

Holla Forums BO just doesn't give a shit anymore.

what is he busy doing?

smh fam

Hello cumskin guy.

laughing my ass off here broheim, do you mind if I reuse this portmanteau?

new or bait?



Jesus fuck you people are pathetic. GOT of Thrones is at least related to Holla Forums and much better than capeshit threads that derail into Holla Forums faggotry.

But instead of focusing on actual problems that are ruining Holla Forums you faggots just obsess about this. If you want to fix Holla Forums start banning the Holla Forumsyps

oy vey

Holla Forums has the perfect amount of moderation. Sounds like you might be more comfortable at cuckchan or a forum.

fuck off to your pigsty gotfaggot





The pussy BO will never do it.

BO here, will do it if it reaches over 9000 votes.

Why would I go to a dead board if there is more than likely going to be Holla Forums shit there. I mean this board is terrible, but at least there is enough signal to drown out the noise the LARPers are making.

Spam the board with it until he does.

Holla Forumsitics is against board rules.

BO already said he won't do it in a /got/ thread some days ago, but you can spam all you want, I guess.

Why yes, I *am* new here! What gave me away?

I saw that you didn't have your *Holla Forums Platinum Pass yet.

How about can we have the decency to put spoilers in respective images in GOT thread post?

What? How do I get one of those? What kind of premium content am I missing out on? Do the proceeds go to purchase a NOS system for hotwheels?

Already 3 fucking throneshit threads,. BO and hotpockets don't bother to at least delete the multiple threads.

Go sperg on /waifuist/ gifmaker

This bothers people? Learn to hide threads or filter fucking faggots. This isn't 2004. Goddamn redditors I swear.

Not redditors, Holla Forumsermin. Their mods delete duplicate threads because they're fucking autistic rulecucks. It's kind of ridiculous when a highly anticipated game comes out and they're only allowed one thread for it. It stifles discussion. And it's not a mod problem, it's the users that like it that way. Disgusting tbh



Found the muslim.

Do it.


Nigga it's Holla Forums-tier to have several threads discussing the same fucking thing. There was seven god damn throneshit threads in the catalog at one point.

It was confirmed by BV. Also the only person interested in having 75 /GoT/ "general" at the same time is the sperg who likes to shove to everyone's faces how much he likes to masturbate to pictures of maisie williams.

Before the masiefag invasion there were 3 threads alive as much, and BO was diligent to delete them. But now he doesn't care. Too suspiciously uncaring.

Why are faggots so obsessed with Cuck of Thrones anyway?

It was also confirmed that BV was making it up in the very same thread and it's at least two different people three in fact. Anyway, BO showed up later and said he won't make it cyclical, no matter how many threads about the same poll you make.
Also, I've always encouraged people to stay in /got/ general, no idea who started making all those new threads in catalog. One thread for GoT should be enough and it's easy to hide for people who aren't interested in the show.

They're obsessed with the hobgoblin that appears on that series. They can't restrain from spilling spaghetti.


See This is something only the distorted mind of a masiefag can conceive.

Even if you are not a waifufag (but i doubt it, coming from your way to respond), look at the damage they did to this board. It was like how the "normies" destroyed /r9k/ and the bronies destroyed Holla Forums. Even the capeshit threads become pale in comparison.

BO is only concerned with having the board in the top 10, and cite "technical issues" to not make the thread cyclical, when this is available in other threads. Or maybe he is an accomplice of the shitpost cancer that is killing Holla Forums

Check the whole conversation if you want, it's still in the catalog. One of them is me (replying to BV), and the other one is Gifmaker, this screenshot was taken by him. And this thread was made by neither of us → , so that makes three different people. Cyclical /got/ threads aren't happening, you have to deal with it. GoT threads outside of /got/ is not something I care about, so if BO decides to delete them, it's understandable.
The rest of your post is irrelevant, not commenting on it.




there are none and any that you perceive are problems with the userbase itself, which is not something moderation can fix


do it