The Superman prequel Krypton has been greenlit for a pilot. The show, focusing on Superman's homeworld...

"Set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, KRYPTON will follow Superman’s grandfather — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor and save his beloved world from chaos."

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Well, I'll say this for it. At least the premise has some scope, unlike Smallville or Gotham or that Robin prequel they wanted to make.

Likelihood that Kal-El's grandmother gets blacked?

It will be shit because they sure as fuck don't know how to make sci-fi right.

Oh shit I bet you are that cumskim meme spouter.

2 seasons.

Could be a really cool political sci-fi, if they don't utterly waste the concept by bogging it down with inane soap opera crap, which they probably will.

Superman is shit even for kike propaganda

Oh, there will be political shit. I guarantee you that the ruling council will have a nigger woman, a nigger man, different shades of mudshits et al, while Zod and his followers will all be white.

I thought Superman didn't have any powers on his home planet, so who the fuck cares about what happened there?

b-but Game of Thrones is really popular, and it's mostly about people with no powers doing political scheming

Gotham has no Batman and people watch it.

You've gotta be fucking with me here.

It's getting a third season.






I noped the fuck out of it the moment I saw the nigger sow.

How can a show lacking in the most interesting parts of the lore its adapting to live action get a season renewal?

Does it feature a high degree of racemixing propaganda?

holy shit the cancer

not anymore it's not

GoT is gonna end before Martin even releases the next book.

People will only wait for dragons for so long.

Martin is gonna end before Martin releases the next book

One can only hope.

No, one only needs to wait. Have you seen his girth as of late?


How is it possible for him to get even fatter? He's practically all lard and bone.

it's guaranteed to be shit (even without goyer), a show about jor-el going around fighting every kryptonian who disagreed with him would be far superior to this pile of shit.

If it's something like the first act of MoS, why not?

All is not lost, The Flash will likely be getting 5 seasons and it's god tier.

I just hope it doesn't suffer a quality drop like Arrow in season 3. That's what's killing them, they've been unable to recover from letting fanfiction writers take over the show.

I cancelled netflix, can i still watch it anywhere else?

never mind its on CW not netflix, im thinking of some other show i guess

fucking greedy scumbags, hulu with subscription to hulu plus. CBS is pretty much the only network i watch any more, all the rest have a fucking paywall or go with subscription only content

Either buy a subscription or stop being a moralfag and pirate, Satan.

but im too poor to buy it and pirating is illegal

when did tv networks start doing this garbage anyway? the fucking ads are supposed to pay for the fucking show, not the viewers


Shit taste.

where do you think you are moralfag

vending is illegal, watching it in your own house and not selling to anyone else is legal, copyright act of 1974 etc

don't worry user, cbs will become paid once they put up nu-trek

well the problem for me is i always get infected when i try to use torrents

back in college i used limewire a lot and lo and behold, virsues all day every day. i dont find the risk to be worth the effort of downloading a gigabyte of video illegally that im probably only going to watch once

so yeah i dont do that. im not a moralfag though, i would readily use systems where viruses cant get in

get a good virus program and not a piece of shit client

avg is ight, microsoft security essentials is top notch imo

and for clients, you'll want something like tixoti

also, if you don't pirate then just find a site that has tv shows and movies

Do you not like superheroes, user?

please elaborate

i used to watch all the time until it got bought out by twitch

are there more?

prequels should be outlawed.

i unerstood it to be that twicth was a sub-category of justin tv that grew larger than the rest of the site, and the just shut the non gaming stuff down, presumably because most people just used it to stream movies.

do you by any chance remember gengerbot? can you believe that shit is still around?


It's Fox and it's Batman. The only show that Fox have that people still sort of watch is The Simpsons. So I think, unlike the days where they'd cancel all the good shows a season in, they give most of their shows maybe three seasons before they pull the plug.

Ratings are shit so I don't imagine Fox will keep this up for much longer

They are? I was under the impression that Gotham was actually doing pretty well in ratings, which is why Fox was pushing it so hard.


They've only got nine million and that's taking into account people DVR-ing it and shit. Nine million is actually pretty shit for a network show

Gotham would be a better show if it was just about the Penguin, and Jim Gordon. Rushing to cram in every major character, years before they should even be around is what kills it.

Not even The Penguin should be around.

If they wanted to do a cop show they should've just made Gotham Central.

Eh, it could make a decent mini-series (the first episode of Superman The Animated Series was great), but there's no way this could survive being made into a full season.

I hope it doesn't look like the Krypton of Man of Steel.

wait, wasn't the whole point of krypton that it has a red sun as opposed to earth's yellow sun and therefore kryptonians on krypton don't have all the powers they have when they're on earth?


I'd rather them make a new Superman tv show instead of doing yet another prequel show (but this time even prequelier!), but at least it sounds more interesting than fucking Gotham.

I am glad Goyer was relegated to SyFy, but i want him to stop having jobs. Period.

have you never gone on google and typed "watch movie/tv show online" before? there are dozens of sites that do this.

i made it to the first commercial break in the pilot and stopped there. i tried to pick it up a few weeks ago since they did mr. freeze's origins, and half the fucking episode is just penguin getting transferred into arkham asylum, setting up a future plot involving dr. strange, and a random scene with lucius fox.

what the fucking fuck, can't you autistic writers focus on a single character for an episode? where are wright and glassner when you need them.

Yeah, but 90% of them are infected with viruses, have deleted the videos, or are behind some survey bullshit. You need to go through about 15 pages to find what you're looking for, and be VERY specific about what you type in the search bar.

adblock is your friend you cuck.

how fucking new are you to the internet? do you post on a mac or something, christ almighty you're retarded.

If he screws this up he probably will stop having jobs
