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First for wanting to nut inside this Daenerys.
First for WE
First for Pirate King.
Who should I add, Holla Forums?
Ser Gregor & Sandor Clegane
First for Madame Tussaud's
8th for cumskin
comfy comfy comfy
Great job, user
Cool! But in recent years, the werewolf is associated with absolute shit movies, like twilight, and the bloated Underworld series, and I guess they don't want to go that way.
Need to update this, anyone got any new details?
ROSE - Jon Snow
Dormer - Sansa
Maisie - Jack
Emilia - Drogo & Jon Snow & exec. producer of Terminator & Family guy dude & Franco & Jai & …….. on and on……..
GRRM - Shae the funny whore
Kit - Rose, Emilia, random skanks in Belfast bars, in 2016 - brazil woman grazi massafera and on-off with Rose again
Isaac - gay
Lena - one of the execs + Oberyn
Sophie - Natalie Dormer, Charlotte Hope - she played Myranda. Out of got, Haiz & Hoult. And currently in 2016 - Adele SK and last week, Adelaide kane.
Jon , Theon & Khaleesi have all had interracial relationships if anyone is into that.
Maisie has already been to Dubai and liked the yacht. Except more frequent visits now.
Who else in the cast is gay?
Isaac is already confirmed.
Sophie T & Dormer are both bi. As is Oberyn.
Also -
the list of Season 6 deaths are as follows: Tommen Baratheon, Loras Tyrell , Margaery Tyrell , Mace Tyrell, Pycelle, Kevan , Rickon, Ghost, SHaggydog, Ramsey, Roose, Wun wun, Lyanna Mormont, Walda frey, Walder frey, All the freys, Smalljon Umber, Yara, Alliser Thorne, Olly, Edd, The entire Nights watch, Osha, JAIME, Cersei, Qyburn, The Mountain, Lancel, Thoros of Myr, The waif, Doran Martell and Trystane.
That's why ASOIAF metaphorical werewolves are unique. They're like a 'marriage', so picture Rickon being as feral as his wolf and creepily obsessed with it, constantly riding it or hugging it to mind meld. Robb Stark was scared of Grey Wind, but Rickon grew up with his wolf, and the two feed off of each other's confused, childish mind. It's a little sci-fi, and it had the potential to be fucking cool, so shut your whore mouth.
Hell, there are wildlings like Varamyr that make it sexual.
might as well
it's not like she can get pregnant
That's the most interesting shit from the books I've ever read here
Kelly C : Kelly is captured as a slave and taken to Vaes Dothrak to live the rest of her life with the Dosh Khaleen. Drogon comes to the rescue setting the Dothraki temple on fire. The Dothraki are convinced that Kelly C is the one with the power and follow her. All chant KHALEESI. This takes 9 episodes and has plenty of screentime.
Mereen: Tyrion is trying to hold the city. The Sons of the Harpy attack more and more ferociously. There’s a Red Priestess that becomes Tyrion’s right hand and tries to get the city under control with him. The Three Graces make their appearance, with the Green Grace in the lead, holding the most importance. The Green Grace will be revealed as the Leader of The Sons of the Harpy. There’s a massive attack from The Sons of The Harpy in episode 10 who slaughter a big chunk of the free slaves who supported Dany. Khaleesi shows up at the eleventh hour with a Dothraki army who obliterate The Sons of the Harpy. Tyrion fully supports Kelly C and accepts her as queen, There’s no scene featuring Khaleesi leaving for Westeros.
Winterfell / Sansa.
Ramsay misses Sansa and decides to attack the Wall, sends a Pink letter. The north braces for a war.
