaves.


they will remake literally anything huh

Rocky Horror Picture Show is the most anti faggot film ever made.

I think Holla Forums is too shitty and political now to realize just why this was a bad idea, but hate is hate, and fuck, after watching this I don't give a shit who hates it or why as long as it gets panned to fuck.

It's not even just Frank-N-Furter.

Dr. Scott is now black even though Eddie is now white.

Magenta is black too despite the fact that she is Riff-Raff's sister.

Don't even get me started on all this punk scene shit.

To add to this

IT'S 2016 PEOPLE!!!

it gets worse

Reminder that All the cameos in ghostbusters from the original cast were brought on by Sony trying to legitimize their remake because they knew it was shit.

I don't know why, but looking at this makes me the maddest I've ever been about one of these shit reboots.

SHe's just a privilege checker
From aids central Af-er-i-ca!

In the original Frankenfurter is an evil degenerate that corrupts innocent youths and gets everybody killed in the end. How are they going to change it to include a message of acceptance and tolerance towards evil abominations that corrupt and destroy?

Rocky Horror was always a shit film.

The songs are shit even for a musical, the acting is shit, the story is incoherent, and the whole thing exists just to normalise degeneracy. Only faggots like it.

Retards need to be banned.

Truth trips.
Everything is shitty and political now, can't walk down the street without triggering someone's precious feelings.

Triggered as fuck.

this user
Got it right though. The original moral of the movie was the warnings of hedonism and letting it get in the way of what you were supposed to be doing as well as letting yourself get caught up and diving into marriage too quick because you're young, prudish, and horny.
The only characters that are outright sympathetic are Brad and Janet, but they're still writhing in the aftermath of Frank's mess.

Then two a lesser extent there is Columbia and Rocky who Frank took advantage of completely and they both die in the end.

And then there is Riff Raff and Magenta who are the only ones that get an actual happy ending. And they're brother and sister who fuck each other.

I know many of you desperately want to pretend this movie was a message against transvestites, trannies and etc.

But at the same time it was among the most popular movies that pushed them in the mainstream.

It did only harm in the long run.

Who the hell cares

The point of the film was to push degenerate propaganda. The writer was a degenerate, and the fans are degenerates. I guarantee this film created a new wave of trannies and swingers.

[vomiting intensifies]

Yeah, and Pictures of Dorian Gray is just fag propaganda too and you totally aren't a retard just judging it by it's cover.

user a producer doesn't have to pay thousands of dollars to actors to dress up as women and act homosexual to show that transvestites are bad.
Nor does any normal need to see this movie to know that.

Ofcourse most would judge it by it's cover. Or do you enjoy movies with such content ?

VJuice Floor Show costume is the only possible good that can come from this.

Yeah, everything about this looks just plain lazy. Everyone looks to be doing bad impressions of the people from the original movie. They're doing small cosmetic changes like casting niggers and stuff, but at it's core, everything is just a rehash.

I get that this is something with a very passionate fanbase and you can't change it too much, but there's a complete lack of originality and imagination here. You could take the script for the stage show, not change a word, and still do a lot of cool and off the wall stuff with it. Really play up it's B-movie roots.

At the end of the day, as much as I enjoy the original movie, it's not very good. Not in a "it's making fun of bad movies, it's supposed to be bad" kind of way like a lot of people will say, it has quite a few genuine problems. A remake could have really improved upon it. Sadly, that shit ain't happening here. This is just a quick and soulless cash in to make the movie palatable for the "IT'S 2016" crowd. The fact that it's is TV movie on Fox says it all.


Is this a trap?

I'm watching it for the first time. Holy shit that opening with Judge Wright.

Didn't mean to post that again.

is meatloaf not white?

oh hey, it's mr. no fun allowed.

Worded it bad.

Dr. Scott is a german and former nazi and Eddie is his biological nephew, his sister's child. Adam Lambert is as white as they get yet his "uncle" is black as fuck and obviously not his biological uncle anymore.

They're race swapping the single most retarded characters that make ZERO fucking sense.

So now the "Sweet transvestite" song and "Eddie's Teddy" are fucked up but Magenta and Riff Raff's dynamic as the incestual alien siblings is fucked up. Sweet Transvestite doesn't work because now Frank is a fucking tranny and not a transvestite. Eddie's Teddy doesn't work because Eddie and Dr. Scott aren't family anymore.

How much you want to bet they'll cut Super Heroes because of how it wraps up the whole thing in a simple moral of "hedonism is bad"?


And the Rocky Horror is now dark haired. His "tan" is ambiguously brown skin because the guy is a Russian/India indian mix. So now Sweet Transvestite is completely invalidated as a song. Might as well be removed at this point.

What are you talking about? They're great, although the original 1973 version was immensely better. Vid related, the best track.

Shit, but good shit. Cheesy flick done right.

Do you even kino?

Oh, it looks like trying to be remotely normal, right.

