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do you faggots do nothing but complain about shit movies or praise old ones because I saw it today and it was quite good, has anyone else here seen it?

I think it did a great job of making you feel immersed in the shitty situation everyone was in, and most horror/thrillers nowadays are pretty predictable but I honestly had a hard time doing so with this one. I wish they had gone a bit further with the antagonist and the music ended up being pretty forgettable considering it's about a punk rock band (eerie distorted guitar sounds probably would have fit better than the usual trent reznor stuff).

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they should rename it to "Cumskin Room".

when did the phrase "cumskin" become a thing and is there a consistent connotation for it or is it just a meme word? I have been gone for awhile and lurking has not helped explain it either

found the cumskin

Why spoiler your post?

spoilering text that isn't a punchline or actual spoiler implies that you are insecure about its contents, and in this case I would be insecure for displaying my newfaggotry.

pls no bully

It's just something one guy's been doing for the past ~12 hours.

It's a meme started in I/n/dia by an assblasted Pajeet. Why some guy decided to start posting it all over Holla Forums - bullshit and memes today of all days I have no clue.

You're not really missing anything. We're lost as you are.

Societal imbalances proclaim that there must be an opposite for "nigger" and we, the good people of Holla Forums, the objective observers of the universe, decided upon "cumskin."

I will watch green room when it's on bluray so I can pirate it like I imagine 90% of Holla Forums users will do. I agree there is too much complaining on Holla Forums. People here like to act like they're Kino patricians but they never actually discuss things they like, which to me is a display of ignorance tbqh

How dumb are you, cumskin?

Shutup nigger

does it make you mad, cumskin?

I don't like this one guy meme cumskin

Only thing that makes me mad is that there is a wild pack of you subhuman beasts destroying the world. I can't wait for the day of the rope when we finally eradicate your kind from this planet.

you forgot your cringey picture of a space marine
neofascist losers smh

you ain't gonna do shit cumskin just like you're doing nothing now

You are gonna hang high while female siblings are being fucked to death.

how about that social security that you are on? Oh boy, I bet that hurts when you are "fighting the niggers". When you wake up from your little lair while on social security and thumping the ground (you're on social security for being a big fatass), when will you learn to start losing some weight?

that's kinda chinky tbh

Do you think you are talking to someone you know? Jesus you animals are dumb.

I would assume cumskins couldn't understand my vernacular.

Alright thanks, I kinda got used to the poster IDs on >>>Holla Forums and have a hard time telling if something is spam on other boards like this one.

I thought it was great. Especially loved the ending. Agreed on the bit about Patrick Stewart. He should have had a bit more screen time, but he did well. As did the rest of the cast. Kinda lame we didn't get to see Arrested Development cousin's death.

Also did anybody notice how much some of the actor's resembled actual musicians? One looked a bit like Sid Vicious, another like Ian Curtis. Maybe I was just imagining things.

So what's your desert island band? I'd go with The Clash.

I guess Carpenter Brut since I haven't really gotten tired of any of his songs, but I'm not sure if he counts as a whole "band" and I can't think of anything else because I don't like any rock that I've heard

Pictured here.

Nope. We had a vote a few days ago for poster ID's, the utterly retarded moddy-kun of this board left the poll up for about an hour before deciding fuck it, we're not getting ID's.

Sooooo here we are. Have fun with it.

It counts. Honestly though, I would get tired of Brut really fast. Even Pert. But to each their own.


I tried to watch it yesterday but there aren't any leaks of it afaik.

just so you know OP, nobody here goes outside so if you can't download something then we won't have seen it. now back to reddit with you

more like back to Holla Forums I hadn't got into movies until recently

Maybe four or five people, but not one.

>>>Holla Forums

They still exemplify the same ideal and type of symbolism that fascist people like. It's like if Nazis were reverse albinos or something.

Couldn't you have just used the japs? They were nonwhite fascists.

It's not a thing, it's literally just one retard.

there's like 12 people who are on this place and one faggot thinks he's trolling Holla Forumsacks.

stay cancerous stormfag

Holla Forums

My desert island band would have to be Trash Talk. Vid related.

Poots has the sexist fucking voice. I swear to Jesus my heart stood still at that part where she said "Careful now." Shit. Definitely waifu material.