The Boltons will be supported by the Karstarks. The rest of the Northern families (Mormonts and Umbers are specifically mentioned) will fight with Jon and the Wildlings. The two people flayed on crosses are: Roose Bolton and Stannis Baratheon. Ramsay kills Roose because he’s afraid that he’d be replaced as heir by Walda’s baby. Ramsay’s men find Stannis body in the woods, and Ramsay uses it to demoralize the Northern troops that oppose him. Jon, Sansa and Rickon will reunite in the battle. The Bolton troops massacre the Wildings, who are not disciplined enough to face them and are apparently the first to fall. It is suspected that Wun Wun dies too, but that has not been confirmed because since he’s CGI, very few people know his fate. Ramsay and Jon face up, but Ramsey escapes. However, Ramsey is later killed by a direwolf; this is based on the actor having been seen wearing makeup that showed him with a huge bite on his neck. The Bolton troops appear to be winning, but, in the middle of the battle, Littlefinger shows up with the Vale’s army, in support of Jon Snow. In the middle of the confusion, there’s another death: Rickon Stark. He doesn’t die in a combat scene. His death happens outside the battle. And petyr tries to take advantage of his death to push another heir to Winterfell - Sansa. Jon is resurrected by Mel in ep 2. resurrected Jon Snow convinces the wildlings to fight at his side against the Boltons. Ghost dies in battle of WF. Jon's killers, Rickon, Osha, Ramsay, Roose, and Smalljon Umber all dead. Stark reunion between Jon & Sansa. Jon Snow is confirmed to have a graphic sex scene after he returns - it is not yet clear who he has sex with - it is presumed to be either Melisandre or Sansa. The Wall will crack and fall. A lot of characters will converge around Sansa / WF in the end with even more coming in Season 7. There is also a reunion between Petyr & Sansa.
Ramsay leads the Bolton army, Jon leads the Stark army, Sansa leads the Vale army. Hour long battle ep.
The Boltons will be supported by the Karstarks & maybe Umbers as well. The rest of the Northern families - Cerwyn, Reed, Mormonts will fight with Jon and the Wildlings.
The two people flayed on crosses- Roose Bolton and Stannis Baratheon. Ramsay kills Roose because he’s afraid that he’d be replaced as heir by Walda’s baby. Ramsay’s men find Stannis body in the woods, and Ramsay uses it to demoralize the Northern troops that oppose him.
The Bolton troops massacre the Wildings, who are not disciplined enough to face them and are the first to fall. Ghost dies in battle of WF. There are many casualties.
The Boltons defeat JonSnow & the entire North, it looks like Ramsay wins again but at the end of the battle, Sansa shows up with the Vale’s army, in support of JonSnow.
Ramsay runs away like a coward. Sansa saves Jon and the two prepare to siege WF. Ramsay has Rickon and kills him in front of his family. The giant then smashes open Winterfell and our heroes make it inside. Sansa then watches as Ramsay is violently killed. New info says Sansa kills Ramsay.
Also, The Wall has fallen and the White walkers have made their way through.
Jon/Sansa end season 6 as rulers of Winterfell. Ramsay is dead, the Boltons are finished, but the Night's King is coming and so is winter.
To confirm my spoilers, watch ep 4.
Emilia Clarke appears fully naked in episode 4. No body double.
My body is ready
naked rear view.
Brace for thematic inconsistency.
omg check ur priviledge
Sansie a stonk womyn.
Hey, putting aside killing Rickon, she can certainly order him to be executed, but her actually killing him would be cringey and immersion breaking as fuck.
god I hate this stupid bitch
so yet again she does fuck all the whole season only to steal the show in the finale and fulfill tumblr's mary sue power fantasy.
Each season ends on a Stark/Ice or Targaryen/Fire.
You want a good show but you need a chill remix.
well, at least in the books it looks like gurm is planning to redeem her by making her abandon the white savior bullshit and go full 1488 dragon queen. I still can't get over her singularly retarded decision to turn Quentyn down though.
book Dany is still a shit, but show Dany will be even worse as I fully expect D&D to double down on her tumblr antics and make the Meereen arc even more pointless.
Is there a spoiler?
Olly did nothing wrong.
that arianne chapter was pretty good
got me even hyper for TWOW
maybe there is reason to live
please hurry fatman
life is pain
yeah, I liked how nothing happened
we definitely need more chapters that are just a character traveling and thinking about shit
please do not do this
why is Reek there?