The writer is a self hating degenerate and he just wanted to make fun of his degeneracy while also having fun.

Rocky Horror is supposed to be the best specimen of the Aryan race. Magenta called him the Triumph of The Will.

jesus christ

it's the new birth of a nation but with advanced faggotry

You mean Birth of a Nigger.

this is fucking stupid. nobody who likes the original will like the remake and nobody else will even get near the theater without being pelted by white bread toast.

what the fuck is the point?

this serves no porpoise and it certainly will not be nearly as much of a SHOW as the original if you are a fan of such things (as i am)

there's no good reason to take what is essentially a CULT following and try to make a dime off it.


more like BLACKED of a Nation.


I never fucking believed you guys when you said these types of things were designed to make normal people look like bigots.

I'm not a bigot. I'm not a misogynist. I'm not a bad person.

But this shit? What the fuck is the point of giving a famously sweet transvestite role to a transsexual?

You were right all along. These things are designed to make me look like a mysognist bigot to everyone else. I have no leg to stand on when even the classic cross-dressing, fun time at midnight on halloween movies have been usurped by today's degenerates.

I'm feeling an urge to kill.

These people keep pushing fucking retarded shit like rappers with metal teeth instead of people with actual talent like Sidney Poitier - any black tranny instead of a good actor to fill the roleā€¦ this is the time in history where they REWRITE the role to fit the actor.

The end result is stupidification.

The people involved literally don't know the difference between a tranny and a trap. Like it's incredibly fucking stupid to NOT know the difference between a transexual and a transvestite.

didn't you get the memo? in (CURRENT YEAR), transvestites and drag queens are transphobes who are literally killing transgenders by mocking them.

Shock Treatment is one movie that could use a remake. There's a lot of good ideas and songs, but the low budget and rushed filming kind of makes it muddled. Plus, it's plot is even more relevant today, what with reality TV and the internet making random people celebrities, and society out to cuck Brad.

So Frank-n-furter has a house band now? It's not a terrible idea, but they're just generic rockers. There's nothing fabulous or creepy about them. Why not make them stitched together glam rockers that he created, or something that's at least visually interesting.

i think they exactly know. they make mediocre bullshit remakes so that if you criticise them, you are automatically a bully

Not according to this

Meh, I've seen worse.

Provided she's fun, I could give less shits.

thats retarded anyway frank furter was not trans sexual he was a fucking crossdresser

there is not a single point in the entire movie where he is less than masculine even while wearing a fucking teddy and chasing after rocky

It's like you've never heard of Eddie Izzard before.

But yeah there is a pretty huge difference between being a transvestite and being transgendered. One is just a fetish and the other is the thinkings of retards who should be in therapy.

i loive eddie izzard, i'm not making any moral judgements on either

what im saying is a mtf tranny is more feminine and that does NOT fit with the character of frank n furter

he's fucking hilarious

used to be, now he's a colossal faggot

that's just more funny by the fucking link words alone

If memory serves, Janet is frightened and disgusted by what she see's in the Frank-n-furter house and begging for Brad to take her home.
I'm guessing that's going to be edited.

yeah she'll probably celebrate the differences in the dr frank furters attempts to rape a man he created while simultaneously celebrasting his desire for human flesh as eddie's cooked corpse graces the dinner table

Many don't see a difference. It's part of why so many transgenders hate drag queens, they see it as just making fun of them. They actually got RuPaul's Drag Race to remove the "You've Got Shemail" bit they'd do each episode because they cried about how offensive it was.

Rather than just accept that what they're doing is a fetish they want to believe this is a natural component they were born with to be acting as the opposite sex.

With this remake, I can't say it's going to terrible for sure. I think they're trying to make it look a bit cheap in a tryhard move to make it look more like the original, rather than trying to just inject a bit of their own style into it.

oh as a big fucking fan of the original, so much that i put on fucking fishnet stocking every year and a plaid blanket, i can tell you its going to be terrible.

there is not going to be any component of audience love for this made for tv remake and at the same time all of the viewers will not get the fucking point that the dr is a goddamned psychopath

the final scene in the pool will probably change the lyrics from dont dream it be it to something along the lines of dont be it, cut it off

It's a TV movie, it was always going to look cheap.

So did these people just not understand what Rocky Horror Picture Show was about, or what?

its FOX dude. even if they knew they wouldn't care when there is a shekel to be made

of course
some tranny(?) invites a newlywed couple to his house, they dance, there's a buff dude, a guy on a motorcycle, the end.

This is a level of cheap that requires effort to look so cheap. It's shown just in the way they're doing the shots.

There's very little post production, like most television stuff

there should still be a fucking loyalty to the original story

you need to speed it up to 1.25 for normal playback


Even if they did, you think they care one jot about the integrity of the story?

Nope. Get the the trannies and nigs in there!


i bet all the boys look at you and get confused

and turned on :^)

