What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Feminism. Marxism. Jews.

All bad news. He'll have to be put down, I'm afraid.

>>>Holla Forums

Thanks for the bump, retard. You'll hang too, don't worry.

But why, though?

Not unless you mean surfing hang-ten.

What wad right to begin with?

hate to break it to you OP, but Wesley Crusher is a fictional character

Would you faggots just go back to Something Awful already/

hey Wil

he took video games and movies too seriously

The guy would toss his entire media collection into the sea for a single whiff of Felicia Day's pussy.

He's a virtue-signaling thirsty fuckboy.

he's thirsty alright, he's even drinking cum out of a mug

Nothing went wrong.
He was always shit.

I can't begin to imagine the twists your life would have to take to lead to you being a dyed-hair nu-male drinking out of a "male tears" mug. I hope if I ever get to that stage that I'll have the self-awareness to end my life.

I mean, in what world does it make sense to signal your availability to members of the opposite sex by mimicking the worst examples of them?

Do guys think that women don't know that most of the shit they spout is bullshit, but that they do it anyways for attention, influence, and self serving manipulation? Are men completely unaware of how cutthroat and relentlessly backstabbing female culture is, and that by placing himself within the confines of it he is relinquishing any sort of social power he has so he can become a buttmonkey?

These nu-male faggots are so god damned creepy.

women treat women differently from men, its their biological inclination (as competitors) to hate other women, not trust them, etc.They can never inherently feel this way about a man for the same reasons, so it isn't a risk to enter their 'circles'

but they solely do it for attention/the chance to talk to women

Being born.

that can't be real. The dyed hair but the mug too?

You, sir, have identified the problem here.

its real

it's even more hilarious if you think about how everyone sees through their bullshit, especially the women they're trying to fool. they think the positive feedback from females (more like a pat on the head like a good little doggy) proves the success of their strategy, while the negative feedback from non-faggot men feeds their narcissism, as it gives them an "antagonistic force" to fight against.

these nu males have no self-awareness to realize they're only fooling themselves.

The expectation was always unrealistic because Wil Wheaton was always a weak jawed, ugly ass beta faggot.


Is my monitor wonky or does he have fucking blue dye in his hair?

Kill yourself, Wil.


He does.

DubTrips command it.

Not sure if he's drinking sperm or his own tears.

The left Wesley is the normal universe where he grows up to be a total bro and ladies man. The right Wesley is our Berenstain universe in which the Jews rule the world.

you missed the thread about his cuck video?

all hail this get, for wil wheaton must kill himself!




Star Trek is the utopian fantasy of left-wing ideologies.

Wil Wheaton is the reality of left-wing ideologies.

How much of a cuck do you have to be to own a male tears mug?

Hover hand tier cuck.

The funny thing is that Will is an actual cuck too.

that's the joke *the woman in the photo is his wife*

This. Those people are cucks, people who will do absolutely anything for politically correct social brownie points. People who will sell out their country, their family, their religion, their national identity, literally will do anything to be on the politically correct side of things and receive the social browniepoints at any cost. It's creepy because they perfectly know what they're doing.




Who the fuck sits like that? Let alone at a fucking convention, top fucking beta


Do you think that photo is hanging somewhere in Wil Wheaton's home? Do you think his wife's kid laughs at it when he passes it?

He has a framed copy in the top drawer of his desk that he jerks off to while she's in the next room with jamal.


you can see her wrinkles from here

That would imply that at one point Wil Wheaton had redeeming qualities.
Literally the first and last good thing he ever did was Stand By Me. It's been a parade of fucking cancer since.

In Berensteinverse grown up TNG crusherwheaton is Trump's VP

She was asked to do a show about actors/actress who are over 35 who have "aged out" of the industry.

>not defending will weathon

Has she done anything good? I mean, The Guild was just one long boring inside joke for wowfags and Dr. Horrible would have been just as good with any female in her place.

She died pretty good in Supernatural



Is anyone here Crusher IRL? I mean in the sense of being a Mary Sue as well as a fairly generic looking white guy? (Not IRL Wil Wheaton SJW, just the TNG character). Like if Wesley's arc had gone on uninterrupted from when he was a teen prodigy, without the Traveler bullshit, and he was starting jobs in his 20s and still super precocious?

He was a child start.

You don't see other child stars pulling this kind of crap.

No, Wheaton, you will never be as desired as a semen demon. Stop pretending to be one.

yeah but they call this guy a "cuck" that's just mean man!
i mean he's raising kids that aren't genetically his, but that –
oh that does literally mean he's a cuckold

No it doesn't. Being someone's stepdad doesn't make you a cuck.

