Are there any movies where nazis are not le evil boogeymen?

Are there any movies where nazis are not le evil boogeymen?


ebin ruse Holla Forums

stay flustered m8

Into the White was pretty good.

Der Ewige Jude


ok I won't call you leftypol i'll just call you a kike, happy?



Das Boot

der untergang, of course.

hilarious tbqh fam

Guaranteed replies

I would just like to point out that the original has "Oppose Cuts
Not Mosques"

Pic one.

A lot of people get butthurt here but it's so fucking easy to spot a Holla Forumstard, why is it called Holla Forums if communism is hip and accepted, shouldn't it just be /polcorrect/.

Being a faggot is also politically correct but that doesn't stop nazibois from pretending to be oppressed.


modern governments all despise communism, they all say it's capitalism or nothing, anything else is bad for the economy and therefore treason. "communist" is an insult.
shouldn't Holla Forumstards support communism, then, to oppose the state and the status quo?

But communism is absolute government power, so it's just reserved for certain poverty countries with zero chance of economies?

Just fuck off already >>>Holla Forums no one likes you anyway.

Why don't we try to create a system that makes it easier to weed out and destroy corrupt faggots instead of bouncing around between capitalism/socialism/communism/fascism while crying about muh specific brand of shit system that has never ever been tried?

So which is it classcuck?

ayy lmao.

Go kiss Lenin's embalmed forehead filthy commie.

I forget, who won WWII?
Pretty sure the nazibois got cucked pretty hard by the Red Army.

>>>Holla Forums

You sound rustled, friend.

he's probably a government censor deciding which books get thrown down the memory hole. at least the other guy is reading for pleasure.

it was Holla Forums tier and it was on Holla Forums

shit I wish i could remember the name, an odd war movie in the ardennes about some fuck up GIs that end up communicating with some krauts that want to surrender. there were some guys from Band of Brothers in it iirc

It was well done, and they werent shown as le evul nazis, just tired mafs sick of running from one front to the other.

they are about to hand it in and they find out the guy they are surrendering to is a jew, which almost destroys the whole deal, the burgers end up having to dress up a PFC as the CO, it was pretty funny

I dont have a horse in this game, but hes not wrong, generation pol is not very well read, like not even footnotes, i had a thread a few weeks ago where i got a good half a dozen polacks to agree with one of the core tenets of Marx, they didnt even fucking notice, and i feel asleep before i could point and laugh at them

Smart people usually don't call themselves smart.


its tiring really, you faggots might as well be rooting for a goddamned football team considering how entrenched you are, be that left or right

Does anybody actually try and look at things? or do you all just pick a side and fucking stick with it no matter what reality throws at you?

This is a perfect example, im sure you think the Wehrmacht was the bees fucking knees, and you wouldnt be wrong in a sense, but your fucking ideological blinders prevent you from seeing the truth-

what is this truth?

the german army made the red army, and in a sense the tragedy that was ww2 made the modern russian, it is still burned into their soul generations later.

The wehrmacht was the pinncacle of maneuver warfare well into the invasion of russia, theres no denying this, the germans were already experts in 3gw towards the end of ww1, they wouldve prolapsed the french given a bit more time and no burger boys, which they did a few decades later

the initial advance into russia was catastrophic for the ivans, they were pushed back and encircled everywhere, air force dismantled, armor shot to shit, a sprinting retreat

But the russians learned. They fought fiercely and died in droves, but they adapted, as the russian always does.

by 42-43 they had come to understand german tactics quite well, and not only did they manage to turn said tactics around, they improved them and identified key weaknesses in german doctrine, which was kinda rigid despite 3GWs inherent reliance on initiative.

At Kursk the russians truly demonstrated their understanding of the enemy, they knew exactly what the germans would do, and they used this knowledge to grind them to a pulp, in the middle of the summer no less.

Germany lost the war at Kursk, Stalingrad was almost irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, it was mostly about the name as crazy as that sounds- another revisionist lie for the history books, "the war was lost at stalingrad"

the belarussian offensive demonstrated how the russian had evolved even further, it was a masterful operation, they caught the germans by complete suprise, its was pretty much a constant advance from then on

almost 80% of german casualties were in russia, german and russian history is inexorably intertwined, russia would not be russia were it not for their great war, the most apocalyptic thing humans have ever done to each other.

Many russians understand this, on some level. its often suprising how little hate they have for germans, in fact its more of a…begrudging respect.

70 years isnt that long, 1900ish-1945 is the most misunderstood and badly interpreted piece of history in the world, so many lies are built on the false narrative we are served about this period, its fuckin important, dont dismiss it and get all huffy about it at the same time

oh shut up you cunt, i never said i was smart, ive barely read marx footnotes, and im certainly not a fucking marxist

if you fucking demonize something as the root of all evil(as pol does) you should probably fucking skim it, or you know, maybe watch a youtube video about it at least….

CLIFFNOTES i mean cliffnotesfuck


I suppose Triumph of the will?

Any thing to do with propaganda which Holla Forums will circle jerk too, while lavishing over their superior Aryan Race.

This count?

How's it feel knowing your grandma was spitroasted by a bunch of commies?

The thing about that movie is, nobody would have taken Hitler seriously if they knew he was the genuine thing. When he was saying moderate and sensible things people agreed with him, and when he went a bit off the rails people just laughed it off. The only crazy thing he did that people took seriously was him shooting the dog but that was quickly dismissed after it was brought up to the public.

wait, so it's not just a piece of kike propaganda?

I guess that's up to debate but I don't think so personally. The movie ends with Hitler basically going back into power.

Stalingrad 1993 and Cross of Iron are solid war movies from the perspective of German soldiers. I recommend Stalingrad more though since it's actually a German made film.

The Nazis are still evil bogeymen in both those movies.

Well no shit.

Now come on lad. American History X was made by a jew, and ironically, the movie is shown to recruit skin heads.

stalingrad is one of the best ww2 movies i've ever seen