Why the fuck was this thread even made when the previous thread hadn't been bumplocked yet?
indeed not. just fucking advance the plot
if he wants to have any chance of reaching a conclusion in two books, he needs to go back to the way the first three were: every chapter is meaningful, with most travel happening offscreen
well, why wouldn't she be a stupid bitch? worked so far thanks to her sturdy plot armor.
*Witty oneliner*
*Slow motion close up of both their faces*
*Ramsay dies instantly from getting stabbed in the dick*
it's like how women in real life are stupid because they get everything handed to them
be that as it may, it's still ridiculous compared to Westeros where anyone can and will die for any little mistake they make.
Also an untrained woman leads an army of men to victory?
happened in real life
So tell us, user, how would you have shot the shitty Tower of Joy sequence?
with a .44 caliber
No Ramsay?
Wow rude
What? You serious, nigger?
Can you spot the new Maisietattoo?
chinese characters on her ankle that read "massive slut" in chinese
Why are we looking forward to TWOW again?
I like reading about Dany.
yeah, that's clearly the back of her calf that reads "massive slut," not her ankle
Do you even know about the deleted tweet?
Don't we all? Not really
Don't get me wrong - I don't like her as a character or a person. She's a dumb Mary Sue who gets everything handed to her.
But goddamn, do I love everything else about her chapters.
What would that be? Her being a camera to Essos?
pls ;_;
Hell yeah, motherfucker.
I love Essos. It makes Westeros look like a backwater pile of shit.
is that Nicki fucking Minaj?
Did you try actually opening the image?
If we only heard about Dany before Tyrion's travel there, and explored Essos through his perspective later, would we miss anything substantial? Her ADWD chapters are mostly lusting after Chad's penis.
Pretty sure the girl cosplaying as Dany is Asian, user.
Dany's entire character arc?
There's nothing I can say to you to change your mind.
Just skip all of her chapters when AWOW comes out, dude.
Ratings stay high and level with Game of Thrones 603 “Oathbreaker”
What are the odds HBO will force D&D into 20 new episodes instead of 13, or even an additional season? S6 is the most viewed one so far.
It literally does not matter what D&D or HBO do at this point: the hype train is in full force and won't go away until the series is over.
See → Haha
Don't get me wrong, I understand why Dany is an important character, but she would be far more interesting if we only heard menacing news through other POVs (crazy dragon girl) throughout previous books, establishing her as a potential threat like WWs, only to know her better after Tyrion's travel. All the space dedicated to her isolated storyline so far seems like a total waste, considering she's back to being a Dothraki captive, basically where she began.
Gods have mercy
60 be like damn look at dis old ass cracka with suspenders over his fat gut
Thanks, I love agreeing with myself.
Sure, but HBO being cable TV, you would expect them to milk the series until interest fades. If they actually stick to the plan of only 13 episodes, they'll finish on the peak of hype and that's admirable in a way.
Sorry :)
* See →
Wrong again!
* See →
I hate your posting style so fucking much.
Have a Ros :)
C-could it be that the guy escorted her to a tattoo parlor?
That's a shitty tattoo though
Robert Aramayo on taking on Ned Stark and the Tower of Joy
How did he do, /got/?
Robert Ayylmao
No, they were spotted comming out of a restaurant… Have you seen the new Maisie interview?
I don't wanna shit on the guy since he's just doing his job, but they seriously should have just brought Sean Bean back and CGI'd the shit out of him.
I know it's possible, we have the technology.
Wait! You can't fuck in a restaurant! But why was she looking like that when going to a restaurant? She looked like a hobo.
That Cahtty Man guy irritates me. Also what the hell is with her hair?
You strike me as more of an Olyvar type of guy :)
>have a useless whore that was also the harbinger of how awful this series was going to become
That's true, but you also don't act like she did when it's just an innocent meal.
Incredibly annoying, couldn't enjoy Maisie because of him. She reaches for her nose 9 times during the interview, like >pic2, and also sniffs a couple of times. Do you think she had a flu?