Wheaton's a cuck for many other, legitimate, reasons.


It's almost like you don't want to be like the cool kids from 4chan!


If you're gonna bait why not at least use a relevant meme?

tattoos look so shit on numales

Since when is he married to Sara Jean Underwood?
He's such a pantywaist he could never get someone like her.

What went wrong?
Wil has always been a pathetic loser with a chip on his shoulder.

First he bails from Trek after they give him enough fame to be worth anything, and he wastes it on some shitty art film before nearly fading completely into obscurity.
He even talks about pissing off to go deal with his anger issues (probably weak limp wristed impotent rage) and he even tried to go back to acting school because he knew without a good director behind him he couldn't sell himself.

Even then, the only real work he has done since, is voice acting, indie films, and the occasional appearance on on Big bang theory, the most cancerous show on television since literal cancer.

He just screams fake nerd.
He even calls his twitter followers nerds and geeks, just hammering it in so people don't forget.
The fact that he bailed on TNG like a cunt should of killed his career right on the spot.
But luckily for him even 15 minutes of trek fame can still get you a role on syfy.

Which by the way, darkmatter is absolute garbage.

As expected of a dead board.

Wew lads, a half chan/leftypol poster has wandered into our mist

lol turk roach go home

The Berenstain one is better.
Think about it this way:
In the Berenstein universe, jews don't rule the world, so they're able to live side by side with goys, which means they still exist.
In our universe, Jews rule the world, so when the revolution comes it'll be another shoah.

Raising another man's children as your own is the definition of cuckoldry, cuck.

He was born.

No retard.

Cuckoldry is when your wife cheats on you. Raising another man's children is not cuckoldry, unless your wife cheated on you to have them.

If you married a woman who had children, you were not cuckolded. If you adopt a child, you were not cuckolded.

If you raise a kid and your wife fucked another guy to have him, you were cuckolded.

Being a cuckold is like being a victim, but being a cuck is not.

If you like watching your wife fuck other men, you are a cuck.

If you like watching your country/culture be destroyed, you are cuck.


actually is right

by definition raising another man's kid is not cuckoldry, its far worse

Having stepchildren does not make you a cuck. Divorce rates in America are like 50%, of those 50% about 80% of them get remarried to someone else. We're talking about a sizeable segment of the population that can reasonably assumed to be stepmothers and stepfathers. This is not even getting into what said, that cuckoldry is betrayal and your wife can't have betrayed your trust by having another man's baby before you even met her.

Wheaton's not a cuck because he's stepfather/adopted father to his wife's children. Wheaton is a cuck because he seems to enjoy seeing his wife with other men, which is further compounded by the fact that he never impregnated her with children of his own despite her still being of child-bearing age.

Did he actually leave of his own volition? I thought they just dropped him because they finally realised that everyone hated him.

He did leave on his own, purportedly because shooting took up most of his time. Of course, we know the real reason is because everyone hated him.

Yet, the showrunners or whoever would inexplicably keep bringing him back at least once every year. I assume only to remind people of what a nightmare he was.

Is this what you tell your wife's son?

           _,. -──=ニヽ、         /レ'´       `ヽ、        //● / , ,、 ヽ ヽヽ ト、      /7O j_ノ_/ハHl、_j l lN       〈7イ ´|/l/   `ヘノ} jrく)j     r‐ヶハl  c⌒r─ォ⌒c,ハヽ〉  WAHA!     Y//,ハ>、j>l、_ノ.イレ1l レ′        \l l//` ` ̄´ j l レ'         _>′r。~。ヽ レ'´      (__ゝ、


That fucking hover hand and Bazingers shirt.

Cucks are gonna cuck.

If men refuse to raise another whore's spawn, it changes everything.

Reduce the thirst, become a man.

Please let this meme never die.

How exactly is it a bad thing? Back when the family was everything, you were expected to raise the kids of your brothers if they died. And raising orphaned children in particular has always been seen as a noble and generous thing to do, even (or especially) back when that didn't mean importing niglets into your country to impress the media.

These posts were a waste of singles.

He's stated before that he regretted leaving.
Implying he left on his own free will and said he was trying to look into starting his own career up.

I think he thought he was hot shit and found out the hard way that he was anything but.

Thanks for the dictionary definition there maddox.

Wouldn't the fact that whenever he went to an ST con the only thing people would have him sign was his ass getting bayoneted by space monkeys be an indication that he was not hot shit?



Race war happening any day now, stay strong bro.

lol how many of these pics are there?


No you're just a fucking idiot then.