Jon Stewart on Trump

For 13 minutes, Jizz Cuckart tries to convince the audience that the Oligarchy doesn't exist and that Trump is a rational choice for those who think it does. While doing so, he inserts "witty" points that have no basis in reality, only to get a laugh and try to prove his point.

*audience laughs*

13 minutes. of john stewart.

shill harder

It's a video exposing him as being a shill, you dumbass. Plus, the YT embed is just to some nameless channel.

>>>Holla Forums

Oh, it's you again.


It's Leibowitz you disinfo shill.

Based just on that thumbnail, it's like he aged 30 years since walking off camera.

The older he gets, the more jewy he looks.

Leibowitz never actually had a big audience. It was just that they broadcast it everywhere and all the cuckservatives would cover him.

TV ratings weren't exceptional, but that is because his audience skews young, and young people watch a lot of media online.

Hot damn, you sure got him with that sick burn.

two stormfags in a row, downboat saging just because the OP makes a post about someone you hate, even though it is in a negative light. This is cultural marxism defined.

You commies should go back to your hugbox.

>>>Holla Forums

i just have no desire to give any john stewart youtube video any views whatsoever. i fucking loved his tv show, and his movie rosewater was pretty excellent.

but what the fuck is the point of posting the youtube video here except to increase traffic on the goddamned channel?

im done with this shit. i might as well start posting every goddamned shittuber i enjoy watching, from sl1pg8r to monkeyfarm.

Like I said here: This is just on some random channel and it's an interview.

Ignoring the opposition is ignoring the very thing that you fight against.

he always looked way older when not on the Daily Show. those old Crossfire bits with him made him look ragged.

watched one minute, read three comments

this really should be on pol or b, why the fuck is on Holla Forums

because Jon Stewart is a TV figure.

ok - good enough… but i wont be participating further

you are cancer


pottery everywhere

Back to >>>Holla Forums with you.

go home to /n/ pajeet

jon stewart has not been relevant for like two years on Holla Forums

You are a literal cultural marxist.

probably closer to five.

though there are people who will tell you he was never relevant, and that's entirely correct.

Holla Forums has 400 users you delusional neckbeard. Why the fuck would anyone shill for views here?

Some shills do it for free.

Try harder cumskin

Holla Forums has 400 users


like you mean forever, right>?



I just looked at the active users on the front of Holla Forums. I don't have all the answers.

Everyone samefags like crazy on this board using different proxies, they even admit it by saying "all me". Like 50 people actually post here at best.

Can confirm.
I've been called an Holla Forums poster so many times because I do this and don't even try to hide it.
I'm sure the signature spice autist does it as well.

Some of those "all me" claims aren't true.

50? you mean like over a month, right?

all me


all me


I see the Tribe is upset we're mocking one of their own.

shut up, me


The more Trump and his meme magic rise in power, the more his Jewish magic fails. Soon their charms will wear off totally and their true lizard like forms will be revealed.

Only one of these is me. Can you guess which one it is?



It Ain't Me

This is pretty good actually, nice to hear Stewart hasn't lost it considering how shitty the show got before he finally left.