The best thing about her chapters is the cool shit happening around her.
It's a mystery user, no one knows.
Why are you quoting me asking a question I never asked?
I know why she's in the show. That's why I said she's fucking useless. Fuck you, faggot, the next time you put words in my mouth I will strangle you with my cock.
Maybe I am Maisie or she has infected me through her pictures or I am that blonde guy on pic 1
I've read that in iBoy, the main character is in love with the Maisie character. Maybe the Maisie character is with the Chad character in the movie, and they were developing their relationship
If you know why she's there, then you surely realize she's not useless :)
Shut the fuck up, playtime's over.
Sir Gifmaker is a lizard demon confirmed :o
Yes, yes, they were… pracitcing.
Never trust a man who wears a woman's pants
I'll stick to Ros, no offence.
Why do D&D hate women?
Teach me how to eat shit like you do.
But that's not even a swearword
Reread ADWD, that's was the most fecal second course I ever had :)
Only one word I live for this season
One word that keeps me going and bearing the pain
Nothing wrong with that website, really. Although their love for Dany can be too much sometimes (reddit hug of death), but its good HBO finally did a strong female character. You know, something young girls can look up to and feel empowered.
I don't know what I should feel more: hype or disappointment.
Not according to Arya, but she's become very rude.
Holla Forums is two blocks down the road.
How is Cleganebowl Reddit?
Classic :)
What do you expect of her? I bet she swears like a sailor irl.
chavs always do
Is this appropriate vocabulary for a young lady? And she was even wearing her PhD. outfit…
I hope they kill Ramsay this season, and no one stab faggotry, but a proper torture.
It is time
Are you implying it ever wasn't?
Why? We have just lost Thorne, who will remain as a good villain?
What do?
Books or show
Which is better? I only have the attention span for one.
I don't take orders from women, so I'd fuck her like a cat
Depends, do you prefer a story with an ending?
Well, you answered your own question. The books would be too much for you to handle.
the best part is that cats have spikes on their dicks
The problem is that there are only villains in the show.
They are killing any likeable guy.
An ending would be ideal but I'm willing to compromise.
I simply want to give one of them my undivided attention, especially if they're different from one another.
Are you a homo?
What about Hodor?
Well, it depends on your disposition.
Are you the kind of person who doesn't mind a bit of meandering in a plot in exchange for character development and worldbuilding? If so, the books would be more your speed.
If you're just looking for a neat story about political intrigue, watch the first three seasons and drop it before it gets too stupid.
If you like fantasy, stay away from the show.
Don't worry, they'll kill him horribly. The same with Sansha and any character you like.
Okay, so it's safe to say that the books are objectively better?
Ill kidnap maissie if hodor survives brans trip back
I'll kidnap your mom if your mom survives being kidnapped by me
Whatever the case is, these threads are supposed to be about the show, but everyone talks 75% of what's in the books…
Show is guaranteed to provide ending in 2 years, the ASOIAF author is late with the new book and missed several deadlines. He's also 68 or something and obese, so there's that. Books provide more expansive world, more characters and better psychological depth, but also have immense amount of filler, the prose borders on fanfiction sometimes and the latest book (ADWD, 2011) is overall very poor. The first three books are objectively great, with some minor flaws.
In my opinion, the deciding factor for you should be the fantasy elements, like user mentioned →
They are really toned down in the show, besides the crucial stuff like dragons or ice zombies. The literary saga provides more fantastical world, sometimes nearing Blizzard video games though. So, it's up to you.
I switched to TV show as "canon" after reading ADWD
Also S4 is the best one
Just for your convenience, utilizing skills I learned in the most rigorous elementary school classes, I have drawn a venn diagram illustrating the Heirarchy of ASOIAF Discussion.
As you can see, there is an overlap between the books and the show, but ultimately the books have much more to discuss in terms of themes, characterization, plots, and setting. It's only natural that book discussion would take up more space than show discussion.
