New Han Solo
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You got a single fact to back that up user?
not living under a rock would suffice to you fam?
A link is what I would be looking for user
use jewgle ffs
Normalfags will defend this
They defend TFA
Wasn't he diagnosed with schizophrenia?
That's a nice trick.
hate it when babyface numale faggots have to squint their eyes to convince people they do in fact have a penis.
Give them time.
They also defended TPM in the first couple months until the realization set in, that they wasted some 20 bucks and at least two hours of their lifes for something that could've been easily avoided.
not that it will stop them from doing it again in the coming years unfotunatley
change that to years. Episode 1 was hailed up until at least Clone Wars came out, though I have to imagine a lot of it was the side media coming out. what the hell does TFA have other than that one shitty tie in comic?
shit thread OP
its a done deal where have you been
also hes a fucking manlet
if he wasn't a jew i'd be fine with it.
he's actually a decent actor, check out hail caesar to see him do something.
Niggers we even had a thread about this weeks ago
shit you, faggot
What TPM didn't - cancerous shill eceleb media.
They could just have used Memelord.
At least Meme Pratt can act.
The fuck is this bullshit
I don't even care much about acting, but atleast Pratt can look convincing of some sort of competence.
I remember before the SW spinoffs were announced some anons joked, "what's next, Mememan as the new Han Solo?" We have to start setting our expectations lower.
Indeed, we can't expect Disney to even spend the effort make a generic blockbuster would-be hits instead of shitting out turds with the assurance that the brand sells.
not a problem, they've been shooting tom cruise from the waist up for over 15 years now.
Another oven dodger. What a surprise.
What an ugly shit.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Dan is the hero we need but don't deserve.
He looks like the cocksucker who tried to attack Trump.
Apparently his parents are Jews who pozzed even themselves.
Harrison Ford was a jew too.
Only partially.
This unsurprisingly a full heeb.