I don't get this criticism; she's going to go marry Aegon and you get to see how successful Jon Connington's seizure is.
Do you guys have ADHD?
>D&D has an incredibly tragic story on their hands to adapt
Ill kill you if I die
That's par for the course, really. The Dornish chapters are spaced out a lot. I don't think Aegon is going to refuse her. I think Jon will want him to have Dorne.
You're never going to be satisfied if you don't understand what kind of story this is.
it wasn't like that in the first three books
travel happened off-screen for the most part
So what were Jaime and Arya doing?
Didn't that feminist claim that GoT was loosing viewers after the rape scene and named a series nobody is watching called Outlander as an example of rising in popularity?
TWoW is like nuclear fusion
it's always four to six months away
gurm in charge of not wasting plotlines
But she wants to rule Meereen more. This may be difficult to comprehend, but people can have more than one goal at a time.
But this is not /lit/
Suck my dick, choke on it.
So is her only role in the next two seasons to be pregnant with a kid she doesn't want?
no, I get it, being retarded was part of her character arc. it's just the ADWD Dany chapters were a complete waste of time and her plotline didn't even get resolved in the end because fatman cannot into pacing.
Is there any logical reason why you would fucking say “MWAAAAAAAAAAHHH”? Has anybody expressed any kind of amusement or hilarity from it? Are you delusional? Are you reading replies that are nonexistant? Maybe you come from communities with voting systems, but there is literally no way that you could know what other people think of that post you just replied to here. Maybe it's psychological. Maybe it's your own post you're replying to, like a 12 year old fucktard liking his own facebook posts thinking his swelling autism is going unnoticed. Maybe your self esteem depends on you tricking yourself into thinking someone out there thinks your post is worth something. Or maybe you are just a retard, the worst kind of retard, the one who thinks he's smart, the one who thinks he's the only one to have gotten the joke, to have understood the post. Well, guess what, faggot, that post is under no definition funny so why don't you do the world a favor and go check out what the bottom of your toilet smells like?
no, she will also do lots of staring blankly at the horizon
I respectfully disagree, without them we wouldn't have the best chapter in the series.
we haven't visited the Twins in a while anyway
In all seriousness, it's too far off book.
Unless book Sansa becomes so evil that she aborts Harry the Heir's baby. Or unless Harry the Heir is as bad as Ramsay.
But abortion isn't evil.
It is - at least - when you willingly marry someone when you have the intention of having children with said someone. :^)
Shit, I don't even have a witty, sarcastic response to that.
Fuck you, you got me.
I was going to ask what kind of person buys an adult coloring book, but then I realized.
Also, I don't think GRRM had any input into this thing. If he were a control freak about his work, then the show wouldn't be so awful.
what the fuck am I reading
GRRM has little control of merchandising beyond his few favourites (I think the painted figurines for one). He's sold it out as much as KISS. He didn't even know the episode titles to his video game.
To his… video game?
The only ASOIAF games I've played were Mount and Blade mods.
There are at least two really mediocre RPGs and telltale studios has released a VNs
For the same kind of "adults" who want ASOIAF animated series, I guess.
The telltale games. Like, at least with the show he has a bit of a say, though even that's in an advisory capacity.
How lovely :)
Why doesn't Maisie approve of the figurine?
Fuck off KIKE, a Ralph Bakshi ASOIAF would be amazing.
He's the only one as hippy, fantasy and tit obsessed as GRRM in the animation biz.
pick only one
It reminds her of her older self and her past sins
It used to be the same way in halfchan /got/, especially off-season. Bookfriends got bullied off /lit/ because it was an "elitist" board so ASOIAF discussion moved to /got/ on Holla Forums. Do you mind the book lore topics? You said you have no intention of reading the novels, so at least you'll know the differences this way.
Someone buy one of those toys, skeet on it, then send her the pics.
Fuck you, an animated series would give them license to do all of the crazy magic bullshit from the books that the kikes cut out because the audience wouldn't like it or something stupid.
If I am completly honest with you and I know this will get me in trouble, but I am kind of really bored now here… All this booksbooksbooksbooks, and yes, all the MaisieMaisieMaisieMaisie is the same, but still there could be like 50% show, 30% books, 20% shitposting balance, but it's currently like 70% books, 20% show, 10% shitposting.
Too serious, almost nothing funny…
No idea, user
Perhaps you would prefer a different place of discussion until the season is finished and the threads slow down.
The maissiefags have gone too far
so does this troll have nudes or what? otherwise why are you posting so many pictures of her?
The only allowed show discussions are comparisons to books and complaining about the changes, unfortunately. Even those usually die out two days after episode aired and it's back to ASOIAF. I don't mind it personally, but there's something we could do… post all the Maisies!
Would you nibble on her earlobe, user?
I'm in no position to say what I want here, it's just really strange, that in offseason, there were like 5 people here. 2 of us were Maisie-ing around, 2-3 were talking about the books, and there were 1-2 constant shitposters.
And people were complaining that we are offtopic.
Now, onseason, everyone talks about the show for 1 or 2 live threads, then the next 2 threads are filled with book discussion, while I try to have some jokes and Maisies inserted. And someone constatly creates other threads as well, and now, stricktly saying, we are offtopic again, because the show is really far from the books now, and people are still complaining, but it's not so much fun anymore…
I admit, the live threads are really great, even just for the backreading, but all the other lengthy discussions of what was in this book and that book is really boring, because it always ends the same
I bet even her earlobe is thin and flat now
I'm sorry you feel that way, but at the end of the day I don't really give a fuck what you think or feel.
tell D&D to write a proper story instead of filler so we have more to talk about other than how fucking boring it was. plot is so thin we barely get any shitposting material.
He was touched by the Maisie, no way he doesn't live at least another 10 years. That doesn't mean he'll finish TWOW in that time, haha
my soul is being crushed though
What did he mean by this?
No meme is posted before its time
still forcing a shitty forced meme
fuck off back to freech
fuck off back to freech
Who keeps making all those random GoT threads?
Isn't it obvious?
The French!
These threads are pure cancer.
Why do you hate fun?
Well considering there are literally dozens of threads that talk about interesting and good tv shows on Holla Forums that remain buried because whinny little shits would rather bitch and complain in threads they don't like than post anything worthwhile. There lies the true cancer.
You're mean. That'd be great. I don't like anime at all but animation is the best medium for an adaption.
Meanwhile, two threads over
When I see comparisons like this it's hard for me to not like the show for what it's done. GRRM seems too eager to do bullshit twists to add suspense whereas D&D try to work towards developing the characters in ways that feel more natural.
Are you having a fucking giggle right now?
Name one, please!
But she is already a superhero, user! Seafret Oceans
Nothing's good enough for them
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
The guy who plays Sam
Miss Me Yet?
I wish she would have shot and offed Jon when she had the chance tbh.
I’m getting really fucking tired of Jon, and his fangirls and fanboys are some of the worst fans out there.
I’m glad Ygritte got away before the show turned into what it is now.
The only good characters are now either dead or unlikeable.
Do you watch Star Wars and get tired of Luke Skywalker?
b-but he is not deeeed…
I used to be a SW fan, before Disney got their hands on it that is. Haven’t watched TFA, and I have to plans to either. SW is dead to me at this point.
Bringing back a character from the dead is one of the worst ideas in any story.
Gandalf, Harry Potter, Buff, and now, Jon…
I never thought I’d actually like Ser Alliser Thorne, but after doing a rewatch I started sympathizing more and more with him, and less and less with Jon.
The resurrection of Jon even made the Sand Snakes more interesting.
But my point is, Jon's the hero. He's the guy that's meant to be the good guy or whatever. The story needs someone like him. You seem soured to him because there are a lot of grey characters in the same narrative.
You can easily have a good guy without turning him into a Mary Sue come back from the death.
I dunno how the books'll handle it, but the show does seem to be going that route. GRRM doesn't really write Mary Sues (inb4 Dany; book Dany is incompetent as fuck).
I wouldn't call Jon a Mary Sue just yet. It isn't like he's fought shirtless or employed twenty good men.
nothing, Arya going blind for a while had no impact on her story at all. same as Jon's death. both were just le shock tweests to make the plebs stick around for the next season.
It had a point in the books, D&D strike again
not really tbh
Yea what a useless ability
it has been so far
Why are people even still comparing this shit to the books? It stopped being an adaptation and became shitty fanfiction sold to the dumbest of peasants seasons ago.
The show died for me when they started butchering Stannis' character; I only watched it ironically to shitpost about it from that point onwards.
Because its hilarious how they already have things written for them yet they manage to completely miss the point or fuck up in spectacular other ways
top kek
Good point, it makes me wonder how these untalented unintelligent hacks got to write a multimillion dollar show.
The show could be so good if they literally just copypasted the books onto screen. All those talented actors, all those excellent props, all that wasted potential….
they're jews
The same way incompetent shitheads always find a way into any position: nepotism.
you keep using that word
Melisandre's raising people from the dead isn't only useless its shit tier writing because GRRM is a hack who has no way to create drama other than to kill off characters
Holy shit you just went full retard
but then crossbows aren't useless if you can kill people with them, are they?
you also seem to have conveniently ignored the fact that warging has uses other than killing, such as spying and reconnaissance. and I still don't understand how mind controlling a strong animal into killing your enemies is not a useful ability.
kinda agree with this but everything else you said was retarded.
except Bran isnt doing any of that with warging, he's just visiting the past
the difference between the crossbow and warging is that one is a weapon that you need to be skilled to use and tyrion only killed tywin becuase he was shitting and caught off guard and the other is a marysueesque power that could be utilized far better than it has been in the show beyond 'visiting the past' or some stupid shit. Bran hasn't done reconnaissance or spying, he killed 4 dudes once and is the most boring story arc in the show which is a tremendous accomplishment considering how bad they all are
You seem to have trouble keeping your feelings apart from facts
you seem to be under the impression that nothing's useful unless it gives you the absolute power to wreck everything and everyone with it.
sorry he didn't kill Tywin in your perfect little autistic power fantasy way but he still managed to shoot the most powerful man in Westeros and that's all that matters.
same with Bran, it doesn't matter how everyone else gets killed all over the world, everyone else was not coming after Bran.
it doesn't matter how he's utilized warging either, as it's already been established as a useful ability regardless. also you have no clue where his story is going so it's pretty fucking stupid to declare it as pointless.
meanwhile, at the Official Dany Fanclub…
Ah I remember his first kill with a shield
actually, his first kill was Tysha
Non canon now :^)
And what's the problem with that?
Then why are you watching it? If you don't, why are you here?
New Maisievideo today!
Fuck off retard
How do you even fit this many memes into a single post? Admirable.
Apologies, didn't mean to be rude. This is a screencap from Bakshi's Wizards (1977), video Sir Phatasmagoric posted
Is this what you guys woould like to see as ASOIAF adaptation? Don't get me wrong, it could be interesting enough after proper amount of cannabis, but otherwise…
So how does Arya die brutally in the show? :^)
She doesn't, because GRRM is a beta, watchers love her and D&D enjoy Maisieparties far too much.
grrm doesn't have to kill arya, D&D can
the problem is that it's shit tier storytelling.
If they do kill her, it will be in the last season, but not before.
Im going to ask you to stop right there, you are attempting to start a discussion with a well known faggot and show fanboy.
Even if this was possible in non-cartoon TV format it isn't, the show would eventually turn out to be as "good" as ASOIAF became lately, so…
Not Sir Gifmaker (you were replying to him), but I was disappointed they didn't include the cat-warging, that was more or less the purpose of her blindness storyline in the books. It worked on its own just because it got carried by Maisie's acting.
that map's thumbnail looks like a face
A mantis face!
Making a new one
Reminder the actor who plays Hodor is gay so he probably fucked Isaac.